Farael the Fallen |

I saw The Infinity War last night, just so I would not be subjected to spoilers. It has been 10 years and 17-18 films leading up to this movie last night (and the sequel in one year). My spoiler free reaction to it is OMG!
I did not expect what I saw last night. To say it was shocking is an understatement of the highest order. OMG, OMG, OMG!
Anyway there will be spoilers on any future posts, but not from me now.

Orthos |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

I think the most shocking thing about the whole film was actually Red Skull. I did not expect to ever see him show up again. That and some of the deaths. I'm still not sure which ones are going to stick and which ones are going to get undone/retconned before the end of the next film.
Black Panther
Scarlet Witch
Doctor Strange
Nick Fury
Anyone I missed?
Everything else while exceptional and entertaining was, as Shadow said, not shocking but well done. I was waiting the entire movie for Thanos to pull the time trick he used on Vision, and he pretty much did it exactly as I expected he would.
The post-credits stinger was awesome and interesting, but sadly I had her impending presence in the next film already spoiled for me so when her symbol appeared on the device I wasn't as shocked or surprised as I could have been.
Altogether an excellent film, solid 9/10, would recommend. This is a movie you go to to see where everything Marvel's done for the past several years has been leading and be blown away by the immensity of it, and less to be surprised and shocked by having unexpected curveballs thrown at you.

The Mad Comrade |

They just wasted the entire cast of Guardians of the Galaxy along with the huge body count for the rest of the characters.
I have to give them props for Thanos, for the super-cool way they used the Red Skull and that Thanos' minions were actually bad-asses in their own right. The 'psychic' floaty guy was really cool in the way he kept his cool.
Well, until they spaced his sorry butt. ;)
Gonna be real interesting to see how things get undone.

Orthos |

Orthos wrote:Not the ENTIRE GG cast. Rocket survived. And Nebula too, I guess she counts?Fair enough. Don't recall Nebula making it to anywhere ... oh the sequel is going to be intense!
She was on Titan for the second-to-last fight, so she's with Tony. Probably going to be his only way out, too, since she has a spaceship and he doesn't, and Strange is no longer around to portal them back to Earth.

Lathiira |
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I liked Thanos' minions. Talky priest guy really needed a good fight with Wanda though. Really, would've liked to see their big guy vs. Hulk too. Proxima gave Cap a great entrance and her fighting Marvel's most buttkicking babes was good too. Corvus needed a good fight, not sure who.
And while T'Challa had it right with "And get that man a shield!"...we all know he needs the one true indestructible garbage can lid :)

wordelo |
yeah I knew some characters were going to die but not THAT MANY and the ones I thought were going to die didn't. namely thor, cap, and iron man. Thor's axe is friggin AWESOME.
Orthos you missed agent hill...
let's not forget the possible implications this might have on the netflix shows.
let's also not forget spiderman, guardians of the galaxy, black panther and doctor strange all have sequels coming. I don't mean to get all meta but let me break it down further.
multiple people can hold the mantle of spiderman, guardians of the galaxy, and black panther BUT there can only be one doctor strange. it is the name of a person not really a title.
this could mean that everything that happened can be reversed.

Damon Griffin |

It wouldn't be satisfactory if everything got reset.
Black Panther is, as wordelo says, a mantle rather than an individual, but I can't see replacing T'Challa in the role immediately after introducing him.
GotG? I'm severely biased on this one. "My" Guardians were always the bunch from the 70's: Martinex, Charlie-27, Nikki, [completely different version of] Yondu, etc. I'm a curmudgeonly grognard who never cared for the band of thieves/assassins/mercenaries playing at being good guys. I will try to set all that aside to ask: would there be any point to a new GotG team, made up almost entirely new characters? And wouldn't it also feel like a cheat if all of them who died here got brought back in Avengers 4? My opinion of the crew aside, it feels like the best story to tell involves letting that bunch go. But Guardians of the Galaxy 3 (2020) seems to pretty much eliminate that as a possibility.
I never did see GotG 2, so I don't know whether Martinex or Charlie-27 would be viable as replacement GotG members...I know they were in that movie, but that's about it.
Peter Parker could be replaced by Miles Morales, but that would feel like oh, God yet another Spiderman reboot!?! and that whole question could be settled by finding out more about Tom Holland's contract for future films, even if only the number of such.
I'm on vacation this week and will see the movie before next weekend. I am not bothered by spoilers (obviously) and figure if anything they may help keep me from missing things, such as the aforementioned Red Skull and Agent Hill moments.

Farael the Fallen |

What did not make sense to me was Hawkeye. If he were called he would have escaped house arrest and shown up to fight, because literally half the universe was at stake. I would have written a different line for Black Widow to say to explain why the character was not there. Ant-Man is different, because he literally has another movie coming out this summer and he was probably too busy fighting the Ghost villain that we have seen in the trailers.

Selene Spires |

What did not make sense to me was Hawkeye. If he were called he would have escaped house arrest and shown up to fight, because literally half the universe was at stake. I would have written a different line for Black Widow to say to explain why the character was not there. Ant-Man is different, because he literally has another movie coming out this summer and he was probably too busy fighting the Ghost villain that we have seen in the trailers.
I don't think Hawkeye was under house arrest....Fury did tell Maria to call Clint first...

Orthos |

I never did see GotG 2, so I don't know whether Martinex or Charlie-27 would be viable as replacement GotG members...I know they were in that movie, but that's about it.
They really were just cameos,getting a few small appearances then a scene together in the stinger. I doubt they'll be getting their own film.

MMCJawa |

oh yeah...everyone who got fingersnapped out of existence is coming back. Beyond the whole "These characters are super profitable and the actors are under contract still", If nothing else, Sony actually has the rights to Spiderman, and I doubt they would be cool with Marvel killing off Holland's, after people liking Homecoming.

Foeclan |

That and some of the deaths. I'm still not sure which ones are going to stick and which ones are going to get undone/retconned before the end of the next film.
** spoiler omitted **
I think Valkyrie and Korg were both on the ship at the end of Thor: Ragnarok, so presumably they're also dead.
All the Asgardians we know of except Sif (wherever she is) and Elliot Randolph (who showed up on Agents of SHIELD).Thor mentioned that Thanos had wiped out Xandar to get the stone there, so I'd expect 50-100% of them to be dead, too.

The Mad Comrade |
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No on-screen deaths for Valkyrie, Korg and Sif. When it comes to Thanos, "wiped out" seems to always result in 50% fatalities (Asgardian refugees and Xandar). Reasonable to believe that half of the Asgardians (barely) survive ... although the snap-of-the-fingers moment may well have halved that number again ...
Slain by Thanos and/or his minions without use of The Glove:
Loki (crushed throat - no resurrection for YOU!)
Heimdall (stabbed by a minion's spear)
Gammora (flung to her on-screen demise, witnessed by the Red Skull)
Vision was too. However, the earlier dialog bought him an out vis-a-vis Banner's comments that Vision is parts Jarvis, Ultron, Infinity Stone and perhaps more. I'm not *quite* sure Vision counts as permanently deceased just yet. It is possible that what Thanos killed was a not-Vision-with-Infinity-Stone-in-his-Forehead.
Pretty sure I'm forgetting someone being permadeath'd.

MMCJawa |

Based on the reactions from fans after seeing Infinity War, I believe the Russo Brothers will order re-shoots for the sequel next year. They were not expecting the reactions to certain deaths, and the Big Boss has ordered changes to be made. What those changes are I do not know.
not sure I know what you mean here. I am pretty sure the plan all along was for some people to come back. I absolutely don't believe that everyone who died in this movie is never coming back.

John Napier 698 |
Based on the reactions from fans after seeing Infinity War, I believe the Russo Brothers will order re-shoots for the sequel next year. They were not expecting the reactions to certain deaths, and the Big Boss has ordered changes to be made. What those changes are I do not know.
Like I said in an earlier post, deaths caused by the Gauntlet are reversible.

Ambrosia Slaad |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I gotta admit, I totally did not see it coming when:

Selene Spires |
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Farael the Fallen wrote:Based on the reactions from fans after seeing Infinity War, I believe the Russo Brothers will order re-shoots for the sequel next year. They were not expecting the reactions to certain deaths, and the Big Boss has ordered changes to be made. What those changes are I do not know.Like I said in an earlier post, deaths caused by the Gauntlet are reversible.
Not to mention that comic book deaths in general are reversible...

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I'm spoilering my comments since I know sometimes folks read my posting history.
About an hour after I left the theatre I realized:
I am beyond stoked about the Cap Marvel hint at the end and am counting on Shuri taking the mantle of Black Panther.

Foeclan |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

No on-screen deaths for Valkyrie, Korg and Sif. When it comes to Thanos, "wiped out" seems to always result in 50% fatalities (Asgardian refugees and Xandar). Reasonable to believe that half of the Asgardians (barely) survive ... although the snap-of-the-fingers moment may well have halved that number again ...
The refugee ship blew up, so it looked like everyone but Thor was dead. Sif didn't even show up in Ragnarok, so she could have been off-world for some reason.
Loki (crushed throat - no resurrection for YOU!)
Loki's primary superpower is faking his own death. I don't know that I'll ever believe he's dead. :)

Foeclan |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Sharoth wrote:** spoiler omitted **I told ya'll in the main thread not to get the large soda because there's no bathroom breaks. What did you do?
I didn't drink anything for an hour before the movie and still missed a scene. I think I could've made it longer if Tony hadn't made a point of recounting his dream about really, really needing to pee.
What kind of monster makes a 2 and a half hour long movie and includes a scene like that, honestly? :)

![]() |

I saw the movie this weekend. I'm a big Marvel MCU fan and I was REALLY excited to see it.
I have to say ... I didn't love it. I certainly liked it, but that's about it. It was a pretty good movie in my opinion, but it just wasn't a great movie. There were moments that were pretty great, but there were also plenty of so-so moments.
And, that big "oh WOW" moment at the end, where so many of the heroes got erased / smoked ... as many others have said, since we know what sequel movies are coming in the near future, that moment felt pretty empty and forced. It didn't have the impact it should have because we already know it will be undone in the next movie. I understand that it's HOW it gets undone that might be really cool, and make for a good Avengers 4 movie, but, for me at least, that moment definitely didn't have nearly the impact Marvel clearly wanted it to have.
I was also a bit disappointed at the level of humor. I know Marvel films have been getting steadily more comedic, but this one felt a bit much. Some of the more organic jokes certainly worked, but many others were pretty forced, and some actually ruined the dramatic tension of the moment and even pulled me out of the scene.
I don't know, I'm actually a little bummed to be honest, because I wanted (heck, fully EXPECTED) to absolutely love the movie ... instead I left the theater feeling more ... blah. Now, reflecting on it, I think the movie was pretty good, I guess, but I doubt I'll see it again in the theater, and that's definitely not they way I expected to feel right now. In fact, I'm actually a bit less excited about Avengers 4 now than I was prior to seeing the movie ...

Wei Ji the Learner |

Conversely, I went into this thing feeling a certain significant amount of dread.
The directors made the ballsy choice that no other franchise probably could, did the Thing (no, not Fantastic Four) without taking prisoners or even showing any sort of indication of where it was all going to end up.
Seeing a particular weapon, though...

MMCJawa |

Posting spoilery comments here versus the other thread:
RE: the idea about time travel and Steve Rodgers getting back together with Peggy: the only way this works if if time travel in the MCU causes branching parallel timelines, since Steve being around would mean no Hydra infiltration of SHIELD (he would have knowledge of that and move to stop it), which also means it's likely Papa Stark wouldn't have died when he did. And who knows what other chain reactions. Although hey...if you wanted a soft reboot of the timeline, this would be one way to do it, and you could even use that as an excuse to recast Tony Stark and introduce a old man Captain, like they have had in recent comics.

DeathQuaker RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 |

I just found this thread so sorry for repeating thoughts across threads.
I wish we didn't know about actor contracts and certain sequels coming out because it would let the ending have a much bigger impact. However it seems of course they will try to reverse this, as beyond just the characters seen killed you have to start depicting a world that's lost half its population. On the other hand, that opens up for a huge number of plotlines and story potential. Who knows? I like that even if there's effort toward hitting the reset button, I feel like this movie raised the stakes quite a bit--in a way that Marvel usually seems afraid to do.
It seems especially unlikely they will let Black Panther stay dead and Chadwick Boseman is so popular, but OTOH I am totally down with Shuri becoming Queen of Wakanda and using her tech to Black Panther-ify herself.
I feel like meanwhile in the TV portion of the universe, literally everyone Jessica Jones knows has poofed except her because that's how her life rolls.
If we do use the Gauntlet to rewrite the universe, then please, please, please let's have the Cap/Johnny Storm buddy road trip movie Chris Evans asked for. ;)

Farael the Fallen |

I saw the movie this weekend. I'm a big Marvel MCU fan and I was REALLY excited to see it.
I have to say ... I didn't love it. I certainly liked it, but that's about it. It was a pretty good movie in my opinion, but it just wasn't a great movie. There were moments that were pretty great, but there were also plenty of so-so moments.
Marc, I believe that a true MCU fan loves every Marvel movie whether it's good or not, but that's just my opinion, and I value hearing other viewpoints. That being said, the Infinity War movie was AWESOME!!!!!!!OMG IT WAS SO AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's all I have to say...

Redblade8 |

I enjoyed the hell out of this movie!
I'm going to spoiler part of this next bit, just in case...
The folks who got "Snapped" out of existence are all damn near certain locks to come back, even without taking into account that several of these characters are slated for upcoming movies,
Loved the surprise return of That Guy on Vormir!
When Thanos gave Vision his unwilling Stonectomy, Vision got all discolored as he died. The first association I made was the discoloration that happened to him in the WCA story line from the late 80s, where he got taken apart and reassembled. Very different circumstances and colors, I know, I'm just saying that's what came to mind.
Thor's new eye courtesy of Rocket was a different color, and maybe I'm reading too much into this, but did the color look a little like Heimdall's eyes?

Redblade8 |

When Vision turned colors, it reminded me of when Prime died in the Transformers: the Movie. Except Vision had the Matrix on his forehead and it was a lot more useful in day-to-day life.
The Mind Stone didn't seem to be doing Vision a whole lot of favors.
(I never saw the Transformers movie. Only ever heard good things about it, though. I would sometimes catch the cartoon if I got home from track practice early enough, and I remember seeing episodes that took place after the movie, and thinking, "Damn, WTH did I miss there?")