PF2E Tyrannosaurus Rex + other dinosaurs

Prerelease Discussion

Sovereign Court

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Are PF2E dinosaurs, such as the Tyrannosaurus Rex, going to have their artwork updated to reflect newer research, such as sporting coloured ridges and feathers?

I hope so. I love dinosaurs in my game.

I've always played this way, allowing the Feather domain to grant dinosaur companions.

What's this about a playable T-Rex ancestry?

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

On that note, please introduce more crazy fantasy dinosaurs that are based on nothing but cool factor. My druids need some more interesting animals companions.

Something like the Fleshrakers from D&D 3.5.

Shadow Lodge

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Subparhiggins wrote:
On that note, please introduce more crazy fantasy dinosaurs that are based on nothing but cool factor. My druids need some more interesting animals companions.

...I am all for this. My love of the Monster Hunter video games certainly has nothing to do with it >.>

Fictional generic dinosaurs that can have crazy attacks and abilities would be awesome.

Jurassic World was... not that great of a movie, but it made enough money to where they can make a sequel, and we all know it's not for the great script.......

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MR. H wrote:
What's this about a playable T-Rex ancestry?

Yes! The Thunder Kings who shaped citadels of stone and bone in the deeps of time, when the world was young and savage, gods still walked among mortals, and primeval forces warred with one another. It is a time when the legends of later ages are unfolding in the blood and fire of this land, and the most ancient empires are still yet to reach even their zenith. Magic is raw and powerful, wild, unrefined as it will be in later days, elemental power at its most primal.


It's a setting I want to write both in novel form (working on that one) and as a setting book for PF2E. Maybe if the license allows for it....

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Oh, also, make the dinosaurs like those of the recent Ixalan expansion in Magic. They're all colorful and fantastic and absolutely perfect for this kind of game.

So far I am very much liking this thread. More please.

*finds a Yes button and hammers it repeatedly*

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Ah, this! And never forget to apply the correct direction to which the T.rex claws face (Hint: it's inwards, not down)!

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