Can we revisit wands?

Prerelease Discussion

Wands are an iconic magical implement for a spellcaster, just like staves, robes, and all the other classics. Yet, in P1E and in 3E, wands were those things you used until you used them up, then they’re so much useless kindling. Staves were the same way, but P1E allowed us to recharge them by spending spell slots. Are wands still going to be use until used up, or can we have a character theoretically keep a wand through his entire career? Auto-recharge, limited uses per day, recharge with spell slots, just something to keep it going.

I don’t remember what the source was, but it would appear that magic items like wands have been changed to be powered by a pool of points that is based on your charisma modifier. The pool I assume refills each day, so you can have multiple different wands but only so many uses out of all of them.

That would be lovely, though would be nice if it were based on Spellcasting Modifier instead.

Silver Crusade

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Can’t comment a lot on the X +CHA situation since I don’t know the extent of what it does and how it interacts, but I wouldn’t mind wands working like the Eternal Wands from Eberron where they had infinite charges, but you could only use them a certain number of times per day.

So a Simple Wand of Healing would be useable 1/day, ¿Journeyman? Wand of Healing 2/day, Expert Wand of Healing 3/day, Masterwork Wand of Healing 4/day, etc.

Silver Crusade

Also a hope there’s an ability of the UMD or relevant skill to overclock wands :3

Silver Crusade

Cuttlefist wrote:
so you can have multiple different wands but only so many uses out of all of them.

I’d kinda prefer to have the one wand and be able to put all the wand charges/uses/spells or whatever into the same lump of wood and not have a golf bag full of them. Same with staffs.

If I can have an all-singing, all-dancing arcane bond wand that I can shove multiple spells into AND I can mystically drain off random loot wands that I find into it to make it even better, that would be the best.

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Dean HS Jones wrote:
Cuttlefist wrote:
so you can have multiple different wands but only so many uses out of all of them.

I’d kinda prefer to have the one wand and be able to put all the wand charges/uses/spells or whatever into the same lump of wood and not have a golf bag full of them. Same with staffs.

If I can have an all-singing, all-dancing arcane bond wand that I can shove multiple spells into AND I can mystically drain off random loot wands that I find into it to make it even better, that would be the best.

I could see that sort of thing as a Wizard feat- if your arcane bond is a wand, you can use it to siphon off the abilities of other wands you come across.

Silver Crusade

Dαedαlus wrote:
Dean HS Jones wrote:
Cuttlefist wrote:
so you can have multiple different wands but only so many uses out of all of them.

I’d kinda prefer to have the one wand and be able to put all the wand charges/uses/spells or whatever into the same lump of wood and not have a golf bag full of them. Same with staffs.

If I can have an all-singing, all-dancing arcane bond wand that I can shove multiple spells into AND I can mystically drain off random loot wands that I find into it to make it even better, that would be the best.

I could see that sort of thing as a Wizard feat- if your arcane bond is a wand, you can use it to siphon off the abilities of other wands you come across.

I could absolutely get behind that, but it still leaves the other classes with bags full of assorted wands

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Dean HS Jones wrote:
Dαedαlus wrote:
Dean HS Jones wrote:
Cuttlefist wrote:
so you can have multiple different wands but only so many uses out of all of them.

I’d kinda prefer to have the one wand and be able to put all the wand charges/uses/spells or whatever into the same lump of wood and not have a golf bag full of them. Same with staffs.

If I can have an all-singing, all-dancing arcane bond wand that I can shove multiple spells into AND I can mystically drain off random loot wands that I find into it to make it even better, that would be the best.

I could see that sort of thing as a Wizard feat- if your arcane bond is a wand, you can use it to siphon off the abilities of other wands you come across.
I could absolutely get behind that, but it still leaves the other classes with bags full of assorted wands

I mean, it would be easy enough to reflavor them all as one wand, except for the action needed to switch between which spell is active. It's an action-economy thing as much as anything.

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Cuttlefist wrote:
I don’t remember what the source was, but it would appear that magic items like wands have been changed to be powered by a pool of points that is based on your charisma modifier. The pool I assume refills each day, so you can have multiple different wands but only so many uses out of all of them.

This would be an excellent way to make CHA important compared to other characteristics. It would also be a great complement to the UMD skill... assuming PF2.0 will still have a UMD skill as such.

I'd also like to see some chance, however small, of burning out a wand for good. If you don't use charges, it'd be a good idea to have some limiting mechanism beyond simply giving x charges per day.

Wands, pathfinder 1st ed, fills a niche. A large quantity of spells for cheap.

Wands (when you do the math to get price per charge) are 15 gp * spell level * caster level. Scrolls are 25 gp * spell level * caster level. Hiring a spell caster to cast a spell is 10 gp * spell level * caster level. If you craft your own wands, the price drops to 7.5 gp * spell level * caster level.

So, before we change what wands do, is there anything else that can fill this role?

Scarab Sages

OmniMage wrote:
So, before we change what wands do, is there anything else that can fill this role?

The core problem, here, though, is that the bulk majority of wands are used for curative/buffing purposes to extend the adventuring day. PF1 and its predecessors had a big problem with healing being available. You either had to have a healer or a lot of consumables to last more than a couple of battles. HP damage (15gp for 2-9 hp), Ability Score damage (90gp for 1-4 points, plus condition cures), cantrips (7.5gp for 10mins of water resistant and hands free light), and buffs that aren't always worth spell slots (15gp for 1h of Mage Armor, 15gp for 2h of Ant Haul, 15gp for 10 rounds of prot v evil on the tank before charging the boss room) were what we carried wands for. Stuff our casters would rather leave to the GP Fairy instead of making their character boring. Fix the need to dedicate precious spell slots to arbitrary heals and minor buffs, and you fix the need to have wands be such a crucial role.

I fully support the idea of wands and other magic items working off a charisma pool, not only does it limit the uses of the items daily, thus preventing the spamming of wands of CLW in between battles, but also to give Charisma a use for most characters finally. As is CHA is only good to characters in social situations or to spellcasters whobuse CHA for their casting. A pool of points that everybody can benefit from would encourage more players to not automatically dump CHA, especially if they introduce weapons that would use charges so warriors can benefit as well. Be crazy to see a CHA fighter with a bunch of swords for taking on different enemies.

Liberty's Edge

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I hope that Paizo completely gets rid of the PF1 version of wands. The whole concept of a 50 charge spell casting item like some sort of super-potion has never sat well with me. Players tend to use healing wands as a crutch way too much because of it.

I would rather see wands as some sort of spell casting focus that alters spells being cast (like metamagic feats), gives bonuses for certain types of spells, or allowing a caster to cast a specific spell fueled by his own slots.

Wheldrake wrote:
Cuttlefist wrote:
I don’t remember what the source was, but it would appear that magic items like wands have been changed to be powered by a pool of points that is based on your charisma modifier. The pool I assume refills each day, so you can have multiple different wands but only so many uses out of all of them.

This would be an excellent way to make CHA important compared to other characteristics. It would also be a great complement to the UMD skill... assuming PF2.0 will still have a UMD skill as such.

I'd also like to see some chance, however small, of burning out a wand for good. If you don't use charges, it'd be a good idea to have some limiting mechanism beyond simply giving x charges per day.

Maybe a crit fail roll ends the wand?

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