bookrat |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I've now seen two instances of the spoiler box showing the guidelines for formatting your text not opening up.
One person is using Safari. I'm using Opera. here
But the instructions that appear below the text box isn't opening up.

BC4Realz |

In the meantime can we compile what we remember of the formatting?
This is what I remember, all with square brackets instead of curly ones.
URL - {url="http link"}text overlay{/url}
Bold - {B}Bolded Text{/B]
Italics - {I}Italic Text (/I}
Smaller Text - {Smaller}Text{/Smaller}
Rolling Dice - {Dice=Text for title} (number)d(sides)+modifier{/Dice}
Out of Character - {OOC}OOC text{/OOC}
I know there was one for larger text, but I can't remember it.
Any others?

CrystalSeas |

They're really slow at fixing this. Temporarily, here's what I remember. There doesn't seem to be an escape character for BBCode, so I can't do this exactly the way it's done when the button is working.
Use these tags with a closing tag (the same tag but you put a forward slash / in the closing tag)
[x] stuff [/x]
[b] bold
[i] italic
[s] strike through
Quotes and links are autoclosing for me, so I'm leaving off the ending square bracket
[url=xyz.com] If you use this one, the words before the closing tag will appear in blue and function as a link.
If there's some I missed, let me know and I'll supply them

Balacertar |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

It is not easy to maintain a platform with such a high traffic as Paizo.com so just be patient. Meanwhile we can just remove the "expandInlineBlock" missing function from the html code (F12 to open your browser dev tools) to see this:
How to format your text
[quote=Someone said]Quoted material here....[/quote]
This is [b]bold[/b] and [i]italics[/i] and [s]strikethrough[/s].
Go to [url=http://paizo.com]Paizo Inc.[/url].
Contact [email]customer.service@paizo.com[/email]
This is [bigger]bigger[/bigger] and this is [smaller]smaller[/smaller].
This is [ooc]out-of-character commentary[/ooc] for play-by-post threads.
[spoiler=Movie plot spoiler]This is a spoiler, such as revealing who really did frame Roger Rabbit.[/spoiler]
[dice=Perception]1d20 + 3; 1d6 + 2[/dice] This is a dice expression.

CrystalSeas |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Something similar is happening again I think.
Post 1316, the second spoiler is broken. link
Another person I was talking to said they had the same thing in another game and it was also the second spoiler in the post.
It's likely to be a typo in your post. Here's the explanation
So, I had this issue recently, and it was caused by my own mistake. In my case, the second spoiler wouldn't open because I hadn't closed an italic or bold effect in the previous spoiler. I noticed that you're using bold text in both of your first spoilers, so maybe confirm that you're using a closing tag? I realize that too much time has passed to confirm if that's the issue for the two examples you've posted.

inara14 |

inara14 wrote:Something similar is happening again I think.
Post 1316, the second spoiler is broken. link
Another person I was talking to said they had the same thing in another game and it was also the second spoiler in the post.
It's likely to be a typo in your post. Here's the explanation
Andostre wrote:So, I had this issue recently, and it was caused by my own mistake. In my case, the second spoiler wouldn't open because I hadn't closed an italic or bold effect in the previous spoiler. I noticed that you're using bold text in both of your first spoilers, so maybe confirm that you're using a closing tag? I realize that too much time has passed to confirm if that's the issue for the two examples you've posted.
Its not, I checked. As did the other players that this has happened to.