FaerieGodfather |
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I am not going to vote against the inclusion of classes, because I can exclude something I don't like far easier than I can include something that someone else doesn't like-- but I do hope that the class rules make it so that Gunslinger and Arcanist aren't necessary.
For PF1 classes... my top picks are the Witch and the Shifter. And... I would like the psychic classes with more psionic flavor, like halfway between psionics and occult.
But most of the classes I want are 3.5 classes: Warlock, Warlock, Shugenja, Dragon Shaman, no seriously Warlock, Soulknife, maybe Dragonfire Adept if the Sorcerer doesn't completely cover it. Warlock.

Alaryth |

More or less in order...
1- Inquisitor: love all about the class and the varied characters you can make with it, in contrast with the bland cleric.
2- Witch: It nearly make it to the Core. It would be a great surprise not seen it early. Splendid flavor.
3- Oracle: Really versatile and varied class. Is obvious that I like divine classes but dislike PF1 cleric?
4- Kineticist: I like blasters. Hopefully, blaster can be playable with Core, but raw power of kine calls me. Burn, on the other hand...
5- Magus: Hybrid cleric/warrior is an important niche. But I would prefer Magus as Spontaneous, honestly.
6-7-8-9 Swashbuckler, Slayer, Investigator, Vigilante: I love those classes, but maybe they can be playable from level 1 with Core. One can hope.
10-Bloodrager: Great class, but I would like it more with a bit less of Barbarian and a bit more of Bloodline.

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With archetypes being core and potentially more robust, I'd like to see FEWER new classes.
The swashbuckler can be a fighter, the ninja a rogue, the battlerager a barbarian, and the vigilante a generic archetype applied to any class.
Class bloat hurts the game the most. Showing up at a game and not recognising what someone is playing is awkward and hurts your immersion. You don't know what to picture and the DM has a harder time describing what is happening in the narrative.
Plus, classes affect every round of every combat for the entire game. They are incredibly hard to balance, and shouldn't be added without a tonne of playtesting. They should be added very sparingly.

master_marshmallow |
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It looks like deception can cover literally everything the vigilantes niche was by investing proficiency/ranks/ whatever metagame currency we get that advances skills.
All classes more or less have full BAB, and given the rogue's ability to trigger precision damage might have some equivalent to duplicate the duelist/swashbuckler. We might even get an archetype that does this, simultaneously juxtaposing and streamlining the mechanics so feasts don't need to include language for both.
I think I'd rather see more classes that branch out from different ideas in place of the more narrow concepts that PF1 required in game design.

PossibleCabbage |

I do wonder if rather than "do a class as an archetype instead of a full class" that since now roughly half of a class's identity appears tied to "class feats" whether that makes it easier to do a new class rather than an archetype. Since you could do hybrid classes by cross-listing a bunch of class feats from their parent classes on the class feats list for the hybrid.

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Humm, my favorites are below
1. Oracle (a spontaneous divine caster with flavor)
2. Bloodrager (interesting and flavorful class)
3. Medium (a fun flavorful class)
4. Kinetist (I like the blaster style but not the way burn is handled)
5. Shifter (current version is a bit weak but I really like the idea)

Neriathale |

Oracle - must have curses
Witch - must have patrons
Arcanist - or more accurately, I want them to replace wizards in core as I prefer the Arcanist model.
A lightly-armoured agile bluff and charisma based fighter (swashbuckler, but might be a fighter archetype)
Scholarly alchemist/ non-magical skillmonkey(Investigator, but quite possibly heavily changed if alchemist gets changed)
Fighter/mage of some variant (Magus, eldritch knight, duskblade etc)
Divine caster/combatant (Warpriest or Inquisitor, though both could be cleric variants)

Quandary |

It looks like deception can cover literally everything the vigilantes niche was by investing proficiency/ranks/ whatever metagame currency we get that advances skills.
All classes more or less have full BAB, and given the rogue's ability to trigger precision damage might have some equivalent to duplicate the duelist/swashbuckler. We might even get an archetype that does this, simultaneously juxtaposing and streamlining the mechanics so feasts don't need to include language for both.
I think I'd rather see more classes that branch out from different ideas in place of the more narrow concepts that PF1 required in game design.
Quoting a good post.
I see Oracle being mentioned alot, I agree and was almost surprised it wasn't the new Core class (not arguing that, just noting). What I want to say about them, is I hope we get to see more done with them re: setting lore. They really have unique niche in terms of world lore, yet they seem to have been left to niche of iconic Alazhara AKA "the gods or divine forces cursed you, now you have super powers" which doesn't seem further developed. Basically, they're super powers in a bottle, nothing else matters. I'd like to see more exploration of the limits/variant trajectories of this phenomenon (besides which "mystery" you are, chosen from level 1).
In-world lore seems pretty key as well, all the more with Paizo announcing higher integration with rules there. Paizo actually has the perfect show-case for them, Po Li, basically a divine but secular theocracy which is crazy enough it needs more screen times, especially since it gives ANOTHER variation to 'theist/atheist/etc'. AND implications of formerly Dragon-ruled empire now reduced to Court cult without object of rulership just sounds awesome. An Oracular Court heavy AP seems OBVIOUS candidate to introduce parallel to P2E Oracle.
This is the type of thing that can be given less-"Orientalist" spin but simply solid reasons for many people to get into the AP disregarding their inclinations to region before hand. I see nay-saying re: Tian Xia apparently based on Jade Regent. Like yeah, there was no other complaints re: Dating Simulator on Rails crossing Arctic Wasteland to gain glory for somebody else in land your PC has no investment in (and your character basically buys into that in-character from beginning). A minority of AP at end occuring in not-Japan is window dressing to that.

totoro |
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I think the inclusion of the Alchemist for the reasons the designers gave was inspired. It will fill a unique niche. I do not generally want to see more classes, though. Rather, I think we could do with a few less, though I heard it stated quite clearly the designers know they have to give moar, moar, moar, and not take anything away to avoid Rian Johnson-level backlash. Since this is a wishlist, though, I'll give mine:
New Classes:
D&D2e-style Priest with d6, simple weapons, light armor, and shields. That D&D2e Priest splat book was one of my all-time favorites.
Magus, which is a d8 wizard (or sorcerer) with some melee capability and 6 levels of spells.
Witch, Warlock, or the like as a pact-based class. I prefer witches with an archetype for each season.
Archetypes (not new classes):
Inquisitor Priest archetype.
Make the Druid a Priest archetype.
Arcane Archer Magus archetype instead of a prestige class.
Scout as a ranger-like Rogue archetype.
Make Ranger a Fighter archetype.
Druidic and Clerical archetypes of the Sorcerer. I believe the Kingmaker crpg calls them sylvan and empyreal sorcerers.
Class tweaks:
Barbarian is an archetype of a new class called "Berserker." Brawler and Armored Hulk can be some variants.
I know this is heresy, but make Cleric a 6-level caster, like the Bard (assuming the Bard isn't going all the way up this time). They can fill a role somewhere between the old cleric and the paladin.
Sorcerer should get higher level spells at the same level as the other pure casters.
Make all spells Wizard spells, including what are now considered clerical, druidic, and bardic. Allow a Wizard to only memorize (I would call it "imprint") one of a given spell, but let them use a charge of a wand for a spell they have currently imprinted, at the level they have imprinted, without a resonance cost.
Deleted Classes:
Promote Paladin to prestige.
Druid becomes an archetype of Priest.
Ranger becomes an archetype of Fighter (and Scout, which is ranger-like becomes an archetype of Rogue).

master_marshmallow |

There's literally only one class I'm concerned about: The Magus. And if a suitable archetype exists on core classes that renders the Magus unnecessary, I'd be fine with that.
All my other concepts are covered already, except for 'sword plus magic flexible combatant.'
Since everyone essentially gets full BAB, you may find that whatever the new form of multiclassing is will get you a magus, since casting and attacking in the same turn is already a thing.
If wizards get a class feat that emulates spell strike then we don't need to include the class at all.

UnArcaneElection |

^Kirthfinder says it has a similar means of making a Magus (even though it still has 1/2 BAB, 3/4 BAB, and full BAB). Although I haven't yet looked around through Kirthfinder to find all the little pieces you would need to put together for that . . . which leads me to think that it would be rather annoying if you had to hunt around through multiple books to find everything you need to make a Magus, just like some of the people making Fighters find it annoying to have to hunt through multiple books (including but not limited to Weapon Master's Handbook and Armor Master's Handbook) to get a good build.