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Organized Play Member. 29 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.
Brew Bird wrote: Given that Starfinder borrowed heavily from the then in-development Pathfinder 2, it's just as likely that Starfinder was the one doing the copying. That's something I didn't know, and is completely feasible. I guess. Things like the manacles make me doubt though.
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Here's one for you.
Some of the item bulks make no sense.
50ft of rope is a bulk of L.
Manacles have a bulk of -.
A weeks worth of rations has a bulk of L.
It's been bothering me for days, and I figured out why today.
These items (and maybe more) have the exact same bulk as their super technologically advanced Starfinder counterparts.
Titanium Alloy Cable. L.
Restraint Binders (zipties). -
Field rations for a week (space food cubes). L
They're just copied from Starfinder.
The Create Water spell makes 2 gallons of water.
But nowhere in the book can I find how much water a creature needs to drink in a day, by gallons.
Is this a copy/paste legacy problem?
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Are there rules for playing old characters?
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Thebazilly wrote: FedoraFerret wrote: A part of me expects something of a revelation in either Return of the Runelords or the AP after it. Some big or small event which makes this all much more reasonable. Maybe it'll be the discovery of a hidden subspecies of goblin that aren't ridiculous murderhobos, a la WoW. Maybe some intrepid anthropologist will discern that the goblin tendency towards violent pyromaniacal homocide is a learned behavior, because no one bothered trying to teach them better. Maybe it's all those goblin babies who were dropped off in human orphanages by soft-hearted murderhobos. Their village has been slaughtered, so they have the standard adventurer backstory down already. My group has done this more than once.
Killing baby goblins is squicky.
We dump them on the closest Chaotic Good cleric we can find and skedaddle.
Larkos wrote: Makes sense? BS.
How did the All-Seeing Eye not know or tell his own clerics that they should be able to cast wizard spells just fine?
How did not a single wizard or arcanist not realize that they could cast Divine spells just fine?
Also this move isn't an advancement per se. Yes a person can cast fireball and cure but they can't cast time stop. One step forward, two steps back.
Make's sense to me.
Gods keep secrets for their own reasons, often to push their undefinable agenda.
And as for wizards or arcanists, there's actually precedent, in the healer wizards, white mage arcanists, ect. And bards have been doing the "combo divine and arcane" for forever.
But the point you're missing, is the DID figure it out. That's why magic is all mushed together. Because they figured out it came from one source.
Yes, they can't cast Time-stop. Neither can a Bard.
Hey! I'm looking for help at building the world's strongest kobold.
This isn't just theory crafting though, so level 20 builds aren't want I'm looking for.
I'm looking for the highest strength I can get that can come online as soon as possible, while also not being a mess of a character.
Right now I'm thinking Mutagen Fighter with VMC barbarian. But it takes like three levels to start up.
What do you think?
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Charm is mostly useful in single target private situations where you don't have time.
Need to stroll into a lobby and convince a security guard to help you, but don't have ten minutes to convince him?
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Triune, The All-Code wrote: I think we're focusing too much on the drift, and not enough on this box of kittens I'm handing out to the next person that uses their drift drive. How big a box?
Can I fit it in my ysoki's cheek pouches?
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It's because the spells jump levels.
All the Variable-Level spells are within one level of each other.
Everything on the second list but Teleport and Resistant armor are not.
Oh look, Pathfinder has increased my fear of Rust Monsters even more:
Rust Lord.
Large sized ravenous Rust Monsters who have a +12 Con damage touch attack.
UnArcaneElection wrote: I could have sworn that at one early point in (A)D&D, Rust Monsters couldn't corrode gold (which does not react exothermically with oxygen or even ozone), but that concept seems to have disappeared.
* * * * * * *
At some point as technology advanced, but before the Gap, somebody must have figured out something to do to defend against Rust Monsters. Otherwise, Golarion would have never been able to make it into the Industrial Revolution except in isolated regions.
Nah, in 3.5 they ate gold. They just preferred ferrous metals.
The way to defend against them?
Honestly, it wouldn't be a problem.
It'd be like bears or wolves. People in the cities would kill them, and eventually they'd (mostly) stop coming into cities.
gigyas6 wrote: Colette Brunel wrote: Now, there is one thing I see stopping this infinite loop: Your GM? Abadaran cooperate hitman killing you for screwing up the market.
He's lawful neutral, not lawful good.
Adamantine won't save you.
"Rust monsters consume metal objects, preferring iron and ferrous alloys like steel but devouring even mithral, adamantine, and enchanted metals with equal ease. "
Casting spells in extremely harsh environments cause the spell to fail (example, a earthquake)
So the answer is a tumble room.
Imagine a room like a dryer, but a sphere, that can change randomly it's direction. Toss the caster in, and they can never cast again!
Also, you could just pin them to the wall with hurricane force wind.
But that's boring.
6. "Items with a specified usage use a battery that comes fully charged when purchased." Pg 218, paragraph 2.
10. Of course. Action economy is king, and every action you can take is important. The ability to draw a weapon, move, and attack, could mean the difference of getting to cover/not attacking. Even if it's not as good as pathfinder, doesn't mean it isn't incredibly useful.
thejeff wrote: Except the wizard doesn't cast fireball (and more importantly doesn't cast 4 or 5 fireballs) into every room because he doesn't have enough fireballs. You're playing the wrong sort of wizard than.
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I'm already writing a plot about Androids forced (like sweatshops) to use Backup Generators to charge batteries in the slums of Absalom Station.
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And also, if you've ever sold a used video game to Gamestop...
Well, 10% is about right. xD
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Speaker for the Dead wrote: The Morphling wrote: John Kretzer wrote: It is probably just a typo... Context elsewhere in the book confirms it is not. Soldier even gets an ability which lets them negate the "charge penalties" along with some other bonuses.
In Starfinder, charging is inaccurate. They could be talking about the "charge penalties" to AC while charging. I haven't read the book but I would think they would keep the rule consistent.
Nah, this was talked about long before the book came out. It's intended.
blahpers wrote: Variant Channeling should still work, though it halves the damage as usual. That would be fine. I just want to use Madness to deliver sweet, sweet confusion to my foes.
avr wrote: You could at least take the Channeling Variance feat. Variant Channeling as an option might be an archetype, might not - it's not clear - but Channel the Void is clear how it interacts with channeling feats. That is true.
But 3/day is just...awful, and I hate it.

Elder Mythos cultist's get the following ability:
Quote: Channel the Void (Su): At 1st level, when an Elder Mythos cultist channels energy, he taps into the unthinkable void between the stars. This is similar to channeling negative energy, but instead of healing undead, this blast of energy harms and devours living beings, corporeal non-skeletal undead, and constructs crafted from flesh (such as flesh golems). This is not negative energy damage; instead, the damage manifests in the form of wounds from supernatural deterioration and rot. A creature that would take damage from this energy can attempt a Fortitude save to halve the damage, rather than a Will save. At 8th level, a creature that both fails the Fortitude save and would be killed or destroyed by this effect is entirely disintegrated, leaving behind only a trace of fine dust. A disintegrated creature’s equipment is unaffected. This ability still counts as channel energy, but it counts as neither positive nor negative energy specifically (for example, the Elder Mythos cultist couldn’t take the Turn Undead or Command Undead feat). For the purposes of feats that require channel energy but refer to what happens if the character channels positive or negative energy, this ability alters the listed effect for negative energy. For instance, an Elder Mythos cultist could use annel Smite to damage living or fleshy creatures with his melee attack.
This ability alters channel energy and replaces spontaneous casting.
The ability alters channel energy, does that mean I can't take the archetype and Variant Channeling?
The way I'm reading it, Variant Channeling isn't an archetype. So therefore, it doesn't count as trying to use two archetypes to modify the same class feature.
The solarian looks awesome, can't wait to play it.
Except, you know, for that dead level at level 5.
Are there goblins in the core book?
TGMaxMaxer wrote: Dazzling Display build. Because Chainsaw.
Order of the Cockatrice Gnome Cavalier. Because tinker-gnomes are a thing that should be played often.
Possibly adding bard and going Battle herald, because melee love teamwork feats for free and buff/debuff support.
It would be EPIC.
It's a medium chainsaw, so I can't play a gnome. Boo.
Also, considering the amount of robots in our game, Dazzling Display would probably be pretty bad, unless I'm missing someway to scare robots.
I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote: Vivisectionist Alchemist sounds appropriate as well as hideously deadly.
Another possibility: A Summoner whose Eidolon wields the chainsaw. Said Eidolon could be a "childhood nightmare come to life" sort of thing (Spiritualist would be an excellent alternative as well, save that a Phantom, unlike an Eidolon, isn't always in a physical state capable of wielding a chainsaw; I'm not yet fully versed in them).
The summoner idea is great! And I would play it, if our DM hadn't banned all pet classes for this game. xD
(We have six players, so he feels like pet classes slow the game down.)
In our most recent game, I got completely murderlated by a chainsaw wielding Orc Barbarian. The party, feeling bad for me, decided that I could use the +1 chainsaw with my next character.
The problem is, we already have two fighters (A natural weapon bloodrager/dragon disciple and a trip Brawler).
So there's really no need for two-handed barbarian or fighter and I don't want to outclass them with damage.
Any ideas for odd characters, weird builds, or cool trick that could be done by a character wielding a chainsaw?