Help with magic items


I am in a long-running (about 7 years) pathfinder campaign. We have finally gotten to a point where the party item creator is able to make items for the whole party. We are level 19/3 mythic. The classes in the party are:

Sorcerer (fire based)
Witch (Poised to begin her own country)
Summoner (becoming Emperor of yet another country)

Money is not really an issue, neither is time anymore, I am just trying to come up with the best combinations for each character that I can.

Silver Crusade

In truth I see no correct or incorrect answer. As you have run for 7 years you are in a group that must get along and a GM that can manage this sort of thing efficiently. So as the GM I would recommend to just talk with your players, more specifically the magic item creator. As the magic item creator speak with the other players (preferably in char), and the GM. The first to get ideas on what they want, the second to allow the GM to make sure you don't waste time on something he/she would not allow in the game.

Check the various guides for each class. They often will have 'optimal' or suggested magic equipment choices.

this can be great if used right (make sure to have plane shift).
in the right combination it can literly braek the game
-mine was a wizard\harrower prestige class 10 with the fortunate trait.if your a gambler, you can make crfting cheaper using that trait along with this ring and the right god will get you about 3 items made with the same amount of cash to buy one. i actuly used 1,000 gp to try and craft 4 level 1 pearls of power and got 3 while butching the 4th so the math works ;)

It depends a lot on what you already have but at that level things I would expect
1) +6 stat booster items for main stats (casting stats, con and melee combat stats for those fighting)
2) Wish spells for Inherent bonus to those same stats
3)Metamagic rods for the casters (quicken, maximise - customise for what the casters prefer)
4) Class specific items such as Cackling hag's blouse and a few items that boost judgements for Inquisitors
5) +5 resistance bonus, magic armour and weapons as appropriate
6) things like Rings of Evasion/Blinking
7) natural armour/deflection bonus's
8)If you have melee combatants look at mythic legendery weapons and the rather broken Foe Biter ability

It starts to take quite some time to make things at this level though so consider downtime and priorities of items.

Various items which give immunities may be useful at this very high level. If some of the players have the leadership feat (I wouldn't be surprised given the witch & summoner notes) then items which give a bonus to their leadership score may be appreciated.

I'm GMing a WotR game at currently lvl 18 MT9, so similarish power lvl, the ppl who know what they're doing all have +6 stat boosting items (1 think even has +6 to all stats), +6-10 equivalent wep+armour, +5 resistance bonus (+6 for 1 save with mythic items), +5 nat, defl ac items, then other items too - though for some reason no-one has inherent bonuses yet (they've just got downtime so maybe they will soon) - so get that stuff 1st, then consider things like rods, staffs, class specific items (some of these are higher priority than the rest)

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