Ideas for Paladins

Prerelease Discussion

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That seems a right waste a good loot. Lemme pick thru the pile fore ya light up.

Sorry, you must be thinking that I'm of the Choice Fundamentalist Extremist view.

You don't get a choice in this matter, because the Niche Fundamentalist Extremists will feel offended.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
doomman47 wrote:
why would a lawful neutral being fall for committing an evil act over a chaotic act?

Because she is held to the code. Bring a paladin is not about her alignment, but following the virtuous codes she has chosen to uphold.

Essentially I'm saying alignment only plays the role of being a tool for interpreting the code as it is. I could even viably think up a Lawful Evil paladin who abides the code. He seeks the "power" of the paladin but recognizes that comes with limitations. He could follow it to the letter in pursuit of his own goals.

A chaotic good paladin could follow the same code, though place the emphasis on protecting innocence regardless of law. They would still need to respect authority even if they disagreed with it.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Isaac Zephyr wrote:

A chaotic good paladin could follow the same code, though place the emphasis on protecting innocence regardless of law. They would still need to respect authority even if they disagreed with it.

A CG paladin would likely not have the same code, but I agree you must stick with your code. Whatever that code is.

Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

Sorry, you must be thinking that I'm of the Choice Fundamentalist Extremist view.

You don't get a choice in this matter, because the Niche Fundamentalist Extremists will feel offended.

Oi, you must be thinkin' I cares. I's already been in the klink. What else ya gonna do?

They's can whine aaaaaaaaaaaall they want while I steals me some shine.

...except you're not stealing, per se, so much as pyre-robbing. Can you handle the heat?

Places Tribbles in the loot sacks

Aww yeah, free snacks!

Passes the hot sauce

Semantic Deity wrote:
...except you're not stealing, per se, so much as pyre-robbing. Can you handle the heat?

Robbin' an' stealin' is the same thing, ya hooded blinker.

An' yeah I can, I'm fast an' nimble-like, an' dodgy as as a crooked judge.

Places self replicating glitter on all Sparrow's loot

Mother Night, thassa lotta shine.

MP Punk wrote:

So, I know it's early for feedback, but I have a horrible memory and really like this idea. For Paladins I would like to keep the Lawful requirement, but the good/evil/neutral alignment would depend on the god worshiped. In my opinion this is a good compromise between people who want paladins of any alignment and people who don't want them to change overmuch. So, if a person wanted to be a Paladin of Abadar, then they'd be LN. If they wanted to be a Paladin of Asmodeus, they'd have to be LE, and if they wanted to be a Paladin of Desna, they'd have to be LG.

The Lawful aspect would represent their intense devotion to the ideals their deity represents.

You could also just fold the anti-Paladin rules into the Paladin class, and bam, rules for evil Paladins.

That could work, though I think I'd rather have paladins run the gamut of Good alignments, rather than Lawful, and allow antipaladins to similarly be of any Evil alignment. That said, I suppose your idea would mean that antipaladins wouldn't really need to be a thing, which I suppose does streamline things a bit.

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