Rogar Valertis |

A few months back I actually started building an amazon race using PF rules. I don't want to delve too much on what I wrote but socially my amazons have a very hierarchical structure subdivided into chastes, with different subspecies of the amazon race usually (but not always) occupying different stratas of said structure.
Btw these amazons are biologically different from humans, they resemble them but are not (or "not anymore" in some cases).

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There isn't a player race that covers multiple angles of what amazons are generally seen as. There are some races that cover *some* angles.
Matriarchal? Drow.
Female-only? You could argue that half of lashunta might qualify as a race in some ways. I can't think of other monogender races right now. Do ghoran have genders?
Warrior-like? Orcs.
But combining all of those...no, I don't think a warrior-like female-only race exists as a player race option currently.
As for classes, I think amazon type characters would probably be best modelled with ranger, fighter or barbarian, or some multiclass thereof.

David knott 242 |

Annis-born Changelings actually check off most of the Amazon boxes. They are female only and have racial features that make them pretty good melee combatants (with a Con penalty being their only real drawback). Of course, they don't typically grow up in any sort of Amazon-like society.

lemeres |

You can turn any female of human-ish race into an amazon if you have a knife, a potion of CLW, and a bottle of whiskey.
...but lets not get into the messy details of classical myths and etymology.
Suffice to say, being an amazon, whether classical or fantasy, tends to be more of a way of life rather than simply being a particular race.

PossibleCabbage |

Yqatuba wrote:Is there an Amazon like race/class in Pathfinder?Like... a race of people that sells everything online?
Would it be possible to get stats for the JL41 Badonkadonk Land Cruiser and the Tuscan Dairy Whole Vitamin D Milk, and maybe a bag of cursed sugar free Gummy Bears?

Tim Emrick |

Amazons are best represented using the standard rules for humans, as their abilities are a result of culture and training more than any difference in race or species. In the original myths, many are descended from Ares, but many other famous heroes were demigods as well; if your setting includes similar divine bloodlines, Amazons are just as likely to belong to them as other PCs are.
Traditionally, Amazons are deadly archers, so ranger and fighter will likely be the most common classes, but as mentioned above, nearly any martial class can work (though I'd omit paladins).
Depending on how close you're adhering to the myths, they might or might not have spellcasters. If they exist, most Amazon casters should probably be witches, oracles, clerics, or druids, and some will invest in proficiency with a bow for tradition's sake.
One of the major human nations in my current home game is essentially a cross between the Amazons and the Roman Empire. So it's extremely matriarchal, with men excluded from the highest ranks of the military and temples (but not from the scribe/wizard caste). In Thovalas, the term "Amazon" is reserved for certain elite all-female units in the army, most of whom are phalanx fighters--but that focus comes from the Roman side of the mix.

I3igAl |

Depends, what you understand under Amazons
-female human fighter or ranger would suffice for most depictions
-if you wanna emphasize the Greek mythology aspect, pick weapons from acient Greece or a bow or a sargaris axe/battle axe
-if you think about Diablo 3 Amazons some tricky archery build would be good
-if you wanna add some superhuman flair ala DC or classic myths, you could use the mythic ranks
-if you wanna go with a more modern meaning huge strong woman use dreamscarreds half giant race for a player or if she is supposed to be more of a monster Nephilim stats.

Pillbug Toenibbler |
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Please! No more Snusnu!!
I initially misread that as "Please! No more Sununu!!"... which conjures an entirely different image.