Balancer's page
Organized Play Member. 311 posts (1,875 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 6 aliases.
Had to restart after 30 hours, kingdom went under due to troll rampage event continuing to trigger after kill the troll king.
Certainly, thank you very much. I'll be sure to post their reactions.
That is brilliant, no one expects a Lord of chaos!
I'm running a Mythic 3 person Hell's Rebels game with a few modifications, one being that House Sarini signed a pact with Hell a long time ago that sold the souls of everyone on the house and everyone to be born into the house in exchange for power. Essentially the House has it diabolist traits turned to eleven. The father of one of the PC's is a Sarini and secret worshiper of Milani despite being the fact that he's doomed to go to Hell when he dies. In order to help the party and hobble Thrune the father is going to destroy his house, depriving Thrune of a powerful ally in Kintargo and the larger Arch-Duchy and end the contract between the Hell and his bloodline. This however includes not just the adults but also the children who bear the contract by virtue of being a Sarini. Due to them being mythic the PC asked Milani to get a Empyreal lord to intervene on the children's soul behalf. I need to figure out which Lords would respond to such a call knowing the Hell has a legitimate (by Hell's standards) claim to the souls, enough that Pharasma would hand them off to Hell.
Say you renounce then flick into the hidden priest archtype. It's super flavorful.
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Doom (2016) equse featuring a Paladin in the worldwound who Rip and Tears his way through the abyss to punch Deskari in his stupid bug face.
Human female barbarians or fighters are what you'd be looking for. You could also go rangers.
Yeah it should definitely cut them off from any class abilities that come from a divine source.
The Gentle repose spell was an error from an earlier list, it should read Hidden Presence. Don't know how that slipped by me.
Okay so my spell list is making the assumption that they're SLA and don't have costly components and the no one has more than 4 HD, not picking any of the spells that replicate lower level spells because that's cheating.
0th-Mage Hand
It's a really sweet quality of life spell that just feels so good. You get to be a jedi, how sweet is that.
1st-Feather Fall
So I don't have to worry about falling off things or people around me falling off things/ being crushed by stuff. Not something I ever hope to encounter but is something I wouldn't be able to forgive myself for if it did.
2nd-Gentle Repose
For when I want to go unnoticed by people, it's a really versatile spell the effectively lets me go through life unmolested. It wont work through cameras but it's still worth it.
3rd-Remove Disease
Now this may be a bit odd but in real life their is no such thing as death by old age, only death by disease. If we step away from pure game design for a moment and look at medical science, assuming this spell removes all diseases from the target it should cure everything from bacterial/viral infections and genetic disease to Alzheimer's, Parkinson's. Effectively this spell alone is the key to immortality, you'll still age but your body will never hit the point of sever atrophy as long as you make an effort to remain fit. Do that and with this spell short of violent death you'll live forever and not have to worry about your health. And on a personal level this spell can do so much good for people in the world, not only will it let you make a killing healing cancers and such from the wealthy but it can also be used to save lives, combined with Hidden Presence no one even needs to know you were there, sidestepping the unfortunate attention.
4th-Emergency force sphere
The number 1 spell to protect yourself and people around you from sudden violence. Seriously, this spell will save your life for however long you may live I cannot over state this.
There will come a time when you need to defend yourself, or when someone really really crosses a line. This spell provides a nonlethal but permanent way of removing people, crush the mind but leave the body whole.
Lets you direct people into acting how you wish. As a SLA it only take a standard action, no save, nothing. Really, the implications this spell has is, disturbing but I would rather have it than not.
7th-Teleport, Greater
Travel,see the world! Also useful for throwing off pursers, with access to Google maps you have vision pretty much anywhere in the world and can go everywhere.
8th-Polymorph Any Object
Yeah, stay young forever? Done. Plastic surgey? Done. Turn that gun into an equal amount of paper clips? Done. Change harmful toxic waste/pollution into something more eco friendly. Convert basic materials into more rare and useful ones. Repopulate endangered species by turning housecats into tigers ect ect.
You expect to live on this planet for a long, long time. Having the ability to repair environmental damage from climate change will be the single, most, valuable tool in your arsenals. Being able to convert inhospitable dessert into a bread-bowl is nothing short of miraculous, live long enough to assist in terraforming Mars, litteraly. Repair polluted industrial wasteland, clean up dumps that you ploy-morphed into dirt, regrow rain-forest. Will it take time, yes but you'll live long enough to make an impact.
One minor problem is that Paladins are immune to disease and the rules define addiction as a disease ergo the paladin can't be addicted to opium or at the least stops being addicted when they gain Divine health (Unless you take an archetype that trades out that class feature).
Have you ever overcooked a roast. He'll be burned and blackened but there should be enough there to raise.
At the very least Apsu gets some more worshipers due to how dragon centrist the Dragonlance setting is.
I think this is a case of the time old trope of sci-fi writers have no sense of scale. Not linking to tvtropes to avoid crashing anyone's dreams of being productive today.
Honestly straight wizard with the Conjuration (teleport) school special is best since you can get out immediate danger if needed and pick up the item crafting feats and have access to the Arcane builder discovery to craft 25% faster. You should pick up the skill focus feat in spellcraft to offset the -4 penalty to craft opposition schools. You'll get bonus feats to spend on crafting feats and metamagic which frees up your main feat. As an added bonus pick up the spark of creation trait to make magic items at 5% cheaper.
Nab the repair magic racial trait for some heals. As for schools, Conjuration for mage armor, always prep this in your free 1st level slot and never let it go. Illusion and Abjuration are you best friends, shield and mirror image will save your ass. You're not going to want to ban evocation to get access to the wall spells and the basic battle spells.
If you're not building into them I would choose Enchantment and Necromancy as opposition schools, Enchantment does have some nice battlefield control spells but you've got Conjuration for that, become a pit mage and put things in the hole.
Summon spells are your friend to draw away agro, provide flanking for your friends and just to fill up space so monsters can't charge you.
Here's another idea. You could use the Atrillery teamwork feat to work with a team mate to use a large Heavy crossbow, take a dip into wizard for Gravity Bow or buy a wand and shoot Huge Crossbow bolts at the enemy. Because the feat lets one person use their actions and feats to reload and the shooters actions and feats for attacks you can have a pair of halfling snipers. The spotter/loader builds into the helpful halfling aid other to use it's standard action to buff your attack roll and move action to load the weapon. The shooter takes vital strike, Strike True, deadly aim because with all the buffs to attack rolls they can afford the penalties. Sprinkle in some far shot/distance weapon enchantment/sniper slayer and well placed illusions you get a lean mean killing machine. Going sniper halves range penalties, combined with far shot and the distance enchantment you have a max range of 2,400 Ft at a -5 penalty.
Assuming a level 11 team for ImVS and you're getting 3D8 at base, 9D8 and assuming the shooter is a sniper slayer with the accomplished sneak attack feat you get an extra 4D6 on your first shot.
Also remember that when you possess them and their aura comes back online they get another save as per protection from evil, with a +2 bonus.
The Shadowrun fan in me wants dragon run corps so bad.
My campaign has kicked off with the folowing:
(I've given them gestalt becuase I'm a sucker and want them to have fun)
Annahera Elihem: female CG teifling Slayer 2/Inquisitor of Miliani 2; A reblious child and bastard daughter of the Sarini family she has a rather large chip on her shoulder due to the way she and her peopele are treated by Thrune. Openly flaunts her teiflig nature and take pride in giving the government a bloody nose. Her mother was a teifling who could pass for human but always made sure her daughter was proud of who she was, ensured Annahera grew up to be a confident woman and put her in contcat with the cult of Milani so tha tshe would have a healthy outlet for her anger. Her mother was a prominet figure in the Cloven hoof society and the teifling community for her good works, was killed during the night of ashes. Has daddy issues.
Seraphina Elihem: female LG teifling(Pass for human) Paldin of Iomedae(tourtred crusader)2/Ranger(Divine Tracker)2; Elder sister to Annahera and the first bastard daughter to the Sarini family. Inherited her mother's ability to hide her true nature, was initally accepted by her father but was told stories of the glory and honnor of Iomedae. Rejected by her father when she decided to become a paladin. Traveled to the World Wound two years ago, recently her entire company was slaughtered and she somehow survived. Has sever PTSD and was sent back home to recuperate. With her mother gone now seeks to gaurd her sister from harm.
Bruce: male NG teifling Oracle of the streets2/ Bloodrager (meta magic rager)2; A street urchin as so many other teiflings Bruce has fallen in with underground fighting circuts and unsavoury criminals. Would've turned into another common thug if his latent magic hadn't flared to life during a particualry violent pit fight. Soon after he felt a connection to the cobblestones beneath his feet, feeling the city's pain under the crule rule of Thrune. He now seeks to free his city and share his anger with his opressors.
Sirinius: male NG teifling(Pass for human) Viglianite(Zealot of milani)1 Unchained rouge 1/Kineitisct Void 2; Sirinius was normal mild mannered bureaucrat working for the government, everday dieing a little inside behind has deesk as minnor injustices crossed his desk every day. One day on his way home from another soul crushing day at the office he saw a person being shaken down by a pair of greedy dottari. Something changed inside him as the blatent injustice infront of him killed any naivety he had left. In it's place a terrible emptyness opened in his soul, connecing it to the life draining plane of negative energy. His anger at the corruption in the government channeled that connection that he used to punish the dotatri. His act did not go unnoticed, drawing the attention of the Rose of Kintargo who recurited him for the cult. Now by day he works in the beuractic halls of Kintargo, subtly aiding the cult to the best of his abilities, and by night he is the Black Rose, defender of the people and bringer of justice to the wiked.
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He went out to buy some milk, told his kids he'd be right back...
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Do you offer morality atonement services? I was recently involved in a drift incident that ended up with a celestial, well, pasting across my hull. It's been giving me and my crew an existential crisis.
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How has Starfinder been received? Will we see any easter eggs to Pathfinder in future Starfinder Adventure Paths?
Having watched the second movie Id say he's a Solider, almost certainly an Outlaw with how many connections he's got in the underworld.
I'd say Solider (Sharpshooter) to emulate his crazy aim, plus gaining the weapon specialization with all the guns and the Bullet Barrage Gear Boost to show how crazy lethal he is with guns.
Operative just isn't killy enough for how good damn crazy John Wick is at his job.
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Well Starfinder does also say that there are other gods not mentioned in the core 20 being worshiped. So who knows, Ol Razzy might've given them the razzel dazzel afterall.
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106) When ever you hear the phrase 'Happy Days' your cyber-arms snap their fingers and flash finger-guns around the room.
I want a mecha class! I need my gundams and not some lame power armor.
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I hope they'll be the option for the start of the AP to have an old pc being the reason for calling the PC's together. I know my old wizard would be using the gold from RiseotR to send adventurers all over Varina to dig up signs of the other Runelords.
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Only problem with killing off old pc's would be that it would be impossible to account for the contingencies of the other parties. For example many parties will have clones stashed away just incase.
With what goes on in that town, I'm going to say not enough.
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Wultram wrote: Well on the first part. To me it is a lot more impressive to have a moral fiber to do the right thing even when you would benefit from not doing so and not having consequences for it. Than the alternative where you have this axe hovering over your neck in case you are naughty. The latter is being good cause they will be punished otherwise, or they might still be good but then they did not need the incentive anyway.
Well it might not be a deity, but they are handed a code that is put up by an external force. They did not figure out themselves what is good and what is wrong. A paragon of good that never questions their own morality or the authority over them, yes truly am example to be followed.
I see this alot and when I do I think of what my first Dm once said when I rolled up my first Paladin. You're not good because you're a Paladin, you're a Paladin because you're Good. The kind of people who become Paladins are the kind of people who would still be good and even if they weren't Paladins.
It's not that Paladins never question the morality of the authority above them (Which is in itself a product of modern cynicism with authority), it's that those authorities have already proven themselves to be that good.
Anyway the point I'm trying to make is that a Paladin still has to decide for themselves what their morality is and what it means to be good for themselves, that's how they come into the service of a God.
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The Drunken Dragon wrote: Balance,
And because from a meta level, that degree of specialization is seen as...archaic. There's some writing in-universe about the Arcanimirium being derisive of its few members that dedicate the entirety of their study to magic, labeling them "esotericists" and viewing them the way physicists view philosophers irl
I'm imagining a guy huddled up in his room with piles of books raving about how he'll show them all one day, they called him crazy but who'll be laughing when he's wished all his enemies into the sun! Who'll be laughing then! Just you see!
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My biggest hope is that Owlcat Games are super successful with their CRPG so we can get a series of awesome AP inspired spin offs much like Harebrained Schemes and their shadowrun series. I would be super keen for a Runelords mega series.
If you want to be emperor palpatine the be a wizard or Magus, take shocking grasp and the reach metamagic. Shoot lighting out your fingertips and rave about unlimited power.
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Going back to Sorshen and Bluff, she's a Trickster right? What if Paizo give her the Perfect Lie ability.
Oh Christ.
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I'm more worried that a well built Sorshen will just be able to diplomancy the pc's without casting a single spell. Display of Charisma is dope.
Wikrin wrote:
Why are you assuming that it went away during the Gap? That's a super weird assumption to make.
Mostly assuming because the gap wiped away alot of societal traditions and forced people to rebuild. If no one recalls why men and woman were to be separate casts then it makes no sense to keep it that way.
Wikrin wrote: I'm curious to see how the drow will handle it, given they are traditionally a strict matriarchy. Out of anyone, I could see them keeping detailed birth records so that people born male don't try to escape their station. That may have been true pre-Gap but I imagine that unless the tradition was rebuilt that it doesn't exist post-Gap.
Oh wow, I've gearing up to run Hell's Rebels in a few weeks and in my readings through the books I too have noticed a lot of what you've pointed out. Thank you so much for writing up this awesome collection of posts and content, it's just what I've been looking for. I probably wont use some of it but I'm certainly going to roll with most of it.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed the weirdness with Laria being a council member, though I had a slightly different plan I am totally taking your's.
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That's one of things I'm looking at for my table, we've one PC (NE Psychic) from Geb who became a vampire (And got married to the LG Magus PC, it makes more sense in context) and another PC (NG Wizard) who's gone diet-runelord at the end of the RotRL. Both of them agreed that before they take over Varisia they were going to hunt down the remaning Runelords and explictily buddied up to the Pathfinders just incase they got wind of any runelords comeing back. Both are highly inteligent and have back up plans for the back up plans so I shudder to think about what gets accomplished in ten years and how to use that for RTotRL
It'll be an interesting one, that's for sure.
I've got a pair of teilfing sister who's father is a Sarini, his family was paying thier mother (a teifling with pass for human servant/member of the lacuanfex) to keep silent about the children. The elder sister has pass for human and is acknowledged (privately) as a Bastard of the family, the younger sister is your typical angry young rebel.
Be a human spirtualist with okay Int and the cunning feat and take the skill rank each level. All the skills you'll need, dip bard if you really need to have class skills, though with all knowledges and 4+INT you can just take Traits to fill any blank spots.
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Any idea how to integrate old pc's from previous games?
Wait, shield is gone? Why? Also, I can at last make the magic missile spam bot I've always dreamed of now that my arch nemesis is gone! So annoying to have a perfectly good tactic countered by such a common spell.
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How would this effect any of the Runelords (assuming some haven't woken up yet)?
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Dean HS Jones wrote:
Sure, and if a wizard were to achieve 20th level in the Pathfinder era, they could take immortality as a discovery and still be alive in the Starfinder era, if we assume that the two settings have any crossover. (not disagreeing with you)
While not the norm, wizards could still exist in Starfinder.
Which leads us to the Gap...I'd say yes they have lost their memory, no they've not lost their spell knowledge. They just don't recall learning that stuff.
I now have the funniest mental image of a wizard waking up one day going, 'How did I get here?'.
I stand by Rotrl IN SPAAACE!
Also you could probably do a sweet half life game.
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So what would happen to an immortal human wizard? Would they wake up with this large gap in their memory, unable to remember how to cast any spells higher than 6th level?
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Extended is almost always worth it on some of the longer lasting buff like mage Armor, Quicken is very useful in the later levels for casting sheild on turn one. Peircing is useful for breaking down Sr and heighten makes lower level spells more useful, intensified spells are a must if you're going blasting damage for the extra dice, and empowered and maximized spells are great. I'd pick up a book of harms for a free 1/day maximized Evocation spell.
Also if you want to be a bit crazy, pick up Ascendant spell to grab mythic versions of spells, it is a five level jump so I'd combine it with spell perfection for those few must haves.