Spamd16 |
I'm still a new GM, having only run "Quest for the Everflame" (only partially, as the school year ended and I was unable to continue the campaign with my students).
I've now been asked to introduce a colleagues husband to RPG's and I've decided to try my hand at designing instead of making a pre-made module. I'm designing my campaign on the classic DOS based PC game Quest for Glory: So You Want To Be A Hero (lots is changing to increase the intrigue of the story). But one of the things I want is two bandit hideouts. The first one will have the PC's be at level one, and ending at level 3. I'm looking to "beef-up" the hideout (dungeon? cave? abandoned mansion?) with encounters (more than just the bandits).
I was thinking of introducing them to the classic dungeon Ooze during this time. Sprinkle in a trap or two (spike pit, or even a pit to a basement with native creatures [giant spiders, centipedes... etc.]).
Basically, I'm asking for ideas to help flesh out a PC Level's 1-3 encounters for a bandit hideout. What sort of creatures might bandits keep for security purposes? What sort of traps would they have in place for defense?
There are plenty of maps online for ideas, but now I'm looking to fill one of these maps with encounters
Sorry for the redundancy, I'm writing what is coming to my mind right now.
Thank you in advance for your input.

Kiesman |
Bandits would likely have guard dogs (or depending on the bandit's races, another guard animal) which could beef up the variety. Spike pit traps are a good selection as you've said, as well as falling stone traps.
My suggestion for the oozes (used by my DM recently actually!) is that the bandits have a "room", which is a pit full of oozes with a sealed door that they throw the bodies of their victims into (no body trail!).

Marcella |
The ooze pit could also help the bandits for finding hidden jewelry, coins, and other metal objects, since they would be left by certain oozes as indigestible.
I recall an AD&D module ("Cult of the Earth Dragon" or something) in which a clan of kobolds had fed & trained a shrieker to recognize kobolds (and only kobolds) as friends rather than threats.
In real life, criminal hideouts are often in the back of legitimate businesses (especially ethnic restaurants) so that comings & goings of varied people and deliveries aren't noticed. These bandits are going to have to fence their goods, so a pawn shop would fit well too. Perhaps you could have a social encounter?

*Thelith |
While not a change in variety, having young (child-like) bandits would throw the party off. They wouldn't want to straight murderhobo the bandits when they see a bunch of kids (hopefully). But then they might have to when they get ambushed.
I would hold the ooze until they are level 3 especially if they are newer players. But large insect/rodent types are always good for just natural enemies that the bandits avoid but are present.
Crossbow traps with a trip wire or some such would not be unusual for bandit types to set up.

Goddity |

Some form of undead are always fun. Perhaps they threw a corpse in the back room and it's strong rage caused it to get back up and try to kill them. They locked it in a room because they couldn't kill it, which the players just so happen to accidentally open up...
Bloody skeletons are suitably difficult to kill.

mourge40k |

I have a few recommendations for oozes! First off, you could throw a few Sanguine Ooze Swarms at them. While swarms are normally really challenging for a low-level party, these things don't do a ton of damage by themselves, and are mostly just annoying. Secondly, I suggest a good old-fashioned Giant Amoeba or Amoeba Swarm. All of these can easily be kept around for general body removal purposes, or perhaps because slimes they produce can be refined into some sort of valuable/illicit product.

CzarGarrett |
All I know is if you don't kill one of your players if they try to pick their nose with a lockpick, you're doing it wrong.
Also, I'd try to make some sort of transporter puzzle. They have to figure out the correct sequence of doors to go through, otherwise they'll be teleported back to a starting location.

![]() |

If you are looking for maybe a dungeon encounter or 2, then i suggest using the pathfinder RPG bestiary encounter tables, probably low level dungeon, here.
Right in front of the "treasure room" or bandit stash you could have:
- a puzzle
- a boss fight
- or a combination of both.

Kitty Catoblepas |

While not a change in variety, having young (child-like) bandits would throw the party off. They wouldn't want to straight murderhobo the bandits when they see a bunch of kids (hopefully). But then they might have to when they get ambushed.
I would hold the ooze until they are level 3 especially if they are newer players. But large insect/rodent types are always good for just natural enemies that the bandits avoid but are present.
Crossbow traps with a trip wire or some such would not be unusual for bandit types to set up.
Maybe a good use for the Childlike feat. A bunch of "children" under the "employ" of Half-Orc "receiver of stolen goods."

Spamd16 |
All I know is if you don't kill one of your players if they try to pick their nose with a lockpick, you're doing it wrong.
HAHAHA... I've been racking my brain on how to bring the Antwerp into the story, just for fun...
and I haven't quite figured out how to incorporate Erasmus and Fenrus yet...

Spamd16 |
I want it to be realistic, so a single day's adventure (4-6 hours in game time, not play time, possibly 2 meet-up sessions) to go through the hideout (I'm leaning toward a cave for the first hideout, and then an abandoned tower for the second hideout). So I'm not expected the PC's to use a long rest. With that in mind, I obviously want a handful of bandits, possibly a guard dog or two, and possibly a waste disposal location (a pit with a gelatinous cube at the bottom? or is this OP?). But I feel that bandits would also have some kind of trap... maybe a pit, or falling rock attached to a trip line (Thank you @*Thelith for the crossbow trap, I hadn't thought of that)...
I've also determine that the PC's will meet a minor boss at the first location that in turn (either through conversation/diplomacy or left over notes) sends the PC's on the remainder of the quest (for those of you acquainted with QfG, the retrieval of spell components to increase interactions with the valley like the Meep's Peep and the Dryad, conversations with characters to learn about the curse of Baba Yaga and the disappearance of the Baron's children, etc; I don't want a straight hack-n'-slash campaign).
I've also determined that the PC's will, at some point need to find a mandrake root, which they will find in a crypt. This will allow me to bring in some classic dungeon crawling and bring in the classic skeleton bane.
This are all great suggestions! Keep them coming! It's really helping me flesh out my concepts.
Another quick question... If I'm going to have a cave be the first hideout, what kind of "rooms" will the PC's find? I've thought about: barracks/sleeping, mess hall, weapons locker, kitchen/cooking location (possibly same location as sleeping location or even mess hall), minor boss' private area... (keep in mind that the PC's should spent less than a day in the cave and they should have a long rest after the cave is cleared).
Thank you again for all the suggestions.

Toirin |

Another quick question... If I'm going to have a cave be the first hideout, what kind of "rooms" will the PC's find? I've thought about: barracks/sleeping, mess hall, weapons locker, kitchen/cooking location (possibly same location as sleeping location or even mess hall), minor boss' private area... (keep in mind that the PC's should spent less than a day in the cave and they should have a long rest after the cave is cleared).
Bathrooms, Sparring / Training Area, Loot / Illicit Trade Goods Storage Area

tonyz |

An imprisoned rare animal of some sort -- the PCs can just leave it in the cage, in which case nothing happens. Or they can release it from the cage, in which case it will attack them. Or they can try to communicate (Handle Animal skill check, or speak with animals, or just feed it), in which case they have a friend for the rest of the hideout (and maybe longer).
A prisoner being held for ransom -- he mostly wants to just bolt, but if offered weapons and a share of the loot, or if he's made friendly with the Diplomacy check, he will help the PCs fight the bandits. Or the captive could be a classic Screaming Maiden who clings to the PCs and alerts everyone in earshot. No reason you couldn't have both, actually.
A femme fatale who's here making money off the bandits, and might be inclined to take the same approach with the PCs. Do not use if your PCs are not up for this sort of thing.
A door, locked and barred with plenty of warning signs. There's an undead, or maybe some kind of ooze behind it, but the PCs don't have to fight it if they don't want to. (They could just leave the door barred!)
A back way into the lair, or maybe out of -- if they search for an escape route, it's a not-too-hard Perception check to find it (DC 15? 17? It wasn't concealed by Penn & Teller) If they use it, they get to bypass bandit guards and can maybe hit some of them by surprise.
Definitely some guard animals (dogs are classic, whether little yappy alarm dogs or big mean mastiffs).
A small cave network should have some, or all, of the following rooms:
1) sleeping area, preferably interior & protected from weather/outdoors
2) kitchen/eating/food storage, maybe as connected rooms
3) loot storage (preferably dead-end and guarded or at least secured)
4) some kind of sinkhole down and/or chimney up to the surface, maybe with some treasure at the bottom if the PCs can make a Climb check or lower someone in on a run (the bandits didn't notice it when someone fell in and lost a few things from their pockets)
5) a small area dedicated as a chapel to some kind of bandit deity with a few trophies hung on the walls. Maybe an evil adept or level 1 cleric is sleeping here.
6) a latrine/bathroom area, IF the bandits are well-disciplined (otherwise they just go in back corners and maybe a couple of them are weakened from filth fever).
7) a room for the bandit captain and/or a couple of prisoners to sleep, again guarded or sealed.