Jakkedin |
Since the ioun stone and the masterwork tool is the same type of bonus, they wouldn't stack.
Prodigy Feat gives +2 untyped bonus to 2 skills that increases to +4 at 10 skill points. Beware though, not sure if this stacks with Skill Focus.
4 Leaf Clover- extra boost of luck before attempting a single ability check, saving throw, or skill check. She gains a +2 luck bonus on that check. This ability functions three times per day, and requires a free action that the owner can perform even when it’s not her turn.
You didn't mention your class (though you might have taken Cleric) but if you are only looking to improve Profession (barrister above all other things then...
Cleric (Asmodean Acolyte):
Devil in the Details (Ex): At 1st level, an Asmodean advocate learns to choose her words so carefully that even when she says something designed to deceive listeners, the words are phrased to be technically true. She can use her Profession (barrister) skill for Bluff and Diplomacy checks. This benefit also extends to her familiar. The Asmodean advocate gains an insight bonus equal to 1/2 her cleric level (minimum +1) on Linguistics checks related to forgeries and on all Profession (barrister) checks.
Investigator (Majordomo):
Paper Trail (Ex): A majordomo is trained to uncover forgeries and trace down discrepancies in paperwork in order to ferret out intrigue. She adds half her investigator level (minimum 1) to Linguistics and Profession checks to spot a forgery, deal with paperwork, and notice discrepancies in paperwork.
And also with Investigator, here's a talent available:
Expanded Inspiration (Ex) (Advanced Class Guide pg. 32 (Amazon)): An investigator can use his inspiration ability when attempting Diplomacy, Heal, Perception, Profession, and Sense Motive checks without expending uses of inspiration, provided he’s trained in the skill.
If this isn't for PFS, and you are a caster, there's:
Visualization of the Mind (Transmutation [meditative]; Level arcanist 2, cleric 2, shaman 2, warpriest 2, wizard 2):
Choose a single mental ability score (Charisma, Intelligence, or Wisdom). You gain a +5 bonus on ability checks and skill checks associated with that ability score.
Owl's Wisdom before you get a headband.
And for another class option:
Burst of Insight (School transmutation; Level medium 1, mesmerist 1, psychic 1, spiritualist 1). and its an immediate action.
When you are about to make a d20 roll based on Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma, you can cast this spell to gain a +8 enhancement bonus to Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma for that roll, but you are dazed for 1 round afterward.
Jakkedin |
An attaché case.
I previously stated that the ioun stone and the masterwork tool is the same type of bonus, they wouldn't stack. My bad, they do because they are different bonuses. And the attache case gives a circumstance bonus which wouldn't stack with the masterwork tools.
Cevah |
![Lord Glorio Arkona](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/pfc1106_glorio.jpg)
Cracked magenta prism ioun stone gives +2 competence to any skill for 800 GP.
A masterwork tool (gavel, wig) would give you +2 circumstance for 50 gp.
An attaché case.
Per the description of the attaché case, it is the masterwork tool for Profession (barrister).
The spell Tears to Wine can grant a +2/+5/+10 enhancement bonus to Int and Wis checks, like Profession.
The spell Heroism can give a +2 morale bonus. Greater Heroism gives +4.
You can also pay an assistant to help you and get the +2 Aid Another bonus. [Or better if a helpful halfling.]
graystone |
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![Winter-Touched Sprite](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9067-Sprite_90.jpeg)
Greystone just beat me to it. ^_^
I pick that trait in PFS like other people pick Reactionary. Just can't get enough of it.
I LOVE the trait. I was making up a true neutral Asmodean Advocate [thanks to Pact Servant] and tripped across that trait and it couldn't have been more perfect.
Evilserran |
Yes, this is for an asmodean advocate cleri and is for pfs, sorry i didn't mention that before. Oh wow Brevoy Bandit is a gotta have that will net me a +3 or 4 gain once i figure off where to leave my charisma at, prolly 3... which would make my current level 2 barrister skill(just hitting two so i can change it) an 18, which makes my diplomacy and bluff 18 as well :) Thanks for all the advice guys! you rock, if you got more keep it coming.
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Human Heart of the Field alternate racial trait gives +1/2lvl racial bonus to Craft or Profession.
The trait Patient Calm lets you "take 12" on Craft and Profession checks instead of taking 10, which is a net +2 on day-jobs if you are used to taking 10. If instead you prefer or need to roll, Guiding Spirit lets you reroll one skill check per day and pick the higher result, which inevitably translates into a higher roll. You can take both with Additional Traits eventually.
As others have said, Aid Another is an easy way to get a flat +2 to the check, and your familiar can always help you.
Additionally, you can give a look to all those items giving bonuses to all skill checks. For example, a Four-leaf Cloven gives +2 luck bonus to any skill checks and saving throws 3/day. With the trait Fate's Favored it becomes +3.
Evilserran |
I'm not sure that build works that well. My profession barrister is at 18 at level 2 right now. The one you suggested Dastis keeps boosting diplomacy, but the power of the class in my understanding is the ability to overrite the bluff and diplomacy with the barrister skill, thus requiring only one of the three, barrister, to maintain skill ranks, therefor all the bonuses to diplomacy, would be moot, would they not?
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as an asmodean advocate, the goal is to maximize my profession so that my bluff and diplomacy sky rocket as well, so unfortunately aid another wont help so much with that one, i dont think, but alot of these other ones are real good. thanks all
Maybe you'd have to wait until the viper is able to speak with you, but I'm pretty sure the viper can help on the check, otherwise I wouldn't explain the highlighted text:
At 1st level, an Asmodean advocate learns to choose her words so carefully that even when she says something designed to deceive listeners, the words are phrased to be technically true. She can use her Profession (barrister) skill for Bluff and Diplomacy checks. This benefit also extends to her familiar. The Asmodean advocate gains an insight bonus equal to 1/2 her cleric level (minimum +1) on Linguistics checks related to forgeries and on all Profession (barrister) checks.
Otherwise, a Ring of Eloquence would do the trick.
mardaddy |
OK, I was able to figure +15 for a human Profession: Barrister at 1st level before any wondrous items, spell enhancements and without "Aid Another." (providing you had an 18 WIS.)
Trait: Mentored +1 to Profession
Feat: Skill Focus +3
Feat: Prodigy +2
WIS 18 +4
Rank +1
Class Skill +3
Class +1/2 per level (1 Min)
That gets us +1 Trait +4 Ability +1 Rank +3 Class Skill +3 Skill Focus +2 Prodigy +1 Class = +15 total.
If you went with the Silver Tongued alternate human trait and the Viper familiar, you are rocking a +17 Diplomacy and a +20 Bluff.
Evilserran |
@Grey WARDEN At 1st level, an Asmodean advocate gains a familiar as the arcane bond class feature, using her cleric level as her wizard level. She must choose a viper familiar. The viper speaks one language of the Asmodean advocate’s choice as a supernatural ability. So yes, it speaks common cause thats the language i gave it, and it does help me hwen allowed giving my level 2 a 20 atm.
@mardaddy, i have the trait, the ability rank class skill plus class bonus so far,all but the prodigy feat, which may or may not come later, not a fan of only using a half of a feat, but will keep it in mind. I think we have this pretty much maxed out now.
Last scenario i did at level 2 had tons of taljy bits and the dcs were 15-16 which icant fail, the end had a dc of 30, but with the bonuses we picked up, my snake and one party member assisting me, i hit a 51... lol. I think it's in good shape now.