Android barbarian possible?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Just wondering since it says they have no emotions would that mean they couldn't use rage?

Yqatuba wrote:
Just wondering since it says they have no emotions would that mean they couldn't use rage?

Technically, they can be barbarians and can use rage, but gain limited benefits from it. The bonuses are morale bonuses, which have no effect on androids (so no boost to Strength, Constitution/hit points, or will saves). The AC penalty would still apply, as would the limitation on skills. Any rage power would still work fine (assuming they don't grant a morale bonus).

Emotionless Androids can never gain morale bonuses and are immune to fear effects and emotion effects. They have problems processing emotions properly, and thus take a -4 penalty on Sense Motive checks.

They are immune to fatigue, however. So an android barbarian can rage cycle easily - ending rage then reactivating it to get more uses from 1/rage rage powers.

I think barbarian rage could qualify as an emotion effect, as Calm Emotions negates it

If you use the barbarian class from Pathfinder Unchained, then the android can gain all the benefits from rage (they are no longer morale bonuses).

I believe there's a feat that can deal with the problem of not being able to gain morale bonuses.
Its from the People of the stars PPC (Pathfinder Player Companion) together with a handful of other android feats.

prereq: cha 13, android

benefit: You lose the emotionless racial trait. You can gain morale bonuses, and can be affected by emotion-based effects and fear effects. You lack the +4 racial bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting effects.

Is it worth it? Meh Maybe? YMMV

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That should be an alternate racial feature, not a feat.

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Zhayne wrote:
That should be an alternate racial feature, not a feat.

Yeah. It was some pretty bad design there. At the least, the feat should have been a net gain instead of taking as much as it gives, like an alternate racial feature would do. Instead we got the worst of both worlds.

Kjeldorn wrote:

I believe there's a feat that can deal with the problem of not being able to gain morale bonuses.

Its from the People of the stars PPC (Pathfinder Player Companion) together with a handful of other android feats.

prereq: cha 13, android

benefit: You lose the emotionless racial trait. You can gain morale bonuses, and can be affected by emotion-based effects and fear effects. You lack the +4 racial bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting effects.

Is it worth it? Meh Maybe? YMMV

IF you are going that far, you might as well make it a blood rager so you can use the cha.

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a raging unchained barbarian android would be cool! I'll name him Win10. He got his barbarian powers when an update went awry... his 'mother' had the same problem but was a mostly comatose high level witch with a blue veil known as 'Blue-Screen-of-Death' as she had a lot of XP.

Unbegreiflich wrote:
a raging unchained barbarian android would be cool! I'll name him Win10. He got his barbarian powers when an update went awry... his 'mother' had the same problem but was a mostly comatose high level witch with a blue veil known as 'Blue-Screen-of-Death' as she had a lot of XP.

She really must have enjoyed looking at the Vista outside her home.

Apparently we're the only ones who found that humorous.

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Unbegreiflich wrote:
Apparently we're the only ones who found that humorous.


Shadow Lodge

I smirked.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Yqatuba wrote:
Just wondering since it says they have no emotions would that mean they couldn't use rage?

rage does not have to be an emotion from a fluff perspective

it could be that the android just goes into over clock mode

Its great for easy rage cycling, yes. Take all the 1/rage powers you can and dont worry about the stats. No need to take Raging Vitality, you dont get hp anyway!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Zhayne wrote:
Unbegreiflich wrote:
a raging unchained barbarian android would be cool! I'll name him Win10. He got his barbarian powers when an update went awry... his 'mother' had the same problem but was a mostly comatose high level witch with a blue veil known as 'Blue-Screen-of-Death' as she had a lot of XP.
She really must have enjoyed looking at the Vista outside her home.

I think this character could really excel.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Gulthor wrote:
Zhayne wrote:
Unbegreiflich wrote:
a raging unchained barbarian android would be cool! I'll name him Win10. He got his barbarian powers when an update went awry... his 'mother' had the same problem but was a mostly comatose high level witch with a blue veil known as 'Blue-Screen-of-Death' as she had a lot of XP.
She really must have enjoyed looking at the Vista outside her home.
I think this character could really excel.

and have a great outlook!

Rogar Stonebow wrote:
Gulthor wrote:
Zhayne wrote:
Unbegreiflich wrote:
a raging unchained barbarian android would be cool! I'll name him Win10. He got his barbarian powers when an update went awry... his 'mother' had the same problem but was a mostly comatose high level witch with a blue veil known as 'Blue-Screen-of-Death' as she had a lot of XP.
She really must have enjoyed looking at the Vista outside her home.
I think this character could really excel.
and have a great outlook!

yes... but we all know he has a limited 5 yr lifespan before he has to buy a new OS... he's better off being Ubuntu from mwangi or Mint tribe from somewhere near the linorm kings...

Rogar Stonebow wrote:
Gulthor wrote:
Zhayne wrote:
Unbegreiflich wrote:
a raging unchained barbarian android would be cool! I'll name him Win10. He got his barbarian powers when an update went awry... his 'mother' had the same problem but was a mostly comatose high level witch with a blue veil known as 'Blue-Screen-of-Death' as she had a lot of XP.
She really must have enjoyed looking at the Vista outside her home.
I think this character could really excel.
and have a great outlook!

Well it does sound effective, as fatigue immunities for barbarians is hard to Access.

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