ManlyMan |
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In a Final Fantasy d20 game I rather miss, the GM gave us a selection of cheap joke items; one that got passed around a lot between the mages was a book that, once per day, let the user change a single letter in one spell they were casting, and the GM would determine the effects based on the spell's new name. Most of the time, it was just laughter-inducing stuff, nothing super serious there.
Until, that is, it actually did get serious. We were in a fight that was going a lot worse than it should have, and as it turns out, the Black Mage at the time had the book. Seeing as he had Bio as one of his spells known, I suggested that he does a little switching of B with D, and then the GM decided that we should retire the book once the fight was over.
Which we stomped afterward, unsurprisingly.

Tink_ |

Tink is preparing to animate his trusty cart as a construct to make it more durable and not need to be pulled.
This cart has survived everything so far up to our ascension to mythic in Wrath of the Righteous.
We have players actively protecting and looking after this crappy wooden cart.
It is somewhat of a mascot for the party.
There was talk of giving it an automatic crossbow and the like but it was decided it would be best to keep it as simple as possible in homage to where we all came from, where this cart was almost essential in us saving a few lives.

Jhaosmire |
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This might be my favorite thread I've found so far...
I like to balance silly with oddly practical:
Magical Hooded Lantern + Prince Nez: Looks like a lantern that does nothing, but when coupled with the glasses, works for a single player as a normal lantern. Good for sneaking.
Animated Gloves: Pretty much Dr. Strange's cloak, only in butler glove form. No magical bonuses, but let's it's bearer physically handle the incorporeal. I didn't expect my group's Monk to be able to grapple ghosts, but I love it.
Mystical Menu: A list of drinks, that when a player puts the right coins onto the right drink, the coins disappear, and a drink with mug appear seconds later. Player's figured out how to use this to send messages to the bar that fills the orders (beer means yes, wine means no, piss means anger, etc.)

Mykull |
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(1) Back in 1E, I actually witnessed a party member try to put on the Head of Vecna. Darn near bit my tongue off trying not to laugh as the player was practically salivating at the chance.
(2) Slippers of Spider Climbing are actual slippers!
(3) This was a slip of the tongue. Listing treasure the group had just acquired, instead of the Rod of Lordly Might, I accidentally said the Lord of Rodly Might. And then just moved on, not catching myself. Rachael piped up, "Ummm, and just what does the Lord of Rodly Might do?"
He became a functional golem. A fully functional golem, programmed in a variety of techniques.

Sah |
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I just remembered another one that I came up with when a player was searching a mural way too hard to find something when nothing was there.
I told him that on part of it he detected magic, strong magic, from a magical weapon of some kind. He narrowed his search and found that the sword one of the characters in the mural was wielding, was actually the blade itself embedded into the wall.
Unfortunately for him, the character in question was in the background.
And thus the +5 Plaque bane toothpick was born.

Azothath |
The Ring-er of Low Comedy. This magical ring appears valuable until donned, thereafter it seems to be made of simple twine. After 24 hours the ring provides a +4 circumstance bonus to Perform physical comedy and has no other mechanical benefit. Effects are physical such as poking the wearer in the stomach causes his tongue to stick out, pushing his tongue back in causes his ears to stick out, flattening his ears causes his belly button to protrude dramatically...

Palidian |
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I had a homebrew game where death wasn't permanent and players got rewards if I unfairly killed them (e.g. rocks fall everyone dies). So everyone jumped at the chance to trigger ridiculous traps or overpowered monsters.
Flash forward to the temple of the god of madness. Player is wandering around a library of forbidden knowledge and spots a book entitled "Everyone who reads this book dies." Immediately picks it up and opens it. Inside is a silvery paper mirror (like from a kids book) and above it are the words "Except You!" in colorful letters.

M1k31 |
I had a homebrew game where death wasn't permanent and players got rewards if I unfairly killed them (e.g. rocks fall everyone dies). So everyone jumped at the chance to trigger ridiculous traps or overpowered monsters.
Flash forward to the temple of the god of madness. Player is wandering around a library of forbidden knowledge and spots a book entitled "Everyone who reads this book dies." Immediately picks it up and opens it. Inside is a silvery paper mirror (like from a kids book) and above it are the words "Except You!" in colorful letters.
was the player immortal afterwards?