3rd level wizard challenge

Homebrew and House Rules

Ok so the scenario is you are a third level wizard in a narrow hallway your stopped at a dead end. Coming from behind you is a goblin running on the top of a large barrel marked TNT wielding a torch and a sword. You have one spell left to save your life. what spell can you cast to get yourself out of this?

Create pit, clearly. Or Pyrotechnics the torch/explosion. Wall of Horseflesh might also work. Levitate might help.

Create pit probably easiest route good call The hole is what about 10 feet deep? that should be plenty deep enough.

I like your use of mount as long as their is enough space between you and the explosion.

Pyrotechnics is a little risky.

Levitate would depend on height of ceiling but not a bad idea.

Can't remember if it's wizard or not, but create water would be a pretty simple solution.

Yeah the simpler solution the more credit you get on this one. Now you do still have to contend with the goblin after provided he doesn't break his neck or crush you with the barrel.

My character was in a similar situation in 2nd edition...only spell I had left was a cantrip

We were at the top of a tower (not are smartest move), with 3 ogres...

Cast the cantrip, form of 3 glowing balls..."this is the cantrip of Death, when the ball hits you your very flesh will melt from your body, the screams of your pain will echo for miles, your death is assured" or something like that

One moral roll later, we are safe, getting the hell out of there to rest and go back in...

Scarab Sages

GM MacShack wrote:
Can't remember if it's wizard or not, but create water would be a pretty simple solution.

It's not. To date, it remains strictly the purview of divine mages.

I did it in 1st edition at 1st level but the spell I used was move up to 2nd level in pathfinder so I figured I'd better at least leave it as an option.

The problem with your option on mine is killing the goblin just lights the barrel and the barrel blows you up. Scaring him may make him fumble the torch and its not like he could stop if he wanted too.

(also second edition cantrips are aparently op)

basically prestidigitation...just good RP forced a moral roll that they botched

Jason Wedel wrote:
basically prestidigitation...just good RP forced a moral roll that they botched

ACK I didn't edit it in time. But yeah the problem would be the goblin can't really stop since the barrel is rolling forward and hes essentially balancing on it like a log in a river.

I had to put a lot of thought into this one.

My gut reaction was: Let the barrel explode with a Scorching Ray. But given you could miss or not deal enough damage, that's far from perfect.

Summon Monster might do the trick - but you have to target carefully unless you want the monster appear behind the barrel...

Enlarge Person could work with a lot of GM fiat - the goblin gets stuck and the barrel with him. It's at least a funny picture to imagine...

Web is an option, though goblins have above-average Reflex saves. I guess the barrel would count as attended object.

Levitate might save your skin - assuming the hallway is high enough.

Charm Person might work - "jump, I'll save you friend!"

Grease on the barrel - yes, goblins have decent Reflex saves but the GM might apply a penalty under the circumstances.

Rope Trick to escape the hallway sounds good too.

Create pit only walks if the hallway is 10ft wide.

The lowly cantrip, spark.
If I have enough time to cast the spell, He is far enough away the explosion shouldn't hurt me.
I can light the barrel on fire at 30ft.
If the barrel explodes if you kill him and he drops the torch, spark should be enough to ignite the barrel and kill him far enough away.

Adhesive spittle could work
Expeditious Construction would work well, build a wall between you. He hits the wall and drops the torch. Boom.
Glue seal. It makes an object sticky. Make the Barrel sticky. Reflex save though so there is a chance.
Stone Shield.
Bungle, he should be making acrobatics checks not to fall, this basically ensures he fails his next check, falls and drops the torch blowing himself up.
Hydraulic push.
Shadow Trap
Expeditious Excavation

Eh, why does it have to be magic? Depends on the Goblin of course, but i would wager you don't let your best goblin-brother do a suicide-run.

So i assume it's a "normal" one, amybe even a crappy one.

I just use my Spear or Crossbow to kill it, hehe.

Balancing on a barrel is surely no dex to AC. Does it wear armour? It's got maybe only 6 HP.

Or i go just straight: Magic Missile. I do 2D4+2... FEAR ME.

Wait a second... is the barrel leaking something?

Also i can just let him come to me, maybe it will just fall off on the way... also unlikely that the barrel is filled with anything dangerous (does tnt even exist? - I roll knowledge to know if it is even dangerous. HA)

Monkey Fish, climb up on the ceiling and run over top of him, assuming the ceiling is high enough.
Bonus is I always take this spell when possible, for some reason, and never use it, so it will almost definitely be available

Gust of Wind would extinguish the torch and knock the goblin prone, targeting Fort instead of Reflex

Assuming that the TNT exploding = death for me since I'm in a dead end hallway, here's my solutions.

Daze - So long as the goblin is 4HD or less (and it most definitely is), if it fails a Will save it can't act next turn but keeps holding the torch. The barrel, however, should still continue rolling (inertia and whatnot) so there's no chance of the torch igniting it and blowing you up. Use your remaining action to run past the Goblin and take the Run action on your next turn before the goblin acts.

Hypnotism - Yes, the goblin has a +2 on its save vs this spell, but if it succeeds it treats you as 2 steps friendlier (indifferent) at which point you could simply say "Hey, if that barrel blows up it kills both of us. I happen to know of a small village nearby with a ton more people! Let's take it there and cause even more destruction!" Then while the goblin is all excited about blowing up bigger stuff with his death barrel you just sneak away.
Cause Fear - On a failed Will save, the <5HD Goblin runs away for 1d4 rounds as fast as he can. No longer trapped in a hallway with said goblin.
Expeditious Retreat - Cast, use Acrobatics (you put ranks in that, right?) to pass the Goblin. No way he's stopping and reversing directions that fast on that barrel.

Miserable Pity - Goblin fails a save? Can't attack you. Run away, you have 3 rounds to escape!
Hypnotic Patter - Same reasoning as Hypnotism, except the Goblin gets no save bonus and has to hit a higher DC. Plus you can Concentrate on the spell to maintain it indefinitely!
Scare - On a failed save, <6HD Goblin runs away for 3 rounds. Safe!

avr wrote:

Charm Person might work - "jump, I'll save you friend!"

Grease on the barrel - yes, goblins have decent Reflex saves but the GM might apply a penalty under the circumstances.

Rope Trick to escape the hallway sounds good too.

Charm wouldn't stop the barrel, grease wouldn't stop the barrel

Ding yelp rope trick is the way I did it. Just climb up and wait ti out goblin hits wall a barrel lights goblin and barrel explode while your in your safe space.

Summerstorm wrote:

Eh, why does it have to be magic? Depends on the Goblin of course, but i would wager you don't let your best goblin-brother do a suicide-run.

So i assume it's a "normal" one, amybe even a crappy one.

I just use my Spear or Crossbow to kill it, hehe.

Balancing on a barrel is surely no dex to AC. Does it wear armour? It's got maybe only 6 HP.

Or i go just straight: Magic Missile. I do 2D4+2... FEAR ME.

Wait a second... is the barrel leaking something?

Also i can just let him come to me, maybe it will just fall off on the way... also unlikely that the barrel is filled with anything dangerous (does tnt even exist? - I roll knowledge to know if it is even dangerous. HA)

It had to be a wizard cause that is what I was playing at the time. crossbow kills goblin but doesn't stop the barrel of tnt which may be on fire now.

Does the barrel blowing up where it is when we start the round kill us?

It was unknown to me at the time. It is a large barrel presumably full of TNT so their is a good chance. Narrow hallway at a dead end. Thats the only problem I see with the pit is it may not be deep enough to stop the full explosion. Now I was a 1st level wizard in 1st edition for 6 hp soo I had to assume barrel going off killed me goblin remaining alive would most likely kill me etc.

Rope trick got me out of it. It used to be a 1st level spell.

^Weird . . . in 1st Edition, Rope Trick was 2nd level. 2nd Edition must have done some strange things.

And yes, Rope Trick sounds like the only thing that can save you in the event that the barrel actually explodes (assuming that the explosion doesn't just follow you through the Rope Trick portal, unless Rope Trick's prohibition on area effects crossing it is actually meant to apply to everything, not just spells). If that barrel is even 1/8 full of TNT, you are going to need to be a LONG way away from it to survive the explosion. So convincing the goblin to refrain from igniting the barrel seems seems the best option.

Hmm In the version we played it was 1st. to be fair I don't remember it that clearly I was like 14 at the time which is half my life time ago. Was its 1st level in AD&D? or in some variation?

1st Edition IS AD&D. (Or Basic/Expert, etc., but those are usually considered to be separate from the AD&D/later D&D edition chain.)

Hmm maybe it was changed at some point I can almost remember looking in the book and seeing it as a 1st level spell.

Hmm also I remember sometimes spells would show up at differing levels between one book to the next assuming those were typos it may be possible that it was a typo then. occasionally would even see the same spell printed in two different spots like magic missile would be 1st and you'd also see it in 2nd level spells.

At least according to the Forgotten Realms Wiki, Rope Trick is 2nd level in 2nd Edition as well. Not sure if some of the campaign settings might have done weird things with the spell lists. A couple of other random sites pulled up on Google also list it as 2nd level.

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