Hurricane Irma (2017)

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Grand Lodge

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@ Kirth Gersen,

Hey, if my house gets flooded can I come stay with you?!

Drinking water has been off the shelves for days, even Walmart. I've stocked up on sparkling water cuz, you know, after you've opened the tops for a while, you got water. (A buddy said, 'Great idea; I'm doing that!' but I said it was too late; I got it all already.) I'm gonna cook all the stuff in my freezer so it can't go bad, hopefully.

Some friends have already left for North Carolina and Washington DC. A gaming buddy of mine may be heading for Indianapolis.
Or, @TacticsLion -- Ocala will be fine, maybe I can sleep on your couch! (My estranged brother lives in Ocala, The Shores, but you know, we're estranged.)

In our part of Florida (south of Tampa right on the Gulf; I can almost knock a golf ball from my house to the surf.) it hasn't hit yet, obviously, but it is raining every day. We struggled with some pretty bad flooding on this side of Florida when Harvey took out Kirth Gersen's old home last week. The County is having a meeting this morning. Schools are already closing.

But oddly, I sent out a text to my two gaming groups (Sat & Sun) and expressed my desire to keep the games on. One of the gamers has already cancelled; we'll see if we still get to play this weekend.

Keep sending your donations to Texas if you can, everyone, they need it badly -- but start praying to the Dice gods or whomever about us here in South Florida.

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Irma's a beast, Rovagug would be proud of its short-lived mindless spawn. 185 mph sustained winds gusting to 220+ mph and still building in strength across a 100 mile wide sustained wind core area ... er, thingie ...

They're saying Irma will be worse than Andrew in 1980. o.O

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Already is. Even if it hasn't hit Florida yet.

The pictures coming out of St. Martin and other islands are scary. As far as I can tell, no one's heard anything from Barbuda since Irma hit it last night.

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thejeff wrote:

Already is. Even if it hasn't hit Florida yet.

The pictures coming out of St. Martin and other islands are scary. As far as I can tell, no one's heard anything from Barbuda since Irma hit it last night.


Grand Lodge

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Ten years ago when I lived in Miami I was offered a position at one of the colleges on one of the islands in the Caribbean -- a colleague at the time said I was insane not to take it. But I never even considered it.

It's bad for the islanders.

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I spent some time sailing down there as a kid. Long time ago now and I doubt I'd want to go back - at least not as a more typical tourist, but these are all familiar places to me from childhood memories.

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I am considering leaving my job (LoA, or if not, just plain quitting) to go and help folk in the Caribbean. I really want to do something that makes a difference. Houston and the rest of Texas at least has some support, and gotta hand it to you Texans, you guys sure do get going when the going gets tough.

But I suspect for many of the island folks getting hit by Irma they do not have the same amount of support or safety nets.

Gorram it, here I am sitting in a nice safe, dry, warm office in Rochester, NY while people and animals are suffering, and I hate the feeling it gives me.

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GM_Beernorg wrote:

Gorram it, here I am sitting in a nice safe, dry, warm office in Rochester, NY while people and animals are suffering, and I hate the feeling it gives me.

What is your skill set? Because you honestly need to compare what you can personally do picking things up and putting them down vs working and sending a check. As a westerner in a third world country its expensive to get you in there and then you require a lot more logistical support than just hiring local.

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I am pretty good with boats, have quite a bit of practical survival skills, and from many many years of fly fishing, am very comfortable dealing with fast rushing water and dangerous debris. Also very comfortable with tools, and have some carpentry and related skills. And I know my way around a chainsaw. Also I have some first aid knowledge, though not even up to the EMT level per say.

Sad bit is, I barely make enough money to keep my house and the lights on in said house. So while I would gladly donate money, I have little to spare.

I could, though I would hesitate to do so, call on my parents, they are wealthy, and would likely fund my and my wife's basic needs if I decided to leave work and go volunteer, though I have never liked depending on them like that, and avoid it at all costs normally. Even if it makes life a good bit tougher sometimes.

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If you're seriously thinking about doing this, I'd get in touch with some of the NGOs already responding and see if they can make use of you. You'll be far more effective that way than just heading down on your own to see if you can find something to do to help.

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Good point Thejeff, I am going to do that.

Also, the reality check is appreciated as well BNW, your point is quite valid.

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The people 'round here are going into a frenzy!

For two days in a row, the trucks carrying water have sold out within five minutes of arrival, and every gas station in thirty miles (at least) is entirely pumped dry. Also something about there no longer being any canned soup.

Huh. Kind of makes me wish I was more frightened, or something. Also, it's kind of a sucky time for our periodic "restock water bottles, cans of stuff, and gas refill" to come up normally.

Oh well!

And here, I thought out "emergency" plan of "hiding in the bathroom closet" was preparing ahead...

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Seriously, don't take this lightly. You're probably out of the direct line and far enough inland, but if it does veer a bit inland and come in your direction, it's still going to be nasty. Keep an eye on the track as it gets closer.

And yeah, even up here in the north where we don't worry much about hurricanes every time I happen to be making my weekly grocery run right before some snow storm is forecast. It's like: What are all these people doing? Oh right, there's a thing.

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We're cool.

We have all the supplies we can.

We have the best plan we can.

Now is just to pray and not fear.


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Current best-guess seems to be that Miami is going to get popped square in the kisser by this weekend. IF Irma retains even category 4 when she gets there ...

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Good luck weathering the storm and then recovering, Florida. Double that for the islands in Irma's path.

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I think (hope?) that Savannah, GA will just get some wind and rain instead of a hurricane hitting us. Please be safe everyone. It appears that Miami and a few other places just rolled snake eyes. Do not take any chances.

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GM_Beernorg wrote:
I am pretty good with boats, have quite a bit of practical survival skills, and from many many years of fly fishing, am very comfortable dealing with fast rushing water and dangerous debris. Also very comfortable with tools, and have some carpentry and related skills.

That describes a good chunk of the population in these places.

And I know my way around a chainsaw.

That one varies a lot. But you and a chainsaw take gas and oil, things bound to be in short supply. If they have those things readily available, they're probably using them. Another guy with a chainsaw, not so much help. A certified chainsaw INSTRUCTOR is good, one that can speak the language would be amazing, but probably isn't neccesary. People can see what you're doing. (there's a reason agro/forestry types had the least required language proficiency and the health volunteers had the most)

(third worlders with power tools are very effective, just not very safe. Because, you know. Kevlar pants cost more than a car. But in an emergency situation effective will do.)

You need clean water. That is hard to get. Drinking the wrong water is not a stomach ache or something you can work through.

Also I have some first aid knowledge, though not even up to the EMT level per say.

If they need you as a medic they're screwed. Our first aid is based around getting someone to real doctors with real equipment and medicine in an alivish condition ASAP.


Sad bit is, I barely make enough money to keep my house and the lights on in said house. So while I would gladly donate money, I have little to spare.

You'd be surprised what even a little money can do. A dollar an hour can buy a laborer. In mauritania it was 20 bucks for a donkey. What would cheap transportation cost to get there?

.. but you never know what someone's going to need or what might be common knowledge to you that's not a thing there.

In africa the entire concept of a sharpening stone was a little foreign (as was the ensuing first aid the first time the family used knives that were relatively sharp...). They didn't think you could bust up the ground in some places with a pick... till i replaced my broken pick with a pick with a metal tang.

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~winces~ It looks like Savannah might be getting a Cat 2 hurricane on Monday. ~grimaces~ Thanks Irma.

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Barbuda and St. Martin took a direct hit from Irma. Puerto Rico took a glancing blow and lost power to a million+ people, but it's still a major problem. Hispaniola thankfully looks like it won't get a direct hit.

And Jose is following along just few days behind, likely to hit some places that are just starting to recover from Irma.

Tacticslion wrote:
...every gas station in thirty miles (at least) is entirely pumped dry.

The last couple days, any station that had gas or was expecting gas soon had a line of cars out into the street. Then when the refill tanker arrived, they often had to wait because they couldn't get into the station to deliver their load. Apparently a bunch of people would also park their car in line and just hang out it in the store. Cops have also found a few more credit card skimmers on pumps, so keep your eyes out.

I'm genuinely surprised we haven't had a single reported incident of pump rage. If I was worried about whether there was going to be enough gas for my car, and the dude in a giant Mercedes van ahead of me is filling up a half-dozen 5 gallon gas cans, I'd be fantasizing about what I might want to do to him with my tire iron. [ANGRY SWEARY RANT DELETED]

Tacticslion wrote:
Huh. Kind of makes me wish I was more frightened, or something.

Hurricanes and tornadoes don't frighten me. It's people that make me anxious and/or give me panic attacks.

Very true!

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Stay safe, WE Ray, Tacticslion, Sharoth, Odraude, Rawr!/SpaceBadger Welham and anyone else in the path.

Edit: And you too, Orthos (I think he's somewhere in Georgia).

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Trying to get my employer (who happens to have an office in Houston) to let me and some other folks go to help, it would be a good move on their part to let me (it makes them look good), but that bit is just the carrot, all I want to do is help.

But yeah, stay safe all, and good luck.

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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:

Stay safe, WE Ray, Tacticslion, Sharoth, Odraude, Rawr!/SpaceBadger Welham and anyone else in the path.

Edit: And you too, Orthos (I think he's somewhere in Georgia).

You, too, Amby!

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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Jeez everyone. Be safe.

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Savannah, GA has a mandatory evacuation at 8 AM Saturday (9-9-2017). yay?

Oof! Stay safe, my dude - your family as well!

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What are you doing, Tact? Do you still have my phone number?

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Sharoth wrote:
Savannah, GA has a mandatory evacuation at 8 AM Saturday (9-9-2017). yay?

Then I think this is one case where I'd listen to the gubment.

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
Savannah, GA has a mandatory evacuation at 8 AM Saturday (9-9-2017). yay?
Then I think this is one case where I'd listen to the gubment.

Oh, we are leaving, but it is still a cluster puck. I had planned on leaving Sunday, not Saturday.

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Sharoth wrote:
DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
Savannah, GA has a mandatory evacuation at 8 AM Saturday (9-9-2017). yay?
Then I think this is one case where I'd listen to the gubment.
Oh, we are leaving, but it is still a cluster puck. I had planned on leaving Sunday, not Saturday.

I can just imagine the cluster foxtrot that's going on now. Be safe and let us know how you're doing.

Sharoth wrote:
What are you doing, Tact? Do you still have my phone number?

Unless something changes: we are in for the haul and I've still got it! Thanks!

Traffic is... impressive, now. Had to wait an hour to go a mile, and there was a 20 car line at the gas station.

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And I mean, really: is going to the back of the line really such a horrible idea that you need to prevent traffic flow in order to cut people off? That's kind of really jerk behavior...

Also: if I am absent for a while: it's probably because O lost Internet. Again. Like earlier today!

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We're all pulling for you guys down there. Keep your heads down and stay safe!

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Tacticslion--remember that if you're exposed on the road you may be in worse danger than if you find a place to shelter in place. I would suggest making certain you know of any shelters or safe areas on your projected evacuation route in case you can't get out of the danger area.

Oh, yeah: if it's blocked, we are just staying home - there is a shelter at the Highschool, but it's not going to be much, if any, "safer" than our area. We are not going to get caught out on the road, that's for sure!

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And thank you both - you all! - for your support and advice and prayers!

Ray: how are you doing, buddy?

Grand Lodge

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I think it's going to miss us and just hit the east coast. So we'll just get lots of rain and wind (par for the course in FL).
....If it goes into the Gulf, however, it'll likely go straight up Naples--Cape Coral--Port Charlotte--Sarasota(me)--Tampa Bay. And if that happens we are going to be in really bad shape.

I think Ocala will be fine, for the most part. I'm imagining TacticsLion hunkering down at Vanguard High School, gaming with other folks that aren't feeling safe at home. ....Hey, maybe you can go to John Travolta's house! (And on that note, I'll go stay at Stephen King's house -- there's a place to play D&D while waiting out a hurricane!)

Two of my gaming buddies live in Pembroke Pines in Broward -- another in Boca Raton. I'm really worried about them. I think Irma will be another Andrew and could flatten large swaths of Dade, Broward and Palm Beach.

If it does come to us on the Gulf, maybe I'll go stay with my old gaming buddy Scott in Redmond -- he owes me after I helped him move up there when he started working at Paizo, right! ;)

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Sharoth wrote:
DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
Savannah, GA has a mandatory evacuation at 8 AM Saturday (9-9-2017). yay?
Then I think this is one case where I'd listen to the gubment.
Oh, we are leaving, but it is still a cluster puck. I had planned on leaving Sunday, not Saturday.

I'd plan to leave tomorrow if at all possible, buddy. Stay safe!

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W E Ray wrote:

I think it's going to miss us and just hit the east coast. So we'll just get lots of rain and wind (par for the course in FL).

....If it goes into the Gulf, however, it'll likely go straight up Naples--Cape Coral--Port Charlotte--Sarasota(me)--Tampa Bay. And if that happens we are going to be in really bad shape.

I think Ocala will be fine, for the most part.

That's mostly what I'm thinking, too.

W E Ray wrote:
I'm imagining TacticsLion hunkering down at Vanguard High School, gaming with other folks that aren't feeling safe at home. ....Hey, maybe you can go to John Travolta's house! (And on that note, I'll go stay at Stephen King's house -- there's a place to play D&D while waiting out a hurricane!)

Nah, I'm good. We get enough literature featuring him every Christmas that it's not really an appeal anymore, regardless of his skill at acting. King's house could be cool, though!

I feel very safe at home, though if we do end up at one of the schools, that might be a great way to pass the time - prayer, Bible recitations, and PF! Maybe even tying the latter two together for inspiration in PF games! Ooh! Or SF games! YESSSSSSS~!

W E Ray wrote:
Two of my gaming buddies live in Pembroke Pines in Broward -- another in Boca Raton. I'm really worried about them. I think Irma will be another Andrew and could flatten large swaths of Dade, Broward and Palm Beach.

It's true. These are the ones I'm really worried about - basically anywhere along the cost and toward the south.

Tornadoes can still do a number to us, of course, and flooding remains a possibility, but we're kind of on a plateau (sort of) surrounded by hills (for a given Florida-value of hills), so we're really not in the worst parts of storm country.

School has been canceled and, in an apparent miracle, I managed to top off both our cars with gas, today (though both stations I found that had fuel were quickly out of it shortly thereafter, given people kept filling more and more and more of those red jugs).

W E Ray wrote:
If it does come to us on the Gulf, maybe I'll go stay with my old gaming buddy Scott in Redmond -- he owes me after I helped him move up there when he started working at Paizo, right! ;)

Virginia? Beautiful country!

All I'm saying, though, is we do have shelters...


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I have space to put up 2 or 3 folks if they don't mind a long drive to Central Arkansas and two large dogs. My house is open if anyone needs it. I'll be away from here tomorrow for the funeral of my friend Jerry, but after that people are welcome.

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Besides the human impacts, Barbuda also has at least one endemic species of warbler. Really hoping that species survives the storm and doesn't face the same fate as the Cozumel Thrasher....

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As of an hour ago, get out of this path if you can.

Tennessee is not looking like the wisest destination at the moment. Raleigh-Durham NC or south-central VA for Georgia peeps is probably attainable. Hit the rest stops for coupon books as you cross state borders. Motel 6's generally take pets no questions asked. If you have a lot of pets, rent two adjacent rooms if at all possible.

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Watch out for those fire ant rafts!

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Talk about adding injury to well...a s+*t show, massive hurricane + angry stinging swarms (riding the gorram flooding no less)...not even Cosmo is that demented. (gotta hand it to the little buggers though, fire ants are TOUGH little suckers)

I would gladly offer up space, though I am all the way in Rochester NY. But hey, we are (aside from rust belt decay) oddly quite safe from extremes of weather. Must like cats however.

But seriously, hang on and hang in there all!

Grand Lodge

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Now that it looks like it's coming into Fl's spine, my outlook slightly changes.

If there's any good news it's that hurricanes loose tremendous power when they are above land as opposed to warm, shallow water (the Gulf).

I'm at work now, closing everything down, boarding and plastic-bagging, etc. Gotta get back soon.

But I'm honestly still not too worried. At home we've got enough water and food for a few days w/ no electricity. If Sarasota County rolls a Nat 1 on our Ref Save vs Irma we'll go ahead and fill the bathtub and our gargantuan recycle bin with water so we can still flush our toilet and maybe wash ourselves a bit when the water is turned off. But I think we can probably avoid that even with a nat 1. I'm more worried about our buildings at work.

Oh, and if you've never had to try to sleep in a house in FL with no AC in the middle of summer, well, say thanks to Sarenrae because it is miserable trying to sleep with no AC in summer in FL.

Liberty's Edge

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Stay safe, all of you

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Those in the path of this storm are in my prayers.

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