Any word on whether this is going to happen?
The Expanded Narrative boon was released for all players to download and use in this blog post; you don't need a Season 9 version.
SCPRedMage wrote: don't need a Season 9 version. Just cross through the Season 8 verbiage in the header?
Yeah, it would be nice to get confirmation from the Paizo team that you can just cross out 8 and write in 9.
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The boon says it can only be used once per season. It doesn't say you must use one labeled for the current season.
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Steven Schopmeyer wrote: The boon says it can only be used once per season. It doesn't say you must use one labeled for the current season. Someone asked Tonya a question about the Expanded Narrative Boon at GenCon, and I asked for clarification. The response was they accumulate, and dont go away (until used of course). So if I have the Season 7 Expanded Narrative Boon with 2 recharges and dont use them, then I get the Season 8 and earn 2 more, I have four recharges to use in Season 9 if I wish.
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Steven Schopmeyer wrote: The boon says it can only be used once per season. It doesn't say you must use one labeled for the current season. While it doesn't explicitly say that, sticking a big SEASON 8 label on it just rather strongly suggest it is only valid for that season and that once it is filled out you cannot fill out another of the same one.
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So all these race boons I have with previous year/season numbers on them are no longer valid?
I think the specific question was about expanded narrative, not race boons.
So since I managed to score two Expanded Narrative boons in the same season, the second one that was used in the following season is invalid? Because it was not that seasons boon? I should have traded it to someone else or taken the race boon instead?
No if not completely used then the old Expanded narrative Boons should be good.
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Steven Schopmeyer wrote: So since I managed to score two Expanded Narrative boons in the same season, the second one that was used in the following season is invalid? Because it was not that seasons boon? I should have traded it to someone else or taken the race boon instead? We're talking about the more recent version that is available to every GM, not the previous scarce one that could be won at conventions etc.
So anyway, as someone who has used up the all the replays I got from the Season 8 Expanded Narrative boon, we're thinking that I'm good to go if I just print off the Season 8 one, cross out 8 and write in 9, is that correct? If someone from Paizo could confirm this that would be great.
I don't think the season on the boon matters. The dates of the games you GM and the dates of your replays matter, not the season on the heading of the boon. I have one of the original Expanded Narratives (season 5 or 6?) that's filled in, but that I've never used. I have one from the following season that I never filled in. I can use the filled in one in season 9 to replay. After I do that, I can fill the other one, or grab a season 8 one and fill that, I just can't use it for replays until season 10.
andreww wrote: Steven Schopmeyer wrote: The boon says it can only be used once per season. It doesn't say you must use one labeled for the current season. While it doesn't explicitly say that, sticking a big SEASON 8 label on it just rather strongly suggest it is only valid for that season and that once it is filled out you cannot fill out another of the same one. I do agree with this statement. The old expanded narrative prize boons weren't season specific, just within a season. The season 8 boon clearly says season 8.... no one i know of has announced Expanded Narrative is always going to be available for free going forward...
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On the other hand, I don't intend to add further restrictions to a boon based on implied conditions.
Edit: (Although I can assure everyone that our GLORIOUS CAMPAIGN OVERLORDS are aware of the issue and it is being worked.)
You can only use one Expanded Narrative boon per season of Pathfinder Society Organized Play, and you can only “recharge” a number of replay opportunities with this boon equal to the number of GM stars you have earned.
.. flat out says you can use one per season.
BigNorseWolf wrote: .. flat out says you can use one per season. And it doesn't say each one has to be unique from the others. Otherwise those of us who got two of the same version in a year would have no use for the second one.
Again, the sheet is being worked.
Steven Schopmeyer wrote: Again, the sheet is being worked. Thanks for the heads-up, TOZ's less-sarcastic doppelganger helpful VO-person. :)
BTW, I recall Tonya being asked this explicitly at GenCon and agreeing with not-TOZ's interpretation.
Searching showed no new answer so... BUMP!
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