Hey, Homebrewers! Whatcha Working On?

Homebrew and House Rules

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I was replacing them with regular halflings.

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At the end of 2016, I wrapped up a long Freeport campaign (originally v.3.5, converted to PF halfway through) in order to start up my homebrew "Time of the Tarrasque" PF game. I will almost certainly return to the Freeport setting at some point, but it's also very likely that I will try a different system when I do--either Fantasy AGE (when the Freeport Companion for that system finally comes out) or D&D 5E.

I've touched on mixing Freeport and 5E a few times on my blog, including columns converting the pregens from Death in Freeport to that edition, and reviews of WotC's "Unearthed Arcana" series for use with Freeport. (The lastest of those blog posts, with links to the earlier ones, can be found here.)

Once I receive my copy of Green Ronin's 5E version of Book of the Righteous (which I backed on Kickstarter), I plan to write a few columns about using those gods with Freeport. The Freeport line tends to keep references to gods very generic--God of Knowledge, God of Pirates, etc.--to make it easier to use the city in other settings. I've tried a few different settings and pantheons in my own Freeport games, but next time around, I think I want a more (for lack of a better term) "pure Ronin" World of Freeport.

Unless Green Ronin beats me to it, I expect that I will eventually try converting the original Freeport Trilogy and other adventures to 5E. That's going to require rather more extensive conversion than my v.3.5 updates to the Trilogy did, so it's not a top priority just yet. My GM plate is rather full with 1. generating material for and running my Tarrasque game, and 2. improving my rules mastery of 5E by running published modules for my kids.

Working on something right now, but kinda need Blood of the Sea before I can finish it.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

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My DM converted RotRL to 5E and said it was a breeze. Maybe an hour of prep time per chapter.

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Kryzbyn wrote:
Working on a necromancy based archetype for magus. It's leaning more toward an alternate than an archetype, though.

I'm finally "done". It's here on paizo: The Bonedancer

Take look and let me know what you think (please be kind)!

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It's great. Another path is gatekeeper. They defend the world from those who gave in to mindless destruction with the same tools. An Inquisitor will often partner up with one.

Now that I have taken up a position of a nature god of Autumn, that's the kind of character I endorse. Out with the trash to make more room for new growth.

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UPDATE: I have begun the very lengthy process of making a pantheon of deities for my campaign setting. My favorite so far being the minor desert goddess Watiye, who was originally a Pharaoh but was raised to godhood when she approached the major god who had taken her country "under their guidance" and told them to leave. Basically think of Desna taking over Egypt and a Pharaoh saying "No thank you, we have our own gods to worship, so you may leave."

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Such wonderfully unique and creative ideas are sprinkled throughout this thread. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone that has taken the time to share such incredible odds and ends with the rest of us! In the spirit of sharing I will also post something of mine. This is fairly old and was part of a weekend long adventure where we got to homebrew an archetype based on a movie or comic theme. I am sure you'll all be able to guess where the seed of creativity was found for my own idea.

The Dynamo. He's a blast to play.:p I have also enabled comments if anyone feels like doing so.


Dark Archive

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I have a couple ideas in pre pre development.

Archetype for the Unchained Summoner that seeks to create a "balanced" synthesyst. It will work much like the Ectoplasmatist Spiritualist in that you get a scaling weapon, but it takes the form of natural weapons that grow out of your body. It will gain abilities based on the subtype that "gifted" the weapon.

Hybrid class that mixes the Summoner and the Vigilante. Instead of summoning beasts and monsters, you signal henchmen to pop out and perform one-off effects like Aid Another or throwing alchemical weapons. Imagine the Monarch from Venture Brothers or the Mastermind from City of Villains. It has mundane "spellcasting" that calls in fire support or last second bodyguards.

Homebrew campaign that emphasizes mounted combat. Mad Max with horses and other beasts.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

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Rosc wrote:

Homebrew campaign that emphasizes mounted combat. Mad Max with horses and other beasts.

I have something similar in my homebrew campaign. It hasn't come up yet, and it's for 5th Edition, but it's basically a post-apocalyptic Bronze Age Fury Road. A trans-continental road race with hexapod golems, undead triceratops, dire ostrich-hauled chariots, tracked juggernauts, drunken oliphants, tribes of worgriders, sidewinder nagas, neogis riding spiders of Leng, centaurs, gnolls on dire cheetahs, and landsharks.

Lots of landsharks.

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I have to find the ponyfinder thread.

I think the awakened griffons were created by Discord. Also, the awakened Owlbears, Minotaurs, and Chimera. Instead of joining him in the war against the gods of order alliance, they went their separate ways. Discord tried turning the creatures loved ones back into stoneware figurines and offering to change them back for obedience, but one griffon tried to banish him with a ritual. They slayed themselves and Discord was shocked. He left his creations alone and turned to demons and monsters as allies.

This is too dark for the show, but it should work for the game.

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bitter lily wrote:
Ancient Dragon Master wrote:
Review of headings for blue columns please

Thanks for asking! I got started on a review and realized that the headings really were a mess. So I've posted a new Excel sheet, with columns reorganized in some cases, a couple added, and all of them scrutinized for a better name. I hope that the new sheet works by itself, but just in case, I put in an explanation off to the right.

How'd I do?

Really good :) it's now 90% clear and 100% easier to read(some concepts are still hard but I have very little patience for any reading thats not a fantasy/(sometimes)Sci-Fi novel

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I'm currently working on a new plane. It's meant to be the homeplane of the dragon race, from where their race originally spread into the cosmos, and where a draconic pantheon rules.

I have already ended the gods, their realm in the plane, listed the most important places in the plane and I'm now creating a dragon blooded race and a "humanoid" dragon race.

I will be creating artifacts, unique equipments and spells related to the plane as well. But there's still a lot to do regarding the "most important places" around the plane.

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I have been homebrewing large sections of the Iron Gods adventure path, because my players are interested in playing characters who can play the technology. Almost everyone in the party loves to craft.

I had to adopt Making Craft Work and Lemmy's Custom Weapon Generation System for all the mundane special-materials crafting they did at low levels. Now that they have access to high-tech fabricators, they dabble in Fantastic Technology by Fat Goblin Games.

I found that 3rd-party material worked better than my homebrew ideas, due to a player who would argue with me if the rules were not set in stone. For example, when I told him that the most advanced native technology on Golarion was 16th century, he researched Renaissance technology invented in 1590 AD and said, "Therefore, my character can make this!" No, if a technique was known in only one tiny corner of Earth in the 16th century, then it is known only in a tiny corner of Golarion in 4714 AR, and that tiny corner is not barbaric Numeria!

At 14th level the party totally derailed the 6th module, The Divinity Drive, by bluffing that they are a repair crew trained by lost android Casandalee to help repair the crashed starship Divinity rather than fighting their way into the Divinity. I started by sending them to fight incorporeal creatures haunting the Divinity, because the robots had trouble with creatures that can be hit only with magic. Recently, I invented tools for shaping and fusing glaucite metal, and the party is repairing the hull of the Divinity. The PCs were clever enough to increase their repair speed by 50% through combining magic and technology. They keep impressing the crew of the Divinity, which helps them maintain their bluff while learning the secrets of the Divinity.

Finally, I invented a homebrew bloodrager archetype for an NPC, Val Baine, whom the party invited to join them at the beginning of the 1st module. She is a hybrid wizard/barbarian/gunslinger that I called a Savage Spellslinger. I tweaked the archetype at every level up to 9th level, but my playesting is finished and the ninth version is the final version.

Grand Lodge

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I plan on finishing up a homebrew/conversion started by the member Doomed Hero, yet who was unable to finish such for the campaign setting Midnight. In converting it over to the Pathfinder setting from D&D. He did quite a bit of work, most of it actually, so the credit to him despite what I will be doing to finish it up.

I'm just going to be finishing up that which he was unable to do, mostly that of the Channeler class, possibly with the help of a friend with more experience in homebrewing and balancing then myself.

Shadow Lodge

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Taking the modified system of leveling I was talking about earlier in this thread and finally implementing it in game. Been having a lot of positive results with at least one player actively gaining incremental pieces of their next level up about once a game. Makes all the nat 20's that show up even more exciting when they have a chance to grab a new rank up in a skill or make another step towards pulling their BAB up. Really happy it's working thus far.

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Reviewing and keying published Traits to my campaign world. I have to tweak a number to races and places in my game. Players have suggested some of the rework and given me 3 new ones that fit so well I childishly resent them. The Traits, not the players. OK, the players too!

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Bwang wrote:
Reviewing and keying published Traits to my campaign world. I have to tweak a number to races and places in my game. Players have suggested some of the rework and given me 3 new ones that fit so well I childishly resent them. The Traits, not the players. OK, the players too!

I also tweaked many of the races in my current homebrew world. For starters, the geography and history dictated changes to the bonus language lists for many of the core races, and a few had racial traits tweaked, or alternate racial traits from the ARG substituted in as the default. (For example, dwarves and orcs are native to different continents, so one of the dwarves' hated races and bonus languages was changed to Gnoll, which are local.)

My world also has all-original gods and pantheons, so I compiled a list of all the religion traits at d20pfsrd.com (which has all the Golarion IP names already stripped out), and reassigned them to my deities. That proved to be much easier than designing a bunch of new, balanced traits from scratch. :)

I'm currently working on a Demon Souls/FF:Crystal Chronicles inspired Campaign, involving a fog swallowing the land, doing strange things. It's being cobbled together only a session or two in advance of the players. It's heavily focused on the tragedies occurring and the aftermath of them along with some classical gothic inspiration from Dracula and the like.

One I'm kind of proud of is the collapse of part of a city several years back, which caused a flood of homeless and eventually banditry. Political maneuvering involving businesses damaged by the collapse eventually sparked a serial killer.

Scarab Sages

Tim Emrick wrote:
Bwang wrote:
Reviewing and keying published Traits to my campaign world. I have to tweak a number to races and places in my game. Players have suggested some of the rework and given me 3 new ones that fit so well I childishly resent them. The Traits, not the players. OK, the players too!

I also tweaked many of the races in my current homebrew world. For starters, the geography and history dictated changes to the bonus language lists for many of the core races, and a few had racial traits tweaked, or alternate racial traits from the ARG substituted in as the default. (For example, dwarves and orcs are native to different continents, so one of the dwarves' hated races and bonus languages was changed to Gnoll, which are local.)

My world also has all-original gods and pantheons, so I compiled a list of all the religion traits at d20pfsrd.com (which has all the Golarion IP names already stripped out), and reassigned them to my deities. That proved to be much easier than designing a bunch of new, balanced traits from scratch. :)

That is a good idea

I'm hoping to somehow find the motivation and energy to make a lot of content for Starfinder.

I'm not betting on it. :I

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  • Constantly tweaking my meta-campaign setting--a lot like SaGa 2 with a vastly-reimagined metaphysics. Gives me an excuse to just drop in random modules and ideas in an episodic fashion since the central tower connects essentially all imaginable campaign settings. One of these days I'll run a campaign long enough to finish the first, ah, adventure path for it. : ) (And hey, I know what happened to Aroden--at least in my setting!)
  • Double-divine version of mystic theurge. Having the same issues most prestige class authors have in making it exciting enough to be of interest without overshadowing the single-class benefits.
  • Oracle-witch hybrid class: the harbinger. This one's coming along much better.
  • Assorted magic items, notably robe of the archmagi/robe of the resplendent thespian analogues for other classes/character types. Currently working on one for characters with an auto-resurrect/cheat death mechanic that redirects said mechanic to a in-place rebirth akin to a phoenix. These things are kind of hard to price!

Umbral Reaver wrote:

I'm hoping to somehow find the motivation and energy to make a lot of content for Starfinder.

I'm not betting on it. :I

Yeah: I feel like I've got ideas, I just can't figure out what's great-enough about them to write them up.

My problem isn't the figuring out. It's the constant weight of depression and chronic illness.

Umbral Reaver wrote:
My problem isn't the figuring out. It's the constant weight of depression and chronic illness.

I'm sorry to hear that. :( It's annoying to want to have ideas but having none. I can't imagine what it's like to have them but simply be unable to put them down.

Umbral Reaver wrote:
My problem isn't the figuring out. It's the constant weight of depression and chronic illness.

I know how you feel. I deal with both. It's hard to function most days so I just sit here at the computer all the time.

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Origami Dog wrote:

I'm currently working on a Demon Souls/FF:Crystal Chronicles inspired Campaign, involving a fog swallowing the land, doing strange things. It's being cobbled together only a session or two in advance of the players. It's heavily focused on the tragedies occurring and the aftermath of them along with some classical gothic inspiration from Dracula and the like.

One I'm kind of proud of is the collapse of part of a city several years back, which caused a flood of homeless and eventually banditry. Political maneuvering involving businesses damaged by the collapse eventually sparked a serial killer.

Sounds like Haven. With the troubles, the houses collapsing, and unfortunate powers like being a bullet magnet or having no sense of touch.

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blahpers wrote:
  • Constantly tweaking my meta-campaign setting--a lot like SaGa 2 with a vastly-reimagined metaphysics. Gives me an excuse to just drop in random modules and ideas in an episodic fashion since the central tower connects essentially all imaginable campaign settings. One of these days I'll run a campaign long enough to finish the first, ah, adventure path for it. : ) (And hey, I know what happened to Aroden--at least in my setting!)
  • Double-divine version of mystic theurge. Having the same issues most prestige class authors have in making it exciting enough to be of interest without overshadowing the single-class benefits.
  • Oracle-witch hybrid class: the harbinger. This one's coming along much better.
  • Assorted magic items, notably robe of the archmagi/robe of the resplendent thespian analogues for other classes/character types. Currently working on one for characters with an auto-resurrect/cheat death mechanic that redirects said mechanic to a in-place rebirth akin to a phoenix. These things are kind of hard to price!

Used to be a cloak of the phoenix that did that. You could have a Pin made of Phoenix down, that does that once. It's a feather token that activates upon the death of the wearer. Phoenixes shed this stuff when their adult feathers come in. Is that how Dumbledore lived so long?

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

Still working on vScape Roleplaying Game.

I tried to take an initial approach of building out the basic rules for the game and then adding more content in modular parts. This way, I can build out the game piece by piece with solid work supporting each other. However, my players got so excited by the setting and the previous draft's playtests that they all started requesting/begging me to make special rules and content. Now I have to make rules for vehicles, mechs, Metroid-like power armor...the simplest request being a cardslinging weapon or option.

So much for that plan.

I've got a whole slew of custom spells I've been brewing up over the past year or so! I've tried to include just about every class in there to some degree. I have also been putting together a few new base classes.

I've also been working on new class archetypes, new prestige classes, expanded feats, new class features - such as bardic masterpieces - new equipment, including weapons and special non-magical weapon properties, and even a new race.

There have been a few other things sprinkled about in there as well. I just need to find a place to put all of this so others can see it.

Gremlington wrote:

I've got a whole slew of custom spells I've been brewing up over the past year or so! I've tried to include just about every class in there to some degree. I have also been putting together a few new base classes.

I've also been working on new class archetypes, new prestige classes, expanded feats, new class features - such as bardic masterpieces - new equipment, including weapons and special non-magical weapon properties, and even a new race.

There have been a few other things sprinkled about in there as well. I just need to find a place to put all of this so others can see it.

I've started my 100+ Spells From the Lost Spellbooks topic. Once there are enough spells in it, GMs can roll up random spells to give NPC casters, found spellbooks, and scrolls.

Link to 100+ Spells From the Lost Spellbooks


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