2017 PaizoCon Bloggery now with Starfinder

Pathfinder Society

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Dark Archive 4/5 5/5 ****

Leg o' Lamb wrote:
MisterSlanky wrote:
I feel better now...
As do I.

That could be the Whiskey talking.

Lone Shark Games

cartmanbeck wrote:

The announcement of no new base set for the card game has rightfully disappointed some people, but I'd like to throw my confidence hat at Vic, Mike and Keith. They know what they are doing and will produce an excellent product for us to spend all our money on. I've been part of the conversations about what direction the base sets could possibly take in the future, and what Vic said at the podium and at our table made me extremely excited about the future of the game.

Very excited to hear that some of my work on the goblins scenarios last year is making its way in some form to the digital version of the PACG. :-D

I was also honored to have Mike sit at my Kobolds table and enjoy playing through a scenario with us. He seemed to genuinely have a great time just playing with fans of his game, which I very much appreciate from someone who has to play and think about the game all the time. I don't know how he doesn't get tired of it LOL.

I would rewrite that as "The lack of an announcement of a new base set" rather than "The announcement of no new base set." That is, it's not that we aren't planning such a thing, it's that we were not ready to announce what that thing is in May 2017.

And Tyler, I don't get tired of it because, in my unbiased opinion, it's a really fun game.

Dark Archive 5/5 5/5

There is no reason on this green earth I should be awake right now. I blame the rooster we can hear from our room.

Grand Lodge 2/5

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Where to begin regarding my first PaizonCon? The amazing and cool encounters with some of the luminaries of the Paizo solar system? The games I ran and attended with great players and awesome organizers? The openness, friendliness, and welcoming atmosphere?

Naw – I’ll start with the one and only minor and personal blemish on the weekend so far. As it happens, I had a ticket to the banquet, but starting feeling nauseous shortly beforehand. I found a quiet spot for a while, but that didn’t help, and finally made the decision to give my ticket away to a friend and drive home (I live about 20 minutes away.) Sounds like everyone had fun, and now after a light supper, an early bedtime, and 10 hours of sleep – I feel much, much better! So, back to PaizoCon! Yeah!

I’ve been playing PFS for just a couple years, and I’ve heard of, and read posts by, so many of the rock stars of the Paizo and forum communities. In just the first 2 days I:
- Got help looking for a product in the Paizo store from Jason Buhlman.
- Had Mark Seifter swing by my table twice – at the exact same point in the scenario both days.
- Chatted briefly with Owen K.C. Stephens
- Played ACG as a team of kobolds with Mike Selinker, Painlord, Pirate Rob, and Preston Hudson at a table run by the very talented Tyler Beck
- Met “the” Hilary Moon-Murphy and chatted with her about getting started in PbP

So, here it is, Sunday morning, and I’m relaxing at home before heading back in for a couple seminars and then running a table at the Special. So far I’ve run two sessions of Treacherous Waves, and both times the players have been so much fun. It’s a great scenario, with a good investigation and some other fun bits, too. The first table finished nearly an hour early, and although the second table was slower, it went just as well. One player needed a pregen, and didn’t really care what he played. I suggested the Investigator, and he really took to it, and the character was very useful in that kind of environment (the investigation of course, not the Plane of Water so much.) It can be a bit daunting being a lowly 1-star GM running a table with a pair of 5-stars, but I do really appreciate the positive feedback from Tony and Dorothy afterwards.

And that brings me to my last point. How pleasant and friendly everyone has been. Absolutely without exception – period. I’ve not had a single bad encounter with anyone. The staff has been working how many days and weeks of extra-long hours getting ready for this? Attendees have traveled from all parts of the world and are jet-lagged, off-kilter, and having to eat weird food (sorry, Tineke). The poor hotel staff is putting up with us thru all hours of the day and night. And yet, we are not merely being civil, not merely polite; but friendly, welcoming, positive, and happy. What a great community!

4/5 5/55/55/5 **** Venture-Lieutenant, Minnesota—Minneapolis

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Leg o' Lamb wrote:
There is no reason on this green earth I should be awake right now. I blame the rooster we can hear from our room.

Thundercock woke you?

The Exchange 3/5

+1 for Tineke for getting most of the questions down from the trivia contest.
+1 for morning existing.
+1 for being so weirdly exhausted and tired last night that, in my dream, I was sad that I knew I could never reproduce the beauty of in real life, and was *really* sad about it. In my dream, I knew it was a dream and am sad that the music will never know another ear.
+1 My friends Andi and Gabrielle getting me morning coffee

I've asked a LOT of people to blog about the Starfinder stuff today and hopefully a few of them will.

** RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Was warned there would not be enough sleep at PaizoCon but I didn't really believe it. Woke up after too little sleep with the urge to kill. So went hunting for Curaigh. Fortunately for him (but not his game), I got distracted by what I think was the first Starfinder delve I think I'll get into the second game once Jason Keeley kills this first group of victims.

Met Jeff Lee and Neil Spicer while I was waiting, two people very responsible for my being here.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE someone ask if they're going to offer a Starfinder subscription service. Also, please ask if space dwarves still have Scottish accents. :)

3/5 5/55/55/55/5 *** Contributor

My PaizoCon games have all been outstanding. This morning was We Be Leshys with the delightful Mike Welham. Al, Dennis, Joseph, and Lucas were also playing. It started at 9, and with that extra hour to sleep in, everyone was energetic and got really into character. It turns out that some leshys are not averse to casting fireball. We even finished a little early, so I have time to get lunch before my afternoon game!

The Exchange 3/5

Aaron Scott 139 wrote:
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE someone ask if they're going to offer a Starfinder subscription service. Also, please ask if space dwarves still have Scottish accents. :)

Wow. Huh. I think the 2nd question is much more important than the first, but I hope both get answered. This is serious.

* * *

This morning I failed to sneak a seat the ACG Finals (but Pirate Rob's team won, so good on him) and escaped to my usual happy default: a good breakfast. Ate and chatted with GM Motteditor (it's his first PCon).

Then came back to the ACG tables to re-play two of the ACG Mummy Mask guild scenarios. At 1pm, I have a Legendary Planet game with Al Rigg and more loons and goons than you can shake a stick at. I'll post about that...i have no idea what to expect.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

13 people marked this as a favorite.
Aaron Scott 139 wrote:
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE someone ask if they're going to offer a Starfinder subscription service. Also, please ask if space dwarves still have Scottish accents. :)

Yes and yes. Though it sounds like the dwarves can have other accents too. For more notes, see below.

My PSA table fell through, and so I spent time talking with the lovely VC David Montgomery whose table of ACG also fell through. We had a great talk about diversity while I madly drew maps. HQ had asked me to cover quests in lieu of my PSA table, but then David M very kindly went up to HQ and offered to take quests for me so that HQ could release me so that I could go sneak into the Starfinder Q&A panel.

If you like these notes, tell David Montgomery that he's a steely eyed missile man and an all around awesome human being.


Hmm's STARFINDER Q&A Notes -- Sunday 10-11

Full Team: James Sutter, Robert McCreary, Owen K.C. Stephens, Jason Keely, Amanda Hamon Kunz

Under the instruction of James & Owen, the whole group was trained to shout, “HI ROB! HI AMANDA!” for when those two staff members came back from the Delve. We all did it along with a group wave, because we are mischievous loons.

What are the most significant changes between Starfinder & Pathfinder?

James: There’s an in-depth panel on this tomorrow so we’re not going to take all the time on it here. Instead, we’ll give you the precis.

Owen: If Pathfinder is a 10 in total complexity, and Beginner Box is a One, we’re aiming for a 6. Trying to reduce the complexity while keeping the customization. The themes and archetypes can be applied to any character class. Our core philisophy is to make blocks as applicable as possible to as many different types, so that it is easier to learn and create.

Some skills are merged, like ride and survival, because it is unlikely that you will need to ride your horse often in Starfinder.

James: Ooh! Here’s a fun change. AC has been split between Energy and Kinetic Armor Class. Bullets go against kinetic, lasers against energy.

Will there be body slots for Cybernetics? How will they work? Can you have a magical head item and a cybernetic head item at the same time?

Amanda: “Body Slots” have been shifted to “Body Systems.’ We will have 7-8 body systems for Core. It doesn’t matter if its magic or cybernetic, you can plug only one thing into your eyes, for example. There is room for new body systems and biotech as more books come out. Who knows? Maybe you can have a kidney body system in a later book.

Some of the modifications you can get: There will be necromantic slots where you can get undead body parts; biotech that is gen-engineered or pulled in from other creatures like dragons; and cybernetic creations.

Will all these implants require surgery?

Owen: Yes! You must undergo the pain of the Knife!

Amanda: For most of them, the surgery will be part of the cost. If you buy implants, the person you buy them from will install them in you.

Kobold Cleaver: Will there be kobolds in space?

James: Total kobold fan, but we haven’t figured out where they fit in our world yet.

Owen: Kobolds in space. Yes. Just not immediately.

What about the Gap? Why have it?

James and Owen: This is a cool trope, but we wanted it to be the same universe as Pathfinder and didn’t want to spoil things for the new players. We wanted mysteries. All the old gods are there, but not all of them have made their way into the core rulebook.

If we have computers that can look up everything, why do we need knowledge on the players?

James: There will be localized infospheres on different planets or in different star systems or regions, but no universe-wide internet.

Owen: The infospheres will sometimes have flawed information, or no information on a given subject.

Amanda: Even when using a computer to research, you will need to make a computer check, use good search terms, and think things through. Knowing something about the subject that you are looking for can help you find what you’re looking for.

Are there Clerics in Starfinder?

Amanda: Sort of. We have the Mystic, and there are other options.

James: We removed the differences between arcane and divine magic. Mystics are intuitive casters, technomancers are hackers of reality and physics.

Jason: We have a priest theme so everyone can be a priest in Starfinder, even if they’re a mechanic.

What about Gods outside the Core Twenty?

Owen: Cayden may be passed out on Shelyn's lawn. Torag is MISSING. Rovagug is gone, because the planet he is imprisoned within is missing.

Not all races view the gods the same way. Pharasma is worshipped in every race because death is universal, but she may have different names. Space squids will worship a squid-Pharasma.

Are there still Combat Maneuvers?

Owen and James: Combat maneuvers exist, but there is no CMD or CMB in Starfinder. We simplified the system. You just make an attack roll. If you make your roll of Bullrush of Attack Roll+X, you make it.

How do the phases in Starship Combat work?

Jason describes the engineering, helm and gunnery phases of combat. All damage is applied simultaneously. Captains can act in any phase to encourage the crew.

Tell us about the Kasatha. They’re barbarians. How did they get into space?

James: Pathfinder Kasatha were taken away from their home planet and dumped on Golarian.

Starfinder Kasatha on the other hand, built their own gigantic generation ship, the Idari, and traveled from Kasath on the word of the Witch Wyrds, but they could not colonize Akiton, so they settled into the Pact Worlds.

Differences between AI Systems and Androids?

James: AIs don’t have a soul. They are extremely well-programmed machines that have an artificial personality. Androids do have souls. You can be reincarnated as one.

Owen: That said, there are bigots and misinformed people in the universe who cannot tell the difference.

Tell us about Fluff

James: We decided to include setting right in the core rulebook. There is fluff everywhere.

Are there things for Starfinder that you are considering to integrate into Pathfinder?

Jason: We have a lazy conversion chapter for people who want to use Pathfinder classes in Starfinder.

Owen: There is nothing announced about taking Starfinder elements for Pathfinder, but if people want to use some of the Starfinder rules in their Pathfinder home games feel free.

James: We tried to make it easier for completely new people who have never played roleplaying games to join in. Amanda did a great job trying to make it easy for people to just read the book, even if they never played before.

Amanda: We stress tested this with people who have never played roleplaying games, and had them try to figure out how to play.

Hmm: Will racial stat arrays make it hard to play some classes? Will you be forced to play a race if you want to be good at a class?

Owen. No, we’ve made it possible for every race (at level one) to play every class.

Hmm's reaction: SQUEEEEEEE! Okay, I'm done now.

Is FTL magical?

Jason. The Rift can be only entered with technology.
James. Because the God of machines says so.
Owen. Which makes it magical?

Bret: Anything preventing magical creatures from gearing up and going into space?

Jason: Nope. We have Reactor Sprites coming up in the Free RPG day bestiary, Alien Archive!

The Exchange 3/5

Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:
Hmm's STARFINDER Q&A Notes -- Sunday 10-11

Holy piddlespot. Thanks, Hmm. You even formatted. Your post classes up our thread.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/5 **

Posting up a quick update since I haven't yet.

Spent my morning with Amber Scott getting immersed in the Aethera setting. The early morning was getting to all of us, but we had a great time anyway. I'm excited to take a look at more of that soon and to talk to Amber more and see the upcoming APs she's working on.

Now sitting down for Legendary Planet with a bunch of great people.

Wait, neither of those are PFS...

Uhhh... Solstice Star is tonight!

Dark Archive 5/5 5/5

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It is Origami Swan time. Only twenty some odd to go.

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Can anyone give updates from the PACG panel which was held at noon PST today? Especially, any insight into future plans.

Please and thank you.

I did see the news from the banquet that Paizo is rethinking the line, trying to focus on accessibility, story & price, and is targeting the next set for GenCon 2018 or later.

Scarab Sages 5/5 5/5 **** Venture-Captain, Washington—Spokane

The banquet was awesome, had a great time with the group I sat with at the table with Scott Keim as our Paizo representative. Some great reveals of upcoming Pathfinder hardcovers, Adventure Paths, miniatures, Organized Play, Starfinder, and much more. VL David Jacobson received the 2017 Volunteer of the Year award for his work with the Adventure Card Game. I have had the privilege of seeing his work first hand and this was a well deserved award. Congratulations again David!! Didn't stay for the trivia but I was ok with that one.

Well this morning was a different change of pace. I was originally scheduled to run Season of Plundered Tombs scenarios but was involved in the ACG Open final where, by a difference of 10 points, the team of The Corsairs won the Open. Towards the end of the session, I was able to play in a short, not complete game of Wrath of the Righteous. Decided that I would spend the afternoon taking a final read through on the special tonight.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/5 ****

So, as we are playing The Thanex Caper, we realize that under Painlord's guidance, we have gone the Pathfinder route, and our caper has turned into a crash and burn. No survivors seems to be the operative call.

Are we entertained? Absolutely.
Are we going to survive?
Hells no!


Went to the rules Q&A, where we talked a lot about the upcoming Shifter class. Sounds very much like a druid/fighter that drops casting entirely. I heard the term "chimeric form" as an ability for fusing multiple animal aspects.

I also may have gotten some commitment from JB to finally slot in burrow rules.

Followed that with the AG Q&A. JC said he had a dev pass before it was sent to the printer, so "very permissive AR" anticipated. Negative response generally about the topic of psychic signifers and adjusting Warrior Priest for warpriest signifers. "Prestige classes are defined, in part, by what they aren't.". Also "warpriest vs cleric" for signifer and ensuring that cleric gets some things that warpriest can't was a balance concern.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber
Aaron Scott 139 wrote:
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE someone ask if they're going to offer a Starfinder subscription service. Also, please ask if space dwarves still have Scottish accents. :)

Based on Crystal Frasier's portrayal of their computer system, at least their AIs have rich accents.

4/5 *

Nomadical" wrote:
- Had Mark Seifter swing by my table twice – at the exact same point in the scenario both days.

Me too! And both times an Oloch pregen was sitting in the same seat.

4/5 ****

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Based on Crystal Frasier's presentation everything has rich accents.

Her flavor is amazing.

Shadow Lodge 5/5

Jack Brown wrote:
Leg o' Lamb wrote:
MisterSlanky wrote:
I feel better now...
As do I.
That could be the Whiskey talking.

On second second thought after further explanation I am quickly returning my opinion back to where I was.

I'm extremely skeptical.

4/5 ****

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Played an entire offcon slot at a table next to lamplighter before I realized who he was.

Did I mention I'm super bad with names and such.

I claimed we had not met but he corrected me pointing out the table he ran for myself and Mattastrophic at PaizoCon 2012.

Amazingly I actually had a picture of that very table from blogging that event 5 years ago.

Boy that sure brought back memories.

I have now had a lesiurely dinner off site and am hanging out near the barmentally preparing myself for tonights special.

Scarab Sages 2/5 5/55/55/55/5

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Played a great game of Aethera with Kate Baker and Owenstreetpress, brilliantly run by Lamplighter. Much fun was had, but I may not be allowed to babysit anytime soon.

Got to meet Mikko as well. Has been a great con!

4/5 ****

I spotted a wild blazej. He escaped though :[

Grand Lodge 4/5

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Phoenix Comicon has ended. I hope to be able to leave the lodge in capable hands next year and come see Seattle again.


Society Q&A had some great info about Starfinder, including two new factions: acquisatives, who started as mercs and came to like the personal enrichment that came from the society, and second seekers, a temporary faction to support the elected first seeker's agenda.

PFS factions had some interesting discussion. I'm strongly anti-faction and asked a lot about the possibility of factions failing in S9. While it doesn't seem likely, the general attitude is that they will develop based on the reporting check boxes. Fill those puppies out!. I'd like to see S9 cause a significant shake up on factions and that is only possible if we report their results. Death to the Andoran and Taldan dogs!

Grand Lodge 5/5

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Pirate Rob wrote:
I spotted a wild blazej. He escaped though :[

I too spotted a wild Blazej today. He was in Todd Stewart's midday run of Felicar's Whirlpool. This was SO good! I didn't get a chance to talk to the wild Blazej, though, before we were both on our way to our next events.

Tonight, I have some small hope of finding a card game that is in need of players.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber

8-99 The Solstice Scar is starting.

Grand Lodge 4/5

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Pathfinder LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber

Jon Denning created some wonderful props for the house to use. It enhances the experience for the players. Thanks, Jon!

He folded paper swans out if the handouts for each of the tables, so they would have actual origami messages.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ***

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Andrew Hoskins wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

*takes notes for when I run it in the future*

The Exchange 3/5

Jack Brown wrote:

What a day!

First, marvel heroes in Pathfinder with Mark Moreland (we posted a lot of pics from that one)!

A totally enjoyable game with mister slanky doing what he does, with Tineke, Pirate Rob, Kevin Willis among others. We saved those wayangs (however you pronounce the race's name)

Then, met up with Andy Christian and the mustering line. Thorval son of Thorval son of Thorval... and his Cardinal tengu met up for the first time since last year in order to race n Sargava. Thank you David Montgomery for making it a great experience in spite of some difficulty

No just chilling a bit before i see what the other Yahoo!'s are doing.

How many Thorval son of Thorval son of Thorval son of Thorval does it take to get from PFS to SFS?


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Special is awesome so far.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/5 RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 8

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HQ update! Got a lot of work done for GenCon this year. Evergreen boxes done, pregen binders updated and catalogued, and with enough time to take a well deserved midday break!

Half of us headed to the open play area to demo Glav's Shadowrun Missions that will debuting at GenCon while the rest headed to the pool for a sunbath. Kigvan and company decided that poolside Pathfinder is a thing, and Treacherous Waves was the perfect game to play.

After an afternoon chasing red herrings, it was time to set up the special. We started off well. All the tables prepped, GMs arriving early, muster boards ready to go. Then came pre-mustered tables. Let me tell you something about those. They are a *pain* for HQ to handle.

That's where players form a party before the game and pick a GM. The problem arises with tables not having enough players. Tables not having tickets. And people cutting the line for preferential treatment.

Toss about 15 of those into the mix--most of them 5 minutes before doors open and we have a fly in the ointment. All that said, everyone (ticketed and non) was seated 10 minutes after the slot began; no one was turned away.

At about the halfway mark here, our fellow Pathfinders have entered dangerous territory and are under attack! Let's hope they make it through in time!

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

Andrew Hoskins wrote:

Jon Denning created some wonderful props for the house to use. It enhances the experience for the players. Thanks, Jon!

** spoiler omitted **

and cries from the crowd of "Brown-noser" and "Teacher's Pet" abound :-P


Serisan wrote:
Special is awesome so far.

Amendment: good, but too many things. 10-11 tier could barely keep up, if at all.

Scarab Sages 5/5 5/5 *** Venture-Captain, Netherlands

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much bloggery to do, so little time.

So up way to early. Quick breakfast. Line is long, but contains a HMM. So that made everything better.

Set up and scarfed down breakfast. Ran another swell table of house of harmonius wisdom. This one had a few close moments, but a good time was had by all.
I do have to say that putting House in a five hour slot when due to it containing five quests, is supposed to last 5 hours anyway is a bad fit. It means a lot of rushing.

As my midday slot started at 2, I had time tongo for lunch. I ran into Andrew Hoskin again. Such a lovely guy. Great hugger. He had Rknop with him. Which was exelent. Not only did I want to meet Rob, as I also shared my midday game with him.
We had a good lunch at mango thai. Had a great conversation. Also bumped into HMM again. Rob is maximum nice guy.

My midday slot was Metal Gol. A planescape game run by Jessica Redekop. It was epic to the max. The whole game was one big pun on Metal Gear Solid. I wont spoil anything because Jessica promised to run it agwin next year. Just take it from me, that it is fantastic. I laughed my butt off.
Jessica is a wonderfull GM. Play a game with her if you get the chance.

After Metal Gol I doubted to take a quick nap. But with an hour and a half before the special and still needing food, I opted against it. Instead I went over to the shop to talk a bit with Remco Troost again. We taught some more people to say stroopwafel.

Scarab Sages 5/5 5/5 *** Venture-Captain, Netherlands

So now its my time to give back and sit in on a 5 star qualifier.
The table had a bump with mustering and now we are 7 at the table. I am playing with:
Jack Brown, Keith Apperson, Therry tennant, Earl Gessner, Brent Strom. And Mr.Slanky

It start off swell with innocent exhibits getting charged.
Out GM is now caressing a mini.
I should have died but got saved by boxtekst.
Chaos. Its our own fault.
We do stupid things but it works out fine.
And we finish the final fight with just seconds before the end of the special.
It was awesome.

But i stayed too long talking to people and now I have to go to bed as I gotta be a leshy tomorrow.

Dark Archive 5/5 5/5

It is the time of the night when I have exercised the golden pipes: "Going off the rails on the crazy train."

Scarab Sages 2/5 5/55/55/55/5

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And back to Houston for me. Thanks to all the many friendly folk at Paizocon! You made my first one a great one.

Scarab Sages 5/5 5/5 *** Venture-Captain, Netherlands

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Wohoo! I am going to be a leshy this morning!

Ladies at the little kiosk are absoluut champs again.
It is notecably quiter. The realisation that paizocon is going to end is setting in. I dont want it to end.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

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D'oh! I never managed to meet Belabras! He told me a spot where he'd be, but I was embedded in shepherding some pathfinders through their confirmation at the time.

Anybody I haven't met, I'm currently (8:30 AM) at Table 8, which no longer has its number, but is the second table back from HQ, on the side close to the doors, in the PFS room. I'll be here until at least 9AM. I was set to run Honor's Echo (one of at least 3 tables), but only 1 table mustered, which is running right next to me. I'm hanging out in case there are some latecomers who want to run a few quests.

Yesterday afternoon, I played a second Planescape game (which also had Metal Gear Solid inspiration that was mostly lost on me, as I have not played that game) with Jessica Redekop, who (as Woran mentioned above) is an excellent GM.

Lunch with Tineke and Andrew H. was very jolly (complete with visits from Hmm and Andy Christian). It was at the Thai place whose name I forget, and was hands down the best food I've had all con. (Everything else being, you know, either Denny's, or that fancy French restaurant, Jaques Dans La Boite.) Tineke and I were both in the Planescaep game, and our choice of lunch restaurant meant that we were a bit late showing up to the table. Fortunately, Jess had heard from both of us before and knew we were both planning on being there, so there wasn't panic. (Or at least, if there was, we saw no evidence of it.)

Special was epic. As always happens during specials I've GMed at PaizoCon, my voice was completely shot before the end. The PFS room is always loud, but it's louder during a special. The crowd applauded when Ambrus Valsin [redacted] to [redacted], unsurprisingly. It was quite amusing. (Indeed, there's a very amusing phrase in the intro letter you get as the scenario starts.)

I did get caught being bad, though.... About 40ish minutes before the room opened, Tonya dropped by my table and said something like "Rob, what's this I hear about you pre-mustering a table?" Uh-oh! Mom caught me! Wait, was what I was doing naughty? She explained that it really wasn't fair to allow people to choose their GM ahead of time if the folks who'd been waiting in line for over an hour didn't have the same opportunity -- which is reasonable. If I was still available when the group showed up, they could go with me. (They did show up, but I had one at my table, and also I was assigned to a different subtier from what the group was going to run, and I didn't want to potentially throw any more wrenches in mustering; also I had a person at my table already.) Then, about 10 minutes later, Tonya made an announcement to all the GMs that pre-mustered tables wouldn't go, unless the person happened to be available as part of the normal mustering process. To be fair, they'd have to open the option to everybody, and that would require way too much chaos for the mustering HQ folks. At that point, I realized that either a few other GMs tried to the same thing... or, every other GM in the room was at that moment thinking, "Geez, who was the jackass?" I'M SORRY MOM! I'LL TRY TO BE GOOD IN THE FUTURE!

The good news is, the six folks who were going to play with me ended up at Lamplighter's table, so they got an upgrade. And, I had a very fun group at my table playing in the 1-2 subtier, including four folks with four-digit PFS numbers (which means something), and, believe it or not, somebody who graduated from Harvey Mudd college. Yes, like me. Those aren't people you run into all that often, what with there having been something like 120 students in my 1990 graduating class. I also had the honor of having Diego Valdez from customer support at my table, who is a very nice guy, even if he does spray everybody with high-pressure jets of water all the time....

After a luxurious four hours of sleep (ahem), I got up, tried out the voice, tried out the back, and found them all wanting. Figured out how to stand up and kind of talk, went downstairs.

Later today is a post-con game of Treacherous Waves (if memory serves) with Elizabeth Corrigan, assuming I can figure out where the game is happening.

Tomorrow morning a bit too early is a flight out and many hours sitting in an airpane seat designed for somebody who both has a smaller frame than me, and who has less meat on his frame than I do....

Liberty's Edge 5/5

Tineke Bolleman wrote:

Wohoo! I am going to be a leshy this morning!

Ladies at the little kiosk are absoluut champs again.
It is notecably quiter. The realisation that paizocon is going to end is setting in. I dont want it to end.

Yes, it is always sad when it happens. Esp. if you're never sure if finances will allow attending next year.

The Exchange 3/5

Double Sekrit Spoiler @rknop:
Dude, thanks for your posts. I saw about a billion times this weekend, but was always going another way or you were busy doing you cool stuff that I didn't want to interrupt. Sorry I didn't come shake your hand.

You're good and our community is lucky to have you.

Tineke Bolleman wrote:
It is notecably quieter. The realisation that paizocon is going to end is setting in. I dont want it to end.

Heck, I'm already at the airport. :(. It's not just over, it's having to deal with 'airport security over', which one of the worst kinds of over because you know that there are many other people still having fun today but I'm waiting in lines and going away from the fun.

You and GM Hmm were two of my best new meets this weekend. Thanks for being awesome and enthusiastic every time we chatted. In fact, you and Therry were on fire, having fun, and making the best of things every time I saw you.

4/5 ****

There is definitely still fun being had.

I'm going to try and make the hmm/ironhelix seminar at 10am so I can finally learn how to run a pbp that doesn't suck.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So I played the all PbP table of the special -- our group was Khelreddin, Khelreddin's son Simon, Pirate Rob, Bret, Feral and me. Our GM was GM Lamplighter, and he knocked it out of the park.

Kudos to Andrew Hoskins for creating a wonderful special.


Tineke Bolleman wrote:

Wohoo! I am going to be a leshy this morning!

Ladies at the little kiosk are absoluut champs again.
It is notecably quiter. The realisation that paizocon is going to end is setting in. I dont want it to end.

So, for those of you who are here Monday:

I want to either tour Seattle with some fun people (or have a great pick-up game if no one is interested in touring Seattle's underground or seeing Pike's Place.)

Who else is interested?

Pirate Rob wrote:

There is definitely still fun being had.

I'm going to try and make the hmm/ironhelix seminar at 10am so I can finally learn how to run a pbp that doesn't suck.

Oh, please come! We need folks to talk to. But I am sure that your PbPs don't suck!


Shadow Lodge 5/5

Since when did Monday morning turn into Saturday night with Thunderlips?

Liberty's Edge 5/5 5/5

MisterSlanky wrote:
Since when did Monday morning turn into Saturday night with Thunderlips?


Scarab Sages 5/5 5/5 *** Venture-Captain, Netherlands

rknop wrote:
Tineke Bolleman wrote:

Wohoo! I am going to be a leshy this morning!

Ladies at the little kiosk are absoluut champs again.
It is notecably quiter. The realisation that paizocon is going to end is setting in. I dont want it to end.

Yes, it is always sad when it happens. Esp. if you're never sure if finances will allow attending next year.

It was great meeting you Rob. Thank you for enabelingnmy murderhoboing.

I will be back someday, when finances and political situation will allow it. I hope to meet you again.

Scarab Sages 5/5 5/5 *** Venture-Captain, Netherlands

Painlord wrote:

Tineke Bolleman wrote:
It is notecably quieter. The realisation that paizocon is going to end is setting in. I dont want it to end.

Heck, I'm already at the airport. :(. It's not just over, it's having to deal with 'airport security over', which one of the worst kinds of over because you know that there are many other people still having fun today but I'm waiting in lines and going away from the fun.

You and GM Hmm were two of my best new meets this weekend. Thanks for being awesome and enthusiastic every time we chatted. In fact, you and Therry were on fire, having fun, and making the best of things every time I saw you.

Aw you are gone already. I had wanted to hug you goodbye.

And thank you for your kind words. I have had an awesomen time. And I have had a great time with the bloggery.

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