Pathfinder: Kingmaker Announced!

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That's one too many Armstrongs for me. I'd prefer Armstrong having a conversation with his Sister. His sister is way cooler.

Scarab Sages

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
ForestDew wrote:
But could they use the Assimar and Teifling subraces Paizo made? Or if they are under a collective race(let say I choose the Aasimar renamed Angel-touched, then I need to choose the particular heritage)?

IP law isn't my area of expertise. I'm a mass torts/securities lawyer. But my initial inclination is to say you'd probably win that case, but there definitely would be a case. And since litigation costs f%!@tons of money, That's not something you ever want to happen. Even if something is technically permissable, The real question is "Am I in clear enough that people either won't sue me over this, or the judge will straight up throw out the case before it really gets to Discovery and starts costing tons of money?"

The goal isn't to win a case on any given issue, it's to not have to win a case on it.

esotericist wrote:

Wizards of the Coast doesn't seem to consider Tieflings and Aasimar to be Product Identity.

The 3.5 SRD has Tieflings and Aasimar in it (albeit as monsters under Planetouched, and player races as a footnote).

It's a bit cumbersome to view the original material, and you have to use the wayback machine to view it, but: p?x=d20/article/srd35

More conveniently, you can use, which has the same content, but I figured you'd be more interested in the source.

Further, look at the SRD5, which also has a very carefully delineated list of what is Product Identity, yet doesn't mention tieflings, despite being in the SRD5.

The fact that Wizards doesn't consider it Product identity is completely irrelevant for a game where you're not using the OGL. Product Identity is just a subset of their Intellectual Property that Wizards is willing to share for free to people who bind themselves to the OGL. Aasimar and Teiflings are still their Intellectual Property though. If you're NOT using the OGL, you don't get to use ANY of Wizard's Intellectual Property, that's the trade-off. Since the D20 mechanics themselves cannot be copyrighted (only the text in which they are expressed, the words on the page, not the system itself) you can use that to your heart's content as a Video game (where you don't need to write out that a fireball is Xd6 damage where X is your caster level to a limit of 10; you can just code it in). But you can't use stuff like Aasimar, which is a novel expression of an idea that's not a system. You could probably argue prior art on Aasimar and Tieflings by saying that they're not sufficiently distinct from previous angelkin or what have you, but that requires getting sued first, which is expensive and terrible.

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Cool! Octavis upfaate! What I was waiting for weeks! I think unlike what was show in a video, she starts a pure Wizard, but as she leveled up, she was made into an Arcane Trickster. I hope we get the Oracle, I want to try to make her a mystic theurge.

Not sure we'll get to Oracle if we can't crack 900,000.

Thomas Seitz wrote:
Not sure we'll get to Oracle if we can't crack 900,000.

I'm hoping archetypes will be 50.000$ and it'll be the goal after(however, I wouldn't mind either it was the Witch)

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

So just to check, "treachery demon totes not glabrezu" is okay, but Marilith isn't okay right since it was created by D&D?

Silver Crusade

I believe so.

Grand Lodge

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Woooo, 600k!

Silver Crusade


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600.000!!! The Magus is reached!

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Magus! My favourite hybrid class. Still plenty of time to hit $700k

Grand Lodge

Now I have to decide if my first run through will be as the paragon paladin king or the renegade magus king.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Balancer wrote:
Now I have to decide if NY first run through will be as the paragon paladin king or the renegade magus king.

Split the baby! With a CE Pyromaniac Sorcerer King!

Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

The Magus was Unlocked and now the Next Stretch Goal is Archetypes! Three for each class, or alternative class features for sorc and wizard.

So far they've Mentioned (These aren't 100% confirmed to be in the game yet, but they seem incredibly likely):

Alchemist - Vivisectionist
Barbarian - Armored Hulk, Mad Dog
Cleric - Herald Caller, Ecclesitheurge
Fighter - Aldori Swordlord
Inquisitor - Sacred Huntsman
Magus - Eldritch Archer, Sword Saint/Kensai
Sorcerer - Wild Bloodlines
Wizard - Subschools

They've asked for backers to talk about their favorite Archetypes in the comments of that post, so I suspect that they're soliciting ideas for what the community wants to see.

I'd want the Pack Lord archetype for the druid. It seems like a good class for a solo run. Since it has many animals, useful for the camping. (Or it could do with the ranger's Beastmaster, but it doesn't get any healing abilities).
Could someone relay the message for me please? I don't have a credit card so I can't back directly, so I can't post messages.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
ForestDew wrote:

I'd want the Pack Lord archetype for the druid. It seems like a good class for a solo run. Since it has many animals, useful for the camping. (Or it could do with the ranger's Beastmaster, but it doesn't get any healing abilities).

Could someone relay the message for me please? I don't have a credit card so I can't back directly, so I can't post messages.

I have posted it for you.

I just saw it, and I came to say thanks.

@Stratagemini: Thanks for all that info, was a great help in kaing a decision and answering a lot of questions i had without having to spend that much time searching for answers!

It seems the game will be pretty close to original Pathfinder rules, what i find immensely pleasing.
Unchained classes are awesome, so i hope they will also bring the unchained monk.

How will sneak attack work though with no defined flanking?

Archetypes i would love to see:
Bard: Lotus Geisha
Ranger: Ilsurian Archer, Sword Devil :)
Rogue: Vexing Dodger
Sorcerer: Bloodline mutations

Silver Crusade

For flanking it will probably be if the opponent is already engaged with another combatant or something. Have they said there's no defined flanking though?

Hayato Ken wrote:

@Stratagemini: Thanks for all that info, was a great help in kaing a decision and answering a lot of questions i had without having to spend that much time searching for answers!

It seems the game will be pretty close to original Pathfinder rules, what i find immensely pleasing.
Unchained classes are awesome, so i hope they will also bring the unchained monk.

How will sneak attack work though with no defined flanking?

Archetypes i would love to see:
Bard: Lotus Geisha
Ranger: Ilsurian Archer, Sword Devil :)
Rogue: Vexing Dodger
Sorcerer: Bloodline mutations

Magus unlocked, archetypes on the horizon! wrote:
Some classes, like Sorcerer or Wizard, while lacking these vast amounts of archetypes, have alternative class features that can replace them - subschools and wild bloodlines. We want to add even more choices, and depth to our game, to both, improve the base gameplay and provide replayability. Archetypes are a good way to do both, for they will add more meaningful choices to character creation and development, will allow us to add personalities to some companions in the form of archetypes, and to increase the variety of enemy encounters - for enemies will have archetypes, too.

So yes, the Sorcerers will will have bloodline mutations with the archetypes. :)

I hope the Enforcer Paladin will come in. It could be an interesting foe for a chaotic kingdom, especially so if it's chaotic god.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Rysky wrote:
For flanking it will probably be if the opponent is already engaged with another combatant or something. Have they said there's no defined flanking though?

I believe they said that flanking would be a bit looser. But there should still be flanking.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
ForestDew wrote:
I hope the Enforcer Paladin will come in. It could be an interesting foe for a chaotic kingdom, especially so if it's chaotic god.

I don't think Iomedae supports taking down Chaotic Good kingdoms in general...

Luthorne wrote:
ForestDew wrote:
I hope the Enforcer Paladin will come in. It could be an interesting foe for a chaotic kingdom, especially so if it's chaotic god.
I don't think Iomedae supports taking down Chaotic Good kingdoms in general...

Iomedae isn't the only deity to a patron to paladins. Irori and Abadar are the ones that would dislike it the most.

If we take Cayden Cailean relations to other gods, the lawful goods tolerate him but dislike that he promotes that people srew their responsibilites. (Well he his a good friend with Torag and drink ale with him once in a while)

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber s-pathfinder-kingmaker

The stretch goal scroll on the campaign-page has been updated. Looks like a new companion is next, presumably the Goblin. I'm not too excited about that, to be honest.

Grand Lodge

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Honestly I'll be shocked if we reach 700K let alone 800k.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

700k for sure. Most Kickstarters have a BIG increase in funding in the last couple of days. 800 is also realistic. More than that would be nice but I don't count on it.

I'm not sure where this sometimes massive increase originates. Probably lots of backers trying to hit stretch goals and all kinds of people who have the campaign on their watch list receiving reminders per mail like 48h before it ends.

You can check the daily pledges for a similar project (Divinity: Original Sin) here. Made about a third of its total funding in the last four days.

Each campaign is different, of course, but 700k is basically guaranteed at this point and I'd be surprised if we don't hit 800k.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Stratagemini wrote: s-pathfinder-kingmaker

Linkified for you

ForestDew wrote:
Luthorne wrote:
ForestDew wrote:
I hope the Enforcer Paladin will come in. It could be an interesting foe for a chaotic kingdom, especially so if it's chaotic god.
I don't think Iomedae supports taking down Chaotic Good kingdoms in general...

Iomedae isn't the only deity to a patron to paladins. Irori and Abadar are the ones that would dislike it the most.

If we take Cayden Cailean relations to other gods, the lawful goods tolerate him but dislike that he promotes that people srew their responsibilites. (Well he his a good friend with Torag and drink ale with him once in a while)

Hmm? You are talking about the Iomedean enforcer archetype for the paladin, aren't you?

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Luthorne wrote:
ForestDew wrote:
Luthorne wrote:
ForestDew wrote:
I hope the Enforcer Paladin will come in. It could be an interesting foe for a chaotic kingdom, especially so if it's chaotic god.
I don't think Iomedae supports taking down Chaotic Good kingdoms in general...

Iomedae isn't the only deity to a patron to paladins. Irori and Abadar are the ones that would dislike it the most.

If we take Cayden Cailean relations to other gods, the lawful goods tolerate him but dislike that he promotes that people srew their responsibilites. (Well he his a good friend with Torag and drink ale with him once in a while)

Hmm? You are talking about the Iomedean enforcer archetype for the paladin, aren't you?

He is probably using d20psfrd as internet source for his games, that site removes pathfinder setting references from class option names for reasons :P

(thats just one of reasons why I think d20pfsrd sucks as source for pathfinder material, others being that sometimes it just has incorrect information <_< And sometiems the incorrect information is result of their censoring, such as in this case: they didn't realize that archetype is exclusive to specific god's followers because they removed the reference)

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Lots of Updates going into the last week here:

As Always New Things we know are in Bold.
I'm not employed in any capacity by Paizo, or Owlcat Games, this is all stuff I've managed to gather myself and there may be errors. If there are, I try and correct them as soon as I can.

Regarding the Kickstarter:
-The game will be published in 2018.
-The Kickstarter is Live, Funded, and can be found Here:
-There was also a Reddit AMA. It can be found here: _devs_of_pathfinder_kingmaker/
-The kickstarter is an attempt to add "more companions, more depth to the companions, more dungeons and wilderness to explore, … and more new quests and content by famous Pathfinder authors and RPG authors." also more original music, and more voiceover. Basically it exists solely to fund extra cool stuff for the game.
-Mass combat is a late kickstarter stretch goal since it requires a lot of assets.
-To make up for Mass Combat's absence the PCs get to do cool stuff like infiltrate behind enemy lines. Making alliances is expected to give you different army options if they are able to implement mass combat.
- Rest is the first planned Kickstarter stretch Goal. During rest periods, players will be able to send companions out to hunt, thus reducing the need to buy rations, and will be able to set traps and alarms. They'll also be able to assign companions to guard against random attack.
-The Initial goal of the Kickstarter is to make the Kingdom system more awesome. See Kingdom section for more details.
-Chris Avellone will I'll be writing a module for the Kickstarter in tandem with Paizo.
-Both OS X and Linux Releases are Kickstarter stretch Goals.
-Additional Classes and Races from other sourcebooks will be revealed in the Kickstarter and in the form of stretch goals.
-Archetypes are a stretch Goal.
-New Locations are a Stretch goal.
-An epic Dungeon is a stretch goal.
-A Goblin Companion (who is not an Alchemist) is a Stretch Goal.
-Custom companions (like in pillars of Eternity) will NOT be a stretch goal. But if there's interest in it from backer they will implement them. They are currently in discussions about it.
-Camping was the first stretch Goal. This is a comprehensive system for getting to know characters and being attacked in your underwear while sleeping. Realms of Arkania was specifically referenced as an influence. It is detailed in this update. This goal was funded and will be in the game.
-The Second Stretch Goal was the Magus. This goal was funded and will be in the game.
-The Third (and current) Stretch Goal is an additional story chapter (as wel as mac and Linux versions). The New Chapter will be a direct continuation of the main Story (like the continuing the campaign article in the last module of the original AP). Estimates put it at adding another 10 hours of Gameplay. There is no word yet what the content of this chapter will be.

-The fourth stretch goal is Archetypes. Three for each class with some classes getting things like Sub-schools and Wild Bloodlines isntead (or possibly in addition).
-The fifth stretch goal is a New Companion.

-A Twitch stream is planned for later in the campaign. It seems like it will involve Chris Avellone.
- The general release versions will not anything not included in the KS versions. That is, Kickstarters will not be at a disadvantage compared to teh general public.
-Buying the game after release will also cost more than getting the $28 digital edition through Kickstarter.
-There will be additional Add-Ons added to the Campaign. So far a digital walkthrough and an extra premium digital version (if you've already pledged at a level which grants you one in the first place) have been announced.
-The Miniatures of the Jabberwock and the Companion that come as Add-ons and as part of certain tiers come pre-painted.
-All of the items mentioned in the Kickstarter are planned to be ready upon initial release. There are no plans for DLC currently.
-There will be a Paypal option in the Backer Portal post-campaign for those who cannot use Kickstarter.

Regarding the Base Game:
-The game is Single Player only
-The base game (un-kickstarted) is both already mostly complete and includes all 6 AP Modules. The whole story is there with details being Fleshed out by Chris Avellone.
-A capstone is planned possibly taking characters to level 20. We do not know if this is a kickstarter plan, or a base game plan.
-You can build and develop a kingdom of your own, this is in the base game. The Kickstarter will make this better. From people who played the Demo, There are already some cool kingdom events.
-The game will include diplomats from neighbors, including Brevoy and Irrisen (and possibly Mendev?). If you make alliances, that could unlock different buildings for your kingdom. There will be allies available for every alignment.
-The game is run on an engine developed using the Unity engine. It is Isometric in look and feel.
-There will be plenty of side-quests.
-You will be able to be evil, but it will be a cruel and cunning "smart evil" such as talking two enemies into killing each other, rather than just asking for more money as a quest reward. The Creative Director once suggested how much easier it would be to rule a kingdom of undead, than living, breathing citizens; because living citizens have all sorts of complaints about life, and hunger, and so on. The undead just obey. And are (usually) quiet. Except the zombies. Also, the design policy is not to have being Evil cut you off from content to punish them, but to balance content across all alignments.
-The base game includes a forty hour main storyline, and forty to eighty to forty hours of fun side content.
-There will be a lot of new content unique to this version of the Stolen Lands -- just like it would be in any DM's version.
-The game "will have a certain degree of linearity: just like in the table-top game, some challenges will arise, and it would be up to you how you'll tackle them. You can't avoid being the baron(ess), then the king/queen, since it's the premise of the game. However, you'll be free to explore the Stolen Lands, find lots of events unrelated to the main course of events, and choose how to act there. So, you're guaranteed to meet the persons you can see on the covers of the Adventure Path books, but you'll meet them inside a large sandbox."
-Game spans Levels 1 - 20.
-All 21 Core Deities are in. Groetus is in and players will be able to worhip him. Arshea is not in.
-The Physical version of the Game will be DRM-free. The digital version will have a choice of distribution platforms.
-"We're planning to carry the adventure to places the Adventure Path doesn't go (but it's a natural extension), so veteran players have something new to experience." This likely means the First World.
-"Even enemies you would normally regard as beasts and threats could find a home in your kingdom and provide new opportunities for your kingdom's growth."
-The game is a blend of Narrative and Combat, and neither one trumps the other.
-There are some pretty long dungeons in the game, and you will have to fight for your survival there. You can complete one level of the dungeon in approximately 1 hour.
-You can fail or ignore quests and they'll have big repercussions (not always negative). There are absolutely moral dilemma quests, which become more complicated once your companions weigh in and suddenly you have two moral dilemma layers to deal with.
-Foreshadowing will definitely be added for "The Big Bad." So states Chris Avellone. It will be threaded into each chapter.
-They have also taken pains to forshadow Jhod in module 1's arc.
-The end game is consequent with the player decisions, and furthermore, even if your decisions were "bad," they were your decisions, and even evil has its day.
-The Base game is localized in: English, German, French and Russian. Additional language localizations are planned as Stretch Goals.

-The game is set in Golarion in the Stolen Lands, And the First World.
-You will be able to talk to companions from as far as Absalom and even Thuvia about their homelands.
-You will meet ambassadors from neighboring countries. And you can form alliances with them. There are 9 Ambassadors currently (one for each alignment) and they include the Witches of Irrisen.
-There are events from other Kingdoms so you get to see the "Spectrum of Golarion."
-You will encounter several iconics as an NPCs, and Amiri as a companion.
-The game will use Ambient sound.
-There are rabbits and birds out in the wild, and they are planning to put some animals in settlements too.
-Music and sounds are discussed in this update.
-Inon Zur himself talks about the music of Pathfinder in this update.
-If you like Maps, this is your update.
-Exploration is discussed in this Update.

Character Creation:
-The Game includes all the Races and Classes from the Core Rulebook.
-There are around 10 Animal Companions in the base game.
-There are around 10 Familiars in the base game. No word either way on Red Pandas. I remain hopeful. Avellone is petitioning Owlcat to allow Owlcat familiars.
-There will be NO Grippli, not even as a stretch goal, due to licensing issues since Grippli are WotC IP. While the information was delivered tongue in cheek, there will be no Deep One Hybrids either. Aasimar and Tieflings are similarly unlikely for the same reasons as Grippli.
-There are pregenerated builds and recommendations for all the choices and options.
-The current plan for Character Creation is point buy. The Devs have stated that they may also consider rolling characters as an optional alternative.
-Stats will be point buy by default, with an option for rolled stats due to backer demand.
-You will be able to select portrait for your character, these will all be Paizo approved. the ability to use custom portraits is still in discussion.
-You will be able to select face, hair style, skin tone, hair color (and gnomes will definitely have crazy colors available for them). Owlcat is also trying to add different body types, is am not promising it right now.
-You can select a deity your character will worship. Divine classes will have to select specific deity. Paladin codes will be referenced to, but not strictly mechanically upheld.
-There will be favored class bonuses, including racial options, but probably not all of them.
-Character creation design is not finalized, but Owlcat plans to include character background in some form in it. From the Character sheet update it looks like they're using the background system from Ultimate Campaign.
-While it is not yet finished, it looks like there will be Traits as part of the background system.
-Custom Portraits may be Implemented.
-They are currently working on a method to prebuild your character all the way to level 20 if you want to and then level up at the click of a single button.
-All Base Stats exist unchanged.
-Different Sizes and base land speeds are accomodated.
-Different Vision Types (such as Low-Light Vision) are accomodated.
-This Update deals with your character sheet. The interface is not finished yet, but it gives a pretty good sense of what is going on.

-The game includes: Alchemist, Barbarian, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Inquisitor, Monk, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue, Sorceror and Wizard. The Magus is the second Stretch Goal Unlocked at $600k.
-The Rogue follows rules from Pathfinder Unchained. The Barbarian is also Unchained but can choose between the normal and Unchained version of Rage. The Monk is as yet undecided.
-Multiclassing is in the game.
-Prestige Classes are in the Game. We don't know which ones for certain besides Arcane Trickster, but it seems a safe bet to assume all Prestige classes from the Core Rulebook at least. The Devs have also mentioned wanting to include the Aldori Swordlord.
-Bards will have access to Bardic masterpieces.
-You can become a Fallen Paladin if your alignment shifts too much.
-Since there is no mounted combat, Cavaliers and Samurai will probably not be making an appearance. Paladins also have different versions of divine bonds, most common of them being a weapon bond.
-Since there has been no mention of Guns so far it des not seem like Gunslinger will be in the game.
-There are currently no plans to include the Occult Classes: Kineticist, Medium, Mesmerist, Occultist, Psychic, and Spiritualist.
-The community manager has heard no mention of Ninja being included.
-Given these facts, it seems like the most likely classes to appear as Stretch Goals are: Oracle, Summoner (probably the Unchained version), and Witch, followed by the various classes in the Advanced Class Guide. This is pure speculation on my part, but seems logical.
-If the campaign hits 800k (which seems incredibly likely) archetypes will be available. There will be three for each class (although some classes may get alternate class features instead or in addition, such as Wild Bloodlines for Sorcerors and Sub-Schools for Wizards). The archetypes and features already in development are: Alchemist - Vivisectionist, Barbarian - Armored Hulk, Mad Dog, Cleric - Herald Caller, Ecclesitheurge, Fighter - Aldori Swordlord, Inquisitor - Sacred Huntsman, Magus - Eldritch Archer, Sword Saint/Kensai, Sorcerer - Wild Bloodlines, Wizard - Subschools.

-As of right now, Skills are: Acrobatics, Perception, Coercion, Physique, Knowledge: Arcana, Knowledge: World, Stealth, Thievery, Lore: Nature, Lore: Religion, Use Magic Device.
- Crafting skills and Profession skills are not in the game.
-Thievery is used for disarming traps.
-Skills have been condensed, similar to the way Consolidated Skills are Handled in Pathfinder: Unchained.

-There will be more than 300 feats.
-Feats are drawn from many books beyond the Core Rulebook, including but not limited to: the Advanced Player's Guide, The Inner Sea World Guide, and Ultimate Magic.
-Feats verified to be in the game include: Elemental Spell Focus, Evocation Spell Focus, Arcane Shield, Ray Shield, Touch of Serenity, Extra Lay On Hands, Undead Master, Fortune Teller, Sunlight Summons, and Fleet.
-While Item Creation Feats are replaced by the Royal Artisan System and will not be in the game, the Character Sheet updated shows that Scribe Scroll does exist as (at the very least) a Wizard Class ability.

-While they are still being worked on, the game already includes over 300 spells.
-There are already more than 15 spells to choose from for each of the three first spell levels, with more to come.
Spells we have seen or that have been mentioned so far are: Owl's Wisdom, Bless, Hold Person, Snowball, Blazing Hands, Greater Blade Dash.
-You can learn more about spells in this update.

Multiplayer and Modding:
-Base game is Single Player only.
-While DM Tools and Multiplayer were floated as possible stretch goals early on, the Devs want to focus on making a good Single Player game first and foremost and so they don't want to promise that they will be available.
-Modding is a separate issue that they are not focused on at this time.
-There are no plans for a DM client option. This is something to examine for Future Games.

Regarding Companions:
-There are either 10 or 11 Companions in the Base Game.
-Companion characters are a mix of New characters, iconic Pathfinder characters, and characters already existing in the AP.
-Amiri, the Iconic Barbarian, is a companion with a lot of backstory and events happening around her throughout the game. Amiri is the only Iconic Companion.
-Jubilost Narthropple is a companion. He a cantankerous gnome, is kind of a jerk, and you can fail to recruit him if you screw up your attempt to help him out with his wagon. He's also a character from the original AP. He is an alchemist now and uses a Heavy Crossbow by default.Chris Avellone really wants to work on him because Jubilost is a gigantic dick.
-Valerie is a blonde haired Human Woman from Brevoy. She is also a Fighter who Worships Gorum, and a failed Paladin of Shelyn.
-A halfling that looks suspiciously like Lem is a companion.
-A bard is a companion. He decides to join you because he wants to record your story. This companion has not been seen yet and may or may not be the halfling.
-Octavia is a female Half-Elf wizard/rogue/arcane trickster. She was once a "Bonded Servant" to Numeria's Technic League. She is friends with teh Half-Orc companion Regongar.
-There is a Blonde male who looks like an Elven inquisitor of Sarenrae.
-There is a Half-Orc who definitely looks like a Magus (or maybe he's the bard)? His name is Regongar and he is Octavia's Friend.
- There is what looks like either a Taldan or Ulfen Human male Fighter.
-Ekundayo, is a Thuvian Ranger from Absolom. He is Lawful neutral, has a Hound Animal Companion, and uses a Bow.
-There is a Goblin Companion. This Goblin is sadly, not an Alchemist. The Goblin Companion is a Stretch Goal.
-Harrim is a Dwarven Cleric of Groetus. He has a Mohawk looking hairdo.
-There will be companion Romance, but it isn't the only relationship option. This Includes LGBTQ+ romance options. This kicks in as quickly as Module 1.
-Companions can disagree with you, leave you, and even turn on you if they don't like you. They do NOT need to be in your party for this to happen. Companions are living people and don't stop existing just because you leave them home.
-The story can change considerably depending on your party composition.
-Each companion has an expandable novel style bio that expands as you learn more about them and progress in the game.
-You can take 5 Companions with you in a party at one time.
-You can level up your companions based on your own preferences, even changing their classes if you wish, there is however a suggested path, and you can have them auto-level if you wish instead.
-You will also be able to choose from several AI behaviours for your party members, allowing them to use spells and abilities or spend resources on their own. You can switch AI on and off for each character separately, there will be various options for AI.
-Each companion will have one or several levels in a predetermined class when you meet them. You can level them any way you wish from there on out, but their "starting class" is preset.
-Chris Avellone really wants to write Amiri and Jubilost. But negotiations as to who gets to do what are still ongoing.
-Companions definitely have an opinion, will act on that opinion, and will act strongly on that opinion (leaving the party is only one possible ending for companions you butt heads with). Mentions have been made of Companions turning on you as well.
-There are some companions that simply are impossible to influence with your charms, only your actions.
-Some of the companions come from as far as Absalom and even Thuvia and you will be able to talk to them about those lands.
-Companions' stories carry through (heroic and tragic, though both are not set in stone for each character) throughout the game to the very end.
-Companions have their own choices of deities. (Presumably these are pre-selected for them).
-The Stretch Goal after Archetypes is a New Companion; possibly the Goblin.

-Combat format is Real Time with Pause. There's going to be an option for auto-pausing combat at the beginning of each "turn", essentially making it quasi-turn-based. "Turns" last approximately three seconds. The decision to use RTwP was a legal one.
-Combat includes: initiative, attacks of opportunity, sneak attacks, Power Attack (as a toggle), Fighting Defensively, Spontaneous casting of heal spells, and Channeling positive energy.
-Combat maneuvers exist in-game and use CMB and CMD. Trip is included, but Grappling is not.
-Armor Class, Touch AC and Flat Footed AC are all things.
-All three Saving Throws exist unchanged.
-Weapon Proficiencies seem unchanged.
Both Range Increments and Reach seem to be part of the game. You can see your weapons' range on your character sheet.
-Combat is a lot more Managable in Kingmaker than Pillars of Eternity according to Chris Avellonne who has worked on both games.

Other Mechanics:
-The game currently includes a comprehensive Alignment meter which plays a significant role in the game. There are a lot of choices that shift your alignment towards one of the nine possible, and your current alignment sometimes affects the way NPC react to you. Avellone likened it to how alignment was implemented in Planescape Torment. The Alignment system is meant to be descriptive, not prescriptive.-There's a really cool Alignment graph that tracks your progression over time.
-There is No Crafting, instead there's a Royal Artisans system that will make magic items (and even Artifacts) for you. Scribe Scroll still exists however.
-You can either auto-select the best party member for a skill check, or manually select who you want to attempt it.
-Difficulty levels are: Core Rules (similar to tabletop Pathfinder but real time, not turn based), adapted rules (less deadly for less experienced, crits deadliness reduced), story mode (really simple combat), Iron man (tougher monsters, just one save that overwrites itself so accept your mistakes), and custom (for example, core rules with reduced crits).
-The level up screen will suggest options to you sort of like Amazon's "If you liked X you might also like Y."
-Wings will be in the system, and they will do something cool "we instead may, for example, give a sorcerer an ability to create strong winds and push the enemies away with a flap of his wings or will allow him to reposition himself on the battlefield by flying up and landing elsewhere."
-The AI can help you control the characters in battle.
-There will be no Flying in Combat or Mounted Combat.
-This update can tell you About Mechanics and Character creation.
-Regarding Flanking and Reach: "Exact positioning is far less predictable in the game without a grid and therefore we have to make it less important. For that we will have simplified rules for everything that works with positioning on the field. For example, reach weapons will have greater range and no penalties in melee, but will not give the wielder an attack of opportunity when the target moves from 10' to 5' squares. And we are still testing several approaches to flanking."
-"There will be no grappling for characters, for monsters with special abilities based on grappling rules for it will be greatly simplified."
-No Leadership feat. You're already running a kingdom and your party are your cohorts.
-There IS permanent companion death, but not on all difficulties. It depends on your play mode: (story) companions get back up, (normal) companions get up but are at death's door and will die permanently if hit again, and (hardcore) they're dead. Resurrection and Raise Dead are part of the experience, though. There will be more difficulty levels than those 3, and you will be able to choose from a lot of options to customize difficulty for yourself.
-Following evil deities will have consequences in the relationships with other countries and NPCs.
-There is some randomization of loot from ordinary creatures, such as the amount of gold and other minor items they carry, but boss loot will be fixed.
-All item slots which exist in the tabletop will be represented in Kingmaker.
-There are 5 Belt Slots for Consumable items like potions.
-You will have 4 weapon sets available to swap between. Non-selected (but still equipped) Weapon sets will show up on your character model. and you will be able to draw them both in combat and on the inventory screen with an accompanying animation.
-Exploration is not a standalone system. Random encounters will happen on the map, as will skill checks and the discovery of new areas, you can run from random encounters as well.
-Explanation of Characters, Animation and Inventory
-Firearms do not seem to be included in game, but there has been no definitive word from the devs either way.

The Kingdom:
-There are playable companions as well as NPCs you can assign to kingdom roles (from Ultimate Campaign), with enough choices for 2-3 options for each role.
-Advisers will give advice based on their personality. this may not be the best advice. You will have to interpret it.
-Expanding The Kingdom is the initial goal of the Kickstarter.
-You can add more than 14 regions to your kingdom.
-There are 300 Kingdom Events and 100 Kingdom Projects.
-You can ally with outside Factions, there are 9 allies currently, one for each alignment. these include the Witches of Irrisen. They'll be walking around the streets of your capitol.
-The Kickstarter aims to:
--Make the Kingdom's appearance reflect your alignment and choices.
--Let you recruit royal artisans to your kingdom that make you cool stuff (including Artifacts). The Creative Director Alexander Mishulin also mentioned a "Royal Cook (Cooking Royal Artisan)" But that may have been a joke.
--Add more responsiveness to your choices (for example saving a troll family could let you unlock a Troll Bridge building and a Legendary club they make for you, and how you solve problems would unlock different rewards for them).
--Add randomized Kingdom events that make your kingdom different in every playthrough.
-This Update can tell you more about your kingdom.
-Kingdom Roles will be similar to Ultimate campaign, but with fewer roles for less redundancy. There is no Heir, and Ruler has been modified so you don't need high Charisma. Also your player character gets the role of king no matter what. Leaders will be tied to certain stats and there will be positions that are based on Charisma (Like Grand Diplomat)
-Your state is a barony at first with some of the roles absent, but they will become available as your state upgades to a kingdom.
-"It's not really Kingdom management without the political drama, really, and Owlcat realized that from the get-go with the design." Chris Avellone says. He also says "It's pretty Game of Thrones. I don't say that lightly." "On the narrative side, you’ve got a whole bunch of rival nations interested in your efforts, and each of them have their own way of trying to manipulate the situation. This is challenged further by your advisors and people in your own court, who have their own conscious and unconscious agendas on how the affairs of state should play out – they may be offering advice they think is best, for example, but I found myself always analyzing their backstory, their personal failings in the past (and present), and then counterbalancing their advice and judgments against the personality to see if I should trust them at their word. So, yeah, I was getting some GoT vibes and having a lot of fun."
-Your vassals will have an opinion about you, and if they are unhappy - different events could happen, including their opposition to you.
-Owlcat is not really holding back on evil/seediness in the Kingdom. You can build Brothels. Building Brothels doesn't make your kingdom evil.
-The Stolen Lands is divided into 14 regions (number of regions may be subject to change). Most of them will have settlements of some kind, including those in AP, like Varnhold.
-There will be buildings that require certain alignment and alliance with one of the ambassadors. Some will be tied to the certain resolutions of the story encounters and kingdom events.
-You will have to make decisions involving your neighboring countries, which will all have consequences.
-Expect to see Embeth Woodsmen, Mivoni Aldori or some other neighbors (and not only neighbors) visiting you.
-As your Kingdom grows regions in your kingdom become better defended and advisers point out new areas on the map within your kingdom's boundaries. Also you will move faster as roads in your Kingdom improve.

Miscellaneous Stuff:
-Owlcat is in close contact with Paizo in developing this. They're also running 4 simultaneous Kingmaker campaigns.
-Character sheet screens are super detailed.
-Tooltips exist which provide Golarion and Pathfinder-based lore.
-Initial languages for Localization are: English, German, French, and Russian. More may be available as Stretch goals based on popular demand.
-Digital Release is planned for GOG and Steam. Owlcat's "ultimate plan is to be available on all popular distribution platforms, so our players may choose the most convenient way to download the game."
-No matter what Race you play you can choose your Gender and Skin tone.
-The premium digital version includes some backer-only in-game items (a special cloak, a helmet and a ring, as well as one unique and quirky spell). The regular digital edition comes with a cloak.
-Chris Avellone has expresed desire for Owlkittens to be in the game. I continue to hold out hope for a cool Owlkitten pet.
-There will be an option for the colorblind, and all spoken text will be available in written form (wither in interactions or in logs) for the hearing impaired.
-Beta is scheduled for the first quarter of 2018.
-The alpha is planned for fall this year (2017).
-Owlcat is working on a "smart AI," which will keep you on your toes especially against enemy spellcasters. This probably does not mean a learning, evolving AI.
-Inon Zur, composer for Icewind Dale II, Baldur's Gate II, Fallout 3 & 4, Escaflone, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age II, and Power Rangers: Turbo is composing the music.
-Character models will depict the items they are wearing. Owlcat is planning to make color schemes available, but that is not set in stone.
-The team consists of at least 4 programmers/6 artists and animators (and 20+ on outsource)/15 designers (system, UI, level, narrative), and 1 Chris Avellone (possibly more than one). Those are just the tech, art, and design teams—they also have a QA team and a management team.
-Amiri is apparently the iconic for the image on Paizo CEO Lisa Stevens' business card. She is also one of their cats.
-There are currently no plans for DLC.
-Expect a lot of influence from the four campaigns of Kingmaker they are running.
-They love magic items and want to make them more interesting
-Everything you equip including consumables and weapons you are not currently wielding, shows up on your character.
-One of the devs has a really neat axe.
-Update by Chris Avellone on narrative design.
-Interview with Studio Head of Owlcat Games Oleg Shpilchevsky and Creative Director Alexander Mishulin.
-According to Chris Avellone: "the lead narrative designer. Alexander Mishulin is the Project Director/Creative Director, and he’s… well, “fan” is probably the wrong word I’d use for how he feels about Pathfinder, it seems like he’s been playing it forever, and he knows the systems and world in and out."
-A mini-Interview with Chris Avellonecan be found in the first two posts of this thread.

System Requirements:
Minimal system requirements
Video: Intel HD Graphics 3000
CPU: Intel Celeron 1037U @ 1.80GHz
RAM: 4 Gb
OS: Win 7
Resolution: 1366 x 768
Recommended system requirements
Video: ATI Radeon HD 5770/GeForce GTX 960M
CPU: Intel Core i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67GHz
RAM: 8 Gb
OS: Win 7
Resolution: 1920 x 1080

I'm with most everyone, I don't think we'll hit 900,000. But eh. We'll get Archetypes probably.

Scarab Sages

Archetypes/alternate class features I want:

Bard: Arcane Duelist, Archeologist, Sound Striker
Fighter: advanced weapon training, advanced armor training, weapon master
Monk: qinggong, zen archer, sohei. If grappling is in the game, tetori.
Inquisitor: Sacred Huntmaster, Sanctified Slayer
Druid: Cave Druid, Goliath Druid, Urban Druid, animal and terrain domains.

Blave wrote:
The stretch goal scroll on the campaign-page has been updated. Looks like a new companion is next, presumably the Goblin. I'm not too excited about that, to be honest.

It could be More Companion(s) and they just forgot to put the "s" at the end, an easy mistake when english is not your native language ;)

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Mordo wrote:
Blave wrote:
The stretch goal scroll on the campaign-page has been updated. Looks like a new companion is next, presumably the Goblin. I'm not too excited about that, to be honest.
It could be More Companion(s) and they just forgot to put the "s" at the end, an easy mistake when english is not your native language ;)

I'm assuming the Goblin companion will be Bundled with Playable Goblins as a PC Race. Because why wouldn't it be?

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

New interview with Chris Avellonne about it on-pathfinder-kingmaker

CorvusMask wrote:
Luthorne wrote:
ForestDew wrote:
Luthorne wrote:
ForestDew wrote:
I hope the Enforcer Paladin will come in. It could be an interesting foe for a chaotic kingdom, especially so if it's chaotic god.
I don't think Iomedae supports taking down Chaotic Good kingdoms in general...

Iomedae isn't the only deity to a patron to paladins. Irori and Abadar are the ones that would dislike it the most.

If we take Cayden Cailean relations to other gods, the lawful goods tolerate him but dislike that he promotes that people srew their responsibilites. (Well he his a good friend with Torag and drink ale with him once in a while)

Hmm? You are talking about the Iomedean enforcer archetype for the paladin, aren't you?

He is probably using d20psfrd as internet source for his games, that site removes pathfinder setting references from class option names for reasons :P

(thats just one of reasons why I think d20pfsrd sucks as source for pathfinder material, others being that sometimes it just has incorrect information <_< And sometiems the incorrect information is result of their censoring, such as in this case: they didn't realize that archetype is exclusive to specific god's followers because they removed the reference)

Yes I saw it on D20Pfsrd. However, on this case I find it unjust to have law paladins restricted to only one good deity. (Practically, "oh! let's make a paladin that hates chaos instead, but let's restrict to only lawful deity, even if others could like those")

One of the thing that annoys me a lot with Pathfinder is that most of the conflict is a Good vs Evil one. Chaos vs Law is largely untouched. Lawful Neutral deity would have more use of an anti-chaos paladin than an anti-evil. (other examples of good vs evil dichotomy is: the player companions books(whenever there's reference to alignment, it's alwasy good/neutral/evil), and somewhat a relic from DnD are the Aasimar and the Tiefling having no chaotic/lawful equivalent.)

And, Stratagemini, one of the things I always wanted to know about the artisans is if it'll be possible to direct the artisan toward a certain type of object, since we sponsor them. (Let say I want a weaponmaker to make more battleaxes, since it's what my character uses, he/she'll be more likely to make some, while still making other items.)
I think it's a good question to ask, since we can't craft our own weapons.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

ForestDew wrote:

Yes I saw it on D20Pfsrd. However, on this case I find it unjust to have law paladins restricted to only one good deity. (Practically, "oh! let's make a paladin that hates chaos instead, but let's restrict to only lawful deity, even if others could like those")

One of the thing that annoys me a lot with Pathfinder is that most of the conflict is a Good vs Evil one. Chaos vs Law is largely untouched. Lawful Neutral deity would have more use of an anti-chaos paladin than an anti-evil. (other examples of good vs evil dichotomy is: the player companions books(whenever there's reference to alignment, it's alwasy good/neutral/evil), and somewhat a relic from DnD are the Aasimar and the Tiefling having no chaotic/lawful equivalent.)

Forest, actually in Pathfinder paladins can worship any deity within 1 step of LG, so LG, LN, and NG. So you can have paladins of Abadar for example.

And there simply aren't paladins of all alignments - just LG, and antipaladins of CE. It's something that adds asymmetry to the game intentionally. There are warpriests for all deities, which fill the same role often though.

As for planetouched races, they exist, just took a while to get statted - such as the ganzi, a protean/chaotic touched race.

ForestDew wrote:
CorvusMask wrote:
Luthorne wrote:
ForestDew wrote:
Luthorne wrote:
ForestDew wrote:
I hope the Enforcer Paladin will come in. It could be an interesting foe for a chaotic kingdom, especially so if it's chaotic god.
I don't think Iomedae supports taking down Chaotic Good kingdoms in general...

Iomedae isn't the only deity to a patron to paladins. Irori and Abadar are the ones that would dislike it the most.

If we take Cayden Cailean relations to other gods, the lawful goods tolerate him but dislike that he promotes that people srew their responsibilites. (Well he his a good friend with Torag and drink ale with him once in a while)

Hmm? You are talking about the Iomedean enforcer archetype for the paladin, aren't you?

He is probably using d20psfrd as internet source for his games, that site removes pathfinder setting references from class option names for reasons :P

(thats just one of reasons why I think d20pfsrd sucks as source for pathfinder material, others being that sometimes it just has incorrect information <_< And sometiems the incorrect information is result of their censoring, such as in this case: they didn't realize that archetype is exclusive to specific god's followers because they removed the reference)

Yes I saw it on D20Pfsrd. However, on this case I find it unjust to have law paladins restricted to only one good deity. (Practically, "oh! let's make a paladin that hates chaos instead, but let's restrict to only lawful deity, even if others could like those")

Well, I imagine most of those deities would instead have an oathbound paladin with an oath against chaos.

JoelF847 wrote:

Forest, actually in Pathfinder paladins can worship any deity within 1 step of LG, so LG, LN, and NG. So you can have paladins of Abadar for example.

And there simply aren't paladins of all alignments - just LG, and antipaladins of CE. Its something that adds asymmetry to the game intentionally. There are warpriests for all deities, which fill the same role often though.

As for planetouched races, they exist, just took a while to get statted - such as the ganzi, a protean/chaotic touched race.

I don't think I said anything about paladims worshipping a deity with an alignment more than one step away. When I spoke of (non-good) lawful deities, I was only meaning of LN ones.

I didn't knew there was a chaotic planetouched race. I hope they'll expand it the same way they did the other two and add the the law-aligned one.

Luthorne wrote:
Well, I imagine most of those deities would instead have an oathbound paladin with an oath against chaos.

I should have done my rechearch(it's a bit embarassing). I had forgotten the oath against chaos. The Iomedean Enforcer and it does similar things. but the Enforcer is still a bit more bent against chaos and not evil.

(The oathbound and use their lay on hands ability to smite evil, and retaining their Aura of Faith and their aura of righteousness wich are against Evil while the enforcer changes these two abilities to be against chaos.)
Truthfully, I'd expect the opposite, Iomedaen paladins(or other LG gods) getting oaths against chaos while the enforcer be free.

Mordo wrote:
Blave wrote:
The stretch goal scroll on the campaign-page has been updated. Looks like a new companion is next, presumably the Goblin. I'm not too excited about that, to be honest.
It could be More Companion(s) and they just forgot to put the "s" at the end, an easy mistake when english is not your native language ;)

I doubt that. They want to make companions react to all kinds of things and events and even want them to act on their own when you are out adventuring and don't take them along. Sounds like an awful lot of work for even a single companion. Having multiples of that in a single stretch goal is proabably not feasible.

Blave wrote:
Mordo wrote:
Blave wrote:
The stretch goal scroll on the campaign-page has been updated. Looks like a new companion is next, presumably the Goblin. I'm not too excited about that, to be honest.
It could be More Companion(s) and they just forgot to put the "s" at the end, an easy mistake when english is not your native language ;)
I doubt that. They want to make companions react to all kinds of things and events and even want them to act on their own when you are out adventuring and don't take them along. Sounds like an awful lot of work for even a single companion. Having multiples of that in a single stretch goal is proabably not feasible.

You have a point about the amount of work required, but, Chris Avellone said they wanted to make the most diverse cast of companion possible, so I guess it'll be the most possible, so more companion and not a single companion.

Chris Avellone wrote:
We won’t know the final number of companions until the campaign’s end, but we’re trying to represent a wide range of races, classes, and alignments.

Well, from what we've seen so far we have:

- half-elven CG Arcane Trickster
- human LG Ranger
- human fighter who worships Gorum (so probably around CN-ish in alignment)
- human CN barbarian
- CN gnome alchemist
- (probably) CN dwarven cleric
- from artworks: half-orc caster of some kind (Eldritch Knight?) who's friends with the arcane trickster so probably also good-ish in alignment
- from artworks: (NG?) Sarenrae cleric or inquisitor (wielding a hand crossbow, so I guess inquisitor). looks like he could be an elf
- from artworks: some Swashbuckler-ish looking human (or half-elven?) lady. Since Swashbuckler is not in the game, I'd guess bard.
- from artworks: a halfling with a sling staff and a short sword(?). also a good contender for being the bard. Or maybe a rogue.

That's 10 companions more or less revealed so far. All races covered, alignments not so much, especially evil companions seem to be lacking (and neither the Swashbucklady nor the halfling look evil to me). If they add either the goblin or someone else as an evil companion, I'd say that's pretty diverse. And there might always be the chance to change the alignment of some of them via personal quests or something like that.

And honestly, I've seen games claiming to have a "diverse" set of characters which had way less moving parts in character developement than pathfinder. "Diverse" can also simply mean different backgrounds and motivations, even within the same alignment. So assuming we'd get more than one just because they want a "diverse" cast will probably leave you disappointed.

I would love more companions, don't get me wrong. I just don't think we'll get more than one per stretch goal. If we even reach said goal, that is.

With PayPal backing confirmed for those who choose that option, I feel confident we can go up to 900k.


some notes :

"- from artworks: some Swashbuckler-ish looking human (or half-elven?) lady. Since Swashbuckler is not in the game, I'd guess bard."

Aren't her the female player character stand-in ? At least the lady was in one of the videos, named Baroness.

- The halfing really looks like Lem, so maybe he will make a cameo, but he won't be a companion. Of course, I can be wrong.

- Also, the ranger seems to be LN in one source and LG in another...

- On screenshots there is a LG half-elf fighter/wizard companion, with an revealed face

There are a lot of Neutral companions, so I guess you can carry them around even if you are good or evil. I hope we will get at least 2-3 evil companions to balance the good ones. There are some classes where we don't have a companion revealed, like druid, monk and rouge.

Well they already have more classes than the promised 10-11 companions so I wouldn't count on getting one for each.

The Swashbucklady being a portrait for the player character is a possibility. However, it would be a weird choice of placement considering her picture is among 4 other companions and in the companions section of the campaign page.

I think the halfling was already confirmed to NOT be Lem.

I thought I saw the ranger being LN somewhere, too. Would actually make way more sense judging from his character discription in the update about him.

The fighter/wizard was probably not a real companion. He didn't have a name and 3 levels of fighter and 7 levels of wizard seems like a weird build, assuming the Eldritch Knight is a thing in the game (which seems extremely likely if they already have a working Arcane Trickster prestige class).

As for evil companions, I hope they don't handle them like BG2, making them more powerful than anyone else so players would choose them over the good guys.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Custom portraits for your main character will be supported.

Also: "After the campaign, funding will continue through the backer portal, which also allows additional payment methods such as PayPal. This will go towards more content and features we may not reach via Kickstarter. With that said, prices will go up after the Kickstarter campaign. For instance, a potential backer may have to pay more for the digital version of the game through the backer portal than somebody funding the game via Kickstarter right now."

1 person marked this as a favorite.

With the additional social network goals,( r/posts/1929031) I calculated we're slightly under 2000 from achieving the first Youtube number of views(assuming it's calculated from all videos). Again assuming it's all the post one facebook, we're missing about 1351 likes(one of the post has 1.5K of likes, without counting the other reacts, and I didn't find how to see the actual amount)

(and the link adds itself a space I can't get rid off -_- )

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Also, New Update. Also, They've Implemented Social Achievements, and one of the things we can all get is a Pseudo-dragon pet,

Silver Crusade


I also love the interface, gimme stylish over streamlined any day.

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