I want a paper magic arcane class.

Homebrew and House Rules

I want pazio to make a paper magic arcane class. Paper magic can do lots of cool things like, Naruto paper bombs, origami animal versions of summon monster spells, magic prayer scrolls, keep evil spirits out of a home, trap spirits, magic bowl that holds three times more food than it should, paper shuriken that is as dangerous as the real thing, Exploding paper shuriken, magic false documents. And kitsunes fit in real well as creators of this magical art. All though not all practitioners are kitsune.

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You don't need a custom class to do this. You could, for example, have a wizard whose spell preparations include creating a paper talisman for each spell he intends to cast that day. Then to cast spells, he uses those talismans as a part of his casting. To cast fireball, he throws a talisman that has a symbol for "Fire" drawn on it at an opponent and it explodes, and so on.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

It's all purely flavor, simply a matter of descriptive spell casting and prep. If you want to play up how unique it is add a +2 to the DC to identify thier spells via spellcraft and conversely they have the same difficulty identifying other casters' spells

Perhaps here's a start.

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UnArcaneElection wrote:

Perhaps here's a start.

I read the URL as "Scroll Rifle" and was slightly disappointed as to what the actual thing was.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

The scroll master archetype for wizards in Ultimate Magic would be a good one to flavor things in this way.

I'm a massive Read or Die fan (if you haven't seen it, both the movie/OAV and TV series are something I highly recommend to anyone who likes literary references, spies, superheroes, and/or badass women, regardless of their feelings about anime in general). Long ago I sat down to think about how to make a "paper master" in Pathfinder, and the conclusion I came to was scroll master plus the fluffing of other magical effects as the others describe above. While I like designing classes/archetypes I agree with the others above this kind of thing largely isn't necessary as it's mostly a fluffed effect. The only thing I might consider might be worth making is a scroll master-inspired sorcerer bloodline (rather than a wizard archetype).

Yes, there are certain things that can't exactly be duplicated, like say R.O.D the TV's Michelle Cheung's paper bow but even that could be approximated with various weapon enhancement or item creation spells.

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I recently watched Kubo And The Two Strings with my daughter and had some similar thoughts about paper magic and origami. Some great ideas here.

They're not arcane, but Kami Medium (psychic) and Omnyoji Spiritualist (divine) use paper talismans.

You could look their mechanics for inspiration

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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I wrote an origami master (summoner archetype) a while ago.

^Looks cool, except that I wouldn't recommend making the Feather Token abilities available so early.

Talisman Crafter occultist is another you might like to look at.

Green Ronin's Advanced Bestiary has an Ofuda template for turning a creature into an animated origami construct, and a Legion of Folded Paper feat that lets casters substitute ofuda versions when casting summon monster spells.

There's also the Onmyoji Class (which is getting an update in Strange Magic 2, by the way, so it might be worth keeping an eye on that - but even the original version was reviewed quite favorably, and at $3.99 it's a pretty affordable pickup).

A friend warped the Alchemist into an Origami Wizard. Not sure how it works.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

There's a feat that lets you change the appearance of your spells. That, plus the scroll master archetype, is probably all you need.

Edit: The feat I was inking of was Stylized Spell from Ultimate Intrigue. Spell Bluff from Ultimate Magic may also prove useful when confounding others with your strange paper magic.

All the rest is simply flavor and imagination.

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