Thor: Ragnarok trailer


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Greylurker wrote:

Saw it today and loved it.

Hulk was really interesting his whole behavior and body language reminds me of my 6 year old Nephew. The Green guy is growing up and becoming his own person which I find facinating.

Favorite line for me though
** spoiler omitted **

One of my favorites

Movie plot spoiler:
"I need to get off this planet." But his whole reaction to being near hulk was priceless^^

Yeah, I nearly spit my soda all over during that bit.

To be fair, Loki got thrashed around by Hulk like a limp dishrag, and Green simply notes "Puny god!" Not a big confidence builder for our trickster. Hey, at least he learned that despite godhood, we all have our limits, his is a huge green dude.

If I were Loki, I would also have...reservations around Hulk.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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Thomas Seitz wrote:
The All Female Defenders and A-force need to be a thing.

Rumor has it Tessa Thompson, Scarlett Johannson, and Zoe Saldana and others partitioned Feige for a team up movie.

Knowing Feige it won't happen. Then again, given now Wonder Woman is the highest grossing superhero origin movie and on par with the gross of many superhero films, maybe he'll consider more female led films. Money has a way of talking even when you're a backwards, sexist d#!@+~*.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
MMCJawa wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

Eh. I find that less than compelling, especially since Natasha already outdid him at being tricky and manipulative, which is actually is thing.

Loki is already terrified of Hulk, failed to mind control Stark through the most ludicrous of plot contrivances, couldn't even get everybody in that crowd in Germany to knuckle under even before Cap showed up, exploding arrowed-to-one-up-his-reflexes-and-prep by Barton...

Loki's street cred versus humanity is so abysmally low that showing it up isn't something we need to spend time on.

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Cole Deschain wrote:
MMCJawa wrote:
** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **

Yeah, Loki should be at least a major full plotline adversary for Strange, maybe not quite on the level of Dormammu, but subtler and easily a match for Strange in a direct magical fight.
Dark Archive

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Regarding the spoilers, this version of Loki suffers from the same problem as this version of Thor. He's not even ten years old (as a character), and acts like it.

Neither of them act like they are centuries, or perhaps even millennia old. Neither of them seem to have those centuries worth of experience, with mortals, with people equal to or superior to them in power, ability or status. Thor has always been the strongest, and gets all sadface when he's not, as if never in a thousand years has he met anyone who could even challenge him in an arm-wrestling competition. Loki has always been the smartest/sneakiest one in the room, and is utterly flummoxed when anyone around him displays a scintilla of intellect, since he's used to dealing with NPCs who always fail their saves versus his shenanigans (or daddy Odin pulling strings and getting him out of whatever jam he's gotten himself into, perhaps?).

Because they have zero connection to the past of the comic book characters, they just sort of sprang into existence this decade, like Athena from the forehead of Zeus, and end up looking kind of clueless when introduced to anything that exists outside of the royal court of Asgard.


That's my hope as well thanks to Wonder Woman. MORE Female Super Hero led movies.

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DeathQuaker wrote:
Thomas Seitz wrote:
The All Female Defenders and A-force need to be a thing.

Rumor has it Tessa Thompson, Scarlett Johannson, and Zoe Saldana and others partitioned Feige for a team up movie.

Knowing Feige it won't happen. Then again, given now Wonder Woman is the highest grossing superhero origin movie and on par with the gross of many superhero films, maybe he'll consider more female led films. Money has a way of talking even when you're a backwards, sexist d#%$#@&.

Was Fiege behind that or Perlmutter? IIRC Perlmutter was the guy who refused to produce female character toys and early on nixed any plans for a Black Widow movie.

It wasn't that long after the split between the TV divisions and movie divisions that Captain Marvel was announced.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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I think you're right about Perlmutter, MMC Jawa. I might be being unfair to Feige, but I just feel hasn't done enough to support a number of characters, especially most of the female ones. On the other hand, apparently he and Marvel have had to deal with stuff like Robert Downey Jrs. nonsensical contract demands, which is why Cap 3 was really Avengers 3/Iron Man 4, and Spider-Man had waay too much Tony in it too. (And the frustrating thing there is I actually like Tony Stark as character, deeply flawed though he may be, but I don't need to see him in everything and it's becoming a turnoff.)

It WAS Feige that Thompson et al petitioned. We'll see what happens. I like that "Valkyrie" is leading the charge. :)

On other subjects, I really really liked this movie. Loved the aesthetic, loved the characters, loved Hulk smashing, loved Hela's scenery chewing, loved Thor slowly wising up to his brother. The first two Thor movies I really was not that keen on and I saw this on a whim, and really glad I did, because I liked it waaay better than the first two.

John Napier 698 wrote:
Well, I remember an old Marvel title called The Defenders which had Dr. Strange, the Hulk, and a character called Valkyrie. It seems that the MCU might be setting up for a Defenders movie.

Brunhilde was the blonde Valkyrie that got stabbed protecting Scrapper 142,who just might have slept with the Hulk.Also her name was never said. Is she Caiera?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
doc chaos wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
Well, I remember an old Marvel title called The Defenders which had Dr. Strange, the Hulk, and a character called Valkyrie. It seems that the MCU might be setting up for a Defenders movie.
Brunhilde was the blonde Valkyrie that got stabbed protecting Scrapper 142,who just might have slept with the Hulk.Also her name was never said. Is she Caiera?

There are elements of Caiera in the character, so she could be Caiera. I don't think they officially confirmed that the blonde Valkyrie was Brunhilde, though she did look like her.

DeathQuaker wrote:
Rumor has it Tessa Thompson, Scarlett Johannson, and Zoe Saldana and others partitioned Feige for a team up movie.

I'm guessing whoever replaces him will give the ladies their movie. Yikes!

Put out the darkwing put out the dark wing....

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BigNorseWolf wrote:
Put out the darkwing put out the dark wing....

Good job, Stegmutt.

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It was good. So is the hammer gone forever?

As to the identity of Valkyrie character, in the Marvel Future Fight game the Valkyrie character (who was added as part of the Thor Ragnarok update) has Brunhilde listed as her actual name.

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MMCJawa wrote:
DeathQuaker wrote:
Thomas Seitz wrote:
The All Female Defenders and A-force need to be a thing.

Rumor has it Tessa Thompson, Scarlett Johannson, and Zoe Saldana and others partitioned Feige for a team up movie.

Knowing Feige it won't happen. Then again, given now Wonder Woman is the highest grossing superhero origin movie and on par with the gross of many superhero films, maybe he'll consider more female led films. Money has a way of talking even when you're a backwards, sexist d#%$#@&.

Was Fiege behind that or Perlmutter? IIRC Perlmutter was the guy who refused to produce female character toys and early on nixed any plans for a Black Widow movie.

It wasn't that long after the split between the TV divisions and movie divisions that Captain Marvel was announced.

Yes, I always heard that Perlmutter was against females getting a spotlight(for example in Iron Man 3 the creator of Extremis was set to be the villian of the movie, but Perlmutter put a stop on it because her toy would not sell). How they even got the MCU off the ground with him being involved is one of the big secrets Feige should put in his memoirs.

And Feige never seemed to be the one to get called bad names regarding females leads.

Vidmaster7 wrote:
It was good. So is the hammer gone forever?

For the time looks like it. But the parts still exist, so someone can bring it back without much of a problem.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
lowfyr01 wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
It was good. So is the hammer gone forever?
For the time looks like it. But the parts still exist, so someone can bring it back without much of a problem.

My personal theory is that it's restored via the Time Stone.

Evan Tarlton wrote:
lowfyr01 wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
It was good. So is the hammer gone forever?
For the time looks like it. But the parts still exist, so someone can bring it back without much of a problem.
My personal theory is that it's restored via the Time Stone.

Could be. Or Thor gets to know someone who can reforge it during the next movies. Even if he can call the storm, the hammer is still a powerful weapon as seen during the fight against Surtur.

But perhaps it shows up in Black Panther reforged into the most powerful letter opener^^

Maybe its a sub plot of infinity wars.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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Damon Griffin wrote:
DeathQuaker wrote:
Rumor has it Tessa Thompson, Scarlett Johannson, and Zoe Saldana and others partitioned Feige for a team up movie.
I'm guessing whoever replaces him will give the ladies their movie. Yikes!

Thanks autocorrect (and fumblethumbs).

Anyway, you f$~&ing know what I f&&%ing meant.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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lowfyr01 wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
It was good. So is the hammer gone forever?
For the time looks like it. But the parts still exist, so someone can bring it back without much of a problem.

I expect its reforging or recreation will be part of Infinity War.

I'm wondering if Thanos will try to offer the Avengers et al things they want if they stay out of his way, e.g., leave me alone and you get Mjollnir back. OTOH, Thanos I would hope isn't dumb enough to give Thor Mjollnir back.

In theory, couldn't Tony perhaps fix (reforge to be exact) Mew Mew (what, I like calling an artifact level weapon made from the heart of a dead star a silly name :) ) given that he does plenty of stuff that is equally insane (like ummm..making Vision! Yeah Yeah infinity stone likely does as much of that work as Tony, but still)

DeathQuaker wrote:
lowfyr01 wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
It was good. So is the hammer gone forever?
For the time looks like it. But the parts still exist, so someone can bring it back without much of a problem.

I expect its reforging or recreation will be part of Infinity War.

I'm wondering if Thanos will try to offer the Avengers et al things they want if they stay out of his way, e.g., leave me alone and you get Mjollnir back. OTOH, Thanos I would hope isn't dumb enough to give Thor Mjollnir back.

He might

Older versions of Thanos had a subconcious tendancy to screw himself over. I think he's had therapy since then and gotten over it but yeah in the old days stupid was a good friend of his.

Older Thanos didn't have the wisdom of his current version. Now he does.

I fully expect Mjolnir to be reforged, if only because we all want the dino-killing hammer back.

Silver Crusade

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Thomas Seitz wrote:

Older Thanos didn't have the wisdom of his current version. Now he does.

I fully expect Mjolnir to be reforged, if only because we all want the dino-killing hammer back.

Ssspeak for yourssself mammal...

Okay who let James Jacobs pet dinos in this thread?

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They let themselves in. Someone forgot to lock the door, like in some dinosaur movie. And without their natural predator, Mjolnir, they're gonna start growing in numbers till they're out of control....

Sovereign Court

Seen it finally. Enjoyed it immensely.

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Oh snap Hama liked it that is how you know its good. (that and watching it helps)

Retroactive Observation:
Was it just me, or was Goldblum's Grandmaster kind of... skeezy? I mean, he was making *LOKI* uncomfortable with that whole 'if I was anywhere else I'd be a million years old' thread? And... my brain went to a really weird place... was the Grandmaster using some sort of emotional abuse on Hulk to keep him being the champion -- thus putting people out into the streets to find him?

Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

I think that was what they were going for grand master. That was my impression anyways.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

The Grandmaster is a Very Bad Person. Any skeevy vibes you get off of him are probably intentional.

At the same time...

I don't think Hulk needed a lot of persuading. Given his life prior to Sakaar, his gig was pretty sweet. I don't think much was required to keep him happy.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

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Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

That's just Goldblum being Goldblum. He makes my wife's skin crawl.

I always thought the Elders (Grandmaster, The Collector, The Gardener, The Runner, etc) were so incomprehensibly alien that the idea of morality would be at best 'quaint' and at worst 'meaningless'?

I think the big thing about the elders is they all seem to become wholly and competently obsessed with one single thing. I think anything that doesn't have anything to do with their obsession is meaningless to them.

Dark Archive Vendor - Fantasiapelit Tampere

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Grandmaster was to me, like many other, like a slave master/owner. Casually seems nice, but his apprehension to speak about things with their real names (not slaves, non-paid workers) and casual cruelty towards people echo this. And that alone makes him very uncomfortable be with. So the idea that he has maybe using emotional abuse to keep Hulk happy is probably very true.

Cole Deschain wrote:

The Grandmaster is a Very Bad Person. Any skeevy vibes you get off of him are probably intentional.

At the same time...

** spoiler omitted **

Wouldn't making Hulk really happy calm him down enough to turn him back into Bruce? Wouldn't Hulk need some sort of constant or recurring stressor to be kept green?

I think that is what they were hinting at the whole heart broken thing etc. for keeping him hulk the whole time.

More Hulk thoughts..:

"Okay, Bulk, Hulk, whatever. Wanna smash? We give stuff to smash. Good? Good! Go with nice lady and get ready."

...because I really don't see folks being able to corral the Hulk save in the vaguest of terms and there had to be some other hook to get him to stay that way.

Of course, being on the nigh-literal rear-end of the galaxy might have had something to do with keeping Banner suppressed, too. As a scientist the math would keep stressing him out and causing an emotional feedback loop?

...was this Goldblum's first 'villainous' role?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Drejk wrote:
Wouldn't making Hulk really happy calm him down enough to turn him back into Bruce? Wouldn't Hulk need some sort of constant or recurring stressor to be kept green?

Didn't seem that way. Hulk seemed pretty content in all of his non-combat scenes- recall that Banner

has been stuck as the Hulk since before the credits rolled on Avengers 2. Safe to say something has changed.

Dark Archive

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Vidmaster7 wrote:
I think that is what they were hinting at the whole heart broken thing etc. for keeping him hulk the whole time.

One of the few things I liked about Age of Ultron is how, without really meaning to, Black Widow broke both Banner *and* Hulk's hearts. The second she doesn't need Hulk, she sends him away with the lullabye, the second she needs the Hulk, she doesn't care that Banner doesn't *want* to be the Hulk, she says 'you're adorable' and pushes him off a cliff because she 'needs the other guy.' She says straight up that she is surrounded by men who are weapons, and she admires Banner for not wanting to be 'the guy who can win the fight,' and yet, when the chips are down, she'll ignore his wishes and bring out the monster.

I thought it was a neat bit of characterization that, even when she's trying to be sincere in a relationship, she just doesn't have the tools for that particular job and she thinks of people in her life as assets, as resources to be used and 'managed.'

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

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My favorite line was Odin's, in the psychic link with Thor.

"What are you, the God of Hammers?"

Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

...was this Goldblum's first 'villainous' role?

Well...he doesn't start out that way but he definitely is the big bad in the 80's Fly remake

Scarab Sages

Finally saw the movie this past Friday. I thought it was very entertaining. The director did a great job.

I look forward to seeing the reactions of the other Avengers to Thor One-Eye and Very Talkative Hulk. I'm wondering, however, if we're going to see them start off Infinity War as prisoners.

The chick playing Valkyrie was pretty hot, and I thought she played off well against Hemsworth.

I did notice that, as with the Collector, Goldblum's Grandmaster seemed less powerful than his comic book counterpart.

Korg was a kick ass character. I hope to see more of him.

He might not be that god, but the hammer CLEARLY is important to his power set.

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The hammer is his.. no wait wrong hammer hero.

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Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

...was this Goldblum's first 'villainous' role?

No he's definitely a bad guy in DEEP COVER with Laurence Fishbourne.

You can count his character "Slick" in Silverado as a bad guy as well.


Are we now making Nintendo references?

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