What's the top magic items for healing an unwilling/hostile character ?
Preferably items that renew themselves each day and not dependent on class (no spell-completion and spell-trigger items) and under 10,000gp
In the long run, maybe a vial of efficacious medicine. They cost 7000 gp, but once you get one you can cure 3d8+15 damage every day just by dousing your patient in wing oil or the like.
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Wracking Rod if you're allowed to use stuff Paizo made in 3.5e.
Healing effects usually have a saving throw of "Will negates (harmless)", meaning that an unwilling subject gets a save to resist if they don't want to be healed.
The most effective healing item is still a wand of cure light wounds, whether you like it or not.
The target gets a will save to reduce the healing by half, but otherwise it's still effective.
Yeah, the method of healing doesn't really change. CLW wands are Will half (harmless), like almost all healing effects, so poke 'em harder. The save DC won't be great (DC11), but 15 gp / 2-3 hp is still one of your better conversion rates. Plus, wands are much easier to make or buy by the truckload. You could also try Troll Styptic. The nauseating factor of the remedy might make them more... amenable... next time.
Spellstoring whip against armored targets. Healers only though
Remember, much like cause light wounds, heal spells also require a touch attack.
On willing folks, its a given, on unwilling, you're going to have to roll it.
EvilMinion wrote: Remember, much like cause light wounds, heal spells also require a touch attack.
On willing folks, its a given, on unwilling, you're going to have to roll it.
One would assume you're healing the unwilling after they've already gone down. Saves time that way.
It's magical nor "top", but Snake Oil deserves a mention as a healing poison.
Dastis wrote: Spellstoring whip against armored targets. Healers only though Spellstoring weapons only affect creatures that take damage from the attack. So a Spellstoring whip will not affect targets with armor or + 3 or better natural armor unless the wielder has the ability to damage such targets with a whip.