[Misfit Studios] The Book of Passion Kickstarter for 3.75E is live!


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Silver Crusade

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Bardess wrote:
We're funded!!!

F&&+ YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Rysky wrote:
Okay, if they cut off their hair they lose the penalty, but the also loose the boon until it grows back. Not really seeing a problem here.

The problem is that other oracle curses don't let you leverage when they do and do not apply. You have to take the penalty with the benefits, and can't give it up when you perceive it to be a bigger drawback than the benefit you're gaining.

And if a caster runs out of spells they have MUCH bigger problems than worrying about grapple checks.

That doesn't negate the argument being put forth; just because they have "bigger problems" doesn't change that it's suddenly more worthwhile not to have their curse, and that's something they can do.

Silver Crusade

Okay then the hair curse is unique in that you can turn it off and on, the whole curse, the good and bad. You can't just get rid of the penalty while keeping the bonuses, so again, I'm not seeing a problem with it. You chop off your hair, you lose reach and the grapple penalties, you don't get to keep one while getting rid of the other.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Rysky wrote:
Okay then the hair curse is unique in that you can turn it off and on, the whole curse, the good and bad. You can't just get rid of the penalty while keeping the bonuses, so again, I'm not seeing a problem with it. You chop off your hair, you lose reach and the grapple penalties, you don't get to keep one while getting rid of the other.

Yeah, that you'd lose the whole curse is what I've been saying. The reason it's a problem is that players can and will leverage that so that they'll keep the curse when it's more advantageous than not to do so, and dump it when it's more advantageous than not to do so. That's the problem, because that makes the curse unbalanced compared to other curses.

It's far better, and simpler, to add a sentence saying something like "it instantly grows back to its original length when cut (and cut hair instantly disintegrates into nothingness" since that prevents the oracle from making endless stretches of rope with their cut hair).

Which reminds me of my favourite 1e Cantrip (thus it could be argued to be part of Prestigitation), Hair (grow your hair 1 foot longer).

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber


Silver Crusade

Alzrius wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Okay then the hair curse is unique in that you can turn it off and on, the whole curse, the good and bad. You can't just get rid of the penalty while keeping the bonuses, so again, I'm not seeing a problem with it. You chop off your hair, you lose reach and the grapple penalties, you don't get to keep one while getting rid of the other.

Yeah, that you'd lose the whole curse is what I've been saying. The reason it's a problem is that players can and will leverage that so that they'll keep the curse when it's more advantageous than not to do so, and dump it when it's more advantageous than not to do so. That's the problem, because that makes the curse unbalanced compared to other curses.

It's far better, and simpler, to add a sentence saying something like "it instantly grows back to its original length when cut (and cut hair instantly disintegrates into nothingness" since that prevents the oracle from making endless stretches of rope with their cut hair).

Dood, giving up with reach with touch spells to make yourself just a little bit better at grappling is not gamebreaking. In the slightest.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Rysky wrote:
Dood, giving up with reach with touch spells to make yourself just a little bit better at grappling is not gamebreaking. In the slightest.

As I've said, dude, it's situational; it can be better depending on the circumstances. Better to simply not allow it, especially when that's so easy to do.

Silver Crusade

Alzrius wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Dood, giving up with reach with touch spells to make yourself just a little bit better at grappling is not gamebreaking. In the slightest.
As I've said, dude, it's situational; it can be better depending on the circumstances. Better to simply not allow it, especially when that's so easy to do.

Why? You are greatly overexaggerating something that is so situational to basically be a non-issue.

You cut off your hair. You lose the grapple penalties. You also lose your reach. Not sneaky powergaming, or gamebreaking in the slightest.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Rysky wrote:
Why? You are greatly overexaggerating something that is so situational to basically be a non-issue.

Because it's better not to allow curses to be toggled on or off as the player wants, as a general rule, since all possible situations can't be accounted for. It's only a non-issue until it's not.

You cut off your hair. You lose the grapple penalties. You also lose your reach. Not sneaky powergaming, or gamebreaking in the slightest.

Or you could make the curse like every other curse, and not allow it to be activated or deactivated whenever it most suits the player. And no one is calling it "sneaky" or "gamebreaking" except you - but being able to leverage when penalties apply, when that's clearly not the point of the curse, is powergaming.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

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Silver Crusade

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Enough of this, it's a non-issue, it really is. I'm done cluttering this thread with this silly argument.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Rysky wrote:
Enough of this, it's a non-issue, it really is.

I'd call it a minor issue that's easily fixed, though I agree that this is enough.

I'm done cluttering this thread with this silly argument.

Thanks for that.

Dark Archive

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I'm so happy this is funded. I am so excited to see the stretch goals roll in and know there is a good base of "mature" gamers.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Awesome, awesome, awesome, and awesome.

Keep spreading the word, folks! Everything from here is a bonus!

Silver Crusade

Moskau wrote:
I'm so happy this is funded. I am so excited to see the stretch goals roll in and know there is a good base of "mature" gamers.


Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

It's great that the book is a go! Now let's see how many stretch goals we can get! :D

Silver Crusade

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*dances happily*

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Back after a little bit...

Awesome to see it is funded. Excited to hear Liz is doing some art stuff. Woohoo!

Gave that occultist archetype some serious thought and sent Zelgadas Greyward a fairly lengthy message. That turned out much longer than I thought it would, and after I get some feedback , I'll be happy to share what I have if Zelgadas doesn't mind. Rather proud of that short burst of mental effort.

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Alzrius wrote:
Is there language in that curse that prevents/precludes the oracle from simply cutting their hair extremely short (or just going bald)? Because that's the sort of thing I can see a powergaming PC doing (or, alternatively, an enemy that's captured them...which leads to a whole Samson thing going on).

Yes - it grows back quickly, returning to full length within 24 hours if cut.

Edit: And since that conversation continued for much longer...

RAW, cutting your hair does NOT remove the penalty to CMD. A nice GM might decide that logic would dictate that it does, but I intentionally left no mention of that in the rules because I didn't want players cutting their hair to temporarily remove the curse.

A character might still choose to cut their hair (while wearing a disguise, for example), but RAW it wouldn't help with their grapple issues.

Now, again, a GM might decide that logic means that the penalty should be removed along with the benefits, and that's fine - I don't say anything against that either. It is up to each individual GM to decide how to rule on that one.

Also... FUNDED! Yay!

A little late on that one, I realize, but I've had a busy day. It was a nice surprise when I finally got a chance to check in on things.

So... now to unlock all the Alchemist, Cavalier, Inquisitor, and Oracle stuff we've been talking about!

Silver Crusade


Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Zelgadas Greyward wrote:
RAW, cutting your hair does NOT remove the penalty to CMD. A nice GM might decide that logic would dictate that it does, but I intentionally left no mention of that in the rules because I didn't want players cutting their hair to temporarily remove the curse.

Glad to hear that you took that into account. :)

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Anyway, I was going to post these yesterday, but then we Funded and I got distracted by the hair discussion.

So, it's time to finish up the Oracle preview and keep everyone excited about the first Stretch goal.

Oracle Archetypes:

The Beautiful Champion archetype grants an oracle the ability to disguise their identity in a similar fashion to a Vigilante.

The Merciful Oracle archetype is restricted against using lethal attacks but gains a number of options to reason with opponents or defeat them non-lethally.

The Muse archetype gains the power to inspire a chosen ally. Such inspiration can lead to amazing skill use, beautiful performances, or deadly rages.

The Pain Bearer archetype feels pain as pleasure. When exposed to pain, the pain bearer instead gains various benefits, but is also cursed to seek pain out.

Dark Archive

Really dig the idea of the pain bearer.

Sadly, I think TSA lost some of my heroforge minis, so I might have to downgrade my pledge.

Silver Crusade

Liking the Muse and Pain Bearer!

@Moskau, :( *hugs*

Dark Archive

*hugs back* Such is life. I am making phone calls to see my options.

Silver Crusade

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Hope it goes well for you!

Rysky wrote:
Liking the Muse and Pain Bearer!
Moskau wrote:
Really dig the idea of the pain bearer.

Thanks! Any Kushiel's Legacy fans will see the obvious inspiration on Pain Bearer - the name itself is an homage.

Moskau wrote:
Sadly, I think TSA lost some of my heroforge minis, so I might have to downgrade my pledge.

Like, during a custom's check? That sucks. At first, I thought you meant a shipping company, and I was going to ask about insurance, but there's really nothing you can do if the TSA screws you over (at least as far as I know).

Keep us posted. If nothing else, you can share you pain and get internet hugs.

Dark Archive

More like a suspicious bag check. They searched 2/3 bags, and my minis would have been right on top. I made a phone call to the TSA and the airline. I'm waiting on call backs. I mostly miss my Mystery Cultist of Arshea since he was a steel one and one of my most fun characters to play since he needs to achieve release with a partner or by himself once a day for class features.


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We've added a 150 backers goal to release an Impassioned Talented Adventurer Rogue from Will Wells. We need your help in sharing the Book of Passion kickstarter on your social media groups to get the word out. We have 14 days to reach our stretch goals.

We appreciate all help! We want to make this the best book it can be!

Silver Crusade


Backed a bit ago (Tuesday).

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I'm curious, do you guys have a full set of kinks finalized yet?

(Mine is, or I guess it is, rather exotic, so I'm assuming that it's not in there, but it would make me extraordinarily happy.)

The Doomkitten wrote:

I'm curious, do you guys have a full set of kinks finalized yet?

(Mine is, or I guess it is, rather exotic, so I'm assuming that it's not in there, but it would make me extraordinarily happy.)

I second this question...

The Doomkitten wrote:

I'm curious, do you guys have a full set of kinks finalized yet?

(Mine is, or I guess it is, rather exotic, so I'm assuming that it's not in there, but it would make me extraordinarily happy.)

John Kretzer wrote:
I second this question...

Actually, Kinks are simply wrapped right into the Sexual check rules in chapter 1.

We don't define specific kinks (with two exceptions) because there are just too many. Instead, kinks work like this:

If character A has a kink, and character B employs that kink while making a check during a sexual encounter, then character B gets a +1 bonus to his or her check for using that character's kink.

Basically, if someone does something you like, they get a bonus to please you. Simple and easy.

I misspoke before about kinks being related to traits. Two specific kinks are, but just those two, because they need specific interaction rules.

Aside from those two, your character can have as many kinks as you like, and you can be as specific as you like.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Hmmm...I know 18.6K is a long way off at present, but the list shows ten classes and yet their are only supposed to be eight class options.

Is this some form of succubus inspired math I was not previously aware of or are all ten ACG classes getting options at that stretch goal?

Moskau wrote:

More like a suspicious bag check. They searched 2/3 bags, and my minis would have been right on top. I made a phone call to the TSA and the airline. I'm waiting on call backs. I mostly miss my Mystery Cultist of Arshea since he was a steel one and one of my most fun characters to play since he needs to achieve release with a partner or by himself once a day for class features.

File a claim. It won't hurt and you might even get reimbursed.

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Feros wrote:

Hmmm...I know 18.6K is a long way off at present, but the list shows ten classes and yet their are only supposed to be eight class options.

Is this some form of succubus inspired math I was not previously aware of or are all ten ACG classes getting options at that stretch goal?

All ten ACG classes are getting their options at that stretch goal. I'm not sure what happened with the "eight classes" typo - I didn't even notice it until you pointed it out.

Zelgadas Greyward wrote:
The Doomkitten wrote:

I'm curious, do you guys have a full set of kinks finalized yet?

(Mine is, or I guess it is, rather exotic, so I'm assuming that it's not in there, but it would make me extraordinarily happy.)

John Kretzer wrote:
I second this question...

Actually, Kinks are simply wrapped right into the Sexual check rules in chapter 1.

We don't define specific kinks (with two exceptions) because there are just too many. Instead, kinks work like this:

If character A has a kink, and character B employs that kink while making a check during a sexual encounter, then character B gets a +1 bonus to his or her check for using that character's kink.

Basically, if someone does something you like, they get a bonus to please you. Simple and easy.

I misspoke before about kinks being related to traits. Two specific kinks are, but just those two, because they need specific interaction rules.

Aside from those two, your character can have as many kinks as you like, and you can be as specific as you like.

So which two kinks are the exception?

John Kretzer wrote:
So which two kinks are the exception?




In addition to having a mutual kink interaction, they also provide a few other minor trait bonuses that are beneficial in combat. Thus they appear specifically named under the Combat Traits section.

Silver Crusade


Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I forget if this has been asked, but is the monk archetype going to be compatible with the unchained monk, or only the Core Rulebook monk?

Luthorne wrote:
I forget if this has been asked, but is the monk archetype going to be compatible with the unchained monk, or only the Core Rulebook monk?

Well, it was written for the Core rulebook Monk, but I don't see any reason it couldn't be used for an unchained monk.

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Zelgadas Greyward wrote:
Luthorne wrote:
I forget if this has been asked, but is the monk archetype going to be compatible with the unchained monk, or only the Core Rulebook monk?
Well, it was written for the Core rulebook Monk, but I don't see any reason it couldn't be used for an unchained monk.

Yeah, it's just by default, any archetype for the Core monk isn't allowed to be applied to the Unchained monk unless it has language stating it can. Ie, something like...

Legacy of Dragons wrote:
This ability replaces maneuver training. For the unchained monk from Pathfinder Unchained, draconic fury is the elemental fury ki power, and is gained in place of the ki power normally gained at 4th level.

Dark Archive

I love the art preview on Facebook.

Moskau wrote:
I love the art preview on Facebook.

Likewise. It reminds me a bit of the driders from Drowtales. The nice/attractive ones, I mean.

Silver Crusade

Dawwww, happy family ^w^

And that court of the Sultana...

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We're less than $800 away from the APG stretch goal.

With that in mind, we haven't done an APG stretch goal preview lately.

I've teased a lot about the summoner previously, so most of this is old news, but here are some details.


For Summoners, we include two new Eidolon base forms, two new evolutions, and the Harem Summoner archetype.

The two new Eidolon forms are Fey and Servitor, which are both modified versions of the humanoid form. The Fey type is suitable for making fey-like eidolons, while the Servitor type gets increased skills and language. Both gain non-standard stat increases (Dex/Cha for the Fey, Int/Cha for the Servitor, rather than the usual Str/Dex) as the summoner gains levels.

The new evolutions allow eidolons to take abilities associated with creatures of passion, like fey or a succubus.

The Harem Summoner gains the ability to summon two Servitor Eidolons (rather than one), and to gain more as her level increases. While each of these Servitors is slightly weaker than normal, they can each learn different skills, allowing the Summoner to create a variety of skilled eidolons. While the archetypes name suggests one use, it would be equally valid to staff a small business, such as a blacksmith shop, with one's Eidolons.


In other harem related news, I backed the hell out of that Court of Sultana kickstarter. ^^

Silver Crusade

Ooooo, I like the Harem Summoner. I does I does.

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