Gray Warden |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
(n*(1 + d)/2 + s)*(1 + c*(r - 1)/20)*(21 - AC + h)/20
n = number of base damage dice. Eg: 1d8 -> n = 1; 2d6 -> n = 2.
d = damage dice. Eg: 1d8 -> d = 8; 2d6 -> d = 6.
s = static damage. Eg: strength + power attack + weapon enhancement + ...
c = critical multiplier. Eg: 2, 3, 4.
r = critical range. Eg: crit on 20 -> r = 1; crit on 18-20 -> r = 3.
AC = enemy AC
h = hit bonus. Eg: BAB + strength + Weapon Focus + ...
If your hit bonus is higher on crit confirmation rolls (Eg: Critical Focus), then use this formula instead:
(n*(1 + d)/2 + s)*((21 - AC + h)/20 + c*(r - 1)/20*(21 - AC + H)/20)
where H = hit bonus on crit confirmation rolls.
Repeat for any attack in the round and sum the results.
This formula doesn't address auto-miss and auto-hit on 1 and 20 respectively, but in general 1 is a miss and 20 is a hit anyway.
Also, I just improvised it on the fly, it may be wrong. Let me know if you find any mistakes :D
EDIT: techno-ninjad. Not funny :/
Khudzlin |
To account for auto hits and misses, limit the 21 - AC + h part between 1 and 19 (minimum 1 because 20 always hits, maximum 19 because 1 always misses*). Also, r must be limited between 1 and that number (since you don't threaten if you don't hit, but a natural 20 always threatens).
To account for stuff that isn't multiplied on a critical (sneak attack and other extra dice, for instance) and stuff that gets added only on a critical (bleeding critical or mythic power attack, for instance), I prefer to make separate calculations for regular and critical hits, and combine them after.
* There is a mythic ability that lets you hit on a 1, provided you meet the enemy's AC. I think it's pretty useless.
Gray Warden |
Yeah, it needs some restrictions on variables (I was quite in a hurry :P). To account for damage not multiplied on crits, you can just repeat the calculation just for that damage, putting c = 0, and then sum it to the base damage.
Of course an automatized spreadshit would be better, but I think this is good enough for quick calculations.
Claxon |
Sorry, I don't have an excel version. Although I think you can save google sheets offline and use excel to edit them (not 100% positive).
It's also worth noting I didn't make that sheet, user Tejon did, some time ago.
I've made more simple version that don't break out stuff as much as he did. In mine you have to calculate your total to hit and damage values on your own, whereas he helps you to generate those values and can help you to see (more easily) how increasing attack rolls or damage can help your overall DPR. I specifically made mine for an archer.
The general rule of thumb though, is that a +1 to attack is equal to about 2 points to damage. This is why Power Attack with a two-handed weapon giving you +3 damage for a -1 to attack rolls is so good.
Talonhawke |
Sorry, I don't have an excel version. Although I think you can save google sheets offline and use excel to edit them (not 100% positive).
It's also worth noting I didn't make that sheet, user Tejon did, some time ago.
I've made more simple version that don't break out stuff as much as he did. In mine you have to calculate your total to hit and damage values on your own, whereas he helps you to generate those values and can help you to see (more easily) how increasing attack rolls or damage can help your overall DPR. I specifically made mine for an archer.
The general rule of thumb though, is that a +1 to attack is equal to about 2 points to damage. This is why Power Attack with a two-handed weapon giving you +3 damage for a -1 to attack rolls is so good.
It will move to Excel just fine if you download it that's what ?I have been doing all morning.
Ravingdork |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
My Crazy Character Emporium has a DPR calculator in the Roleplaying Tools section.
It also has a ton of other useful tools and hundreds of character builds and ideas. Check out the comment thread sometime.
Khudzlin |
@Gray Warden Yeah, it does the job for quick calculations.
@Claxon Critical Chance should never be higher than Actual Chance to hit (maybe add a "Actual Chance to crit" column), because you don't threaten if you don't hit. I assume it never came up for your archer, but it would for a character wielding a rapier (or other weapon with the same threat range), especially once Keen or Improved Critical expands the threat range even more.
Claxon |
@Gray Warden Yeah, it does the job for quick calculations.
@Claxon Critical Chance should never be higher than Actual Chance to hit (maybe add a "Actual Chance to crit" column), because you don't threaten if you don't hit. I assume it never came up for your archer, but it would for a character wielding a rapier (or other weapon with the same threat range), especially once Keen or Improved Critical expands the threat range even more.
Took me a minute to understand what you were saying, you're correct I never accounted for the possibility of having a low enough to hit compared to target AC that a critical threat didn't also hit the enemy.
I'm not sure how I should program that exactly, I'll have to think on it.
So yes, it is true that you could have a crit chance that is actually lower than reflected in my sheet because your to hit value + your minimum critical threat roll might not be enough to hit the enemy. If this is the case, you will need to adjust the entry in the crit range thread modifier as the minimum number required to roll to hit the enemy instead of the minimum number of your crit range.
Claxon |
To expand Khudzlin, the highest threat range once can obtain is 15-20, using a normal 18-20 weapon with either improved critical or keen (or something similar).
So, it would require a 15 on the dice to miss the enemy for the critical chance values I have to be incorrect.
As I stated though, you can manually correct for this (if you notice) by simply setting the minimum crit range value to the value that also allows you to hit. At this point your crit chance and to hit chance should be equal. And you chance of having a critical hit will be X^2.
Chess Pwn |
Thanks, guys! I do have a silly question. How do you establish your chance of hitting? That depends on the opponent's AC, doesn't it?
Yes it does require an AC value. The value is 5% for every number on the die that will succeed. so if you succeed on a 2 then it's 95% if you need a nat 20 then it's 5%. if you succeed on an 11 then it's 50%
Claxon |
Thanks, guys! I do have a silly question. How do you establish your chance of hitting? That depends on the opponent's AC, doesn't it?
1-((Opponenet's AC - To Hit-1)/20) = your decimal point chance of hitting. Minimum of 0.05 and 0.95 due to natural 20 always hitting and natural 1 always missing. There is a 1 in 400 chance of rolling 2 natural 20s.
You can multiple by 100 to know the percentage.
Inlaa |
Generally, you compare your attack bonus to the average AC of a monster of a given CR. So you'll look at how your attack bonus compares at each CR that matches with your character's level.
I need to do this with my Warpriest slinger build and see how it compares to real archer builds. Thanks for linking these things, guys.
Claxon |
So how do you calculate DPR for a character you're considering? I mean, in the abstract, as opposed in a fight against THIS meanie or THAT group of baddies?
Use this sheet which has average stats for monsters at various CRs. The sheet data is I think only based on the 1st bestiary, but the averages has pretty much remained the same since then. Only the extreme have changed, I think.
I usually like to calculate against creature mys CR and CR+4.
Chess Pwn |
Yeah, you pick the target AC by using either the monster creation rules or the sheet Claxon linked and looking what the AC is for the level you want to compare against. I think the more commonly used on is the monster creation.
And like Claxon said, it's a good idea to do your CR and at your CR +2/3/4 whatever cr you'd expect a boss to be at.
this can show you that against a normal target you do good DPR, but against a boss you do really bad, because you can't handle the AC increase. Or just show that you'll still be useful against a boss.