Recruitment: Kingmaker AP


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@Faelar Braegen
I originally had this character built as an Aid Other fanatic. It was fun but the campaign fell through..ironically another Kingmaker.
Check out swift Aid and Benevolent weapons and armor. Plus for a team work feat..phalanx fighter is nice if you are able to keep the group together...

Aid Another stuff again, sorry:
Swift Aid's effectiveness depends on GM interpretation. See, it's Aid Another, but it only gives a +1. So does the Halfling's Helpful trait bring it to +4? Do traits that change Aid Another from +2 to something else have any effect?

GM calls determine a lot for Aid Another oriented builds.

Tavarokk wrote:
DM Talomyr - Kingmaker wrote:

I'm willing to entertain the idea, but only if it only applies to one type of spear (i.e you get either shortspears, spears, or longspears etc. not all).

We can certainly discuss what you have in mind either here of via PM.

This thing, basically. Longspear is likely way too unwieldy to even qualify, and I presume fighting with shortspear is sufficiently different (held in one hand overhead like early greek fighters did, maybe?) to require a separate feat.

Using just a regular spear, sure I'll allow that bit of restructuring. Same prerequisites as Dervish Dance.

JDPhipps wrote:

GM, would you be willing to remove the caveat of Slashing Grace not working with Spell Combat? It feels like it was intended as a way to limit Dexterity-to-damage, but doing so is already obnoxiously difficult and requires such specific builds without it. I would build a Dervish Dance magus (who need originality, right?) except my character concept has absolutely no reason to have ever taken a singular rank in Perform (Dance) and I was also hoping not to use a scimitar. I'd love to use either a falcata or Aldori Dueling Sword (in which case I'd have him be a new student of the Aldori Swordlords), but the only way as a magus that I could gain dexterity to damage with those weapons is to wait until ~6th level or so when I have the money to purchase a +1 Agile weapon and put said enchantments on my black blade.

If not, I may have to adjust my concept again some, but I figured I'd ask.

By my interpretation, your off-hand is empty during spell combat. So yes, I'm willing to waive that if that has been official ruling.

Sovereign Court

DM Talomyr - Kingmaker wrote:
pinvendor wrote:
DM Talomyr - Kingmaker wrote:

Theodore Logan? Where's Bill S. Preston?

Okay, I admit I'm showing my age with the Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure comment...

Missed opportunity there, his wyld stallyn mount should have been named Bill Preston...
You sure you don't want to make a submission for this game? ;)

Yeah, we have such good chemistry! ;)

DM Talomyr - Kingmaker wrote:
You sure you don't want to make a submission for this game? ;)
Jesse Heinig wrote:
Yeah, we have such good chemistry! ;)

I'll think about

Sovereign Court

pinvendor wrote:
DM Talomyr - Kingmaker wrote:
You sure you don't want to make a submission for this game? ;)
Jesse Heinig wrote:
Yeah, we have such good chemistry! ;)
I'll think about

Honestly it would be half-tempting to just play Marisol and Durielle in this game, since it would get regular updates... but then we couldn't tease Vlad!

Jesse Heinig wrote:
pinvendor wrote:
DM Talomyr - Kingmaker wrote:
You sure you don't want to make a submission for this game? ;)
Jesse Heinig wrote:
Yeah, we have such good chemistry! ;)
I'll think about
Honestly it would be half-tempting to just play Marisol and Durielle in this game, since it would get regular updates... but then we couldn't tease Vlad!

Stop that! Durielle sees enough alternate realities without the two of you actually drifting into one!

Poor Vlad, you just don't want to be stuck watching all of the action.

I have had a look at both recommendations you gave Lord Christian, whilst I agree with Inlaa that Swift Aid may not be best with my current trait selection, I do really like the "Phalanx Fighter" teamwork feat. That would also make it more viable to take the "Shake It Off" feat too, as that increases your Saving Throws by an amount equal to adjacent allies.

Another reason I think Swift Aid would not be a good selection is that I will be getting Bodyguard, so I will be able to use my AoO's to Aid Another to give a bonus to AC, which is probably all I will be using them for anyway. I want Theodore to be the Cavalier who intercepts enemies attacks and can command respect from his allies.

Probably sounds like every character people have made, but as I said I am more of a supportive player. Please feel free to send any more Feats, etc over my way. Way of the ones suggested I didn't know existed, especially the Mount Archtypes (which I did end up choosing to take Charger for my companion).

I liked the battle herald prestige class. It is what I had the original character go into.

I can see why, it is an amazing one for support. It is a shame that you have to do a level dip to get Inspire Courage though. I will try to find a decent knightly order to join as a prestige, unless I go straight Cavalier. It all depends on how the game and character progresses.

Edit : I have just found a couple of decent Prestige Classes that work for my concept. Chevalier and Golden Legionnaire. I will have a think about that some more tomorrow.

Awesome, that'll be a huge help. My chosen weapon isn't going to be very useful until Level 3 or so (where I can both get Slashing Grace and ostensibly have enough money to buy Effortless Lace to make it count as a light weapon, but I'll have spells and such to back me up.

I'll have a preliminary build up soon.

Here is my completed submission. All I have left is to buy food, so just need to know the price of the rations, and await an answer from the GM on a PM. Also if I do get selected I may have to change my Teamwork Feat, depending on what the group looks like.

Theodore Logan:

Theodore Logan
Male Halfling Cavalier (Honour Guard / Strategist) 1
LG Small Humanoid (Halfling)
Init +3; Senses ; Perception +3
AC 21, touch 14, flat-footed 18 (+5 Armour, +2 Shield, +3 Dex, +1 Size)
hp 12 (1d10+1+Favoured Class)
Fort +3, Ref +3 (+4 vs Trample), Will +0
Defensive Abilities Fearless, Underfoot
Speed 15 ft.
Melee Aldori Dueling Sword +5 (1d6+2/19-20x2)
Special Attacks
Spell-Like Abilities
Str 14, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 16
Base Atk +1; CMB 2; CMD 14
Feats Skill Focus (Diplomacy), Pack Attack
Traits Helpful, Sword Scion, Patient Optimist, Vain
Skills Diplomacy +10 (+12), *Handle Animal +9*, *Knowledge (Nobility) +5*, Perception +3, Ride +9, Sense Motive +4, Survival +1
Languages Common, Elven, Halfling
SQ Challenge 1/day
Other Gear Scale Mail, Heavy Wooden Shield, Masterwork Backpack, Small Tent, Grooming Kit, Masterwork Manacles, Soap, Mess Kit, Canteen, Explorers Outfit
PP 0, GP 13, SP 7, CP 9
Carrying 34 lb, Light Load 49.5 lb, Medium Load 100 lb, Heavy Load 150 lb
Special Abilities
Outrider: Some half lings specialize in mounted combat. Half lings with this racial trait gain a +2 bonus on Handle Animal and Ride checks. This racial trait replaces sure-footed.
Underfoot: Halflings must train hard to effectively fight bigger opponents. Halflings with this racial trait gain a +1 dodge bonus to AC against foes larger than themselves and a +1 bonus on Reflex saving throws to avoid trample attacks. This racial trait replaces halfling luck.
Sword Scion: You have lived all your life in and around the city of Restov, growing up on tales of Baron Sirian Aldori and the exploits of your home city’s heroic and legendary swordlords. Perhaps one of your family members was an Aldori swordlord, you have a contact among their members, or you have dreamed since childhood of joining. Regardless, you idolize the heroes, styles, and philosophies of the Aldori and have sought to mimic their vaunted art. Before you can petition to join their ranks, however, you feel that you must test your mettle. Joining an expedition into the Stolen Lands seems like a perfect way to improve your skills and begin a legend comparable to that of Baron Aldori. You begin play with a longsword or Aldori dueling sword and gain a +1 trait bonus on all attacks and combat maneuvers made with such weapons.
Helpful: You see nothing wrong with letting others achieve greatness so long as the job gets done. Whenever you successfully perform an aid another action, you grant your ally a +4 bonus instead of the normal +2.
Challenge (Ex): Once per day, a cavalier can challenge a foe to combat. As a swift action, the cavalier chooses one target within sight to challenge. The cavalier’s melee attacks deal extra damage whenever the attacks are made against the target of his challenge. This extra damage is equal to the cavalier’s level. The cavalier can use this ability once per day at 1st level, plus one additional time per day for every three levels beyond 1st, to a maximum of seven times per day at 19th level. Challenging a foe requires much of the cavalier’s concentration. The cavalier takes a –2 penalty to his Armor Class, except against attacks made by the target of his challenge. The challenge remains in effect until the target is dead or unconscious or until the combat ends. Whenever an order of the blue rose cavalier issues a challenge, he receives a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls made against the target of his challenge, if the target is an intelligent creature to whom the cavalier offered the chance to surrender (by taking a standard action to offer terms). This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels the cavalier possesses (to a maximum of +5 at 17th level).
Sworn Defense (Ex): At 1st level, whenever an honour guard issues a challenge, he can select one ally as his ward for the duration of the challenge. Whenever the honour guard is adjacent to his ward, he takes a –1 penalty to Armor Class, and the ward receives a +1 dodge bonus to AC. This modifies the challenge ability.
Mount (Ex): A cavalier gains the service of a loyal and trusty steed to carry him into battle. This mount functions as a druid’s animal companion, using the cavalier’s level as his effective druid level. The creature must be one that he is capable of riding and is suitable as a mount. A cavalier does not take an armor check penalty on Ride checks while riding his mount. The mount is always considered combat trained and begins play with Light Armor Proficiency as a bonus feat. A cavalier’s mount does not gain the share spells special ability. A cavalier’s bond with his mount is strong, with the pair learning to anticipate each other’s moods and moves. Should a cavalier’s mount die, the cavalier may find another mount to serve him after 1 week of mourning. This new mount does not gain the link, evasion, devotion, or improved evasion special abilities until the next time the cavalier gains a level.
Order (Ex): At 1st level, a cavalier must pledge himself to a specific order. The order grants the cavalier a number of bonuses, class skills, and special abilities. In addition, each order includes a number of edicts that the cavalier must follow. If he violates any of these edicts, he loses the benefits from his order’s challenge ability for 24 hours. The violation of an edict is subject to GM interpretation. A cavalier cannot change his order without undertaking a lengthy process to dedicate himself to a new cause. When this choice is made, he immediately loses all of the benef its from his old order. He must then follow the edicts of his new order for one entire level without gaining any benef its from that order. Once accomplished, he gains all of the bonuses from his new order. Note that the names of these orders might vary depending upon the campaign setting or GM’s preference.

Favoured Class Bonus : Health Point

Theodore grew up in a small community of riders and he quickly outgrew everyone else in the village and the dogs that were trained as their mounts. Determined not to be the only one who couldn't ride he went out looking for his own companion and fell into some trouble on the way. He was assailed by bandits trying to rob him, over confident due to his height amongst he village he stood up to his muggers ... who stoood nearly double his height! The encounter did not go well but luckily as he was being beaten a stranger turned up and intervened with a pack of wolves at his side. The stranger spoke with the bandits at first and Theodore realised that he was trying to diffuse the situation with words alone, "He is either really strong and doesn't want to hurt them, or really weak and doesn't want to be hurt himself!" The muggers laughed at him and charged him, but instantly fled after their leader was defeated instantly, without so much as a look back to make sure they were safe they jumped into the nearby river and were washed downstream. The gentleman resheathed his blade and tended to Theodores wounds, then gave him food until he was able to venture out on his own again. They got talking, the man introduced himself as "D" and a friendship was struck between them. Theodore even followed "D" back to the place he was learning to fight and spent a week training with a blade similar to that of his new friends and how to try to settle disputes before violence is the only result. He learnt the many benefits of trying to make the enemy surrender and how to follow on his own end of the deal that would be struck. During the week together one of D's wolves gave birth to a litter and only 1 pup survived, a pup which D called Rufus and gave him to Theodore. Theodore treasured Rufus and was busy playing with him when D left unannounced. A few days later the swordsmaster of the training dojo asked Theodore to leave as he had outstayed his welcome. So Theodore left a note for D telling him what had transpired and that he had gone back home if he should need him. 4 years had passed since then and Rufus and Theodore had both grown stronger and closer with each other, they trained in combat every day for 4 hours or more. It was during one of these training sessions that the village chief brought Theodore a letter, inside contained a charter to explore some unclaimed lands and a note. The note was from D and he was asking Theodore to participate in the venture as a favour for him, as he could not do so for some reason. Theodore packed immediately and headed off to the meeting place where his new adventure would begin and maybe he would meet his friend again.

Theodore stands at 3'2"; which is quite tall for a member of his race, he is well built and toned from his many years of swardsmanship. He is well trimmed and takes care of his appearance, he has auburn hair; which is tied up in a braided rats tail about 6 inches long, and his goatee has a tinge of more red than brown in it. He keeps his gear polished and sharp.


Theodore is a knight and will always do the honourable thing, if he can resolve a conflict with as little bloodshed as possible, he will try to make sure it is done. Unfortunately he is also very concerned over how people see him, so tries to make sure he always looks his best.


Male Wolf (Charger) 1
Medium Animal (Wolf)
Init +2; Senses Scent ; Perception +5
AC 19, touch 12, flat-footed 17 (+2 Dex, +5 Armour, +2 Natural)
hp 18 (2d8+2)
Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +1
Defensive Abilities
Speed 35 ft
Melee Bite +2 (1d6+1 / x2)
Special Attacks Trip
Spell-Like Abilities
Str 13, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Base Atk +1; CMB 0; CMD 12
Feats Light Armour Proficiency, Medium Armour Proficiency
Skills Perception +5, Survival +2
Gear Scale Mail Barding
Carrying 30 lb, Light Load 75 lb, Medium Load 150 lb, Heavy Load 225 lb
Special Abilities
Link (Ex): A druid can handle her animal companion as a free action, or push it as a move action, even if she doesn't have any ranks in the Handle Animal skill. The druid gains a +4 circumstance bonus on all wild empathy checks and Handle Animal checks made regarding an animal companion.
Mounted Challenge (Ex): When ridden by a cavalier, chargers gain half of the bonuses and penalties granted by the cavalier's challenge class feature. This ability replaces share spells.
Track (DC 20): The animal tracks the scent presented to it. (This requires the animal to have the scent ability.)
{Combat Training DC:20 Attack, Come, Defend, Down, Guard, Heel}
Attack (DC 20): The animal attacks apparent enemies. You may point to a particular creature that you wish the animal to attack, and it will comply if able. Normally, an animal will attack only humanoids, monstrous humanoids, giants, or other animals. Teaching an animal to attack all creatures (including such unnatural creatures as undead and aberrations) counts as two tricks.
Come (DC 15): The animal comes to you, even if it normally would not do so.
Defend (DC 20): The animal defends you (or is ready to defend you if no threat is present), even without any command being given. Alternatively, you can command the animal to defend another specific character.
Down (DC 15): The animal breaks off from combat or otherwise backs down. An animal that doesn’t know this trick continues to fight until it must f lee (due to injury, a fear effect, or the like) or its opponent is defeated.
Guard (DC 20): The animal stays in place and prevents others from approaching.
Heel (DC 15): The animal follows you closely, even to places where it normally wouldn’t go.

Short of any last minute adjustments, here's my bard. Bit unsteady early on, but she should turn out nice once I get that spear training and magical item storage.

Mirena Ladika
Female CG Human Bard, Level 1, Init 4, HP 10/10, Speed 30 ft
AC 15, Touch 13, Flat-footed 12, CMD 13, Fort 3, Ref 5, Will 2, CMB 0, Base Attack Bonus 0
Short sword +3 (1d6, 19-20/x2)
Dagger +3 (1d4, 19-20/x2)
Shortbow +3 (1d6, 20/x3)
Leather armor (+2 Armor, +3 Dex)
Abilities Str 11, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 16
Condition None

Finally have my divination focused Wizard ready to go. A very supporty character. Will likely never try to learn blast spells but empower his allies to do all the dirty work.


Since the river travel down the Sellen river between Kyonin and Brevoy has been closed, Eldaril has been living in Restov among the swordlords. His original reason for visiting Brevoy was diplomatic and in addition to his arcane studies he recieved political instruction from Syldra, an elf in one of the swordlords' employ. Being of royal elven blood and upbringing gave him an advantage and he excelled in everything he put his mind to. Those he talked to marvelled at his intelligence and how persuasive he could be with his words. This soon gave him a reputation which he was sure to build a bright future upon. When the proclamation appeared, encouraged by Syldra, he immediately signed on and prepared for the journey, hopeful for the chance to reopen contact with his homeland and use his skills to build new alliances on the stolen lands.

Appearance and Personality:

Eldaril comes from elven royal blood and the knowledge of this drives him to excel in everything he does and he doesn't like to be showed up or contradicted. He expects his advice to be listened to or for those to come crawling back who are proved fools for ignoring it. He does not like combat and he will use his gifts to aid allies rather than directly getting his hands dirty. If there is no other recourse he is likely to pick up his bow but with this he is still only marginally proficient in.

He is tall, even for an elf and stands out easily in any crowd with his pale skin, silver hair and green eyes. By his side is commonly a ceremonial elvencraft dagger which he never uses. It is a sign of his family heraldry. He also wears a mithral ring, crafted into a fine interlacing weave. When he is pondering something he will subconsciously twist the ring.

Character Sheet:

Eldaril Treesight
male elf wizard 1
LN medium humanoid(elf)
Init +8; Senses Low-Light Vision; Perception +0
AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10 (+0 armor, +3 dex)
hp 8 (1d6+2)
Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 (+2 vs. enchantment)
Immune sleep
Speed 30ft.
Melee Dagger -1 (1d4/19-20x2)
Ranged Longbow +3 (1d8/x3)
Special Attacks
Spellcasting (CL 1 (+2 vs. SR), Concentration
Str 8, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 20, Wis 14, Cha 8
Base Atk +0; CMB -1; CMD 12
Feats Scribe Scroll, Improved Initiative
Traits Theoretical Magician (magic), Clever Wordplay (diplomacy) (social), Rostlander (campaign)
Drawback Vain
Skills (7+2*/level) 1 Appraise* +9, 1 Diplomacy +6, 1 Knowledge (arcana) +9, 1 Knowledge (dungeoneering) +9, 1 Knowledge (local) +9, 1 Knowledge (nature) +9, 1 Knowledge (planes) +9, 0 Perception +4, 1 Profession*(scribe) +6, 1 Spellcraft +11 (+2 to identify magic items)
Favoured Class Bonus 1 extra hit point
SQ forewarned, prescience (8/day), weapon familiarity, elven magic,
Other Gear Masterwork Ring, Spellbook, Longbow, Quiver (20 arrows), Ceremonial Elven Dagger, Explorer's Outfit, Backpack, Spell Component Pouch, Belt Pouch, Waterskin
gp 3gp
Special Abilities
Arcane Bond (Wizard's Ring) Wizards who select a bonded object begin play with one at no cost. Objects that are the subject of an arcane bond must fall into one of the following categories: amulet, ring, staff, wand, or weapon. These objects are always masterwork quality. Weapons acquired at 1st level are not made of any special material. If the object is an amulet or ring, it must be worn to have effect, while staves, wands, and weapons must be held in one hand. If a wizard attempts to cast a spell without his bonded object worn or in hand, he must make a concentration check or lose the spell. The DC for this check is equal to 20 + the spell's level. If the object is a ring or amulet, it occupies the ring or neck slot accordingly. A bonded object can be used once per day to cast any one spell that the wizard has in his spellbook and is capable of casting, even if the spell is not prepared. This spell is treated like any other spell cast by the wizard, including casting time, duration, and other effects dependent on the wizard's level. This spell cannot be modified by metamagic feats or other abilities. The bonded object cannot be used to cast spells from the wizard's opposition schools (see arcane school below). A wizard can add additional magic abilities to his bonded object as if he has the required Item Creation Feats and if he meets the level prerequisites of the feat. For example, a wizard with a bonded dagger must be at least 5th level to add magic abilities to the dagger (see Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat). If the bonded object is a wand, it loses its wand abilities when its last charge is consumed, but it is not destroyed and it retains all of its bonded object properties and can be used to craft a new wand. The magic properties of a bonded object, including any magic abilities added to the object, only function for the wizard who owns it. If a bonded object's owner dies, or the item is replaced, the object reverts to being an ordinary masterwork item of the appropriate type. If a bonded object is damaged, it is restored to full hit points the next time the wizard prepares his spells. If the object of an arcane bond is lost or destroyed, it can be replaced after 1 week in a special ritual that costs 200 gp per wizard level plus the cost of the masterwork item. This ritual takes 8 hours to complete. Items replaced in this way do not possess any of the additional enchantments of the previous bonded item. A wizard can designate an existing magic item as his bonded item. This functions in the same way as replacing a lost or destroyed item except that the new magic item retains its abilities while gaining the benefits and drawbacks of becoming a bonded item.
Arcane School A wizard can choose to specialize in one school of magic, gaining additional spells and powers based on that school. This choice must be made at 1st level, and once made, it cannot be changed. A wizard that does not select a school receives the universalist school instead. A wizard that chooses to specialize in one school of magic must select two other schools as his opposition schools, representing knowledge sacrificed in one area of arcane lore to gain mastery in another. A wizard who prepares spells from his opposition schools must use two spell slots of that level to prepare the spell. For example, a wizard with evocation as an opposition school must expend two of his available 3rd-level spell slots to prepare a fireball. In addition, a specialist takes a –4 penalty on any skill checks made when crafting a magic item that has a spell from one of his opposition schools as a prerequisite. A universalist wizard can prepare spells from any school without restriction. Each arcane school gives the wizard a number of school powers. In addition, specialist wizards receive an additional spell slot of each spell level he can cast, from 1st on up. Each day, a wizard can prepare a spell from his specialty school in that slot. This spell must be in the wizard's spellbook. A wizard can select a spell modified by a metamagic feat to prepare in his school slot, but it uses up a higher-level spell slot. Wizards with the universalist school do not receive a school slot.
Divination Diviners are masters of remote viewing, prophecies, and using magic to explore the world.
Forewarned (Su) You can always act in the surprise round even if you fail to make a Perception roll to notice a foe, but you are still considered flat-footed until you take an action. In addition, you receive a bonus on initiative checks equal to 1/2 your wizard level (minimum +1). At 20th level, anytime you roll initiative, assume the roll resulted in a natural 20.
Prescience (Su) At the beginning of your turn, you may, as a free action, roll a single d20. At any point before your next turn, you may use the result of this roll as the result of any d20 roll you are required to make. If you do not use the d20 result before your next turn, it is lost. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier.
Foretell (Su) At 8th level, you can utter a prediction of the immediate future. While your foretelling is in effect, you emit a 30-foot aura of fortune that aids your allies or hinders your enemies, as chosen by you at the time of prediction. If you choose to aid, you and your allies gain a +2 luck bonus on ability checks, attack rolls, caster level checks, saving throws, and skill checks. If you choose to hinder, your enemies take a –2 penalty on those rolls instead. You can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to your wizard level. These rounds do not need to be consecutive.
Cantrips Known Resistance, Acid Splash, Drench, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Read Magic, Breeze, Dancing Lights, Flare, Light, Penumbra, Ray of Frost, Scoop, Spark, Ghost Sound, Haunted Fey Aspect, Jolt, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Open/Close, Root, Arcane Mark, Prestidigitation.
1st Level Spells Known Alarm, Grease, Mage Armour, Mount, Obscuring Mist, Comprehend Languages, Heightened Awareness, Identify, Silent Image, Gravity Bow

Faelar Braegen wrote:

Here is my completed submission. All I have left is to buy food, so just need to know the price of the rations, and await an answer from the GM on a PM. Also if I do get selected I may have to change my Teamwork Feat, depending on what the group looks like.

** spoiler omitted **...

Rations are priced as per CRB. Special rations (such as the racial specific rations) are priced as per Ultimate Equipment.

The Halfling Trail Rations have 2 prices. In the table they state the are 2 GP each, but in the description they are 1 SP each. Which should I go with?

Faelar Braegen wrote:
The Halfling Trail Rations have 2 prices. In the table they state the are 2 GP each, but in the description they are 1 SP each. Which should I go with?

Hmmm...I'd never noticed that discrepancy in the book. Given that all the other racial rations are listed at 2 gp, go with 2 gp.

Cool, thank you. Theodore is now complete.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Reminder: Even if I have you in the list of submissions, if your submission is not mechanically complete with a background and notes about appearance and personality, your submission will not be considered. Deadline is 8:00 PM (US CST) February 15th.

I understand why there are so few Arcane applicants, given that I said that the one filled slot is a sorcerer. That being said his intention is to go Dragon Disciple, so he will not be dedicated arcane if there are those who would like to make an arcane submission.

Applicants so far (in no particular order):


Aest - Arisl'ariel Tathmir (Elf Occultist Arcanist)
Drogeny - Morrigyn (Human Crossblooded Sorcerer)
avr - Torsten Bock (Human Wood Elementalist Wizard)
Diamondust - Eldaril Treesight (Elf Diviner)


Blue Drake - Bron "Wolf Arrow" (Human Wolf Shaman Druid)
Aiden Ramisg - Senan (Half-Elf Treesinger Druid)
Briccone - Kabal Boarstooth (Half-Orc Bear Shaman Druid)
Veshly - Anton Domnoff Lebeda (Half-Orc Cleric of Gorum)
Fabian Benavente - Jacobus Varadin (Human Inquisitor of Abadar)
Kaavek - Tove Hellstrom (Human Cleric of Erastil)


Saashaa - Aleksand (Elf Psychic)


Jesse Heinig - Ivo Crownwheel (Gnome Unchained Rogue)
WarforgedMan - Khosis Aeranae (Half-Elf Empiricist Investigator)
Vanulf Wulfson - Arianna Ravenswood (Human Unchained Rogue)
Tavarokk - Mirena Ladika (Human Bard)



Aldizog - Sir Wulfric of Eagle’s Watch (Human Courtly Knight Order of the Cockatrice Cavalier)
Jovich - Lord Christian D'Elagante (Human Courtly Knight Order of the Dragon Cavalier)
Captain Ford - Colt R. Warwick (Human Order of the Dragon Cavalier)
The Chess - Krayn La'jal (Human Ghost Rider Cavalier of the Order of Vengeance)
Faelar Braegen - Theodore Logan (Halfling Honour Guard / Strategist Order of the Blue Rose Cavalier)


Zahariel - Ion Ardelean (Human Two Handed Fighter)
Uthraed - John Logger (Human Fighter)


Chapel36 - Rhonir (Half-Elf Wild Shadow Ranger)
Inlaa - Zaqar (Lizardfolk Divine Tracker Ranger)
Simeon - Orandek Slagboulder (Dwarf Ranger)
colin spear - Tethon (Elf Ranger)

Other Martial Types

Azih - Jenya Poole (Human Pistolero Gunslinger)
Gramork - Vladimir Snow-Surtova (Human Slayer)
Grumbaki - Godwyn Blaecwulf (Human Swashbuckler)

Expessed Interest (Various States of Completeness)

Master Han Del of the Web - (Elf of Half-Elf Hooded Champion or Fortune Finder Ranger)
TheSuperDodo (Virtuous Bravo Paladin of Iomedae)
Cuàn - (Divine Paragon Cleric)
Trinam - (Bard)
Ken Marabel - (Half-Orc Skald)
TheSilverDreamer - (Lamplighter Investigator)
Narrater - (Magus)
JDPhipps - (Android Bladebound/Kensai Magus)
Guy St-Amant

I think that's everyone so far. If I have missed someone, please let me know.

Just noticed that there are only 2 small characters submitted, most people have gone Human. This could easily end up as a Human group. Also I am the only non-Human Cavalier, of which only 2 of us have the Tactician ability. I can understand why the others removed Tactician, the Teamwork feats can feel a bit poor. Just hoping that the gamble of taking them will pay off.

Could someone please check my character to make sure it is all completed? I would hate for the deadline to come and I miss one bit so get rejected due to that.

DM Talomyr - Kingmaker wrote:
Reminder: Even if I have you in the list of submissions, if your submission is not mechanically complete with a background and notes about appearance and personality, your submission will not be considered. Deadline is 8:00 PM (US CST) February 15th.

To make sure, if an entry is moved out of 'various states' pile, does that mean it's sufficiently filled out?

Tavarokk wrote:
DM Talomyr - Kingmaker wrote:
Reminder: Even if I have you in the list of submissions, if your submission is not mechanically complete with a background and notes about appearance and personality, your submission will not be considered. Deadline is 8:00 PM (US CST) February 15th.
To make sure, if an entry is moved out of 'various states' pile, does that mean it's sufficiently filled out?

Not necessarily, but in your particular case, it appears to be complete.

I move characters into the other sections as I have enough information to do so.

What about weretigers and lycanthropes?

LetcherMan69 wrote:
What about weretigers and lycanthropes?

No. Sorry

Faelar Braegen wrote:
I can understand why the others removed Tactician, the Teamwork feats can feel a bit poor. Just hoping that the gamble of taking them will pay off.

I've done a cavalier to level 13 in PFS who used Tactician, and am currently playing a Teamwork-based Drill Sergeant fighter in another PbP campaign (both human; I like humans). Teamwork feats can be outstanding. For Sir Wulfric, I decided to focus on intrigue and manipulation instead, hence Courtly Knight. It's not intended as a slight against teamwork feats at all.

Sovereign Court

Faelar Braegen wrote:

Just noticed that there are only 2 small characters submitted, most people have gone Human. This could easily end up as a Human group. Also I am the only non-Human Cavalier, of which only 2 of us have the Tactician ability. I can understand why the others removed Tactician, the Teamwork feats can feel a bit poor. Just hoping that the gamble of taking them will pay off.

Could someone please check my character to make sure it is all completed? I would hate for the deadline to come and I miss one bit so get rejected due to that.

Kingmaker is a very humanocentric game, as it's about reclaiming lands for a human kingdom and establishing a new location there that's sponsored by humans for their own political reasons.

I'd have to rework the character for this campaign, but I'll do that after I get the OK on the race (as you say in the OP "Please feel free to ask about a race in this thread or via PM before spend too much time building a a character of a non-core race.").

I have used her in a couple of prior Kingmaker campaigns, but the longest any of them lasted was just as the party attacked the stronghold of Part 1's Big Bad (we got about two rounds of combat into it before the game just died - and my character only joined the group a day or two before the assault).

Would you consider Zaqar with the Mythweavers link to be finished, or should I go ahead and move everything here from Mythweavers that isn't here already?

Mythweavers for the submission is fine but should you be selected I would like the sheet to be on

That'll work for me. Thanks, Tal.

I'll start transferring stuff over. Is there a format you folks know of that I should use? With like Offense / Defense / etc. blocks to put stuff in?

DM Talomyr - Kingmaker wrote:
Mythweavers for the submission is fine but should you be selected I would like the sheet to be on

I'll have to remember to do that.

Before I do, though; is an Angel-Blooded Aasimar allowed?

I have a strong preference toward the core races, but the aasimar are one that I would consider.

That being said, my intent is to take all of non-core race submissions into one pool and whittle them down to one before judging them against all of the core race submissions.

DM Talomyr - Kingmaker wrote:

I have a strong preference toward the core races, but the aasimar are one that I would consider.

That being said, my intent is to take all of non-core race submissions into one pool and whittle them down to one before judging them against all of the core race submissions.

Yeah, I figured that's what you'd be doing with how you said in the OP that you wanted to keep it to just one "oddball" race.

I'll start re-working her mechanics tomorrow, but her fluff is long-since done.

Somewhat updated - Torsten Bock

NG male human
Level 1 Wizard (Wood elemental school, favored class)
Init +2; Perception +2
AC 13 (10 +2 dex +1 armor), touch 12, flat-footed 11, CMD 14
hp 12 (1d6 +2 Con +3 Toughness +1 FCB)
Fort +2 Ref +2 Will +3 (+4 vs. mind-affecting)
Melee +2
Range +2
CMB +2
Quarterstaff Attack: +2
Quarterstaff Damage: 1d6+3 20x2 B
(or) Dagger Attack: +2
Dagger Damage: 1d4+2 19-20/x2 P/S 10’ range incr. if thrown
Speed 30ft.
Special Attacks:
Splintered Spear, create & throw a shortspear, +4/1d8+4 +1 bleed, 20/x3, 20’ range increment to 100’, 7/day
Str 14, Dex 13(14), Con 14, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 10

Class Abilities:
Strauch Strauchmörder, Goat Mauler Familiar (stats below)
Flexible Enhancement (+1 Enh. to Dex, Con or Wis, change when preparing spells - presently added to Dex)
Spells prepared
0) Light, Detect Magic, Mending
1) Charm Person, Grease, Sleep
Spells in spellbook
0) All
1) Animate Rope, Charm Person, Dancing Darkness, Expeditious Excavation, Grease, Mage Armor, Sleep

Trained skills
Climb +3
Knowledge (arcana) +8
Knowledge (geography) +8
Knowledge (nature) +9
Perception +2 (+4 when familiar near)
Spellcraft +8
Survival +9
Common (Taldane)

Racial abilities:
+2 Int, L1 bonus feat, skilled

Spirit’s Gift (currently Stone)
Scribe Scroll
Alertness (when familiar present)

Issian/Tough-Minded (+1 saves vs. mind-affecting)
Know the Land (+1 Knowledge (nature), +1 Survival & it is a class skill)
Transmuter of Korada (+1 CL w/transmutation spells, 1/day Extend Spell on Fox’s Cunning)
Headstrong (must stop or correct an action or argument against NG alignment or be shaken for 1 hour)

Explorer’s outfit
Armoured kilt
Backpack (common)
Flint and steel
50’ silk rope
2 waterskins
2 weeks trail rations
50’ string
Tin tankard
7 sp 6 cp

A fresh-faced 18-year old with ruddy skin, sandy hair and green eyes. He’s dressed in traditional coming of age embroidered woollens, slightly threadbare now, and accessorised with various bits and pieces he’s found useful in his travels so far, including an armoured kilt left at a pawnbroker.

Torsten speaks loudly by default with a slight Draconic accent - it’s the most common language on Claw Point.

Hailing from the remotest part of Brevoy, Claw Point, Torsten always wanted to leave his insular village. He devoured tales of the outside world from his occasional teacher, Ardith Coia, a wizard out of the forests of Iobaria. When he came of age he left on the first boat heading elsewhere. Really the first boat - he didn’t stop to change.

Since then he’s wandered picking up odd jobs until he made it to Restov. There Torsten stopped and made a small name for himself with his magic. Not so much money though and he’s more than ready to move on.

He’s heard about fey and seen some in the distance but never met one. He’d really like to change that. Money isn't really a motivation for him but protecting the land and people (& keeping them in balance) is.

Strauch, goat mauler familiar:
N small magical beast
Init +1; Senses low-light vision; Perception +4
AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 13 (+1 Dex, +2 natural, +1 size)
hp 6
Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +2
Speed 30 ft.
Melee gore +2 (1d4+1)
Str 12, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 5
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 11 (15 vs. trip)
Feats Nimble Moves
Skills Acrobatics +1 (+5 when jumping), Climb +5, Knowledge (arcana, geography, nature) -1, Perception +4, Spellcraft -1, Survival +4 (+8 to find food); Racial Modifiers +4 Acrobatics when jumping, +4 Survival to find food
Special: Alertness, improved evasion, share spells, empathic link

Strauch is a poorly trained beast with a tendency to bully and steal when not in sight of his master. When Torsten’s eye is on him though butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth.

build plans:
3: Craft Wondrous Item, 5: Yuelral’s Blessing, 5B: Arcane Builder or Craft Magic Arms & Armor, 7: Persistent Spell. Not likely to multiclass or PrC unless we somehow get a party devoid of frontliners in which case some Full BAB/Eldritch Knight might happen. In the event that there’s someone else going for Magister he might pick up the Feral Speech arcane discovery and go for Spymaster instead.

Applying with Reginald "Reg" Littlefeet, the little halfling who could.


“Greetings, fellow adventurer! The name given to me by milord is Reginald Littlefeet, but I ask that you call me Reg. I am humbled to be at your presence; I have never for a moment expected to be sent out from the Surtovan estate, to cleanse the wilderness and bring the word of Iomedae to those who need it.”

The halfling brushes his hair behind his ear and grins, revealing a set of clean white teeth.

“So what information about myself can I impart you? I was born in the slums of Port Ice to two poor - if loving - halfling refugees. For me they chose the name Reg; a surname I did not have, for it is a luxury us nomadic halflings cannot afford. Shortly thereafter I was given to the custody of a local Mendevian Crusader lodge, where I have first encountered the faith of Iomedae.”

As he says this, Reg’s blue eyes shine and he pats his waist, where a polished rapier hangs loosely from a golden belt. He then sends his hand to his neck, where a chain holds an iron sword-shaped token - a holy symbol of the Inheritor.

“They have raised me well. I was given food and water, a place to sleep and - most importantly - lessons in swordplay and religion. I was informed of the terrors that lurk to the north, in the Worldwound, and in the untamed east. Be they devils or bandits, I was instructed to give them proper justice with Iomedae’s blessed blade. Well, you see, there was a problem with that. I was a halfling child, and no captain in his right mind would send me to fight at the frontier. So I was given a better fitting mission - preach the truths of Iomedae to the citizens of Port Ice.”

This time, the short paladin sends his hand to his backpack and recovers a small book marked with the same holy symbol, bearing a simple title in golden letters: “The Acts of Iomedae”. He nods to himself as he flips through the text, stopping once in a while to read a particularly strong and inspiring line.

“And so I did. Out on the streets, in freezing wind and drenching rain, I spoke to the people. These weren’t a fine folk such as you are, who listened with interest and awe to the Acts of the Inheritor. No, they were pirates and brigands and simple folk who couldn’t bother themselves with honour and justice. But I continued spreading the word of Iomedae until one day, I encountered milord Domani Surtova, who enjoyed listening to me speak. Oh yes, Lord Domani is a kind and generous man. He took me to his estate, to impart my studies and charm to his courtiers.”

Reg straightens the cloth apron covering his chain shirt, displaying the Surtovan crest - a grey ship on a blue sea and a starry night’s sky. He then flips his holy symbol, revealing four words carved on the back of the sword - “Ours is the Right”.

“Of course life in the court was enjoyable. I have met many fascinating fellows, some perhaps too mean for my liking and others as zealous as I am yet for the wrong deities. Once, though, milord hosted a band of crusading Inheritor Knights, who were returning from Lastwall with tales of marauding devils and acts of heroism. I was inspired to resume practising my swordplay, my moves and my words, and finally I have decided to heed your call, accept the charter and explore the greenbelt. Thank you, sir, and a pleasant good day; may the path you walk on be true and just.”

Physical Description:

Reg is a tan, slender halfling. He is 1.01 metres tall and weighs 17 kilogrammes. His wavy dark blonde hair is roughly neck-length, and his bright blue eyes stand out like gleaming marbles in his face.

Reg's favourite clothes are the following:

  • A steel helmet he received for his training in the Mendevian lodge. While it is scaled for a halfling, it doesn’t match Reg’s small head and hangs loosely on it, making it impractical for battle.
  • A cloth apron bearing the crest of House Surtova. It was granted to Reg on his first day as Domani’s “pet hero”, and since then he wears it whenever he is not sleeping or showering.
  • A steel hauberk, specially refitted for a halfling. A close inspection reveals Reg purposefully damaged the shirt to make it seem as if he had worn it for actual battles.
  • A pair of comfortable brown breeches held by a gold-coloured belt. A shining rapier hangs from the belt to Reg’s left at all times.
  • An iron holy symbol of Iomedae. This small sword-shaped necklace is intricately carved on one side and bears the motto “ours is the right” on the other.
  • A pair of sturdy leather boots whose soles were designed to support walking more than fighting.

    Reg’s right arm bears a scar he earned while fighting a rabid dog on the streets of Port Ice. He tries to hide it from his comrades, to prevent them from hearing this disgraceful tale.

    Unlike his small stature would suggest, Reg’s voice is deep and clear. He enjoys surprising people who expect his voice to be squeaky by enhancing his speech with deliberately sophisticated language.

  • Personality Quirks:

  • Due to his scar, Reg is especially wary of his right arm. He gets particularly annoyed if someone touches his arm and constantly straightens his right sleeve.

  • Reg’s favourite word is “thrilling”. He first heard it when his captain sent him to a “thrilling drill”, and ever since then it is his go-to word when describing action.

  • Reg has a particular fondness for people who remind him of his commander at the Mendevian lodge, Captain Jael DeRay. This means tall, well built people who are both compassionate and strong. Being female or worshiping Iomedae are also big pluses.

  • I haven't finished writing up his equipment on these forums, but most of Zaqar's stats are here now. Hopefully this is neat and easy to navigate.

    EDIT: Added equipment.

    Got a Lamplighter Investigator for my application.

    Damn! Zaqar, you are making me want to play your character! He looks absolutely amazing! Would be great to party with him, for both combat but mainly the roleplay aspect would be astonishing! Brilliant character and I really hope you get selected!

    Okay, I think that's Xan finished and ready to go. Full sheet is in the Paizo profile and I've got the Myth Weavers one as a backup. If I've missed anything, let me know.

    Reminder: Even if I have you in the list of submissions, if your submission is not mechanically complete with a background and notes about appearance and personality, your submission will not be considered. Deadline is 8:00 PM (US CST) February 15th.

    Applicants so far (in no particular order):


    Aest - Arisl'ariel Tathmir (Elf Occultist Arcanist)
    Drogeny - Morrigyn (Human Crossblooded Sorcerer)
    avr - Torsten Bock (Human Wood Elementalist Wizard)
    Diamondust - Eldaril Treesight (Elf Diviner)


    Blue Drake - Bron "Wolf Arrow" (Human Wolf Shaman Druid)
    Aiden Ramisg - Senan (Half-Elf Treesinger Druid)
    Briccone - Kabal Boarstooth (Half-Orc Bear Shaman Druid)
    Veshly - Anton Domnoff Lebeda (Half-Orc Cleric of Gorum)
    Fabian Benavente - Jacobus Varadin (Human Inquisitor of Abadar)
    Kaavek - Tove Hellstrom (Human Cleric of Erastil)


    Saashaa - Aleksand (Elf Psychic)


    Jesse Heinig - Ivo Crownwheel (Gnome Unchained Rogue)
    WarforgedMan - Khosis Aeranae (Half-Elf Empiricist Investigator)
    Vanulf Wulfson - Arianna Ravenswood (Human Unchained Rogue)
    Tavarokk - Mirena Ladika (Human Bard)
    TheSilverDreamer - Anna Korvosk (Human Lamplighter Investigator)



    Aldizog - Sir Wulfric of Eagle’s Watch (Human Courtly Knight Order of the Cockatrice Cavalier)
    Jovich - Lord Christian D'Elagante (Human Courtly Knight Order of the Dragon Cavalier)
    Captain Ford - Colt R. Warwick (Human Order of the Dragon Cavalier)
    The Chess - Krayn La'jal (Human Ghost Rider Cavalier of the Order of Vengeance)
    Faelar Braegen - Theodore Logan (Halfling Honour Guard / Strategist Order of the Blue Rose Cavalier)


    Zahariel - Ion Ardelean (Human Two Handed Fighter)
    Uthraed - John Logger (Human Fighter)
    ShadowFighter88 - Xantria Aldori (Angel-blooded Aasimar Aldori Swordlord Fighter)


    Chapel36 - Rhonir (Half-Elf Wild Shadow Ranger)
    Inlaa - Zaqar (Lizardfolk Divine Tracker Ranger)
    Simeon - Orandek Slagboulder (Dwarf Ranger)
    colin spear - Tethon (Elf Ranger)

    Other Martial Types:

    Azih - Jenya Poole (Human Pistolero Gunslinger)
    Gramork - Vladimir Snow-Surtova (Human Slayer)
    Grumbaki - Godwyn Blaecwulf (Human Swashbuckler)
    TheSuperDodo - Reg Littlefeet (Halfling Virtuous Bravo Paladin)

    Expessed Interest (Various States of Completeness)

    Master Han Del of the Web - (Elf of Half-Elf Hooded Champion or Fortune Finder Ranger)
    Cuàn - (Divine Paragon Cleric)
    Trinam - (Bard)
    Ken Marabel - (Half-Orc Skald)
    Narrater - (Magus)
    JDPhipps - (Android Bladebound/Kensai Magus)
    Guy St-Amant

    I think that's everyone so far. If I have missed someone, please let me know.

    Quite a list...and a few more days to go for it to grow

    Indeed it is quite a list. A lot of good submissions there too. I'm going to have my work cut out for me.

    I know in the original post I said I was looking for 3-4 more players, that will definitely be 4 more now, with an outside shot of it being 5.

    Grand Lodge

    It can always be a good idea to start with a larger party in case someone has to drop out. Although I'm sure there is enough interest here that they could be replaced quickly if that did happen. There are so many good applicants, I can't wait to see who makes the cut!

    Here is a link to my submission's profile. If I've missed anything out please let me know!

    Faelar Braegen wrote:
    Damn! Zaqar, you are making me want to play your character! He looks absolutely amazing! Would be great to party with him, for both combat but mainly the roleplay aspect would be astonishing! Brilliant character and I really hope you get selected!

    Honestly, the trouble is there are LOTS of great characters in this roleplay. I'm pretty much with Kaavek here:

    There are so many good applicants, I can't wait to see who makes the cut!

    And while I definitely would LIKE to make the cut, I won't hold it against anyone if I don't, since between playing a weird race and there already being a lot of rangers and the like, I view my chances as slim.

    I'm personally cheering for both the halflings to get in together since halflings are never a bad thing. (Also, halflings travel in herds, right?)

    I definitely agree with Inlaa of the slim ranger chances. All we can do is hope and pray to Gozreh.


    Sovereign Court


    Science....and Calistria!

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