Peter Capaldi Leaving Doctor Who


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Sovereign Court

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Well self sadist if you read fanfic.

there is a word for that >>>masochist<<<

Sovereign Court

Ah but masochist takes punishment from others. This is self inflicted.

a person who derives sexual gratification from their own pain or humiliation.

does not have to be from others you can self-inflict.

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Bill's coming back for the Christmas special! BILL'S COMING BACK!!!

F%!+ YEAH!!!!!!!

Nice trailer. Do like Mark Gatiss

Orville Redenbacher wrote:
The moment I knew I wasn't a sadist was when I decided not to take up fanfic :)

I've read too much that is simply better than original material to understand why you'd say this.

Who was Pinkie, tending to him?

Cole Deschain wrote:
Hama wrote:

Mos Def?

Mos Def. His Ford Prefect performance was brilliant.

With that said, "that lady from Attack the Block" will do nicely. I might have to watch the stuff after Smith's first season* to catch up, but what the hell.

* I vastly preferred him to Tennant (who is probably my least favorite post-reboot Doctor- "I don't want to g-" "Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out"), but I do not watch Doctor Who for insights into the Doctor's sex life, and that whole River Song business... fehhhhhhh.

I'm still confused if Song died at the end of silence in the library. That backward time thing was hardly her fault.

I never had a problem with a female doctor.

As for Missy, I can make you a list of actresses that are actually scary. It starts with the actress who played a woman of letters on Supernatural. She died there, so she's available. It gets darker from there.

Yep. She fried in the control chair. But a fading copy of her consciousness was uploaded to the computer later, thus making for a 'happy ending,' if you believe the illusion that a computer simulating a personality from a brainscan is actually a person.


Maybe she built a device like Missy had that would allow her to step from virtual to reality.

Pleasepleaseplease let River stay dead and gone.
Let her and Rose and Clara remain finished chapters of nuWho shame and move on to something better.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

If Capaldi had stayed, maybe something during their 27 years together. Remember, in "The Husbands" she didn't know his current regeneration.
But now, that ship has sailed. There is no way the next doctor will interact with her (except maybe her cyber-ghost).

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Here's what I want from the New Doctor Who:

I want the Doctor to wear a whole bunch of watches at once. Kind of like Louie from Talespin.

I also want K9 to return. Or K-9. Dealer's choice.

I wish Capaldi had a well-written season to enjoy. Put me in the"It's not the actor, but the writer" camp.

Clara was great until she became a companion, then went downhill fast. I liked Bill. Her orientation was a plus because it meant no more Doctor/Companion romance arc trash. Aslo the actress does "wide-eyed wonder" really well.

Moffat is a love-it or hate-it kind of guy. He always tries to do grand super plots. Thats perfect for Christmas episodes, new villain one-shot, or multi-Doctor specials, but it's really bad for trying to do entire seasons. Not gonna miss him, but if they want to drag him out for specials, I'm OK with it.

The new Doctor actress does not impress me much. I don't really care about the Doctors gender, and it's been well established earlier they can change. Also the actress has down good work before. Its simply that she does not have much respect for the character itself. Tennant, Smith, Capaldi... all had great reverence for the Doctor. Still, if the writing is good, they should be able to pull it off.

River should stay "dead". That being said , she is a time traveller, so they can always bring her back at another point in her timeline. One advantage of this show is you can always being back fan favorites!

A K9 cameo would be great. Bit too goody for continuous episodes, but knowing it's around or perhaps off adventuring with side characters would be cute.

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It's funny you'd say she doesn't have much respect for the character of The Doctor, considering how much respect for the character of The Doctor she's repeatedly expressed. Coupled with her enthusiasm for the role, and her many public statements of being so thrilled and honored to have a chance at the character, and her many statements of hoping to do right by the role, I'd have to say that you've really got it wrong.

Scarab Sages

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Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I just hope Jodie has good writers.
No matter how good she may be, bad writing will make people say it was because she is a woman.
I don't want them to make too much of the fact that The Doctor is now female beyond the first episode.
While most of The Doctors companions have been female, I hope they don't think the new one has to be male.
Make a companion that fits.

I gave up watching Doctor Who with the first appearance of Capaldi as the Doctor, having not enjoyed the last few series with Matt Smith as the Doctor. I agree with Charles; I hope Jodie has good writers. Maybe that will encourage me to return to watching it.

Sovereign Court

IDK, I think a male companion would be a nice change of pace. Hopefully they don't make it some romance relationship though.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

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They've already announced the new TARDIS team.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Pan wrote:
IDK, I think a male companion would be a nice change of pace.

More Jamie than Adric, if we're wishing...

Cole Deschain wrote:
Pan wrote:
IDK, I think a male companion would be a nice change of pace.
More Jamie than Adric, if we're wishing...

I'd actually rather not have a Jamie, as much as I preferred him. I don't want it to look like "Now that we have a female Doctor, we need a male to do all the action stuff."

That worked in the dynamic of the early Doctors, where the thing generally was for the Doctor to be clever and sciencey, the male Companion to handle the physical stuff and the female Companion to scream a lot (It was the 60s/early 70s, what do you expect.)
As time went on and the Doctors were physically younger they handled more of the action themselves. That shouldn't revert when there's a female Doctor.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

thejeff wrote:

...I don't want it to look like "Now that we have a female Doctor, we need a male to do all the action stuff."

That worked in the dynamic of the early Doctors, where the thing generally was for the Doctor to be clever and sciencey, the male Companion to handle the physical stuff and the female Companion to scream a lot (It was the 60s/early 70s, what do you expect.)
As time went on and the Doctors were physically younger they handled more of the action themselves. That shouldn't revert when there's a female Doctor.

I've got the same worry.

(Poor Harry Sullivan—his character was apparently devised when they were considering making the fourth Doctor more of a first-Doctor type; after they cast Tom Baker, they didn't have a good role for him, hence his relatively quick exit.)

New Crew Spoiler:
I'm also a bit worried about having three companions in the new crew. When they've had four primary characters in the past, it has tended to either force the story to split them into two groups or else leave somebody with little to do.

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My big concern about that...

is that by having four characters, they're essentially expressing that they doubt Whittaker can carry the show strongly enough on her own, which... is a bothersome thought at best.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Vic Wertz wrote:
thejeff wrote:

...I don't want it to look like "Now that we have a female Doctor, we need a male to do all the action stuff."

That worked in the dynamic of the early Doctors, where the thing generally was for the Doctor to be clever and sciencey, the male Companion to handle the physical stuff and the female Companion to scream a lot (It was the 60s/early 70s, what do you expect.)
As time went on and the Doctors were physically younger they handled more of the action themselves. That shouldn't revert when there's a female Doctor.

I've got the same worry.

(Poor Harry Sullivan—his character was apparently devised when they were considering making the fourth Doctor more of a first-Doctor type; after they cast Tom Baker, they didn't have a good role for him, hence his relatively quick exit.)

** spoiler omitted **

Susan Sutton's Nyssa got left in the TARDIS during Kinda.

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We'll have to wait and see, but it is possible they've chosen this number and configuration of people to mirror the original crew of an old man, two adults and a teen. A callback to the very beginning with what is in many ways a new beginning for the show.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Is anyone else upset there are only going to be 10 episodes next year?
Chris Eccelston, David Tennet and Matt Smith all had 13 episodes per year.
It dropped to 12 for Peter Capaldi.
Is the BBC planning to cancel the show again?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

I swear I saw something earlier this year about the BBC licensing something—I don't recall whether it was broadcast rights, merchandising rights, or something else—in a package that includes Series 12, which is the season *after* next... but I can't find that now.

Also, I'd be pretty surprised if there isn't a Christmas episode in addition to the 10.

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I have been reading rumors about a Spring special for early next year, but I have seen nothing confirmed yet.

The BBC is renegotiating its charter, so it's keen to show the government it's being fiscally wise in not spending too much money on drama shows. DOCTOR WHO already has a preposterously tiny budget (it's under $2 million per episode by US standards).

One of the problems is that the BBC makes a lot of money out of selling DOCTOR WHO abroad, but that money has to go to the BBC as a whole, not back into the show that makes the money, so DOCTOR WHO helps subsidise and fund the corporation overall. The good news is that this means that WHO is unlikely to be cancelled, since after TOP GEAR's unceremonious collapse WHO is now the BBC's biggest moneymaker (after the occasional event documentary series, like BLUE PLANET). But it does mean they have to be careful how they make it and monetise it.

One possibility is that they might do a RIPPER STREET and do a deal with Amazon or Netflix to co-produce the series. That would give them a lot more money and would free them from the BBC and government pursestrings, since the BBC would effectively be licensing the show to another studio to make in return for first-run UK TV rights and retaining ownership.

Vic Wertz wrote:

I swear I saw something earlier this year about the BBC licensing something—I don't recall whether it was broadcast rights, merchandising rights, or something else—in a package that includes Series 12, which is the season *after* next... but I can't find that now.

Also, I'd be pretty surprised if there isn't a Christmas episode in addition to the 10.

Could it be this deal with Shanghai Media Group Pictures? It includes all of series 1 through 11 in China, plus Torchwood and Class, as well as first option on Series 12 through 15. It's not actually a guarantee that Series 12 through 15 will happen, but it is a good sign that the BBC currently expect them to happen.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Vic Wertz wrote:

I swear I saw something earlier this year about the BBC licensing something—I don't recall whether it was broadcast rights, merchandising rights, or something else—in a package that includes Series 12, which is the season *after* next... but I can't find that now.

Also, I'd be pretty surprised if there isn't a Christmas episode in addition to the 10.

There has always been the regular episodes plus the Christmas special.

It is still 3 episodes per year less than it was when it started.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Navior wrote:
Could it be this deal with Shanghai Media Group Pictures?

Odds are good that's what I was thinking of!

Entertaining teaser for Christmas Special on children in need


UK tv charity appeal show on BBC1

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

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Was the Children in Need preview the same clip as The First Doctor Enters The Twelfth Doctor's TARDIS?

Vic Wertz wrote:
Was the Children in Need preview the same clip as The First Doctor Enters The Twelfth Doctor's TARDIS?


Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

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Personally, I'm partial to the Children in Need segment from from 2011.

Scarab Sages

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Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

On a side note, Tom Baker and company have finally finished Shada.
They used animation and original actor's voices when available.
Tom even did some live action filming.
Tom's comments

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

New Twice Upon A Time Trailer

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And he has left

Very good episode!

very good episode

also very nice to see them giving Whitiker a clean slate for her start. Death with no regrets and no left over companions

possibly not even a Tardis from the look of that cliffhanger

looking forward to the new season

If they rent the newer episodes to public tv in the USA here, they could probably make more production money. I'll have to start watching their telethons.

Anyway, my fannon is that Adrick jumped into the rift at the last second and turned into the Rift Phantom. That means he would show up on Torchwood, leading the Silurians that were left to die by the rest of their race. He's an adult, badly scarred, and intermittently intangible. This supports the premise that the rift forms between mega explosions. Cardif is right below where the freighter in Earthshock exploded.

It would be great if the new Doctor meets an old friend, and they say,"That's one way to lose your enemies." Considering that the new, rebuilt, K9 looks so different, an exchange like,"Are you sure you are K9?", "You should talk!", would be perfect.

All I know is I'm looking forward to seeing what the Thirteenth Doctor will bring...and maybe a few more Daleks.

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Last night has got me thinking about the Regeneration process.

The first ends up changing quietly on the floor of his Tardis while the 12th damn near destroys his.

Now real reasons of course are film technology of the day but looking at it from a cannon perspective.

Maybe there was a good reason why the Time Lords put a limit on the number of Regenerations they got.

If each regeneration gets progressivly more violent and expelles more and more energy, there would be a practical limit where the very act of regenerating would cause untold destruction.

The Doctor is the first to exceed the official limit and this time was clearly more than the TARDIS could handle.

The Master did it first, IIRC. He was given a new body in the Five Doctors for helping the Doctor.

Bjørn Røyrvik wrote:
The Master did it first, IIRC. He was given a new body in the Five Doctors for helping the Doctor.

yeah but the Master switched in for body stealing prior to the Time Lords giving him a new regeneration.

In fact the body that was given new regenreations wasn't even a Time Lord body. It was presumably regenerated into a Time Lord form when they did so, but it could be argued that whatever energy build up is involved was reset for the Master because of this.

Scarab Sages

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Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

The regenerations have been getting stronger ever since 8th Doctor took the potion and turned into the the War Doctor.

Don't forget, the 9th Doctor also absorbed the Time Vortex Energy from Rose.

Then the 10th Doctor absorbed all the Energy from the Master's machine.
That regeneration almost wrecked the TARDIS.

When the 11th Doctor regenerated, he used the energy to destroy a Dalek dreadnought.

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