GM BC4Realz |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Early that morning the ground shook violently in the city of Westheim. A great tear was rent through the square; animals brayed and cayed and howled; pottery and the glass windows of the finer houses were shattered, tinkling down to the cobblestone streets.
After the heaving stopped people ventured out to survey the damage. A portion of the great wall had fallen inwards, destroying a neighborhood and blocking the well on the east side of the city. One of the great towers had collapsed as if smashed by a giant. Smoke rose to the south where an untended fire had set blaze to some of the houses in the poor sections of the city, where wood was more common than stone.
The townspeople gathered at the grand hall, demanding answers. Some wanting to know why the land roiled so, others certain they already knew.
"'Tis the halls of the mountain king I tell you! The old legends are true, and his spirit comes again to our world. The evil seed stirs beneath the earth northwards, and mother earth seeks to dispel the noxious seed from her body. Soon the end will come!"
Welcome to Disquietude. I have a delve that I have always wanted to run (not PF, but I will be doing on the fly conversions). For now it will remain with just this code name, because it is somewhat known.
I am looking for a party of up to six to travel northwards and seek the source of the disturbance in nature. Because a balanced party is important there will be some different requirements than normal.
We will be starting with 25 point buy level 1 characters.
Race - Core + Aasimar + Fetchling + Teifling. If you want another Featured Race ask and I will look and see. Other race categories are out though.
1 alternate racial trait per build is allowed.
Class - All Core, Base, Alternate, or Hybrid with the exception of Gunslinger (sorry). Also Summoner must be unchained...unchained available but not required for Rogue, Barb, and Monk.
Stacking Archetypes is fine so long as they do not replace the same class skills.
Special Caveat - Class Type
The six characters will be recruited from 5 different categories to ensure a balanced party.
When submitting your character please indicate which category you would like to be considered for. During recruitment I will try to update regularly who has completed submissions sorted by these categories.
The 6th party member is a wild card, I will select it from the whole pool of candidates.
Wealth - Roll for it. Everyone starts with a kit appropriate for their class.
All paizo resources are available for feats, equipment, spells, etc. This will be a dungeon delve, so resources after you start will be limited, and we will be using encumberance rules, which some GMs use less than others. Keep all this in mind.
Traits - Select 3 traits and a draw back. This is for mechanics and fluff, so see below.
Select 3 traits and a drawback - use this not only to effect the mechanics of your character, but to begin fleshing out his/her personality and quirks. We will do more as we go, but this will be the foundation.
No traits that alter starting wealth or start you with a piece of equipment worth more than 150 gp.
I am sure I have missed quite a bit in this initial posting, so please ask questions.
I hope to close recruitment on February 3rd and select party members by the end of that weekend.
ElbowtotheFace |
![Angazhani (High Girallon)](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Sargava-Gorilla.jpg)
3d6 ⇒ (4, 4, 1) = 9 =90gp
Will need to come up with a background for him and adjust equipment.
Grumbaki |
Dot with an Angel-Blooded Aasimar Enlightened Paladin. Looking to be the melee component.
Will start off with a chain shirt and a greatsword, along with a paladin kit.
Str (18 / 20 for 1 min/lvl per day) Dex (14) Con (14) Int (10) Wis (10) Cha (16)
Lvl 1: AC17
Lvl 2: AC18
Lvl 3: AC19
Plan to pick up dodge at Lvl 3 (AC20) and Angel Skin-Steel at Lvl 5 (AC21).
Lvl 7 (furious focus) Lvl 9 (Angel Blood) and Lvl 11 (Angel Wings). Of course, assuming a modest +2 ring, +2 amulet, a +3 mithril breastplate, and an Ioun stone, then, he'll be rocking AC31. Enough to be worth attacking by enemies, but enough to still be tanky. Throw in the naturally great paladin saves plus power attack and he should be a solid front liner.
Also, as a melee combatant, he gets free improved unarmed strike with 1d6 damage. So even unarmed he can still fulfill his role, though not as well as when armed of course.
For traits: Sacred Touch (Stabalize a dying creature by touching...awesome with deadly unarmed attacks. Don't want to kill someone but want to take them down? Punch them into negatives and your fist automatically stabilizes them), Armor Expert, Trustworthy and Pride.
Gives us a fairly hard hitting, lightly armored, flying melee combatant. Who should have a pretty good diplomacy skill.
Finally Enlightened Paladins don't follow the paladin code. They seek perfection, though they are still lawful good. This allows him to actually fight with the rest of the party even if they aren't Paladins themselves. So more flexibility to be an effective party while still being the lawful good guy up front.
GM BC4Realz |
For traits: Sacred Touch (Stabalize a dying creature by touching...awesome with deadly unarmed attacks. Don't want to kill someone but want to take them down? Punch them into negatives and your fist automatically stabilizes them).
Will need to audit the whole post, but this jumped out at me.
Sacred touch reads "As a standard action, you may automatically stabilize a dying creature merely by touching it."
Since it is a standard action by itself, it can't be part of an attack action. Requires too much concentration.
Sam C. |
Sam C. wrote:Tengu is fine. Keep in mind, mixing natural and manufactured weapon attacks means the beak attack will be at -5 and have 1/2 str bonus behind it instead of full.Hmm.
Melee - Tengu two-weapon/beak-fighting ranger (infiltrator) with the Trap Finder campaign feat?
True, but it's still an extra attack in the right circumstances, and there are some feats that can ease the lack of Str bonus.
Any value to Craft skills in this campaign? And if we do take one or more Craft skills (and the tools to use them), can we get a discount on the relevant equipment?
GM BC4Realz |
Any value to Craft skills in this campaign? And if we do take one or more Craft skills (and the tools to use them), can we get a discount on the relevant equipment?
Stores will be thin on the ground in the dungeon, but you might also have difficulty doing crafty things on the go or bunkering down for periods of time to get projects done.
Locating raw materials also might be difficult.
I am open to giving it a try if you are, there are certainly pros and cons to it.
rungok |
![Warmaze Master](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO90117-Warmaze_500.jpeg)
moneys: 2d6 ⇒ (2, 4) = 6 x10=60
That's gonna be tiiiight.
I present Ked Starfallen. A human Wizard (Sword Binder).
Ked's part of the great Starfallen lineage of wizards, and has a strong desire to gain wealth, spells, and his own place of power so he can out-do his forebears.
He fills the Arcane slot of the party, and some of the Knowledge skills too.
Ked Starfallen
Male human (Azlanti) wizard (sword binder) 1 (Pathfinder Player Companion: Arcane Anthology 11)
NG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +6
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex)
hp 8 (1d6+2)
Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +3 (-2 vs. Charm or Compulsion effects if there's a promise of wealth or power)
Speed 30 ft.
Melee longsword -1 (1d8-1/19-20) or
. . unarmed strike -1 (1d3-1 nonlethal)
Special Attacks hand of the apprentice (8/day)
Wizard (Sword Binder) Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +6)
. . 1st—floating disk, mage armor, snowball (DC 16)
. . 0 (at will)—detect magic, prestidigitation, ray of frost
Str 9, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 20, Wis 12, Cha 10
Base Atk +0; CMB -1; CMD 11
Feats Arcane Strike, Elemental Spell[APG], Scribe Scroll
Traits magical lineage, seeker, wayang spell hunter
Skills Appraise +9, Knowledge (arcana) +9, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +9, Knowledge (engineering) +9, Knowledge (history) +9, Knowledge (planes) +9, Perception +6, Spellcraft +9
Languages Azlanti, Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Goblin, Orc
SQ arcane bond (longsword), power-hungry
Other Gear longsword, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel, ink, inkpen, mess kit[UE], pot, soap, spell component pouch, torch (10), trail rations (5), waterskin, wizard starting spellbook, 9 gp
Special Abilities
Arcane Bond (Longsword) (1/day) (Sp) Use object to cast any spell in your spellbook. Without it, Concentration required to cast spells (DC20 + spell level).
Arcane Strike As a swift action, add +1 damage, +1 per 5 caster levels and your weapons are treated as magic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
Elemental Spell (Electricity) You can cast a spell with half or all its damage type replaced with this feat's damage type.
Hand of the Apprentice (Bonded sword only, 8/day) (Su) As a standard action, throw melee weapon (use Int instead of Dex) and instantly returns.
Power-Hungry -2 vs. Will saves if the effect's creator promises wealth or power
EmissaryOfTheNorth |
![Scuba diver](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/marriage1.jpg)
Ya know, you can't me not interested in a crawl that sounds both scary and awesome... less if you can roll for aasimar/tiefling's variant stuff!
Quick question before I fully delve into commending my luck to the Dice Gods: can we both take a variant aasimar/tiefling and roll for the spell-like replacement? Or is it roll for both?
And finally: should we roll once and keep that, roll twice choose one, roll twice and you choose one or how do you want us to do it?
GM BC4Realz |
Ya know, you can't me not interested in a crawl that sounds both scary and awesome... less if you can roll for aasimar/tiefling's variant stuff!
Quick question before I fully delve into commending my luck to the Dice Gods: can we both take a variant aasimar/tiefling and roll for the spell-like replacement? Or is it roll for both?
And finally: should we roll once and keep that, roll twice choose one, roll twice and you choose one or how do you want us to do it?
You can choose a prebuilt variant like Grumbaki is or take the base and then roll 2d100, 1 for a sla replacement and 1 for a physical characteristic for a seed of roll playing flavor.
We trust the dice gods 100%, so first rolls are the locked in answer.
Sam C. |
Starting Funds: 5d6 ⇒ (2, 6, 3, 4, 3) = 18 x 10 = 180 gp
LN Male
Race: Tengu
Alternate Racial Trait: Glide
Traits: Dangerously Curious, Finding Your Kin, Magical Knack; Avarice
Class/Level: Ranger (Battle Scout[?]/Infiltrator) 1
Str 14
Dex 14 +2
Con 14 -2
Int 14
Wis 14 +2
Cha 10
Initiative: +3
HP: 12 (1d10+2)
BAB: +1
CMB: +3
CMD: 16
Fort: +3
Ref: +5
Will: +3
Skills: (6 + Int + FCB + Trait)
Acrobatics (1 rank) +3, Climb (1 rank) +5, Disable Device (1 rank) +3, Fly (1 rank) +3, Heal (1 rank) +7, Perception (1 rank) +9, Spellcraft (1 rank) +6, Stealth (1 rank) +8, Survival (1 rank) +7, Use Magic Device (1 rank) +2;
Craft (alchemy) (1 rank) +6, Handle Animal (1 rank) +4,
Class Abilities: Favored Enemy (????), Track (+1), Wild Empathy
Feats: Two-Weapon Fighting
Equipment: katana (50gp, 6lbs.), wakizashi (35gp, 2lbs.), studded leather (25gp, 20lbs.), ranger's kit (-gp, 28lbs.), thieves' tools (30gp, 1lb.), 40gp (1lb.)
Level 1: Two-Weapon Fighting
Level 2: Double Slice
Level 3 (UC Rogue 1): Weapon Finesseb, Weapon Focus (bite)
Level 4: +1 Dex, Enduranceb
Level 5: Blood Beak
Level 6:
Level 7 (UC Monk 1): Combat Reflexes, Improved Natural Attack (bite) Improved Unarmed Strikeb, Stunning Fistb
Level 8: +1 Dex, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
Level 9: Feral Combat Training
Level 10:
Level 11: Panther Style
Level 12: +1 Wis, Two-Weapon Defense
Level 13: Panther Claw
Level 14:
Level 15: Panther Panther Parry
Level 16: +1 Con, Two-Weapon Rend
Level 17: Accomplished Sneak Attacker
Level 18:
Level 19: Elemental Fist
Level 20: +1 Wis, Greater Two-Weapon Fighting
Wishlist Equipment: Agile weapon property, Agile Amulet of Mighty Fists, Bracers of Armor, Handy Haversack.
Pazeek is a tengu, a feathered, raven-headed humanoid who wields swords with preternatural skill. His reason for heading north is to find his older sibling (Finding Your Kin), who was a mentor to him as a fledgling. That sibling was leading an expedition in the north immediately before the quake occured, and hasn't been heard from since.
As a youngster, Pazeek demonstrated an intense fascination with magic in all its many forms, and many thought he was destined to be the first of his line to choose the path of the spellwielder, though his desire to emulate his older sibling won out in the end. Still, he has a gift for understanding the theory behind spells and their use (Magical Knack). Unfortunately, he also has a dangerous attraction to trinkets and items possessing innate magic, and cannot resist messing with them should he get hold of one (Dangerously Curious). The only upside of this risky obsession is that Pazeek actually has a bit of skill at coaxing such objects to work for him.
One of Pazeek's uglier personality traits, however, is his greed (Avarice). No matter what the item in question is, Pazeek's share has to be larger than any other. And if he feels that his just due is being withheld, he will in turn withhold his assistance from the offender(s) until the matter is resolved in a way that favors him. This also taints many of his interactions with a distinct air "but what have you done for me lately?" that most find extremely unpleasant.
Haven't done any of the combat stats for his equipment, and there's also a bit of odds-and-ends equipment still to pick up, but Pazeek is ready for consideration! (Though it would help immensely to have a suitable deity, some languages, and a favored enemy or three to choose from.)
This just occured to me, but are we using background skills at all? I added them on auto-pilot, since I'm so accustomed to those rules being in effect. But double-checking confirms that you make no mention of them being used.
Sam C. |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
You mean mending? Mmm, that's not as useless as you might initially think. I'm in a campaign right now, post-apocalyptic with lots of undead. Supplies are limited, and we can't carry a great deal either. With undead being so common, we've taken to flinging holy water. But those flasks are pretty much one-use-and-done items that are impossible to resupply.
But mending solves that. GM lets us recover the bits afterward and hit 'em with mending to get the flasks usable once again. In fact, mending was how we got them to begin with; picked up a crate's worth of busted flasks out of a glassworks' garbage pile and fixed 'em up for use.
So think outside the box with that spell. Cut a rope to get smaller sections for this and for that, then mending to get the full length for something else. Boot a door to gain entry, then mending to fix it behind the party for a secured rear. And so on. Niche, but it has it's uses if you get creative.
Grumbaki |
Nothing more fun than some randomness! Can I keep the angelblooded for the stats and skill bonus, but roll for physical features and spell like ability?
Physical Feature: 1d100 ⇒ 82
"Other: don't sweat"
Spell Like Ability: 1d100 ⇒ 70
"You gain an additional +2 racial bonus to your Constitution score."
Huh. So that means he trades +2 str (and 30ft swim speed) for 1min/level once per day for a straight +2 Con. Makes his final stats:
Str (18) Dex (14) Con (16) Int (10) Wis (10) Cha (16).
Less offensive potential, but a better tank.
GM BC4Realz |
Though it would help immensely to have a suitable deity, some languages, and a favored enemy or three to choose from.)
This just occured to me, but are we using background skills at all? I added them on auto-pilot, since I'm so accustomed to those rules being in effect. But double-checking confirms that you make no mention of them being used.
The pathfinder pantheon will do for deities. If you want a specific god from something else let me know.
As for languages and favored enemies, I see it as my job as GM to ensure your choices factor into an interesting story. The delve I have planned has a wide array of creature types, so I am sure whatever you pick will be fine. Be guided by character and story. What languages would your tengu study? Who does he hate/hunt/need to avoid.
For background skills, I am fond of anything that helps a player turn their character into something more than a stat block. Background skills are good so long as the serve RP purposes and min-max ones.
CucumberTree |
I hope you don't mind, I'm going to use a random background generator to build my character around.
Human Homeland
Town or Village
You gain access to the Militia Veteran regional trait.
Human Parents
Only your mother is alive.
Male Human [older than you]
Circumstances of Birth
Blessed Birth
When you were born, you were blessed by a being of great power such as an angel, azata, or genie. This blessing has protected you from certain peril or marked you as special to some deity. You gain access to the Blessed faith trait and the Birthmark faith trait.
Parents Profession
You gain access to the Savanna Child regional trait.
Major Childhood Events
First Kill
You've had blood on your hands since your youth, when you first took the life of another creature. Whether this act repulsed you or gave you pleasure, it was a formative experience. You gain access to the Killer combat trait and the Innocent Blood story feat.
Bureaucracy's Bane
You chose the inquisitor's path because you have no taste for the petty rules and regulations that mire the leaders of your faith in inaction and inefficacy. You know that you are an instrument of your deity and that your directives do not require intercession by the less motivated. You gain access to the Focused Disciple faith trait.
Influential Associates
The Lover
You had a romantic connection in your adolescent years, and this person deeply influenced your personality. Perhaps this was a first love, a casual partner you grew close to, or the one who got away. The experience bolstered your confidence in romantic interactions even though you often find your thoughts still straying toward that special someone from so long ago. You gain access to the Charming social trait and the True Love story feat. Roll a d12 instead of a d20 on Table: Romantic Relationships.
You publicly humiliated or scandalized someone with either true or slanderous information.
Conflict Subject
Conflict Motivation
Conflict Resolution (Choose One)
Regret and Penance (-3 CP)
Sincere Regret (-2 CP)
Secret Regret (-1 CP)
Mixed Feelings (0 CP)
Denial (+1 CP)
No Guilt (+2 CP)
You Enjoyed It (+3 CP)
Conflict Points
Total CP:
Romantic Relationships
Several Significant Relationships
You've engaged in a number of partnerships, but for some reason or another your relationships always fail.
Your love for someone motivates you. When this person is in danger, you're prone to feel weak, powerless, or angry. You gain access to the Lovesick drawback.
Relationship with Companions
Companion 1 - Friend of a friend
Companion 2 - Business associates, current or former
Companion 3 - Former allies
Companion 4 - Hunting companions
Companion 5 - Best friends
Companion 6 - Know each other by reputation only
Accessible Traits
Militia Veteran regional trait
Blessed faith trait and the Birthmark faith trait
Savanna Child regional trait
Killer combat trait and the Innocent Blood story feat
Focused Disciple faith trait
Charming social trait and the True Love story feat
Lovesick drawback
Sam C. |
Sam C. wrote:Though it would help immensely to have a suitable deity, some languages, and a favored enemy or three to choose from.)
This just occured to me, but are we using background skills at all? I added them on auto-pilot, since I'm so accustomed to those rules being in effect. But double-checking confirms that you make no mention of them being used.
The pathfinder pantheon will do for deities. If you want a specific god from something else let me know.
As for languages and favored enemies, I see it as my job as GM to ensure your choices factor into an interesting story. The delve I have planned has a wide array of creature types, so I am sure whatever you pick will be fine. Be guided by character and story. What languages would your tengu study? Who does he hate/hunt/need to avoid.
For background skills, I am fond of anything that helps a player turn their character into something more than a stat block. Background skills are good so long as the serve RP purposes and min-max ones.
Right, then the ol' PF standard for Tengu it is!
As to the languages, since you're being cagey about the setting, I have no idea what races would be common in the area of Westheim. I'm sure Common would suffice for most interactions. But is there, for example, a heavy fey presence that would make Sylvan a good choice? Maybe dwarves are a rarity, and their language equally so. And so on. I suppose I could just go with Common and and Tengu, leaving the two bonus languages open for later.
Same line of thought goes for favored enemies, and with Battle Scout archetype being a possible choice, it's even more important. If I pick that archetype, I will get one favored enemy, period. That choice will have to be relevant for the duration of the campaign. Picking something at random and hoping it comes up isn't a lot of fun. Again, the lack of campaign detail means I have no idea who or what Pazeek would commonly encounter, what would be a regular threat to the region. Favored enemy choices really are one of those class features that needs concrete input from up top to be effective.
Grumbaki |
Character crunch below. For making the backstory, could you please tell us a bit more about the town we are in?
Also decided on going:
Enlightened Paladin (4)
Urban Bloodrager-celestial bloodline (1)
Fighter (1)
Sacred Sentinel (7+)
Might end up taking a prestige class somewhere down the line. But really looking to make that Aasimar holy-warrior. The Bloodrager class gives an easy +4 strength without defensive penalties and holy attacks, giving good offense to the paladin defense. Fighter for the bonus feat and heavy armor proficiency tax. Sacred sentinel for the holy warrior feel.
Name: Godwyn
Race Aasimar
Alignment LG
Class Enlightened Paladin (1)
Languages Common, Celestial
Str (18/20) Dex (14) Con (14) Int (10) Wis (10) Cha (16) HP (13) Fort (+4) Ref (+2) Will (+2) Init (+4)
* Resistances: Acid, Cold, Electricity 5 resistance
* Spell Like Ability (Alter self. May cast once per level each day)
* Truespeaker (+2 linguistics and sense motive)
* Darkvision (60ft)
* Reactionary: +2 Initiaitve
* Sacred Touch: As a standard action, you may automatically stabilize a dying creature merely by touching it.
* Ambassador: Saranrae Trait +2 Diplomacy
* Vainglory: You take a –1 penalty on Bluff, Disguise, and Stealth checks, and the save DC of any illusion you create is 1 lower than normal.
Combat (with power attack)
To Hit: +4
Greatsword Damage: 2d6 weapon + 9 (19-20, x2)
Unarmed Damage: 1d6 fist + 6
+1 hit and damage with personal trial
+1 hit and damage with alter self
AC: 17
Touch: 13
Flat Footed: 14
* Chain Shirt (+4 AC, -1 ACP)
* Greatsword
* Fighter's Kit (backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel, iron pot, mess kit, 50 ft. of rope, soap, 10 torches, 5 trail rations, and a waterskin, common scribe's tools)
* 39 gold
* Power Attack (Lvl 1: -1 hit, +2-3 damage)
* Improved Unarmed Strike (as a monk, with his level being 1/2 paladin level. Therefore, 1d6)
* Aura of Law
Confident Defense
At 1st level, when wearing light or no armor and not using a shield, an Enlightened paladin adds 1 point of his Charisma bonus (if any) per class level to his Dexterity bonus to his Armor Class. If he is caught flat-footed or otherwise denied his Dexterity bonus, he also loses this bonus.
Sense Perfection
Detect evil, only detects Ki pools
Personal Trial
Once per day, an enlightened paladin can as a swift action declare one target within line of sight as his personal trial. The Enlightened paladin gains a +1 insight bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls against that creature, to his AC against attacks made by the target, and on saving throws against the target's spells and special abilities. This bonus increases by 1 at 4th level and every 4 levels thereafter, to a maximum bonus of +6 at 20th level. The personal trial effect remains until the target of the trial is dead or the next time the paladin rests and regains daily uses of this ability. At 4th level and every three levels thereafter, the Enlightened paladin can use personal trial one additional time per day.
* Diplomacy: +9
* Sense Motive+6
GM_Panic |
I would like to play an Aasimar
Psychic Detective - Investigator
High Int skills and some nice magic, I want her to be smart and fast.
Stenne Deepmug |
![Illia Ean](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9531-Illia.jpg)
Lvl 1 CN Dwarf female alchemist (Moonshiner)
46 yrs old 3'7" 122lbs
Str 11 Dex 14 Con 15 Int 17 Wis 15 Cha 8
Traits: Accelerated Drinker,Iron Liver, Brewmaster
Drawback: Loner
Skills: Perception +1,Know (nature)+1,Survival +1, Sleight of Hand +1,Heal+1, Disable Device +1,Profession (brewer)+1,Know (arcane),Use Magic Device, Spellcraft,Fly,Appraise,Craft(alchemy)
Base Speed 20ft
Languages:Dwarf,Common, Undercommon,Terran
Rockstepper,Healthy,Brew Potion,Throw Anything,Greed,Slag Child
GM_Panic |
Because I want the +2 Int, for the Investgater class.
I'm switching race for my PC to Tiefling with the Alternate Racial Traits Pass for Human as its seems fun.
So here goes die gods.
Physical Feature: 1d100 ⇒ 25
"Other: eyes" Humm how about metallic silver/blue Iris in her eyes sound, odd but nothing that would brake Pass for Human until she points it out.
Spell Like Ability: 1d100 ⇒ 75
You gain "sonic resistance 5" Well that may be useful
Sam C. |
rungok: Ked Starfallen
Helikon: Akil Khalid
ElbowtotheFace: Grattfaulk
Grumbaki: Godwyn (Melee is correct category, yes? Looks divine to me.)
Sam C.: Pazeek Splitbeak
GM_Panic: Lady Rosa Luminess
No Category Listed
e-terah earthenchild: Stenne Deepmug
Dotted for Interest/Submission Pending
The Chess
Akron |
![Akron Erix](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A10.Mr.Baeyn.jpg)
Hmmm... I was working on a melee submission but now I wonder if I should go archer instead. Ah, well submit what you want to play right? I present Akron for consideration. I still need to commit some fluff to digital paper but better to get him on the list sooner. The plan is to multi-class Ftr(Lore Warden)/Brawler/Warpriest for a truly terrifying melee DPS/Controller-maneuver master. He will start off lightly armored but will be ready to pick medium armor off some corps in a couple levels. Once he gets unarmed strike he will be fairly weapon independent, just using up whatever reach weapon is lying around the dungeon to keep his threatened area up.
Wealth: 5d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 4, 3, 4) = 14x10
yuck, that's no starting wealth for an archer anyway.
Grumbaki |
Yup. Melee, as paladin/bloodrager is all about hitting things really hard.
Also for archer the trick is the traits rich parents and minor noble. You start with 1000 gold. You can start with a master crafted composite longbow with +5str modifier. Also take the attached drawback. This leaves 100 gold and another trait to play with.
Urban Bloodrager can give you a character who starts with Str16 Dex18. Rage for +4 strength and you get the full +5 damage. Though any range class works.
Without the super high strength score though, a +3 composite longbow leaves you with a decent Str16 Dex18. Also leaves you with 400 gold to play with. More than enough to make a good starting character.
Failing that vigilante 2 gets you returning to a thrown weapon. So ranged without any need for ammunition. Great for a dungeon crawl when restocking isn't a given. Low HP...but full BaB and ranged. So HP is less of an issue.
Stenne Deepmug |
![Illia Ean](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9531-Illia.jpg)
Yup. Melee, as paladin/bloodrager is all about hitting things really hard.
Also for archer the trick is the traits rich parents and minor noble. You start with 1000 gold. You can start with a master crafted composite longbow with +5str modifier. Also take the attached drawback. This leaves 100 gold and another trait to play with.
As awesome that sounds, I think an outline to the creation fluff said nothing that affects starting wealth or starting equipment worth more than 150gp.
GM BC4Realz |
Thank you Sam for making the consolidation list...that was on my action item list for today...
Looks like a good crop so far, not bad for a couple of days in...let's answer some questions
As to the languages, since you're being cagey about the setting, I have no idea what races would be common in the area of Westheim. I'm sure Common would suffice for most interactions. But is there, for example, a heavy fey presence that would make Sylvan a good choice? Maybe dwarves are a rarity, and their language equally so. And so on. I suppose I could just go with Common and and Tengu, leaving the two bonus languages open for later.
Same line of thought goes for favored enemies, and with Battle Scout archetype being a possible choice, it's even more important. If I pick that archetype, I will get one favored enemy, period. That choice will have to be relevant for the duration of the campaign. Picking something at random and hoping it comes up isn't a lot of fun. Again, the lack of campaign detail means I have no idea who or what Pazeek would commonly encounter, what would be a regular threat to the region. Favored enemy choices really are one of those class features that needs concrete input from up top to be effective.
Sorry for being cagey...not intentional...mostly because I don't know...I tend to be a start small and build as you go world builder, and the dungeon delve is not specific to a setting...especially since I am lifting it out of DnD. It is more plug and play.
Westheim is a human city and capital of the northern province of a beneficient human empire, Alethkmere. Beyond the borders of this northern province is wilderness, mountains, and frozen waste.
All of the common races are seen in some amount or another throughout the city, as it is the northern most trading hub. Some adventerous souls travel northward to find pelts and artifacts for trade, but mostly Westheim serves as an import capital, bringing in goods to be distributed throughout the province, and exporting mostly agricultural products and currency.
As a beginning adventurer you have seen your normal share of orcs, goblins, and kobolds; as well as wild beasts that are known to exist in the northern reaches. As for what you will find when you go to investigate this rumored "ancient evil" who knows? Probably nothing more than wive's tales and hokey religions.
GM BC4Realz |
I will apply for the divine spot.
Akil Khalid is an aasimar herald caller cleric.
I would like to know which gods are appropriate, Gplarion pantheon, empyrial lords, old gods ;-)
We will be working with the standard Golarion Pantheon for most needs. If you have a custom deity that you want to pitch though (think Kashaw in Critical Role) then I am open to hearing about it.
GM BC4Realz |
Is that it for now? looks like...
I think it is interesting...open up the half-breed outsiders and everyone wants to play one...Can't we get some love for a straight up human or half orc in here? lol...Thank you Steene for giving at least 1 dwarf to consider. ;) Oh and rungok from giving me a human...yay!
Grumbaki |
Well picked Aasimar because a holy warrior seemed to fit the style of the campaign. But if you would like a ranged type, I could roll up a warpriest of Erastril. Human, uses divine favor to make his arrows accurate and damaging. Can backup heal if our healer goes down (always useful, as when the Cleric collapses you need someone to get him back on his feet).
And by late levels he can have his bows do some really damaging hits due to class bonuses. He just won't be firing a lot of arrows due to low BaB.
So if that is more to your liking I could get some crunch worked up.
GM BC4Realz |
Submissions Notes from me are italicized
rungok: Ked Starfallen - Human Swordbinder (Wizard)
Helikon: Akil Khalid - Aasimar Herald Caller (Cleric)
I haven't looked at your submission in full detail, but please indicate on your sheet if you channel positive or negative energy.
ElbowtotheFace: Grattfaulk -Human Invulnerable Rager (Barbarian)
Grumbaki: Godwyn - Aasimar Enlightened Paladin
Did you end up deciding with the +2 con instead of the temp +2 strength and swim? I don't think your crunch reflects that yet if so.
Sam C.: Pazeek Splitbeak - Kenku Ranger
GM_Panic: Lady Rosa Luminess - Dusk Elf Psychic Investigator
e-terah earthenchild: Stenne Deepmug - Dwarf Moonshiner (Alchemist)
You're build is super flexible...I can see you doing melee, ranged, arcane (kind of) or skilled. Please let me know which you see yourself living in most of the time as you level up.
Dotted for Interest/Submission Pending
The Chess
Some great submissions so far. I will try to take a deeper look at them tomorrow night after work and give feedback on any gaps I see. Will not be speaking to quality of build or its viability, more of just an audit...stuff like the comments listed above.