Iron Gods AP Interest Check


It is my intent to run at least the first module of the Iron Gods AP, following modules contingent on pace and how the group is holding up at the end of the first.

Wanted to know if anyone was interested in playing. I like my games to be more roleplaying than mechanics, and with a strange setting that is Numeria, I feel like we can add weirdness to the mix.

So....any interest?

A while ago I was in a campaign for the first module, barely made it past the first encounter when the group fell apart. I'd give it a go again.

I think there will be plenty of interest. Oh, and dot.

It's not my favorite, but I'd like to see what your build rules look like. Possibly interested.


Scarab Sages

I would be interested in giving it a go.

I'm interested

Lantern Lodge

I would be interested in playing a Technic League member

Sovereign Court

Alecak wrote:
I would be interested in playing a Technic League member

The Technic League are enemies in this AP.

Also, I was in an IG AP group that folded before finishing the first book. I'd like to get back into the saddle in Torch.

Silver Crusade

Count me in with a ⚫ as well.

Any particular flavor preference to your party, Default? I'm all up for making an oil-covered skysmith mechanic with a penchant for Brigh [doubly so if you'll permit a Scavenger Investigator for go-go-gadgetry!] – but any opportunity to invest in the Numerian landscape is a plus in my book.

Lantern Lodge

Jesse Heinig wrote:
Alecak wrote:
I would be interested in playing a Technic League member

** spoiler omitted **

Also, I was in an IG AP group that folded before finishing the first book. I'd like to get back into the saddle in Torch.

Im aware, but its sad you cant play them.

Grand Lodge

I'd love to join in, but I admit to having little experience with play by post games as a whole. I could probably make a fighter or rogue though.

so interested!

Sovereign Court

Alecak wrote:
Jesse Heinig wrote:
Alecak wrote:
I would be interested in playing a Technic League member

** spoiler omitted **

Im aware, but its sad you cant play them.

Well, ultimately it's up to the DM - it would certainly create some hurdles!

Oh, I should note character-wise, I have a few viable character ideas, ranging from an android alchemist (which I played before), to an android witch (healer/support type) or a gnome rogue who does a lot of tinkering.

I'd like to play an unusual race if you would be cool with that. And maybe an occult class.

I would love the chance to apply for an Iron Gods AP. It's been on the top of my lookout list, actually. I've had an idea for a Wyrwood, sent undercover from Arcadia to Numeria to evaluate the technology there. If allowed, I would submit that.

If this becomes an actual recruitment thread, I would be interested.

First thought would be an android investigator with either the empiricist or steel hound archetype.

I had a Gunslinger but the game folded within a week. Definitely interested.

Grand Lodge


I was very interested in Iron Gods. Dotting very hard.

Hello again DM Default!

I'd be interested -- thinking there could be fun playing an Android in Numeria.

Alright, I'll create an official recruitment thread soon, but as the ones who checked in at the Interest Thread, are there any requests you'd like to make in the character creation guidelines? No guarantee that the idea will be accepted.

Nothing crazy occurs. A thing I do see a lot is requests for Background Skills so knowing if we're using that would be good

Along with background skills ElegantlyWasted asked about, I wouldn't mind seeing variant multiclassing as a viable option.

I say background skills and would love 20 pt buy or better. Not mandatory, but nice.

Grand Lodge

No RP in the recruitment thread? A few other ones have devolved to that the last couple of days.

Just clogs the thread up fast.

Background skills for sure, helps out the classes with 2+ int modifier.

Maybe Combat Stamina fighters only

Oh sweet, Iron Gods. Is it limited to Core races only? Are Drawbacks allowed?

Some GMs invite roleplay and like seeing how characters interact. I tend not to post as a character until accepted to avoid alias bloat.

As an aside, I wasn't specifically requesting background skills, merely clarity for character creation. It saves us all the trouble of going back and updating. Similarly I would merely request that it be made clear which other optional systems like combat stamina, variant multiclassing and automatic bonus progression (as well as how you'd like us to do HP and if you'll allow third party) will be used in the initial recruitment post.

My own preference is a 25 point buy, as I find lower point buys make playing MAD classes like Monks, Paladins and Rangers untenable for some players.

Sovereign Court

20 pt. buy, background skills, androids allowed? VMC I can take or leave.

20 point buy, background skills, drawbacks, alternate racial abilities, and so on. All nice, none a deal-breaker.

Also, hello again DM Default!

Jumping in to say I'd also love to have a shot at Iron Gods. I have a summoner whose eidolon is actually an ancient Numerian robot that he unearthed at some point in the past. I don't mind playing an Unchained Summoner at all, but I would like it if I could get some lenience on the natural attacks my eidolon can pick.

As for rules? I like background skills and combat stamina, for the most part.

I also like 20 point or better buys.

I detest RP in Recruit threads. They clog it up and submissions and actual questions get lost in the mess.

Though I have no desire to play one, an android would be interesting for the party.

I'll also throw in my support for a 20 or 25 point build, for not flooding the recruitment thread with RP, and background skills.

Silver Crusade

Nothing to say that hasn't been covered already. Suppose a forward notice as to whether certain options are available (such as Craft Mechanical Item and similar from the Technology Guide) would help in securing character plans and themes, but that's obviously at your discretion.

VMC and Background skills are nice. I've never actually played ABP, but it does look fun. As for stats, I'd like rolling waitha point-buy fallback option. For instance, 2d6+6 or 20 PB. I like the randomness and interesting stats you can get from a good roll, but it's nice to have the fallback option for when you roll nothing above a 3.


Recruitment Thread up.

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