What things would you NOT want to see in Starfinder?

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Prophecy at the time, maybe. Pharasma still has them in her portfolio. Apparently the Eye has no actual connection to him, it just happened to appear after he died, and Cheliax could just as easily sided with angels.

Adding him to Starfinder would serve no purpose other than to continue to tease the community and make them lose interest in a god that died and didn't get back up.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Azten wrote:
Adding him to Starfinder would serve no purpose other than to continue to tease the community and make them lose interest in a god that died and didn't get back up.

Seeing as he'll have been for AGES by the time of Starfinder, he'll probably still be part of the lore as a footnote, but it's unlikely he'll matter much.

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Azten wrote:

I really hope Aroden doesn't get any mention in Starfinder. His mystery has grown stale and there's no reason to try and figure it out, because his death only had one effect on the world: Iomedae.

Golorian is gone. Aroden shouldn't be a concern for anyone.

Unless they want to have him alive in this setting, with no memories of how he died or came back. Of course, doing that would contradict Pharasma's tale of fast tracking him through his judgment.

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I don't want to see anything close to magic vs. technology. Magic is a force in the universe, and should be analyzed and incorporated into tech just as much as electromagnetism.

andygal wrote:
No alien hive mind hordes looking to assimilate everyone, it's been done to death.

I was going to complain about hive minds too. Mine was going to be this:

"No hive minds with a hive queen controlling it".


1. Queenless hive minds are far creepier with no central personality.

2. Giving insectoid aliens more creative cultures than hive minds is also creative. Remember in real hives the queen is defended and served because she is the only egg layer, not due to mind control. I can picture a sentient insectoid species worshipping the queen as a mother goddess without a hive mind.

FirstChAoS wrote:
Giving insectoid aliens more creative cultures than hive minds is also creative. Remember in real hives the queen is defended and served because she is the only egg layer, not due to mind control. I can picture a sentient insectoid species worshipping the queen as a mother goddess without a hive mind.

Yes please, the hive mind for insects has become such a trope that the genre really misses out on how interesting something a little more grounded could be.

The Exchange

Odraude wrote:
I don't want to see anything fun in Starfinder. No fun allowed here :p

It's a game, isn't it? Isn't that why we play games? To have fun?

Theliah Strongarm wrote:
Odraude wrote:
I don't want to see anything fun in Starfinder. No fun allowed here :p
It's a game, isn't it? Isn't that why we play games? To have fun?


Theliah Strongarm wrote:
Odraude wrote:
I don't want to see anything fun in Starfinder. No fun allowed here :p
It's a game, isn't it? Isn't that why we play games? To have fun?

I believe Odraude's post was intended to be satirical.


Oh, gawd, please, let there be no obvious sarcasm

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I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:

No WARHAMMER 40K-style comic relief space-orcs.

I don't see wot yer mean when yer say komic relief, ya git. We orks will trash yer an' bash yer. We are as kunnin' an brutal as anyone else. Ya dang 'umiez are all 'da same.

We're far more likely to get PF-style comic relief space-goblins.

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Space Goblins so far sound a lot like Grots though, just add regular ol' Orc mercenaries who keep Space Goblins around to make shootas for them and you are pretty much there, arent you?

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Mork and/or Gork wrote:
I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:

No WARHAMMER 40K-style comic relief space-orcs.

I don't see wot yer mean when yer say komic relief, ya git. We orks will trash yer an' bash yer. We are as kunnin' an brutal as anyone else. Ya dang 'umiez are all 'da same.

'Alp! Me shoota went an' browk eetself ugen. Ah need anotha won!

Paizo Employee Editor

Terquem wrote:
Oh, gawd, please, let there be no obvious sarcasm


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vernuf wrote:

If it wasn't nominally the same universe as the default Pathfinder setting, I'd agree. But I played classic World of Darkness. Insufficient compatibility which requires a lot of work to put characters/gear/whatever from one into the other is a step backwards not forwards.

Have to disagree. After watching the developer game on twitch, having a lot of backwards compatibility is an absolute problem for Starfinder. Two examples immediately suggest themselves: 9th level casters and the fifty odd ways to backdoor in fire resistance (otherwise known as 'immunity to lasers').

Both seem pretty immediately problematic for the coherence and functionality of Starfinder.

As far as WoD goes- those were completely separate and unrelated games. Intentionally so, at least partly to get rid of the Black Hands inside of the Black Hands masquerading as members of the Black Hand. Well, and a failed attempt to actually produce consistent mechanics.

Elemental resistance is a big concern of mine, its really easy in Pathfinder to pump up your enchantment bonus to overcome DR but Energy Resistance is impossible and makes a lot of the tech guide into frustrating resource traps, Starfinder hopefully avoids that problem set.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Rather than having to buy new Bestiaries, and new companions all the time. (Bestiary 6 is coming out soon!) How about a pdf subscription where new material just gets interpolated into the text every few months. Do you know how hard it is to find a particular monster when it could be in any one of dozens of source books, companions, gazettes, modules, or Adventure Paths? (Quick anyone, in which Bestiary is the Nightgaunt?) I would gladly pay a good subscription price to have everything in one place.

Really, even though I've bought all the Adventure Paths and all the hard cover books, half the time I just end up going on-line to find monsters, spells and items.

I think they will be doing a PRD as they have for Pathfinder that should (hopefully) have an option to just view creatures entries. i know that despite, or because of, owning so many beastiary sources, i will often just copy and paste the entries i need from online and print though out for my binder of baddies. i hope to do the same for Starfinder when i need to venture outside of the AP.

What if blasters deal Force Damage, instead of Fire Damage?

we've already seen the playtest where they dealt fire damage... or do you mean a separate weapon from lasers?

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Backwards Comparability.

Nearly all of Pathfinders system issues are legacy problems created by trying to stay compatible with 3.5. I would really like to get away from that.

yeah, at this point i really dont want backwards compatability, i want something that is more concerned with streamlining the system than preserving holy cows of game design.

I cannot agree with DH more. 3.5 had obvious flaws (the numbers become stupid at a certain point) and Pathfinder just copied those wholesale. I'd rather Starfinder streamline itself and find a better way

KahnyaGnorc wrote:
What if blasters deal Force Damage, instead of Fire Damage?

That becomes its own issue, specifically that incorporeal creatures are a non-issue from the start.

As for backwards compatibility, I don't much care either way. On the other paw, I hope it serves as a glimpse into possibilities for Pathfinder 2.0: a tighter focus on more interesting classes with real character rather than the constant juggling between overpowered full casters and flavorless martials. In my view the classes that excel are the hybrids and APG classes that tread new ground. I can only hope for a de-emphasis on the dumpster list of feats.

Matthew Shelton wrote:

I personally would like to wish against the following:

Please no Star trek style transporters--or anything that dematerializes or rematerializes living things from scratch, nonmagically

Please no breathable fantasy space gas--please no phlogiston or outer-space fresh air that allows creatures to walk outside on deck without spacesuits.

Please no subjective directional gravity in either deep space or The Drift.

Please no super-colossal space amoebas, planet-sized robots, or really anything defined as a creature that is large enough for escape velocity (ex) to be relevan, aside from some weird magical ability to create an artificial gravity well or something. Starbases, death stars, mobile cities with onboard hyperdrives, that's different, just no oversized creatures.

Well Pathfinder already has the teleport spell, it would seem to me that if magic is a regular feature, then they would want to make use of the teleport spell using magical items to accomplish this. One type is a teleport stepping disk, it is a magical item that you stand on, it is about 3 feet in diameter if designed for medium sized humanoids, the stepping disk casts the teleport for you, and either the teleport operator designates the destination or the user does so, either picturing in his mind where he wants to go, and the teleporter sends him there, or by specifying a direction and distance he wants to travel in. A magical teleporter can't "beam up", it can only "beam down" as one needs to be standing on the teleporter disk in order to be teleported. That is what I'd use. To create this magical item, the rules for magical item creation apply as well as the ability to cast the teleport spell. Teleport is a 5th level sorcerer/wizard spell, since the maximum spell levels available are up to 6th level, teleport should be available for creation of this magic item.

Voss wrote:

In my view the classes that excel are the hybrids and APG classes that tread new ground. I can only hope for a de-emphasis on the dumpster list of feats.

OMG This!

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I'd like to see Driz'zt in Starfinder. Dual-wield last pistols. He can be a Space Ranger like Buzz Lightyear.

Maybe Biz'zt could ne in Starfinder, as Driz'zt belongs to Dungeons & Dragons and is thus a property of Hasbro. But there could be a drow named Biz'zt Bo'urden who is a Space Ranger, maybe I'll roll up his stats, once Starfinder becomes available.

-2 to KAC against space lawyers wielding cease & desist cudgels.

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