captain yesterday |
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First of all, let's get something clear.
Nothing Sexual!!, I'm not going to jail or getting arrested for you people!
Okay, now that we have that out of the way!
So, the idea is, you ask me to ask someone else something and I'll come back with their answers, but I'm not just going to walk up to random people at the bus stop and ask a random question, that would be too easy (and a little weird) no, no, no!
The challenge is working it into a conversation, with family members, coworkers, customers, and random people at the bus stop.
So have at it!

Anonymous Warrior |
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Shoot, I didn't read your entire opening post, and I was going to ask you to ask Cosmo to lay off on the whole 'mass clown paranoia marketing campaign.'
So I guess I'll have to ask a co-worker whether they find the whole cat person/dog person debate exclusory. What's wrong with thinking that Wallabies or Guinea Pigs make the best pets?

NobodysHome |
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And yeah, apparently the Sunday gaming group really got into such things until we came along. I don't mind PCs being in relationships; I think it's pretty natural. Heck, my life oracle is in a relationship right now. But all the hanky-panky takes place off-screen. I see no reason to describe the lurid details at the table. It seems pretty creepy.
But as you say, others like it. Not my place to judge.

DungeonmasterCal |
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Ask people is they are afraid of clowns....
I'm not afraid of clowns, I just find them creepy. Not the ones designed to look evil or dangerous or whatever, but regular clowns like Bozo or the like. And I've become pretty inured to that because friends send me so many clown pictures they've become boring and not as creepy. However, Puddles the Pity Party Clown amazes me with his voice.

captain yesterday |
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Ask Pea Bear whether she has read any of Malek's adventures.
I'm certain she hasn't.
1) she only recently discovered she LIKES reading.
2) she's thirteen so as far she is concerned the internet consists entirely of cat videos, questions to harass Cortana with, and spoof rap videos (celebrity rap battles of history or something is all the rage with the kids these days. And emojis! So many stupid emojis!! And don't get me started on the makeup. Turns out drama is a gateway to makeup and drama, who knew!
I'll get her to try though, if anything to give her ideas. :-)
I honestly need to corral everyone to sit down and play, but the family recently remembered we're alive again ("didn't we used to know someone NOT on Facebook?" "Don't be silly dear!").

Kileanna |
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captain yesterday wrote:Right on. I'm the same way. It's not my job to describe players' intimate encounters.It might surprise you but I'm actually quite uncomfortable with sexual content playing RPGs.
Nothing wrong with it by any means, just not my scene.
To me it depends. I don't mind PCs having intimate encounters but I'd rather leave them undescripted. There are some things better left to imagination.
Solo playing is a different matter. I'm not getting into further details (as I said, some things are better left to imagination) but that's one of the good parts of being on a relationship with someone who enjoys roleplaying as much as I do.
Tacticslion |
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But more seriously, I'm basically in the same boat a K, above - definitely nothing in a standard game: to that end, it'd all be waaaayyyy off-screen, unless somehow there was a specific rule-system thing that happened that a PC somehow started (and I've actually seen it happen - twice), but even then, we'd keep it basically clean (maybe PG-13/tv-standard "convenient vapor/cloth" sort of thing, or, "and then they did that." at the most explicit).
True story: back in the 3.5 era, I was GMing for a PC (LG aasimar cleric) who loved her unicorn mount more than anything; we had a game where the PCs had more or less pushed the Unicorn into being another party member. As part of thwarting an "epic" low-level plot, they'd acquired a powerful ring of continual alter self, and eventually awarded it to the one least likely to ever abuse it - the cleric; we all subsequently forgot about the ring, as no one ever used it. So, said unicorn had his horn chopped off (leaving a roughly finger-sized shard) and, to save his life (he lay dying, no way to repair his horn), the PC (much to my surprise) took her ring and shoved it on the horn piece, forcing him into a humanoid form*. I had to think about this for a while, but allowed the magic to work, and permitted the unicorn to turn into a humanoid, albeit with a star-like pattern on his forehead, and the knowledge that, should he ever take it off, he would die. As this was the end of the campaign anyway (it was a short one), the player didn't mind losing the special mount, and declared her character was so happy, she "rode her unicorn mount, one last time..." (near-quote) which was weird enough, but left the other people at the B&N bakery (or was it Denny's? It's been a while.) a little more confused by our weirdness than normal. Either way, that's probably the most explicit public game I've ever run, i.e. with a group, rather than just two player (that is one GM and the other running a PC).
* I've forgotten, by now, whether or not the rules for 3.5 made it so that alter self was your own kind, or the more PF-like humanoid only. Either way, this one had been explicitly for the purpose of imitating medium sized humanoids. Part of the limitations the cult used to drive down costs, as I recall.
EDIT: I'm good at coding, you guys, I swear!

Kileanna |
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I'm not into being very explicit in public. The best example was my last WotW campaign where everybody knew Dal's character was dating a NPC. The NPC would visit him once a week for helping them with some magic defences at their dungeon and I'll say she stayed overnight. They made jokes about it, everybody knew what was going on, but I never got more descriptive than that. That's my way to do it.
In S&S the characters were damn explicit as they didn't care for privacy at all and they were so liberal. But that the characters were didn't mean I had to be descriptive or explicit about it. I'm not running that kind of game even if it was funny having characters that didn't give a damn about privacy or established morality.
In RoW my character had a couple too but they never got too explicit in public. Even if they were so damn obvious. We had an scene where we were attacked by night and for some reason all the party went to the fight half covered! We looked at each other like: «what the hell were you doing?» because wearing few clothes with that cold wasn't exactly normal. It was funny.

NobodysHome |
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Yeah, S&S just throws horny NPCs at the PCs like nobody's business. And the whole description at the table of Pierce's romance of Del was pretty much along the lines of:
"The first night, he takes you to a wonderful dinner."
"Ok. I take him dancing." (As I mentioned in my AMA thread, I buy skills based on PC background, so Del had +14 Perform: Dance and nowhere to use it.)
He showed up again the second night, and once again we did dinner, and dancing, and he asked permission to kiss her on the cheek, and she let him, then kissed him on the lips.
The entire description of the third night was, "Yes, on the third night I don't return to the ship."
Nothing more needed to be said.

Kileanna |
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Curiously enough, my players didn't show interest in Pierce.
But... Uhm... let's account how many NPCs my players wete with...
Sandara (two of them and one of them has sort of a stable relationship with her)
Merrill Pegsworthy
Tessa Fairwind
Agasta Smythee (one is married to her)
Isabella Locke
Ederleigh Baines
It was madness! It was worse if we account that there were three players and one of them was pretty faithful to Agasta (even if she didn't care about it) so everything was done by two horny PCs!!!
Everything wasn't descripted but it happened a lot. They were all liberal hedonists who loved to celebrate their freedom.

Cap'n Yesterday's Rearview Mirror |
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Gorbacz wrote:Hey Cpt Yesterday, could you walk over to the mirror and ask the guy there "what the hell, dude? why the salt? did somebody drive your hamster over or what?".All he does is make faces at me and laugh at my penis.
Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha.
It's not so much the shape, as what he does with it.

Captain Yesterday's Phone |
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captain yesterday wrote:Gorbacz wrote:Hey Cpt Yesterday, could you walk over to the mirror and ask the guy there "what the hell, dude? why the salt? did somebody drive your hamster over or what?".All he does is make faces at me and laugh at my penis.Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha.
It's not so much the shape, as what he does with it.
You should see the pictures he takes!!
Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha.

![]() |
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Gorbacz has a point. I have been stressed out and probably maybe possibly overreacting about the direction Pathfinder has been going.
And he isn't that far off.
It always helps having Gorbacz around to call us out on it when it happens, so it's all good.
I am not the Gorbacz this forum deserves ... I am the Gorbacz this forum needs /smokebomb

Tacticslion |

I have three:
"Have you ever get had a waffle with pickles?"
"Are you (or is someone you know) a tomato master?"
"Do you think... Link... likes slushies?"
(You may substitute anything you like - usually a person - for "Link" but it should have the same pauses indicated by the ellipses, otherwise it's not a meme. ;D)
Only one of these is a meme. Enjoy!

John Kretzer |
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John Kretzer wrote:Ask people is they are afraid of clowns....I haven't forgotten, I'm just waiting to ask the neighborhood maintenance guy or one of the grumpy old people around our neighborhood.
Okay...also ask why...or why Not?
And please relax about the direction of Paizo...you seemed to be very stressed out about...if you want to rant about just PM me.