
Not Very Rysky's page

11 posts. Alias of captain yesterday.


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The nerve of some people!

Vidmaster7 wrote:
But is horseshoes a sport?

Beats me, do I look like hall of fame horseshoe pitcher Mildred Brouilette?

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Kalindlara wrote:
Rysky wrote:
thistledown wrote:
Someone mentioned it in passing earlier, but for a social talent that ANYONE can get good use out of, Companion to the Lonely is great. Helps alleviate the feeling that the social side is a "waste", especially if you're just doing a 2 level dip.
It's my favourite Social Talent.
We're all shocked by this, I'm sure.


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I'm not really a hugger myself.

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We've never had a Succubus in any of our games.

Are you sure this isn't a question better left to Rysky.

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I'm not following any of this, but I like your avatar. :-)

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Ah yes, the ever elusive handstand grapple.

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Feel free to blame Limeylongears as well. As soon as he said "I could totally see a halfling Swashbuckler" in FaWtL, it was all over. :-)

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What kind of character(s) have you made from Occult Adventures?

Other then (I assume) a Spiritualist with a swinging phantom.

What's your favorite sorcerer bloodline?

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The Iomedae avatar ties it all together, does it not?

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My wife loves Beyond the Pool of Stars.

I got it for her for Christmas and she read it, and is currently rereading it.

Edit: I love Death's Heretic, and am currently on the second one, also very good.