Second Darkness AP [Recruitment]


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Wendell wrote:
Ho there 'Lian! Ah yes. Well when you're 3 feet tall and look like a child, that 'cute' factor does help a bit. I never take Ameiko's flirts seriously. She's good people though. How have you been friend? And what brings you to the 'port of riddles?

What brings me here? Lothalian looks around the seedy place. Why the smiling, friendly people and opulent accommodations, of course! He smiles broadly as he nods a greeting at the Half-orc Wendell was speaking to. He reaches up to ruffle the feathers of the bird then pauses, he looks at the half-orc, Aster he thinks Wendell called her, and says, May I?

Just to throw it out there some of us already did some RP stuff. So long as it is light hearted the GM does not mind but does not want to turn the thread into an in-character recruitment.

On another note I really like Larkspur. Screaming mouthy birds are hilarious!

@ Cherry we have six days to add any character history together to our profiles. Do we want to know each other from a tavern?

@ Sindorah if you could not tell Dougal can get rather foolish so if you want to we can or simply wait and see.

@ Orendel Kellon since you are going with very new to the area then it is kind of up to you if you want to have met Dougal.

Also I would like to pick up the knowledge local skill. It seems like something Dougal would have and I would like to get it though the affable trait. But that means I need a drawback, which I am fine with, I have just been trying to find one I like and I am stuck between too. I am torn between Magical Klutz for the potential hilarity of magical shenanigans or Vain since Dougal is a bit on an arrogant man. Any thoughts?

Wendell Half-Elven wrote:

Well, Larkspur, clearly this lovely lady isn't meant for fighting. I'd be willing to put a couple gold down to see you in a cock fight. I think I saw an Archaeopteryx with a lovely disposition that might be up for it.

I'm not really here for the games. But I think I'll be going anyway. I think my friend here might be going. Let me introduce Lothalian.

*ruffles feathers angrily* Fighting like that is meant for birds of lower breeding, like croads, or braekels, not something as elegant as myself. But I can absolutely see an ark'ty stooping that low.

Lothalion, you look like a crane! Do you act like a crane? Personally, I like cranes. I like them to be far away from me, or very well paid!

Dougal Fairbairn wrote:

Just to throw it out there some of us already did some RP stuff. So long as it is light hearted the GM does not mind but does not want to turn the thread into an in-character recruitment.

On another note I really like Larkspur. Screaming mouthy birds are hilarious!

@ Cherry we have six days to add any character history together to our profiles. Do we want to know each other from a tavern?

@ Sindorah if you could not tell Dougal can get rather foolish so if you want to we can or simply wait and see.

@ Orendel Kellon since you are going with very new to the area then it is kind of up to you if you want to have met Dougal.

Also I would like to pick up the knowledge local skill. It seems like something Dougal would have and I would like to get it though the affable trait. But that means I need a drawback, which I am fine with, I have just been trying to find one I like and I am stuck between too. I am torn between Magical Klutz for the potential hilarity of magical shenanigans or Vain since Dougal is a bit on an arrogant man. Any thoughts?

Thanks! I'm trying to discriminate equally with Larkspur and be equally helpful with Aster. I really like this idea, so even if I don't get into this game, I fully intend to have them see play eventually.

I can see both of those traits leading to a fair bit of humor. Personally, I like Vain, as it seems the easiest to roleplay. Mostly because its circumstances will come up more often.

That is true

Your character certainly seems interesting and I love players that not only remember they have a familiar but use them. I like it :)

I imagine one of the first things Orendel'd want to do upon arriving in a new city is get a freakin' drink. Perhaps he went to the Minstrel's Meadhall as one of the few establishments in Riddleport that was reasonably clean, and met Dougal there? The scruffy, sour-faced half-elf who uses his pollaxe like a walking stick and has a taste for Oldlaw Whiskey'd probably stand out a bit among the clientele...

@dm default - how do you feel about goblins as pc's in this particular AP? Also, wondering about two 3.5 feats:

Crossbow sniper

Improved crossbow sniper

And if you're ok with them, how you feel about them stacking with the rogue sniper archetype? Obviously these wouldn't come into play until higher level, but they affect the skills and feats for the character I'm working up.

Larkspur Ballard wrote:
Wendell Half-Elven wrote:

Well, Larkspur, clearly this lovely lady isn't meant for fighting. I'd be willing to put a couple gold down to see you in a cock fight. I think I saw an Archaeopteryx with a lovely disposition that might be up for it.

I'm not really here for the games. But I think I'll be going anyway. I think my friend here might be going. Let me introduce Lothalian.

*ruffles feathers angrily* Fighting like that is meant for birds of lower breeding, like croads, or braekels, not something as elegant as myself. But I can absolutely see an ark'ty stooping that low.

Lothalion, you look like a crane! Do you act like a crane? Personally, I like cranes. I like them to be far away from me, or very well paid!

Dougal Fairbairn wrote:

Just to throw it out there some of us already did some RP stuff. So long as it is light hearted the GM does not mind but does not want to turn the thread into an in-character recruitment.

On another note I really like Larkspur. Screaming mouthy birds are hilarious!

@ Cherry we have six days to add any character history together to our profiles. Do we want to know each other from a tavern?

@ Sindorah if you could not tell Dougal can get rather foolish so if you want to we can or simply wait and see.

@ Orendel Kellon since you are going with very new to the area then it is kind of up to you if you want to have met Dougal.

Also I would like to pick up the knowledge local skill. It seems like something Dougal would have and I would like to get it though the affable trait. But that means I need a drawback, which I am fine with, I have just been trying to find one I like and I am stuck between too. I am torn between Magical Klutz for the potential hilarity of magical shenanigans or Vain


Hehe your characters very cool. If we do end up on the same game I'll probably play Wendell as being a bit protective of Aster but not getting along with larkspur, should make for some fun roleplaying I think.

@ angryscrub
I've looked over the feats and the archetype and don't think there should be anything to wrong with allowing these options. However, if selected and I start to notice you're pumping out obscene amounts of damage each round, I might make you change it.

Ok I have added the affable trait and the vain drawback since I feel they both fit him rather well. Other than hammering out connection then I should be done with him.

DM Default wrote:

@ angryscrub

I've looked over the feats and the archetype and don't think there should be anything to wrong with allowing these options. However, if selected and I start to notice you're pumping out obscene amounts of damage each round, I might make you change it.

Totally understand. But considering if I did make it in, a straight rogue can't get to the improved version of the feat until level 9. I'm pretty sure a ranged fighter using nothing but core rules would be doing more damage at every level, even with sneak attack taken into account.

But any thoughts on a goblin pc? Based on all the descriptions of Riddleport, it seems like it shouldn't be much of a problem, but I'd like to make sure.

angryscrub wrote:
DM Default wrote:

@ angryscrub

I've looked over the feats and the archetype and don't think there should be anything to wrong with allowing these options. However, if selected and I start to notice you're pumping out obscene amounts of damage each round, I might make you change it.

Totally understand. But considering if I did make it in, a straight rogue can't get to the improved version of the feat until level 9. I'm pretty sure a ranged fighter using nothing but core rules would be doing more damage at every level, even with sneak attack taken into account.

But any thoughts on a goblin pc? Based on all the descriptions of Riddleport, it seems like it shouldn't be much of a problem, but I'd like to make sure.

Right, forgot to mention that Goblin PC should be fine. Just don't bump your dex to god levels.

Goblins are adorable! I love goblins. I had a little barbarian and he was part of a musical campaign for a while until it fell apart.

Liberty's Edge

Goblins are generally quite a blast to have around/play as. Particularly Pathfinder-brand goblins.

I had once made a goblin fighter named Blerch. People thought it was ridiculous that he wore full plate and used a tower shield and longsword. Then I tanked an entire group of 8 bandits by myself and people started to respect the Blerch. :)

What's your opinion on Aasimars? I understand they're a bit on the powerful side, but I have a great character concept for an Emberkin (Peri-Blooded Aasimar) Arcanist. I could pull it off with a different race, but the concept wouldn't work quite as well, nor would the mechanics.

The Peri blooded have great flavor. I have an oracle who is one and she has been a blast!

Since there is still time (though not much), I'm gonna drop my hat in the ring for this one - I have a concept in mind - working on it right now ;)

Okay, well, since I haven’t heard back yet, I thought I’d just draw up Tural “Ember” Imoroa. He’s a deeply scarred Aasimar arcanist with an intense hatred toward Drow (though he'd never admit even to their existence), searching for meaning and knowledge wherever he can find them. He’s obsessed with luck and chance, and can make momentous decisions based off of a simple coin flip. He came to Riddleport looking into the Cyphergate, but is currently interested in the Blot, thinking it might be a result of outsider activity.

A couple questions for the GM about flavor expressed in mechanics:

Firstly, is it possible to switch the native Aasimar resistance from acid to fire? It’s not major, but it would fit with the idea of an Emberkin.

Secondly, is there any way I could switch one of his bonus starting languages (I was thinking Halfling) for Undercommon? It just fits with his backstory better. If not, that’s fine. If I’m picked, I would just spend some downtime learning it right at the start of the campaign.

Lastly (thanks for bearing with me), is there a way to get a special favored class bonus for the Aasimar on arcanist? Although I’d be fine with just an extra skill point or hit point (he’ll need all he can get), it might be cool to get a touch more power behind his summons or a few extra spells in his book.

Edit: After rereading the existing recruitment thread more carefully, I found your stance on Aasimars. If possible (as mentioned above) I'd like my resistance to be to fire, if possible, as the flavor matches up nicely. If not, I'll just set it to cold, to reflect the "fire in the blood" of Peri-kin. Also, updating my character sheet to include a -2 racial penalty to wisdom.

@ Tural "Ember" Imoroa
I allow the Aasimar race under the stipulations that you've discovered. I will also allow the switch of acid resistance to fire resistance. I'm going to say no to switching languages.

As for a favored class bonus, I would allow something that mimics another class's bonus, such as the half-elf "When casting arcanist enchantment spells, add 1/3 to the effective caster level, but only for the purpose of determining duration."

Current Submissions
Orendel Kellon [Male Half-Elf Standard Bearer Order of the Dragon Cavelier]
Cherry Razarin [Female Tiefling Unchained Rogue]
Wrexley Hardsole [Male Halfling Pistolero Gunslinger]
Devon Prissault [Male Human Swashbuckler]
Xiulan [Female Human Cardcaster Magus]
Elaina Tirel [Female Human Snowborn Fighter]
Beorn the Divine [Male Half-Orc Bard]
Krayn La'jal [Male Human Crossblooded Abyssal/Celestial Bloodrager
Kaza [Male Human Kineticist]
Sindorah Volrus Sosei [Female Human Priest Bard]
Cnut Bjornsson [Male werebear-kin skinwalker (coldborn) barbarian (invulnerable rager)]
Aster [Female Rainkin Half-Orc Duettist Bard]
Serill [Male Elf Wizard]
Alix Blanchet [Male SamsaranHuman Herald Caller Cleric]
Dougal Fairbairn [Male Human Cleric of Cayden Cailean]
Taton [Male Human Slayer]
Meghan Goldknickers [Female Human Street Performer Bard]
Ryssa the Cleric of Calistria [Female Tiefling Demonspawn Cleric]
Izkrael Caladrel [Male Elf(possible part drow) Slayer]
Ibara Boswell [Female Human Scale Fist Unchained Monk]
Lothalian Sybellus [Male Elf Cleric of Sarenrae]
Gabsen Halrydun [Male Human Fighter]
Wendell Half-Elven [Male Half-elf Vexing Daredevil Mesmerist]
Handsome Sully [Male Half-Orc Tattooed Sorceror]
Jing the Bandit [Male Elf Skirmisher Ranger]
Silvio Errico [Male Chelaxian Human Living Grimoire Inquisitor]
Tural "Ember" Imoroa [Emberkin Aasimar Occultist Arcanist]

Many thanks. I'll update my character sheet now. I'm thinking about the halfling's FCB of +1/6th of a new exploit, but if that's a bit too powerful, I can always find another one.

DM Default wrote:
angryscrub wrote:
DM Default wrote:

@ angryscrub

I've looked over the feats and the archetype and don't think there should be anything to wrong with allowing these options. However, if selected and I start to notice you're pumping out obscene amounts of damage each round, I might make you change it.

Totally understand. But considering if I did make it in, a straight rogue can't get to the improved version of the feat until level 9. I'm pretty sure a ranged fighter using nothing but core rules would be doing more damage at every level, even with sneak attack taken into account.

But any thoughts on a goblin pc? Based on all the descriptions of Riddleport, it seems like it shouldn't be much of a problem, but I'd like to make sure.

Right, forgot to mention that Goblin PC should be fine. Just don't bump your dex to god levels.

Turns out that once I started getting to know my little goblin buddy, he's not a sniper, or that's not his primary focus anyways, he's more of a gearhead. Closest archetype I've found thematically is scavenger, but that grants technologist as a bonus feat and the abilities interact with technological weapons. Will there be any of that sort of stuff in your game? I'm guessing not, but never hurts to ask.

Meghan Goldknickers: Vignette & Some Passing Connections:

”Oi, Keypaw—I’ve had ‘bout enough o’ this damned church work (1) to last me a lifetime,” Meghan called out across the wide expanse of the Gold Goblin’s entrance hall as she leaned her frame wearily against the mop she was using to prop herself up. ”I didn’t sign on to be no cleanin’ lady.”

”Now, now Goldybritches,” Saul Vancaskerkin began, his thin lips twisted into a smile with a hint of leer to it, ”Honest work makes for an honest woman….”

”Or honest man,” came Meg’s interruption and correction. ”And since we both know you ain’t never done an honest day’s work in your entire life…well, let’s just say that explains why you turned out to be the greedy underhanded bastard you are.” Although the words sounded mean and more than a bit accusing, Meg delivered them with a grin which the former crimelord returned in spades.

”I—like my beloved gambling hall—am reformed: New and improved, you might say!”

Meg uttered a combination scoff/snort. Saul chuckled and went back to his own floor-mopping. ”Find any potential hires for me and the Goblin?” he inquired.

”Matter o’ fact, I have—another sweet-arsed sideshow (2), since you didn’t learn your lesson taking in that other fiendblooded quickwife (3). Goes by the name o’ Cherry.” Meg paused a moment, honestly expecting to hear her boss yell out, “She’s hired!” immediately. When Vancaskerkin kept quiet, she added, ”She’s a bartender—smart, pleasant, mostly-honest so far as I can tell. And she’s got horns and an actual tail! Wouldn’t need to wear one o’ them scandalous succubus suits you’re expectin’ your hostesses to don.”

Saul just gave Meg another lopsided grin/leer, no doubt imagining his young underling in just such an outfit.

”Also had a couple folks come by this mornin’, both to sign up for the tourney and ask if we’d be needin’ help in the near future. One was a tall willow-lad named Orendel, from foreign parts by his speech…seemed capable. Other fellow was a brash, full-o’-himself bridge monkey (4) called Dougie or somesuch. The ladies will like the jib o’ his sails, if you catch my meanin’.”

”Quite a few other folks came in to sign up for the tourney, includin’ two fellas that also struck me as likely bridge-monkeys…has a ship from Magnimar put into port over the last day or two? Anyhow, one had a roguish sort o’ charm and good looks…but I thought I spied a couple o’ Smeed’s men givin’ him the stinkeye. There was also a white-haired pointy-ears I never seen before on the streets and alleys o’ our fine city—probably yet another sailor newly arrived in port.”

”Ya seem competent yerself, Goldie-Gal,” Vancaskerkin replied, giving the streetsmart girl an appraising look. ”There just might be a permanent job for ya here if the tournament goes as well as expected….”

Riddleport Jargon
(1) Church Work: Any lengthy job that is slow to finish or is otherwise drudgery.
(2) Sideshow: A tiefling.
(3) Quickwife: A female prostitute.
(4) Bridge Monkey: Someone from Magnimar.

It's nearly time!!

I am all of the excited!

I'm still around!

Ready and waiting :)

Waiting too

We're in the home stretch! Good luck everyone!

Grand Lodge

Still almost 2 days

I've seriously waited YEARS for an opportunity like this!

Hello DM Default, and fellow applicants. I'd like to put up a character for consideration while there's still some time left: Syeira Istrati [Female Human Cartomancer Witch].

Best of luck everyone!

Drinks all around!

Can't wait to see the election results! :P

As the deadline draws closer, please make sure you have all your details and last minute touches in place. I give myself a week to look over everyone's submissions, and with the amount that I have for this game, I'm sure you can understand.

Keep in mind, I have stated the deadline as November 8th, which kinda means when I wake up on November 9th, just to account for certain time differences. I will post an official closing post at that time.

If I have missed someone, please inform me. If you have any questions, feel free to ask on this thread.

Current Submissions
Orendel Kellon [Male Half-Elf Standard Bearer Order of the Dragon Cavelier]
Cherry Razarin [Female Tiefling Unchained Rogue]
Wrexley Hardsole [Male Halfling Pistolero Gunslinger]
Devon Prissault [Male Human Swashbuckler]
Xiulan [Female Human Cardcaster Magus]
Elaina Tirel [Female Human Snowborn Fighter]
Beorn the Divine [Male Half-Orc Bard]
Krayn La'jal [Male Human Crossblooded Abyssal/Celestial Bloodrager
Kaza [Male Human Kineticist]
Sindorah Volrus Sosei [Female Human Priest Bard]
Cnut Bjornsson [Male werebear-kin skinwalker (coldborn) barbarian (invulnerable rager)]
Aster [Female Rainkin Half-Orc Duettist Bard]
Serill [Male Elf Wizard]
Alix Blanchet [Male SamsaranHuman Herald Caller Cleric]
Dougal Fairbairn [Male Human Cleric of Cayden Cailean]
Taton [Male Human Slayer]
Meghan Goldknickers [Female Human Street Performer Bard]
Ryssa the Cleric of Calistria [Female Tiefling Demonspawn Cleric]
Izkrael Caladrel [Male Elf(possible part drow) Slayer]
Ibara Boswell [Female Human Scale Fist Unchained Monk]
Lothalian Sybellus [Male Elf Cleric of Sarenrae]
Gabsen Halrydun [Male Human Fighter]
Wendell Half-Elven [Male Half-elf Vexing Daredevil Mesmerist]
Handsome Sully [Male Half-Orc Tattooed Sorceror]
Jing the Bandit [Male Elf Skirmisher Ranger]
Silvio Errico [Male Chelaxian Human Living Grimoire Inquisitor]
Tural "Ember" Imoroa [Emberkin Aasimar Occultist Arcanist]
Syeira Istrati [Female Human Cartomancer Witch]

Oh the anticipation! I wish everyone good luck!

I'm working on a Human Vigilante(serial killer)


Tomorrow is the day. It's time to vote! Wait, sorry, wrong event. Oh the anticipation is right.

Alright, so my goblin sniper definitely turned out to not really be a sniper, but here he is, details in the profile, just deciding on equipment. And speaking of:

@DM Default - are we able to craft our equipment if we have the appropriate craft skills? Also, I think you must have missed this question before, but would there be any point to taking the Scavenger rogue archetype in your game? It's entirely based around tech, so...

@ GLabspit McGee
Crafting would definitely take time and resources, and there's always the chance you could fail, but there will be free time during campaigns.

As for far as I'm aware, it won't be of much use, or it would take a long time before it did which would be boring to you.

DM Default wrote:

You should set a date for the reveal, otherwise from the 9th on we will all be here hitting F5 over and over again lol.

@ Sindorah
Sorry, it takes time to render good decisions. Rather not rush it, or just let it sit there.

I am still here, and will have my character submitted before the 8th comes to its end! ;)

I've settled on a Tiefling Magus (STR based, no archetypes) - most of his early life is unknown to him. He was adopted into a moderately wealthy bureaucratic family but never really fit in. His adopted sister though... She became the light in his eyes - his pride and joy, and only real friend for many years, making him comfortable everywhere from dinner parties to the streets when someone mocked his tail. He loved her with all his blackened Tiefling heart, until she was gone...

As an initiate of Milani, the young woman went on a quest with other few 'idiotic idealists' (as he would call them), and has not returned after one year. Ederion decided it was time to go after her, and has tracked her thus far.

I have about five paragraphs of his background written down, but I am overextending as usual... Crunch and whatever details I have to add to the above background sketch will be submitted before the deadline ;)

Sorry for dropping off there for a bit. Seeing as it's the last day and my submission is not complete, I'm going to back out. Thank you for the time and consideration DM Default. Good luck to you and your campaign.

Sorry to see you go. I wish you good luck in your future submissions and current campaigns!

OK, I've managed to get a basic crunch running for Ederion.


Oni-spawn tiefling magus 1 (Pathfinder Player Companion: Blood of Fiends 22, Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 264, Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 9)
CG Medium outsider (native)
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +1
AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 15 (+4 armor, +2 Dex, +1 natural)
hp 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +2
Resist cold 5
Speed 30 ft.
Melee longsword +3 (1d8+3/19-20) or
. . unarmed strike +3 (1d3+3 nonlethal)
Special Attacks arcane pool (+1, 3 points), spell combat
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +0)
. . 1/day—alter self
Magus Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +3)
. . 1st—frostbite[UM], shield
. . 0 (at will)—arcane mark, detect magic, disrupt undead
Str 17, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 8
Base Atk +0; CMB +3; CMD 15
Feats Improved Initiative
Traits rice runner
Skills Acrobatics +5, Disguise +1, Intimidate +1, Perception +1, Spellcraft +6, Use Magic Device +3; Racial Modifiers +2 Disguise, +2 Intimidate
Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Infernal
SQ prehensile tail
Other Gear chain shirt, longsword, magus starting spellbook, 35 gp
Tracked Resources
Alter Self (1/day) - 0/1
Arcane Pool +1 (3/day) (Su) - 0/3
Special Abilities
Arcane Pool +1 (3/day) (Su) Infuse own power into a held weapon, granting enhancement bonus or selected item powers.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Energy Resistance, Cold (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Cold attacks.
Prehensile Tail Your tail can retrieve small objects on your person as a swift action.
Spell Combat (Ex) Use a weapon with one hand at -2 and cast a spell with the other.

They are still bare bones, but easily finished :D

The 6 paragraphs I have thus far:

It is only darkness Ederion... - The half breed thought to himself as he woke up drenched in sweat yet again - still after all these years he had not become accostumed to the nightmares that assailed him almost every single of his nights - the insistent droning, the mumbled prayers in a language that he is not able to understand or fathom, the eyes that stare at him from the dark and, above all, the disturbing feeling that this is all too familiar, the feeling that he belongs there, in that pit of desperation...

His throat dried as always, and reaching for the fresh mountain water just beside his table, he could sense the presence before he saw her - "How long have you been there?" - he snickered and reinforced - "I'm fine"

Staring at him from a dark corner in the room, as she had done so many times since the boy was found, was Rin-Tarith, his adopted sister, and about his only friend for... Well, since ever. "Blablabla Edarion" - she chuckled - "You're not fine brother. I don't think I remember you ever being fine a single day since you got to this house" - she put forth with a smile, straightforward as always -"You just can't let it drop, can you? Always someone out to get you, conspiracy in every corner, everyone looking sideways at you..." - she shook her head - "Just try to live a little, maybe you will like it!" - she finished with a sweep of her morningstar, a beautiful crafted weapon in the shape of a rose.

His longsword met it midway like it did so many times before, and by now he was smiling - he fought better than her, she knew it, but always she tested his reflexes - "Always sharp little brother" - she teased him, pressing her weapon harder, and being met by his strong resistance - "You will be there tomorrow, won't you Ederion?" - he dropped his blade suddenly, and her own weapon almost crushed his head as he tilted aside at the last second and moved away.

"You know what I think about all this - you, and your friends, you are fools" - his tail shook nervously about, as if it had a life of its own - "No one wants you to go, and you do NOT need to prove anything. Mother and father love you and want you close" - he stared back at her, black pupils shining even in the dark - "Yes... But I want to go. I thought you understood" - her huge blue eyes seemed to simply drown him - she looked at him, and then at her weapon which so well simbolized her goodess - "SHE wants me to do this, and I want to do as she wills me! I..." - she stopped short as her tiefling half brother growled and hissed, his hand outstretched and enveloped in crackling electrical energy - "Don't go there Rin... Don't invoke faith to justify what it is you want to do" - the energy subsided and he turned his back on her - "If you want to do the right thing by YOU, then by all means, assume that presumption, and go do it" - then turned around to face her again - "But don't mask it as the will of Milani or any other God. Just go"

The tears welled up in her eyes as she left, and she didn't dare turn to face him - "But you will be there, will you not Ederion?" - she asked again, paralyzed as a statue in his doorstep.

"Of course" - his answer was more growled than spoken.


I realize my chances are slim, but I do have a clear concept in mind, and would much like to play Second Darkness (Like all the others I guess :D) - I will hope my 'shenanigans free' crunch will give me a chance to find a spot.

DM Default wrote:

@ GLabspit McGee

Crafting would definitely take time and resources, and there's always the chance you could fail, but there will be free time during campaigns.

As for far as I'm aware, it won't be of much use, or it would take a long time before it did which would be boring to you.

The stuff I would like to craft all falls easily within a take 10, but I suppose we can talk about that more if I actually make it in. And I decided to go with scavenger anyway because it really fits the character more than any other option, and down the road he could attempt to make some of his own stuff.

Good luck everyone!

Thank you all for your submissions. Please expect a decision by November 16th.

If I have somehow missed your submission, please post on the this thread to remind me. When I verify you had submitted it before the deadline, I will add you to the roster.

29 Final Submitted Characters
Orendel Kellon [Male Half-Elf Standard Bearer Order of the Dragon Cavelier]
Cherry Razarin [Female Tiefling Unchained Rogue]
Wrexley Hardsole [Male Halfling Pistolero Gunslinger]
Devon Prissault [Male Human Swashbuckler]
Xiulan [Female Human Cardcaster Magus]
Beorn the Divine [Male Half-Orc Bard]
Krayn La'jal [Male Human Crossblooded Abyssal/Celestial Bloodrager
Kaza [Male Human Kineticist]
Sindorah Volrus Sosei [Female Human Priest Bard]
Cnut Bjornsson [Male werebear-kin skinwalker (coldborn) barbarian (invulnerable rager)]
Aster [Female Rainkin Half-Orc Duettist Bard]
Serill [Male Elf Wizard]
Alix Blanchet [Male SamsaranHuman Herald Caller Cleric]
Dougal Fairbairn [Male Human Cleric of Cayden Cailean]
Taton [Male Human Slayer]
Meghan Goldknickers [Female Human Street Performer Bard]
Ryssa the Cleric of Calistria [Female Tiefling Demonspawn Cleric]
Izkrael Caladrel [Male Elf(possible part drow) Slayer]
Ibara Boswell [Female Human Scale Fist Unchained Monk]
Lothalian Sybellus [Male Elf Cleric of Sarenrae]
Gabsen Halrydun [Male Human Fighter]
Wendell Half-Elven [Male Half-elf Vexing Daredevil Mesmerist]
Handsome Sully [Male Half-Orc Tattooed Sorceror]
Zelilil Theever [Male Elf Skirmisher Ranger]
Silvio Errico [Male Chelaxian Human Living Grimoire Inquisitor]
Tural "Ember" Imoroa [Emberkin Aasimar Occultist Arcanist]
Syeira Istrati [Female Human Cartomancer Witch]
Globspit McGee [Male Goblin Unchained Rogue]
Ederion [Male Oni-spawn Tiefling Magus]

Good luck everyone!

I will be adding to Ederion during the evaluation period - namely to his background. Is that ok DM Default?

as the man said, the waiting is the hardest part.

Albion, The Eye wrote:

Good luck everyone!

I will be adding to Ederion during the evaluation period - namely to his background. Is that ok DM Default?

While I may not have actually stated in in my posts, I was hoping that all submissions would be finalized before the deadline.

But as I said, I can't seem to find a post that forbid altering submissions after the deadline....


Any of the other applicants want to make a judgement call here?

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