Unresolved story arcs? (Spoilers for pretty much everything, I guess)

Pathfinder Society

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Shadow Lodge 4/5

Mitch Mutrux wrote:
Quentin Coldwater wrote:
** spoiler omitted **
It's in one of the player handouts. Player handout 4.

Interestingly enough, here is what The Mantis's Prey says about Shadow Lodge leadership.

Torch tried to reign in the Shadow Lodge, but quickly found he was too late. The leader of the internal rebellion, a mysterious person called the Spider, opposed Torch.

5/5 **** Venture-Agent, Netherlands—Utrecht

If all that is true (don't have it in front of me right now), then I'll retract all my comments about it being speculation. But yeah, if that's true, I want a followup on that. There's an interesting story there I'd like to uncover.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/5

D Hennessey wrote:

Oh, and one more serious one:

** spoiler omitted **

I remember that one. We punched them in the face till it wasn't funny. Considering what they did to us in

The Devil We Know series
I don't feel remotely ashamed of myself.
3/5 **** Venture-Agent, Massachusetts—Boston Metro

So this Im surprised didn't get brought up in a recent scenario. What happened to the Pathfinders who weren't killed in Captive in Crystal?

You know they end up getting conscripted in the plane of earth but its never explained beyond that.

Grand Lodge 2/5

Was anything ever done with the Horn of Aroden? I can't quite recall.

Sovereign Court 2/5 RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Gregory Rebelo wrote:
I remember that one. We punched them in the face till it wasn't funny. Considering what they did to us in ** spoiler omitted ** I don't feel remotely ashamed of myself.

Wait, I completely missed Kofar and Nefti were recurring characters? I'd like to read that too, which part of the multiparter are they in?

Jurassic Pratt wrote:
Was anything ever done with the Horn of Aroden? I can't quite recall.

I think it was used in Assault on the Wound or something like that.

5/5 **** Venture-Agent, Netherlands—Utrecht

Kafar and Nefti also appear in the first and last parts of the Devil We Know tetralogy, all the way back in season 1. They were up to no good back then, too. Having played Destiny of the Sands first and Devil We Know later, I wondered why we still trusted them.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

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Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Oh, I also want to see more follow up from School of Spirits.

First, I want to see J show up more. J's ambition is awesome, and seeing an NPC grow up and develop was cool. I also personally read J as a nonbinary trans person, but that's just me searching for representation of myself in PFS. But, hey, since I brought it up, I'm going to say that J could totally be the first nonbinary-identified NPC in PFS. (If there's another, let me know and I will drop what I'm doing to evaluate.)

School of Spirits:
There's also the fallout with Major Coulson and the information found! There are two big bombs here. First, the continued bomb that Coulson is related to the nobility and purposefully hid it. The use of his brother as part of the spying ring also seems like a big deal - I know that most Liberty's Edge players I know walked away from that feeling rather scummy.

Second, is Lady Gloriana Morilla's spying ring. Um, yeah, what. WHAT. This is a Big Freaking Deal. It implies there's more to be done with the harbingers, but that plot line seemed to have been dropped. I'm sad, since I love the harbingers :(

Sovereign Court 5/5 RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Quentin Coldwater wrote:
Kafar and Nefti also appear in the first and last parts of the Devil We Know tetralogy, all the way back in season 1. They were up to no good back then, too. Having played Destiny of the Sands first and Devil We Know later, I wondered why we still trusted them.

I've found their survival in DotS depends on if the players have played DWK. After playing DWK, I wanted a DWK V, Die Aspis Die!

Sovereign Court 2/5 RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Matthew Morris wrote:
I've found their survival in DotS depends on if the players have played DWK. After playing DWK, I wanted a DWK V, Die Aspis Die!

I think that's Andoran for "The Aspis, The!"

3/5 **** Venture-Agent, Massachusetts—Boston Metro

Matthew Morris wrote:
Quentin Coldwater wrote:
Kafar and Nefti also appear in the first and last parts of the Devil We Know tetralogy, all the way back in season 1. They were up to no good back then, too. Having played Destiny of the Sands first and Devil We Know later, I wondered why we still trusted them.

I've found their survival in DotS depends on if the players have played DWK. After playing DWK, I wanted a DWK V, Die Aspis Die!

Wait???? What the hell did Kafar do to the Pathfinders? I played these scenarios backwards


MadScientistWorking wrote:
Matthew Morris wrote:
Quentin Coldwater wrote:
Kafar and Nefti also appear in the first and last parts of the Devil We Know tetralogy, all the way back in season 1. They were up to no good back then, too. Having played Destiny of the Sands first and Devil We Know later, I wondered why we still trusted them.

I've found their survival in DotS depends on if the players have played DWK. After playing DWK, I wanted a DWK V, Die Aspis Die!

Wait???? What the hell did Kafar do to the Pathfinders? I played these scenarios backwards

The actions of those two are responsible for the death of my elven musket master. She got better, but still takes it personally.

5/5 **** Venture-Agent, Netherlands—Utrecht

Oooh, I saw this thread resurface, and I have more ideas:

Fate of the Fiend:
I'd really like to know what the outcome was of the final battle. My players failed to defeat the final boss, so there might be a lich outside, with a specific hatred for the Society.

Pretty much every scenario has the potential for followups, I feel, as rarely things are 100% resolved. As far as I know, there's been no followup to No Plunder, No Pay, while it's an excellent setup for a new scenario. You liberate a MacGuffin (an incredibly powerful and dangerous one), and you just put it into a vault. And, as mentioned in the first post, that potential enemy you've made. Also, The Icebound Outpost. You liberate an outpost, and nothing's done with it. My players wanted to explore it more, chip away some more ice, but I had to disappoint them with a "that is outside the scope of this adventure."

Liberty's Edge 3/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I always wanted to see more of the location from In Wrath's Shadow.

I thought it was an interestingly done area, and would have loved to see more levels.

Silver Crusade 4/5 5/55/55/5 RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Steven Stewart wrote:

I always wanted to see more of the location from In Wrath's Shadow.

I thought it was an interestingly done area, and would have loved to see more levels.

Check out the Hollow Mountain Pathfinder comic.

Liberty's Edge 3/5

Michael Eshleman wrote:
Steven Stewart wrote:

I always wanted to see more of the location from In Wrath's Shadow.

I thought it was an interestingly done area, and would have loved to see more levels.

Check out the Hollow Mountain Pathfinder comic.

I'm so far behind on the pathfinder comics. Glad to know that they have more stuff featuring such a cool location.

5/5 **** Venture-Agent, Netherlands—Utrecht


I'm prepping School of Spirits, and two things struck me:
1. We have multiple Venture-Captains whose history we have no clue about. Drendle Dreng has a weird uniform but keeps it a secret (if there are Chronicles of everything, you'd think there'd be info about him as well), we have some major dirt on Maldris, and there's even a small mention of the Morilla family there. But that got me thinking, what do we know about the other bigwigs in the Society? I'd love to see more adventures revolving around them.
2. This is very minor, but in one of the handouts, the name Deckland is dropped. As far as I know, that's the third time that name's appeared. First in The Infernal Vault, second in a small encounter in the Season 5 special Siege on the Diamond City. Both are written by Thurston, so maybe that's just a reference to his earlier work. But when a second author starts name-dropping the Deckland family, I start to get suspicious. Maybe it's just a playful nod, but still. In fact, that same handout also mentions the Harbingers of Fate. The Dacilanes might have a connection with the Harbingers, who so far have only shown up once during a special. Meaning, Black Waters might tie in somehow to that special. I'd love to see that explored more should we return to another adventure with J. She wants to be a Pathfinder, so she's bound to pop up again sooner or later.
EDIT: I realised Badru got namedropped as well. Timeline-wise, that can't possibly have been the character from S06-04, right? That guy's incredibly old, but I checked, the names and the era (Pharaoh of Forgotten Plagues) both match. Or is the Badru in School of Spirits named after the Badru in Beacon Below?

Point is, J. is cool and I need more of her. She could be a new once per season ally, like Valais (who needs a followup as well, by the way).. It'd give the Blakros family some time off. :)

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
Quentin Coldwater wrote:

I'm prepping School of Spirits, and two things struck me:

1. We have multiple Venture-Captains whose history we have no clue about. Drendle Dreng has a weird uniform but keeps it a secret (if there are Chronicles of everything, you'd think there'd be info about him as well), we have some major dirt on Maldris, and there's even a small mention of the Morilla family there. But that got me thinking, what do we know about the other bigwigs in the Society? I'd love to see more adventures revolving around them.

Relatively little is know about most of the bigwigs of the Pathfinder Society with some notable exceptions. A lot has been revealed about Grandmaster Torch and Aram Zey, but the rest have been treated with a pretty light touch in terms of background and motivation. I dropped in the Dreng uniform and it amazingly wasn't erased during the development process! I have no idea if the powers that be will ever develop that red herring, we'll just have to wait and see.

On a side note, have you looked up PFS scenarios on Pathfinder Wiki lately? I've done a lot of work trying to cross-reference everything so that you can see which places/persons/things have appeared in other publications.

Quentin Coldwater wrote:
2. This is very minor, but in one of the handouts, the name Deckland is dropped. As far as I know, that's the third time that name's appeared. First in The Infernal Vault, second in a small encounter in the Season 5 special Siege on the Diamond City. Both are written by Thurston, so maybe that's just a reference to his earlier work. But when a second author starts name-dropping the Deckland family, I start to get suspicious. Maybe it's just a playful nod, but still. In fact, that same handout also mentions the Harbingers of Fate. The Dacilanes might have a connection with the Harbingers, who so far have only shown up once during a special. Meaning, Black Waters might tie in somehow to that special. I'd love to see that explored more should we return to another adventure with J. She wants to be a Pathfinder, so she's bound to pop up again sooner or later.

It was a playful nod on my (the author's) part, but you never know. The developers read these threads ...

Quentin Coldwater wrote:
Point is, J. is cool and I need more of her.

Thanks! Glad you like her. It was fun writing a somewhat non-traditional heroine.

5/5 **** Venture-Agent, Netherlands—Utrecht

Woo, thanks for replying! Yeah, I looked at the Wiki, it really helps if you're looking for a story arc or similar themes. It's a shame there are two Pathfinder wikis, each with their own information. I usually open both if I want to find something specific.

EDIT: D'oh! I completely forgot to include, that's why I made my previous post, the fact that in Echoes of the Everwar 4 we see a shady person helping the enemy. That person gets away, but it turns out he/she's actually a Venture-Captain (I'll omit his/her name for spoilers). As far as I know, there hasn't been a followup on that, but it could have huge ramifications.

5/5 *****

Quentin Coldwater wrote:
EDIT: D'oh! I completely forgot to include, that's why I made my previous post, the fact that in Echoes of the Everwar 4 we see a shady person helping the enemy. That person gets away, but it turns out he/she's actually a Venture-Captain (I'll omit his/her name for spoilers). As far as I know, there hasn't been a followup on that, but it could have huge ramifications.

I believe it was part of his plan to infiltrate the shadow lodge
Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
Quentin Coldwater wrote:
Woo, thanks for replying! Yeah, I looked at the Wiki, it really helps if you're looking for a story arc or similar themes. It's a shame there are two Pathfinder wikis, each with their own information. I usually open both if I want to find something specific.

Golariopedia (http://pathfinder.wikia.com) was abandoned years ago because the hosting site changed its policies causing all of the editors to leave now refuses to delete the outdated info. It's basically abandoned at this point.

Pathfinderwiki.com has over three times the pages and is still continuously updated, fyi.

5/5 **** Venture-Agent, Netherlands—Utrecht

Fair enough. As mentioned way earlier, the connection between the Shadow Lodge and other characters hasn't been explained very well. It'd be amazing if this is true.

Man, the Shadow Lodge arc had so much potential, especially with Eyes, but it sorta landed like a wet fart. I'd like to see a revisit of that. Not sure how that'd be possible, but still.

Paizo Employee 5/5 Canadian Maplecakes

Quentin Coldwater wrote:

2. This is very minor, but in one of the handouts, the name Deckland is dropped. As far as I know, that's the third time that name's appeared. First in The Infernal Vault, second in a small encounter in the Season 5 special Siege on the Diamond City. Both are written by Thurston, so maybe that's just a reference to his earlier work. But when a second author starts name-dropping the Deckland family, I start to get suspicious. Maybe it's just a playful nod, but still. In fact, that same handout also mentions the Harbingers of Fate. The Dacilanes might have a connection with the Harbingers, who so far have only shown up once during a special. Meaning, Black Waters might tie in somehow to that special. I'd love to see that explored more should we return to another adventure with J. She wants to be a Pathfinder, so she's bound to pop up again sooner or later.

Point is, J. is cool and I need more of her. She could be a new once per season ally, like Valais (who needs a followup as well, by the way).. It'd give the Blakros family some time off. :)

The Deckland's are entirely a namedrop on my part, I figured the nod back to my Season 1 title would be a neat call-back in Siege of the Diamond City, and adds to the whole 'living campaign' vibe. Still, always room for doing more with infernal-allied noble families in Pathfinder...

Liberty's Edge 4/5

TOZ wrote:

Interestingly enough, here is what The Mantis's Prey says about Shadow Lodge leadership.

** spoiler omitted **

I'd LOVE to see the Shadow Lodge appear in another scenario!

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