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Gage .. Greyhaven is in Brevoy under control of House Garess who have/had a great relationship with the local Dwarves so a good third language would be Dwarven.
Easy to find info on various Golarion places.. google wiki Golariuon grayhaven or whatever place.. there are generally two wiki's that cover info.
Go Longbow as you'll run out of bombs quickly.. maybe a finesse weapon, one feat will allow you to hit well with finesse melee weapons.

SCKnightHero1 |

Dotting for interest.
Thinking of going Investigator, as my initial thought.
I will download the players guide, and read it over first.I am able to post every day. I am on the boards daily.
Also, how long is recruitment open? I will need to research and build and write up a backstory geared toward this AP.
Thank you for running.
I was thinking the same thing. I'm going to have to research a bit in order to get the background of my character Derra Clawstrider written up.
I'm thinking she could be both General and Ruler.

Fenn 'The Jr' {Winter} |

Ok. I guess I'll just go for Noble Born: MedVyed as Fenn's Campaign Trait... and throw my hat in for the Ruler role.
Fenn has a good charisma that will only get better... though I would not think he knows of his Noble lineage... like the trait speaks of.
His languages are Common, Elven, Sylvan, Draconic

Gage G |

Gage .. Greyhaven is in Brevoy under control of House Garess who have/had a great relationship with the local Dwarves so a good third language would be Dwarven.
Easy to find info on various Golarion places.. google wiki Golariuon grayhaven or whatever place.. there are generally two wiki's that cover info.
Gage's second language is dorf :P
But thanks for the wiki reference!Turns out that Skald uses Dwarven letters, so I think that it would make the most sense. :D

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Here is my Submission, just a few more background things to buy but the crunch and fluff should be all done. If there are any questions or obvious mistakes let me know, good luck to all. If there is a problem with his son being about (left back at home while exploring and all that) let me know I can easily edit him out or add his loss to the backstory.
Here is Herger.
AS for roles in the Kingdom he fits several, Councilor,High Priest,Marshal,Treasurer,Warden, and even the Ruler could fit.

GM Waterhammer |

When is the deadline if you don't mind me asking?
Don't mind at all. That's actually a really good question.
[ooc]]So, I'm thinking a deadline for dotting of 10/17/16 that's monday at 5; PM Pacific. Then a final deadline of 10/21/16 for completion.Can we stretch the starting wealth with crafting?
Average wealth by class for starting wealth. There will be down-time opportunities for crafting and guild building, once we start play.
Sorry, I'm not sure I was being clear enough in my question, so I just wanted to detail what I meant: Taking Boon Companion multiple times: Once for each dog. I believe, that by strictest RAW, you can't make use of it because both dogs function off the same class ability granting the animal companion. However, from what I have read a great many GM's allow for it to be taken once for each companion, in order to keep the archetype effective at what it's supposed to do.
If my question was clear the first time, I apologize for the repeat. I wasn't super explicit and I don't know if you're familiar with the issue in question, so I just want to be completely clear.
My understanding is that you can take the feat multiple time: Once for each animal companion. At least that what the write-up in Hero lab says.
On hero points: I've never actually used them before, and on reviewing the PRD, it mentions the possibility of "anti-heroes" who get a bonus feat instead (here). Can I do that? If not that's cool too, I'm willing to learn, but someone's going to need to tell me where to find the Hero Points option on HeroLab, as is I'm not seeing it.
In Hero Lab you need to go into 'configure hero', then check the 'hero points' box in the APG section.
I'll allow anti-heros, but it seems an ill advised option.A few questions. How are you doing gold? If was mentioned and I missed it sorry.
Is leadership an option later? This certainly seems the campaign for it.
What were those 10 positions you mentioned so I can be sue I am not wrong?
How do you feel about romance popping up in the game? Either between players or with a player and an NPC? Typically most rulers had to produce offspring. And most people actually want some form of romantic companionship. Obviously this would be done so that anything inappropriate would be faded to black.
How will you be handling the combat?
Average gold by class.
Leadership feat: Yes.
Ruler: Charisma
Councilor: Wisdom or Charisma
General: Strength or Charisma
Grand Diplomat: Intelligence or Charisma
High Priest: Wisdom or Charisma
Magister: Intelligence or Charisma
Marshal: Dexterity or Wisdom
Royal Assassin: Strength or Dexterity
Spymaster: Dexterity or Intelligence
Treasurer: Intelligence or Wisdom
Warden: Strength or Constitution
Yes it is these. The Royal Assassin or Enforcer as it is called in UC is a non-essential role. The kingdom suffers no penalty if there is no enforcer. that's why I only said there were 10 positions.
Role playing is kind of the point of the game. If romance springs up that would be fine with me.
I'll be using maps hosted on google for combat.
Her'e the link to the player's Guide. I meant to provide the link in my starting post, then forgot.
We will not be using background skills.

GM Waterhammer |

How do you as the gm feel about charectors with family? I have a fellow whom was made for this but wasnt selected whom has a young teen child, just a total npc for background purposes but curious nonetheless
I knew I was missing someone's question. I like it when characters have family. I think the whole "I'm an orphan, grew up on the streets" thing is over used. It's a cool thing, just over used.
I hope I didn't miss anyone else.

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TheNine wrote:How do you as the gm feel about charectors with family? I have a fellow whom was made for this but wasnt selected whom has a young teen child, just a total npc for background purposes but curious nonethelessI knew I was missing someone's question. I like it when characters have family. I think the whole "I'm an orphan, grew up on the streets" thing is over used. It's a cool thing, just over used.
I hope I didn't miss anyone else.
Then consider Herger's son being brought along with if chosen I add a little spoiler with some things about the young fellow, hope to have all the purchases done by morning.

Deaths Adorable Apprentice |

Yay! Thank you I will get to work on her backstory. She should be done in a day or two.
And I know role play is the main focus of this game, that is a large part of why I love it. I mentioned it because some people do not like it and I have been shamed for it in previous games.
Also what are some of the common critters in the area that we might know about?

Ouachitonian |

Ouachitonian wrote:On hero points: I've never actually used them before, and on reviewing the PRD, it mentions the possibility of "anti-heroes" who get a bonus feat instead (here). Can I do that? If not that's cool too, I'm willing to learn, but someone's going to need to tell me where to find the Hero Points option on HeroLab, as is I'm not seeing it.In Hero Lab you need to go into 'configure hero', then check the 'hero points' box in the APG section.
I'll allow anti-heros, but it seems an ill advised option.
Ok, I'll update Pyros tonight. Other than that, my character should be done.

CircadianRythms |

All right, got some stuff together. Here's Perun Rogarvia. Don't worry, he doesn't let anyone know the last name!
I'm avoiding posting under that alias in this thread to avoid alias bloat if I'm not selected. GM, if you have any questions or corrections, please feel free to let me know. I would see this character going either Ruler or Grand Diplomat. He's definitely geared to be a party face/skill monkey though he does not have trapfinding. Combat wise I'm going to go down the ranged combat tree and hope nothing tries to hit me :p

Deaths Adorable Apprentice |

Ok here is Regina Caro.
If you want me to change the format I have her background in let me know. I like that style but I can change it if you want me to. If there is anything you want me embellish on or remove please let me know.
The only thing she does not have is her gear. I am waiting to finish that until I get a ruling on the eschew materials feat.

Mamise Iwani |

Sapiens' submission here, kitsune oracle with a grudge against her adoptive family.
Also, the curse I took, Wrecking Mysticism, is flavorfully nice but mechanically boring. I am open to reworking it, my personal favorite homeruling is "Whenever you have to save against poison, the sickened or nauseated condition, you are affected for one round even if you pass the save. If you fail the save, the duration of the effect is extended by 50%."

Derra Clawstrider |

This is SCKnightHero1 here. I'm still working on my character but I got a good bit done. She's descended from catfolk tribes who fled from their homeland when they did not bow to the Laws of Man and give up their faith in Shelyn. Derra grew up on tales and stories of adventure and heroes who braved danger. She hopes to one day find a true home for her people.
I did a lot of research into catfolk and the Stolen Lands (Thank you Pathfinder Wiki!) as I write up her background.

Seleste Talyn |

This is Meowzebub's Menhir Savant Druid. She is a candidate for Councilor, Marshal, and/or High Priest.
Sorry the background went a bit long. This is a character that I only got to scratch the surface with in a short lived game, so I have a lot of pent up potential in her.
People think of her as weird and standoffish, but really, she isn't talking to herself but instead to the spirits that surround her (usually telling them to shut up). I would like to add some fluff that her summon spells can materialize the spirits around her...basically using an appropriate animal/monster stat block for the spell level but reskinning it as one of her entourage of spirits stepping up in a time of trouble.

Garbund |

@ GM Waterhammer:
Finally got the backstory done.
Let me know if I need to change anything in my profile for you.
Like many Tymon natives, Garbund is an enthusiastic follower of blood sports. He has learned enough from his parents to make more money than he loses when he has a flutter (places bets) on blood sport fights.
Garbund, though lacks the great brawn of his parents. Which is required of gladiators. However, he has above average deftness, constitution, stamina, and a particularly resolute personality.
Garbund's elder brother, Hrilûk, is a warpriest of Gorum who has been involved in more than a few armed disputes between Razmiran and Tymon. It was Hrilûk who realized Garbund has the same sort of sorcerous potential as their great-grandparents were reputed to have. He managed to find, and pay, for tutors to help Garbund gain some control over his powers.
Without any real prospects for wealth in Tymon, lacking the physical prowess of his relatives, Garbund as set out to carve a name for himself. He has found his way to the Southlands of Bevoy, where he has heard there are fortunes to be made. And not just for the strongest sword-arms.
Male half-orc sorcerer (crossblooded) 1 (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 69)
CN Medium humanoid (human, orc)
Init +2; Senses Perception +6
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex)
hp 11 (1d6+5)
Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +3
Speed 30 ft.
Melee dagger +1 (1d4+1/19-20) or
light mace +1 (1d6+1) or
longsword +1 (1d8+1/19-20) or
unarmed strike +1 (1d3+1 nonlethal)
Ranged sling +2 (1d4+1)
Bloodline Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +4)
6/day—elemental ray (1d6 fire)
Sorcerer (Crossblooded) Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +4)
1st (4/day)—colour spray (DC 14)
0 (at will)—acid splash, detect magic, disrupt undead, light
Bloodline Draconic, Elemental
Str 12, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 17
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 13
Feats Eschew Materials, Toughness
Traits fate's favoured, outcast, pioneer
Skills Intimidate +5, Knowledge (local) +5, Perception +6, Spellcraft +6, Survival +6, Use Magic Device +7; Racial Modifiers +2 Intimidate
Languages Common, Draconic, Goblin, Orc
SQ bloodline arcana (change energy damage spells to match bloodline energy), bloodline arcana (energy spells that match bloodline energy deal +1 damage per die), orc blood
Other Gear dagger, light mace, longsword, sling, sling bullets (10), backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, belt pouch, flint and steel, mess kit[UE], soap, torch (5), trail rations (5), waterskin, wrist sheath[UE], light horse (combat trained), bit and bridle, blanket, feed (per day), pot, riding saddle, saddlebags, sling, sling bullets, sling bullets, torch, 21 gp, 7 sp
Tracked Resources
Dagger - 0/1
Elemental Ray (1d6 fire, 6/day) (Sp) - 0/6
Sling bullets - 0/10
Torch - 0/5
Trail rations - 0/5
Special Abilities
Bloodline Arcana: Draconic (Ex) +1 damage per die for [Fire] spells.
Bloodline Arcana: Elemental (Ex) You may change any energy spell to use Fire energy.
Elemental Ray (1d6 fire, 6/day) (Sp) As a standard action, ranged touch attack deals damage to foe.
Eschew Materials Cast spells without materials, if component cost is 1 gp or less.
Orc Blood Half-orcs count as both humans and orcs for any effect related to race.
Garbund's physical description
Age: 17 years old
Height: 5 ft. 3 in. (160 cm)
Weight: 185 lbs. (84 kg)
Skin: Ruddy olive green
Build: Stocky
Hair: Medium red-black hair
Eyes: Yellow pupils
Special: Hair streaked with random yellow strands.
Alternate Racial Traits:
• City Raised: proficient with longswords and whips, and gets +2 kn (local)
• replaces Orc Weapon Familiarity
• Sacred Tattoo: +1 to all saves
• replaces Orc Ferocity
• Skilled: 1 additional skill rank per level
• replaces Darkvision
Onyx; Garbund's Horse
Male horse (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 177)
N Large animal
Init +2; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +6
AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 9 (+2 Dex, -1 size)
hp 15 (2d8+6)
Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +1
Speed 50 ft.
Melee unarmed strike +3 (1d4+3 nonlethal) or
2 hooves +3 (1d4+3)
Ranged (M) sling -4 (1d4+3)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Str 16, Dex 14, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 7
Base Atk +1; CMB +5; CMD 17 (21 vs. trip)
Feats Endurance, Run(B)
Tricks Attack, Combat Riding, Come, Defend, Down, Guard, Heel
Skills Acrobatics +2 (+6 to jump with a running start, +10 to jump), Perception +6
SQ combat riding
Other Gear sling, sling bullets (10), sling bullets (10), bit and bridle, blanket[APG], feed (per day) (2), pot, riding saddle, saddlebags, torch (5)
Tracked Resources
Feed (per day) - 0/2
Sling bullets - 0/10
Sling bullets - 0/10
Torch - 0/5
Special Abilities
Combat Riding [Trick] The animal has been trained to bear a rider into combat.
Endurance +4 to a variety of fort saves, skill and ability checks. Sleep in L/M armour with no fatigue.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing colour and detail.
Run Run 5x your speed in light/medium armour or 4x speed in heavy armour and keep Dex when running.
Scent (Ex) Detect opponents within 15+ feet by sense of smell.
Onyx's physical description
Shiny black coat; hence his name.
5'4" (163 cm) at the withers
1,150 lb (522 kg)
Starts with Garbund as a free horse, per the Pioneer Kingmaker AP trait.

GM Waterhammer |

Then consider Herger's son being brought along with if chosen I add a little spoiler with some things about the young fellow, hope to have all the purchases done by morning.
Sorry, I didn't understand the question. If you want to bring family along as minions, you need to wait until you can take the leadership feat.
Can I take the eschew materials feat to negate my need for an alchemist kit? Since it only says that I have all the material components needed for his extracts, mutagens, and bombs, except for those components that have a specific cost.
It seems so.
Also, the curse I took, Wrecking Mysticism, is flavorfully nice but mechanically boring. I am open to reworking it, my personal favorite homeruling is "Whenever you have to save against poison, the sickened or nauseated condition, you are affected for one round even if you pass the save. If you fail the save, the duration of the effect is extended by 50%."
I'm not too keen on house rules.

Deaths Adorable Apprentice |

Brilliant that frees up some of my gold. I do have one question about that feat. It says any item 1gp or less and a vial costs 1gp. Will that be included in the benefit from the feat or not? I can be good either way but I thought I would double check before I assumed anything. I am completely fine with a ruling in either direction.
I promise I am not trying to game the system. That feat is a way to remove the need to have to deal with material components, which can get tedious.
Oh and how much time is going to happen in game for this campaign to go to its completion? I have heard of people running over a few years to decades in game and I was curious.

GM Waterhammer |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

@ Gage G. You can just assign a height, weight, and age if you prefer. Only reason I mentioned them is that they are such a basic, but vital part of a character's description, yet I've seen descriptions that didn't have that info.
Other questions:
You have to pay for vials. They are not components, but containers.
Squire feat is fine.
As far as in game pacing, probably faster.
So many people, it's going to be tough to pick five. I really can't run more than one table though. I know I'd burn out.

Vitellia Orlovsky |

Took me a little while to get her finished, but here's Orannis' submission: Vitellia Orlovsky and her faithful hound Kirby, A Very Smart Dog. (Eventually there will be a second dog!)
My sheet is tabbed out behind spoilers, where you'll find Background, Appearance, and Personality near the top. I have a bad habit of writing overly long character backgrounds, and tried to reign it in a bit this time. If, as a result, I left anything unclear or not fleshed out enough please let me know and I'll fill in more details.
Whoops! Almost forgot my Kingdom Roles! Vitellia would be excel as a General or Warden (with Warden fitting her best, roleplay-wise). As I plan to bump her Charisma in later levels, she'd also make a decent Diplomat or Councilor. Theoretically she could rule, but someone would have to really twist her arm to get her to do it.

Ariarh Kane |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

List of Completed Submissions so far (in order of submission):
• Darg Blonke - Half-Elf Fighter (Aldori Swordlord) - Leadership role: Ruler, Warden, General
• Annurian Surtova - Skinwalker Bloodrager - Leadership role: General, Warden, Assassin
• Autumn Moon - Aasimar (Agathion-Blooded) Hunter - Leadership role: Councilor, Marshal
• Fenn 'The Jr' {Winter} - Half-Elf Ranger - Leadership role: Ruler
• Garbund - Half-Orc Crossblooded Sorcerer - Leadership role: ?
• Kirian Ophelia - Halfling Cleric of Erastil (Domains: Community & Plant)- Leadership role: ?
• Gird Medvyed - Aasimar (Garuda-Blooded/Plumekith) Inquisitor (Sanctified Slayer) - Leadership role: Spymaster, Marshal, Councilor, Treasurer
• Pyros Aldori - Ifrit Fighter (Aldori Swordlord) - Leadership role: Spymaster, Magister, Marshal or Royal Enforcer
• Gage G - Human Bard - Leadership role: Diplomat, Councilor
• Arkhan Silvinesti - Elf Investigator - Leadership role: ? (Work-in-Progress?)
• Sir Andreas der Eisfalke Von Ulm - Human Cavalier - Leadership role: General, Ruler
• Herger Orickson - Human (Ulfen) Cleric of Erastil (Domains: Animal & Community) - Leadership role: Councilor, High Priest, Marshal, Treasurer, Warden, Ruler
• Camas Washougal - Human Fighter (Polearm Master) - Leadership role: General, Marshal, Warden
• Perun Rogarvia - Aasimar (Azata-Blooded) Bard - Leadership role: Ruler, Grand Diplomat
• Regina Caro - Human Grenadier Alchemist - Leadership role: ?
• Mamise Iwani - Kitsune Oracle (Spirit Guide) - Leadership role: Councilor, Grand Diplomat
• Derra Clawstrider - Catfolk Cavalier (Beastrider) - Leadership role: General, Ruler - (Incomplete/ Work-in-Progress)
• Selest Talyn - Half-Elf Menhir Savant Druid - Leadership role: Councilor, Marshal, High Priest
• Taenweth Vandiir - Elf Rogue (Scout) - Leadership role: Spymaster, Marshal
• Vitellia Orlovsky - Human Cavalier (Huntmaster) - Leadership role: General, Warden, maybe Diplomat or Councilor
There was other interest shown on the recruitment thread, but no finalised sheets, as yet, from those players. If I have missed anyone from the list, my apologies - it is purely unintentional. :)