Back in my day ... (the grognard game)

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Sovereign Court

Inspired by this thread. Should be a pretty self-explanatory game.

... our PCs didn't have any fancy skills and such; we just told the GM what our PCs were doing and we did it.

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... our game dungeon masters had to interpret the rulebook themselves instead of hitting the FAQ button.

...all our weapons did 1d6 damage, and we liked it.

Back in my day, we had to walk to the dungeon uphill in the snow both ways!

Sovereign Court

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... dwarf and elf were classes ... No, we're not sure why.

We were so ugly as adventurers back in my day. One time we faced a Nilbog and it gave us its treasure and wiped its own memory. No respect.

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Back in the day, I walked into my pantry for a snack and discovered a secret door that lead to Undermountain. True story.

...we fought encounters like 5-50 nixies. In the town square. And we liked it, dammit.

Back in my day, we didn't have saving throws! If you were too stupid or too slow to not get hit, you deserved all the damage you got.

In my day, we used D12's for more than Great Axe damage and Barbarian hit points!

Scarab Sages

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In my day, healing spells were a form of Necromancy!

Liberty's Edge

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Back in my day we only had three alignments: Lawful, Neutral and Chaotic. None of this "Good" and "Evil" sissy-stuff!

Back in my day, you couldn't power your doomsday rituals with elf souls since elves didn't have souls! And we liked it!

Sovereign Court

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... we didn't have any of these fancy "Adventure Paths" or "modules". Our "adventure paths" and "modules" came straight out of our own brains! and they were usually pretty bad in retrospect

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...our weapon speed modified our initiative.

Scarab Sages

...Scrying was a skill!

Scarab Sages

4 people marked this as a favorite. was Use Rope!

Seriously, that skill deserved its own prestige class, don't just throw it away!

... half orcs were a powerful melee character choice that came with serious role play obstacles.

...We had system shock rolls and Portcullises kept people out!

4 people marked this as a favorite. had to play a human male to have 18/00 strength.

...every race had classes that were simply not permitted, except for humans and half elves. Elves, being the "best race" (see The Complete Book of Elves) could play anything but paladins.

...Illusionists were their own class with their own spell list which included a number of spells not shared with Magic Users. Gnomes were good at it!

Grand Lodge

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We had THAC0 and had to do math and a d20 roll needed to be low...or high...or both, I forget.

Save vs. Rod,Staff,Wand!!

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...Save vs Petrification or Polymorph!

They ARE TOO related!

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Back in my day, we didn't have this namby-pamby stuff like 'plot' or 'motivation.' What kinda snotty wannabe actor drama student are you to need motivation? There's a dungeon, go down there, kill things, and take their stuff.

None of this talk of dungeon verisimillitude, either. We fought an orc army in one room, and then some fire giants in the next room, and then a white dragon in the next room. Oh, and a lich stepped out of an alcove in the hall in between rooms and started attacking us. Who cares why they were down there. It's a dungeon, you expect it to make sense?

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In my day, the level one thief opening a chest might get stuck by a poison needle, fail his save, and DIE. The game was not afraid to kill your ass. Hell, Dark Sun was predicated on the principle that the world was so harsh you were likely to die early on, so it had you make three starting characters for when (not "if") your character died.

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Back in my day, you were considered a narcissist if you had a name at first level.

Sovereign Court

... We didn't have 3PP material ... and when we did it came from our imagination not from some company ... of course we also had no sense of "maintaining balance" ... we ran with some waaaaaay broken home rules.

Sovereign Court

... arrows of XYZ slaying would actually KILL XYZ, not just do 50 points of damage. The concept of greater slaying XYZ arrows would have been so alien ... how are you going to kill it more?

Shadow Lodge

3 people marked this as a favorite. could cast a Silent Still spell and no one would know.

One time, I found an Arrow of Arrow Slaying. Not sure what I was supposed to do with it,since it slew all the other arrows in my quiver.

Sovereign Court

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One evening, I slew a dragon in my full plate - how it got in my full plate, I'll never know.

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One time, I found this big pile of gold coins. A few seconds later, I understood how to cast 2nd-Level Spells.

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Back in my day, there was none of this point-buy, 4D6 drop lowest arrange to taste hand holding. You rolled 3D6, in order, and you played what you got. What's that? You only qualify to be a rogue with 11 Dex as your highest stat? Tough, that's what you played.

And we made those characters work, dangit! I remember my gnome fighter, Gibbles. Most worthless character you ever laid eyes on. Not a single stat above 12, and most were under 10. But I made him and played him, and he survived. Like the one time when blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah...

Postocles, Thread Necromancer wrote:
One time, I found this big pile of gold coins. A few seconds later, I understood how to cast 2nd-Level Spells.

...but copper pieces were useless, at 100 to the XP anyway.

Scarab Sages

...Animating the dead was considered "Grey Necromancy," and did NOT come with the controversial [Evil] descriptor!

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I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:
...Animating the dead was considered "Grey Necromancy," and did NOT come with the controversial [Evil] descriptor!

The what? What are these descriptors of which you speak?

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... So there we were, pinned down in the burnt wreckage of the smithy, facing off with the entire town guard! All we had was a three-legged table, some old iron rations, an anvil, and a rusty dagger for each of us. But you had to use your head in those days. Not like today, where gamers just expect victory to be spoon-fed to them. You had to fight and think for every experience point! So we held them off for twenty rounds! Easily twenty-five soldiers against three PCs. And did I mention Gibbles had a broken leg at the time? Oh, I didn't? Well, you see, I got the broken leg because...

Sovereign Court

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Looks in, approves the thread

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In my day, the developers did not let any piddling concern for balance get in the way of their admiration for their favorite race. The Complete Book of Elves was a nice thick softcover filled with goodies for elf characters. The Complete Book of Dwarves was considerably less thick, and only consisted of RP and cultural info for dwarves. There was another book for both halflings and gnomes, it was half the length of the CBoE, and was pretty much useless.

As another example of this, in my day, the high minded and peaceful-natured race of magic users got a +1 bonus using any sword or bow, while the paramilitary race of smiths and tunnel fighters got no bonus whatsoever to axes or hammers.

Hell, halflings got +1 to hit when throwing rocks, but nothing for Beardy McBeard-Beard.

GoatToucher wrote:
In my day, the developers did not let any piddling concern for balance get in the way of their admiration for their favorite race. The Complete Book of Elves was a nice thick softcover filled with goodies for elf characters. The Complete Book of Dwarves was considerably less thick, and only consisted of RP and cultural info for dwarves. There was another book for both halflings and gnomes, it was half the length of the CBoE, and was pretty much useless.

I fail to understand what the problem with that is.

... so I said "Why, are you missing one?" Hah, hah, hah, that was awesome. Of course, the stupid king didn't get it, so he had Gibbles arrested and sentenced to be executed, but I just...

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In my day, even the smallest dragon would send any character under level 13 running away, screaming with fear, before you got close enough to swing a sword at it. None of these "Wyrmlings" that let a relatively low level party fight a dragon and live, much less kill one.

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The truly terrifying monster, however, was the beholder. Man, those saves...

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If you had a rules question you and the DM could not come to an agreement on, you usually died. However you could Appeal to the SASE Ogres, who would probably kill you in 4-6 weeks.

Seriously. It was the No-SASE ogres. I wonder what happened to them?

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... And even as a fighter, I was able to steal the gems from under the thief's nose. But wouldn't you know it, the Torchbearer made HIS roll to notice. So the he gets up in my face, screaming to the party about my 'henious' crime, and accusses ME of 'betraying the party,' 'sabotaging the mission,' and 'dooming the world to a thousand years of darkness.' I guess the gems were supposed to be used to seal a nexus of evil or something, I wasn't paying attention. But I wasn't about to take any lip from some lowly NPC torchbearer! So I beaned him over the head with his own torch, the disrespectful little jerk! But being some 0-level hireling, that killed him. At which point, I think the GM was getting ticked, because then Athena comes down and proclaims judgement on my character. But as I said, I don't take lip from an NPC, hireling or goddess. So I told the GM that Gibbles tries to seduce Athena. Would you believe I rolled a Nat 20? Oh, the look on the GM's face...

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In my day, we had Elmore.

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Elmore 'n' Caldwell, Lords of Boob-Plate.

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