What to name my gun


Dark Archive

Hey all, like the thread says I need help coming up with a name for my gun, I am a level 1 musket master named Kit Valentine, Keleshite from the great city of Alkenstar in the Manawastes, I plan on using it as a backup weapon when I get an adamantine two-barreled musket with greater reliability, distance, and seeking. I wear a hat that looks like a cross between a Stetson and a Trilby, a pocho type cloak, thick and heavy boots, and leather armor that will be replaced with iron lamellar armor made out of mithral. My stats are
STR.12 DEX.18 CON.14 INT.12 WIS.14 CHA7

Grand Lodge

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I named mine after my first sweetheart, Jane. Well, that's what we all called her. None of us could pronounce her proper elvish name. She was only 85 when a fever took her, which is nothing for an elf like her. Life's harsh in Rahadoum, I tell ya.

I decided to leave Rahadoum when I lost her. When I traded up from my ol' crossbow in Alkenstar, I named my new shootin' iron in 'er memory. May she rest in peace.

Just out of Curiosity why an Adamantine musket?

Grand Lodge

An adamantine gun? It'd be damn near impossible to sunder the thing for sure. Not that I've faced many foes who've tried.

Or got close enough to try.

The Concordance

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Vera Farseeker wrote:
I named mine after my first sweetheart, Jane.

The question becomes - would you accept a young woman in trade for her?

Liberty's Edge

...did you register an alias Vera just to tell us you named your gun Jane? :)

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Grand Lodge

Great minds, BNW. With the name 'Kit' for the musketeer I was also thinking that 'Kitty Kitty Bang Bang' would be an excellent gun name.


Not great. Just strange...

Sovereign Court

I'm thinking of a dwarf with a masterwork crossbow named Bianca.

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Sir, the private's weapon is named "Charlene" Sir!!

Shadow Lodge

Let''s see..

-Ol Painless.. (Cause the first shot was a crit..and he felt NO pain)
-Discresion (MW Pepperbox.. Promised VC Heidmark I'd use Discresion dealing with the wererats)
-The Countess (+1 Conductive double barrel musket, names after the strumpet who gave it to her)
-Piecemarker (MW Timeworn Railgun, cause.. It makes folks into pieces)

Point is.. Mine usually get named in play

Grand Lodge

Rock Lord wrote:
Vera Farseeker wrote:
I named mine after my first sweetheart, Jane.
The question becomes - would you accept a young woman in trade for her?

Take that slaver talk elsewhere, some of us believe in the natural rights of man.

rknop wrote:
...did you register an alias Vera just to tell us you named your gun Jane? :)

Not just.

(Character's been played to level 6 with these names, but seldom posted IC.)

The Exchange

Did someone call me? I thought I heard my name...

Wait. Naming weapons? I have all my knives named. Yeap, all 36. I even keep track of performance - how well each does in combat. Which are lost (thrown and never recovered) and am careful to never use the same name twice. Though things have gotten easier sense I picked up a Blink-Back Belt. Now I mostly work with Ying.

Grand Lodge

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Vera Farseeker wrote:
I named mine after my first sweetheart, Jane.

Very interesting... my musket, Vera, is temperamental but very lovely gun. Never call her fickle, she really doesn't like that! Reminded me of a woman I once knew, but nuthin' like a lady love or anything. She's been my best companion over the years... always reliable and in some ways my conscience.

If it were my choice, I name 'her after someone you care about... make it a good, solid name, and never, ever trade her for some woman. Keep her close, and she will protect you.

As for an adamantine gun? That'd have to be a good, solid name. Something like Bertha. Dunno why, but I also don't know why you'd build one that way. Did fine myself a fine looking weapon a while back, some fancy double-barreled job, built all out of mithral. But her firing mechanism didn't look nothin' like anything I ever saw, so I just turned her in to the Society to look at. Ain't heard nuthin' back about her, neither.

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Aww hell Mal, I'd treat her ok...

You got a wife, all I got is a stupid stick what makes it sound like its raining!

I would personal recommend "The Justifier" maybe cause you bring justice to the wicked with her, or, cause everyone just keeps telling you to "just fire!" ;)

Grand Lodge

Delilah, Bianca for feminine names, and Bruce for masculine names.

Dark Archive

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I name all my undead minions. So far I've had Boney McBoneface, Mr. Bojangles, Fuzzbungler, Ratface McGee, Professor Feather, and Doctor Tar.

Dark Archive

I was going to have it made out of adamantine so that when I gave it a +3 bonus it could ignore DR/magic/cold iron/silver, ignore 19 points of hardness, and do half damage to incorporeal creatures. Does a ranged weapon get those abilities? Also after level 5 I'm thinking of taking levels in monk, not for combat abilities but because Kit will be impressed with the focus and dedication they put into their chosen path and will seek to learn from them so as to better him self.

P.S. I like Kaboodle and Discretion, was also thinking of Eros.

Grand Lodge

My starting pistol is Lolita(Lola/Little Lo), she is a naughty little girl.

My new gun, a +1 Distance Double-barreled Musket (w/Far-Reaching Sight) has yet to earn a name.

The Exchange

Uh, I name my deadheads too. The skeletons Ambrus and Valsin, their bloody cousins Aram and Zey, those fast zombies Zarta and Dralneen, and the plague zombie Torchie Boy.

Heh, too soon I guess?

Lord Laird Bates wrote:
I was going to have it made out of adamantine so that when I gave it a +3 bonus it could ignore DR/magic/cold iron/silver, ignore 19 points of hardness, and do half damage to incorporeal creatures. Does a ranged weapon get those abilities?

The ammunition would need to be made of adamantine to ignore hardness, but otherwise correct. If you want to do full damage to incorporeals, look into getting ghost salt to coat your ammo.

Grand Lodge

Lord Laird Bates wrote:

I was going to have it made out of adamantine so that when I gave it a +3 bonus it could ignore DR/magic/cold iron/silver, ignore 19 points of hardness, and do half damage to incorporeal creatures. Does a ranged weapon get those abilities? Also after level 5 I'm thinking of taking levels in monk, not for combat abilities but because Kit will be impressed with the focus and dedication they put into their chosen path and will seek to learn from them so as to better him self.

P.S. I like Kaboodle and Discretion, was also thinking of Eros.

It won't give the adamantine bonus to its bullets. For that you need adamantine bullets.

Honestly, +1 gun with the right bullets would do everything you listed.

Also, with greater reliability, distance, and seeking on a +3 musket, you are talking about:

1500+300+3000+(8*8*2000)=132,800 gp... Which you can't get the fame for till 12.1, if you play perfectly.

+1 Greater reliability, seeking is 51,800, needs 49 fame, which you can have by level 9.1

And while distance is nice in theory, very few encounters in PFS occur beyond 40 feet.

The Exchange

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As any Browncoat will tell you, there is only one answer to this question: Vera.

Grand Lodge

As a Tengu Musket Master and worshiper of Hei Feng I named mine Thunder. I'm thinking I need to upgrade my Nine Ring Broadsword to have the Shock enhancement. Then I would have Thunder and Lightning.

Sovereign Court

Crowland wrote:
As a Tengu Musket Master and worshiper of Hei Feng I named mine Thunder. I'm thinking I need to upgrade my Nine Ring Broadsword to have the Shock enhancement. Then I would have Thunder and Lightning.

That is "very very frightening...."

Dark Archive

Crowland wrote:
As a Tengu Musket Master and worshiper of Hei Feng I named mine Thunder. I'm thinking I need to upgrade my Nine Ring Broadsword to have the Shock enhancement. Then I would have Thunder and Lightning.

Name them Raijin, Japanese god of lightning and thunder, and Susanoo the god of summer storms, or Fujin god of wind. Seeing as how you're tengu it would certainly fit you're theme.

Now that Preacher is on the TV, my recommendation is naming it Doom-C*ck, particularly if you're missing some anatomy.

Vera is really the only correct answer here...

(OK not really, just the funniest) :D

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Winona, (though technically that's a pistol)

Grand Lodge

Kate works. if you want to go a different route, maybe Draco, due to the muzzle flash being slightly reminiscent of a dreagon breathing fire...

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M'Lord, name it after your favorite servant... (Like Alfred) Since you mentioned gunslingers here's a hilarious joke.

Gunslinger Joke my Friend Told Me:
What do you call a Soviet gunslinger?

A Marx-men!

'Black', because anyone penetrated by it doesn't come back.

You could call the gun Remington, Winchester, "my boomstick", etc

@ngc7293 - Winona shoots ping pong balls


Holy Avenger

Susi (from the German, dupped version of Sledge Hammer!).


The Exchange

MageHunter wrote:

M'Lord, name it after your favorite servant... (Like Alfred) Since you mentioned gunslingers here's a hilarious joke.

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

My players are getting close to starting Book 5 of Reign of Winter... I may steal that :P

Grand Lodge

The Negotiator

My group's got two named weapons, somehow. The cleric decided to name his mace Chastiser (and when he upgraded to cold iron, that became Chastiser II); after that and a scene with the barbarian and some friendly half-orcs, she named her masterwork greataxe 'Answer', because there is no problem that cannot be solved with an axe.

As far as a gun? I've wanted to name a gunSLINGER 'Shooty McShooterson', at least as a nickname for an obscure Elven one. Now I'm imagining a rank, tho. 'Put 'em down, Private!' *BANG* 'Good work, Private!'

"And i shall call it.... Bob"

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

I have an acquaintance IRL who named her daughter Vera, and I'm like, did you NOT do a Google search before naming your daughter after that thug's very favorite gun?


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The hero of Canton...the man they call ME!

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

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Great. Now I'm in the mood for lobster. ;-)

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