Cruel Devotee

Old "Scuttlebutt" Salt's page

47 posts. Alias of CanisDirus (Contributor).


The Exchange 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 *****

Keirine, Human Rogue wrote:
There is a level 1 magic ring, costs 15g, called the Ring of Discretion. Quite possibly my favorite item that I've bought so far. All it does is hide your armor and weapons.

That ring is really neat. Is there a boon that grants access to it for PFS characters?

The Exchange 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 *****

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Wizards have this option: Nonlethal Spell, but I concur in wishing it existed for more classes.

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Those of us who've been nervous about submitting for the first time (and are in turn proof-reading and editing until almost the last minute) are welcome for these updates. Thank you!

The Exchange

Whether or not that tool will remain free vs. charging people money to use it after PaizoCon remains to be seen.

The Exchange

I would love to see this reprinted as part of the Classics line. Just saying!

The Exchange 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 *****

Kromkore wrote:
NightTrace wrote:
Gary Bush wrote:

This all speculation as we have not seen the language on the AcP race boons.

Let's give Tonya time to catch up with us.

They're up now >.>
Yeah but we can't read how it is before buying it...

Keep an eye out for a blog post coming in the next couple of hours with more info!

This has been today's scuttlebutt ;)

The Exchange

DoubleGold wrote:
Shifty wrote:
Why would you hold a game outside GenCon, then submit it to GenCon anyhow? That seems odd.

You use GenCon to advertise your game, so it only seems fair they get their payment if your game runs, unless you submit a quest and request to Gencon your event be free.. Plus, if you are upcharging people, you have to submit it to Gencon to collect your money.

Wait, players can get prizes if they play the games run by Paizo at GenCon?

Yes. SFS/PF1/ACS Players at Gen Con would normally get wooden tokens that could be exchanged for rolls at a "boon table" where they could win boons or physical product as prizes. For the online "big" conventions this year, this has instead been rolls to win boons or gift certificates.

The Exchange

DoubleGold wrote:
GM Hmm wrote:
Yep, all of Org Play at Gen Con is going to have the same two dollar seat price.
If you are running the game using one of Paizos slots. People can submit PFS/SFS games to Gen Con separately from Paizos spreadsheet program. They just won't get the GM rewards for taking a block. Right?

That is correct, although why someone would want to do that while scheduling such a game only one hour ahead of a scheduled opf slot (where the players get chances to win prizes in addition to playing) is curious.

The Exchange 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 *****

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Looks like another one of my favorite movies of all time (and interesting bits of real history) gets a Pathfinder scenario.

I suppose Zig could pass for the goblin version of Val Kilmer ;)

The Exchange 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 *****

GeoffA wrote:

How many licks does it take to get to the center of the Starstone?

- An Owl (possibly a Druid since owls don’t typically talk)

So that's what happened to Osprey...

The Exchange 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 *****

I'm not sure if anyone has brought this up yet...but if the "favored character" option is used, doesn't that also run the risk of having poorly balanced tables? Let's say you show up to a game and your only available character for that adventure is a Paladin. Maybe not great for a skill-heavy scenario, but not an impossible challenge...until the rest of your table arrives and you find yourself sitting with 5 other Paladins.

Yes that's an extreme example, but something like this could happen.

Note - I have not thoroughly examined the "favored character" discussion. The above is just a thought I had upon seeing a few of the most recent posts.

The Exchange

I concur due to the reasoning LordKailas cited - untyped bonuses do stack, and these all appear to be untyped bonuses, therefore they do stack! Happy hunting!

The Exchange 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 *****

For Iron Gods, Giant Slayer, Curse of the Crimson Throne, Serpent's Skull, and Hell's Rebels, retroactive PFS credit was allowed, but only for players and GMs who were still playing the AP (but not yet finished) at the time the sanctioning document went live.

That language does not appear here, suggesting that (at the moment, at least) retroactive credit is not PFS-legal. But just as Hell's Rebels credit was allowed after attention was drawn to that, will the same be applied to Strange Aeons? Thanks!

The Exchange 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 *****

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Harold Ervin wrote:
It's like...

"a legendary league of explorers, archaeologists, and adventurers dedicated to discovering and chronicling the greatest mysteries and wonders of an ancient world beset by magic and evil" ?


The Exchange

Ral' Yareth wrote:
Jurassic Pratt wrote:
It shouldn't be too much of a problem even in cramped quarters if you have your mount pick up the Narrow Frame feat.

That helps make the mount more easily manageable in smaller places, but not necessarily the social aspects of the problem.

It is unreasonable to expect to bring your horse, for example, inside the senate, the palace, or a noble's dinning room.

That's also not outside the realm of possibility.

If you take part in PFS at all, I strongly encourage taking a look at #9-13: The Lion's Justice! You'll get a hint right on the cover! ;)

The Exchange

GM Granta wrote:
There seems to be a lot of late interest in GMing Solstice Scar B, so I wanted to remind everyone that GM recruitment closed a couple of weeks ago. Player recruitment will begin in a few days.

Here's hoping that player interest doesn't overwhelm the number of tables/GMs you've set!

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"By Grapthar's hammer...what a savings."

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FallenDabus wrote:
Hellknight dreadnaughts! Squeeeeeeeeeee!

^ Seconded!

The Exchange 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 *****

Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:
Gary Bush wrote:
Can pregens be used in specials?

They have in the past! Especially Kyra, that girl goes everywhere.


Alhazra has been getting pretty popular lately, at least locally. It's nice to see Kyra getting a break here and there :P

The Exchange 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 *****

Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes, Plane of Water edition.

The Exchange 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 *****

Cyrad wrote:
*Prays to the PFS gods that gloves of improvised might are legal for the future of his cask-wielding drunken brewmaster!*

Great item, to be sure...I just hope they at least gave a head-nod to the person who came up with the idea for the last RPG Superstar (when it was called Amulet of the Cunning Thug).

The Exchange

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Now all I need is a psionic spirit blade ;-)

in all seriousness, really looking forward to this class!

The Exchange

Part of me is hoping that this will have some call-backs to some of TD's plans that he was hatching way back during Season 5...

The Exchange 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 *****

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It would be nice if we saw a certain "shadowy" faction return to being playable in Season 9...just saying ;)

The Exchange 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 *****

If I recall correctly, the hate for Sheila that I'm aware of comes from 2012's special scenario

Race for the Runecarved Key part 2, where many players later reported/complained that her briefing was essentially "we're sending you off to die with very little chance of success. So long!"

The Exchange 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 *****

John Compton wrote:
Tindalen wrote:
Can we get a reconsideration on the dwarven long axe and dwarven long hammer? These are clearly pole arms as well as axe/hammer, and it devastates my dwarven Phalanx Soldier who now can not use the weapons of his people with his fighter training. (PFS)
Once I add in any Technology Guide weapons, I'm willing to revisit those two dwarven weapons.

Have there been any decisions made on Technology Guide weapons? Thanks!

The Exchange

MageHunter wrote:

M'Lord, name it after your favorite servant... (Like Alfred) Since you mentioned gunslingers here's a hilarious joke.

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

My players are getting close to starting Book 5 of Reign of Winter... I may steal that :P

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Command me lord!

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Psyblade wrote:

The more I read this, the more I have a whole Babylon 5 vibe to it... with the Absalom station name...

I wouldn't mind to be invited to playtesting... but doubt that will happen :P no luck there :D

Rumor has it a large % of Paizo staffers are rather big Babylon 5 fans...

(We know that Liz Courts is Ivanova made flesh, for instance...)

The Exchange 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 *****

Sebastian Hirsch wrote:
I got a swarmbane clasp out of that boon ^^ Someone was very grateful for services rendered.

Skull & Shackles ACG player over my shoulder: "Worried about crab swarms?"

The Exchange 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 *****

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One would hope that a Nobel companion would be Peaceful instead of wanting to use weapons.

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Hillis Mallory III wrote:
My point of the question is why it would matter what Adopted is (Social or otherwise) compared to the trait that it allows to be taken with it. I would consider Adopted to be a placeholder, where the character would still be taking two traits (the one with adopted and the other).

Because it's two traits. Adopted is a Social Trait that allows you to get a Race Trait you can't otherwise access. It's all there, black and white...

This is the type of thing this document was meant for.

No - what you seem to want is a change to Ultimate Campaign (or Gnomes of Golarion), in which case you are on the wrong part of the Paizo boards.

The Exchange

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Was there an errata to Fencing Grace that nobody told anyone at Paizo about?

Fencing Grace wrote:

Benefit: When wielding a rapier one-handed, you can add your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier to that weapon’s damage. The rapier must be one appropriate for your size.

Nothing there about what you're doing with your other hand, just that you can't do it if you have two hands on your rapier.

The Exchange 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 *****

I hear Norgorber's particularly active this time'o'year, maybe he's got his hands on the scenario writers for some untoward purpose...

The Exchange

John Compton wrote:
Jayson MF Kip wrote:
That's odd, I heard the Red Raven was a gnome...
I've heard a similar theory, though it involved the Red Raven being a pair of gnomes in a fancy crime-fighting outfit. Said trustworthy source also assured me that Norgorber is just an ambitious trio of halflings wearing a heavy cloak. Sounds legit.

Here I thought it was 4 of them there Halflings, one of 'em named Thamir or somethin'.

The Exchange 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 *****

That's what I thought too, except that you can get a Dimensional Acid from Champions of Balance for 450gp that does the exact same thing (on a time-limited-basis).

I don't have a horse in that race, though, so to speak - it just caught me as odd is all :P

The Exchange 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 *****

I'm honestly curious why that one single variety of blunt portable pit is illegal while the rest are...

I was also hoping for the Traits on pages 8-9 to be legal, since some of them are *very* flavorful and most are less "powerful" than traits that are already PFS-legal.

The Exchange 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 *****

Berselius wrote:
James: To "UNITE" all peoples within our nation, not "IGNITE"!

Although the folks in Molthune surely wouldn't mind doing the igniting bit to Tamran...again...

The Exchange

Granted? You knew then that you didn't actually wish for anything but rather made an almost tautological statement?

I wish there were more opportunities in PFS to get players to try to make Wishes so I could corrupt them!

The Exchange 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 *****

Unless John and/or Mike have posted and I missed it, there is no guarantee that the Vigilante will be PFS-legal.

Just from what I got from reading it - there is a lot in there that would be very difficult to adjudicate as a PFS GM.

The Exchange

Granted! But the whole thing is a Tina Turner music video montage and kills the franchise for good.

I wish we could get a Star Wars animated movie done by the guys who do the Bioware promo videos for SW:TOR (like the one that just dropped a few days ago: HERE).

The Exchange 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 *****

Left Picture: Ben Planton, Alex Ducey, and James Jackson.

Center Picture: Mike Bramnik, Ducky, and Lori Garraghty.

Right Picture: Mike Bramnik, Barbara Homan, Nick Lenover, David Lesley, Jessica LeBeau, and two of Stone Belt's clients.

The Exchange

Heavy feat tax, though, for a wizard whose archetype gives up Arcane Bond (unless someone knows a workaround, that is)

The Exchange

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Two-months old Caliphas-style food stall near the Gods' Market - Norgorburgers - has permanently closed!

Anonymous sources inside Absalom's First Guard report the owner's body being found in the harbor the day after another rumor dropped about him offering to sell the list of secret herbs and spices...

The Exchange

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This just in from our correspondent in The Shackles!

After a year-long poll, Pirates report that their favorite letter is, in fact, not "R"

A Shackles' Pirate's first love is the "C".

The Exchange 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 *****

Raise thread! Hmm...heard something about this on the Podcast tonight...

Points to Endless Forms! :D

The Exchange 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 *****

Oh yea? I hear that they're plannin' a big scavenger hunt, Mike and John-o they are, yessir.

Right now they're burying special chronicle sheets all over the place with the help of their venture officers, and players who find the right ones will be able to play their own characters while everyone else goes to pregens from now on.

I also hear that you get access to one thing from one book for every post you make on the forums, so if you're not active, y'er gonna miss out!
yes, I'm 110% joking, just poking some harmless fun at all of the wild speculation going on :P

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