Appearance: Surprisingly lithe for a dwarf; clothes and gear are both simple and slightly beat up, though it doesn't seem to bother him much; hair and short beard is kept neatly trimmed as much as possible; looks more like a washed up mercenary than a monk in training
Personality: quiet, patient, friendly, but slow to truly trust, humble, never talks about himself anymore than absolutely necessary
Born into a reasonably prosperous dwarven clan in the city of Larrad, one of the prominent cities of the Five Kings Mountains, his clan fell into shame due to the actions of several of the elders, and was forced to leave the dwarven realms. With most bitter from the fallout of the scandal that made them exiles, and shorn of the bonds that previously held the clan together, it fell apart quickly, and Crugold found himself fending for himself very quickly.
Deciding to embrace, rather than fear, the changes brought unto his life, and being somewhat trained as an acolyte during his younger years, he sought out a temple that would suit his temperment. Finally settling on the temple of Irori, he found a master willing to train him in the ways of the style master. Unfortunately, being human and advanced in age, his master passed away before Crugold could learn much beyond the basics. Not finding any other suitable masters willing to take him on, he decided to take what little training he had managed to receive into the world to see if experience could help him refine it until he became a truly deadly weapon. To this end, he traveled to Absalom, joined the Pathfinders, and was sent to Magnimar after his induction, where he as been ever since, doing odd jobs here and there, and spending time practicing in the local arena, while he waits for his first real assignment with a patience that many in his position would find near impossible to sustain.
key stats:
STR 14 DEX 14 CON 15 INT 12 WIS 15 CHA 10
HP = 10 (1d8(8) + CON(2)*1) Speed = 20' Initiative = +4 = 2(Dex)+2(trait)
Monk: 6 = (4(base)+1(Int))*1+1(FC)
Class Skills/Modified Skills
Acrobatics 6=2(Dex)+1(ranks)+3(csb)
Climb 2=2(Str)
Craft 1=1(Int)
Escape Artist 6=2(Dex)+1(ranks)+3(csb)
Intimidate 4=0(Cha)+1(ranks)+3(csb)
**+2 to demoralize opponents
Knowledge (history) 1=1(Int)
**+2 on checks regarding dwarves and their traditional foes; this can be done untrained
Knowledge (religion) 5=1(Int)+1(ranks)+3(csb)
Perception 6=2(Wis)+1(ranks)+3(csb)
Perform 0=0(Cha)
Ride 2=2(Dex)
Sense Motive 2=2(Wis)
Stealth 6=2(Dex)+1(ranks)+3(csb)
Swim 2=2(Str)
Racial Abilities:
Darkvision (60 feet): You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Defensive Training: +4 Gain a dodge bonus to AC vs monsters of the Giant subtype.
Dwarven Weapon Familiarity:
Giant Hunter: Gain a +1 to attack/+2 to tracking bonus vs. Giants.
Hardy: Gain a +2 racial bonus to saves vs Poison, Spells and Spell-Like effects.
Lorekeeper: +2 for Knowledge (History) checks relating to dwarves and their enemies. These checks can be made untrained.
Rock Stepper: Ignore rubble, broken ground, or steep stairs when taking 5 ft step.
Slow and Steady: Your base speed is never modified by encumbrance.
Stability: +4 Gain bonus to CMD vs bull rush/trip while standing on ground.
Class Abilities:
Favored Class: Monk (+1 skill point)
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies:
AC Bonus: The Monk adds his Wisdom bonus to AC and CMD
Fuse Style (2 styles)
Unarmed Strike (1d6) The Monk does lethal damage with his unarmed strikes.
Serpent Runner (Intimidate) +2 trait bonus to demoralize opponents. Training in the local arena has taught Crugold how to deal with foes he can't kill.
Reactionary: +2 Initiative. His monk training allows Crugold to react faster than most.
1st Level - Rapid Reload (Light Crossbow): Can reload the light crossbow as a free action
Bonus - Improved Unarmed Strike Unarmed strikes don't cause attacks of opportunity, and can be lethal.
Bonus - Snapping Turtle Style: +1 to AC when using this style and have at least one hand free
Bonus - Stunning Fist (1/day) (DC 12) You can stun an opponent with an unarmed attack.
encumbrance values
light: 58
medium: 116
heavy: 175
lift over head: 175
lift off ground: 350
drag: 875
armor & weapons: 11 lb
other gear: 34 lb
Starting out 0 xp
pugwampis in library 80+120=200 xp
Other Notes:
Battle tactics: eventually become a skirmisher, taking out small groups of minions on the edge of the battle, as he gets boosts to his speed, but starts as a fairly straight up brawler, using his crossbow first, and letting the enemy close on him
Future Development: Feats would focus on the different styles, first boar, than snapping turtle, than earth child, than shaitan, than dragon; I might end up taking improved init and possibly toughness or additional traits, but that would likely be the extent of the non style feats; spring attack would be nice, but it's too feat intensive for this archetype