Olaf the Holy |
I'm making a Human Inquisitor of Asmodeus for a Serpent's Skull campaign. I've read up on the guide, but it doesn't seem all that complete, and so I turn to the boards for help pointing out the tricks of the trade that I've probably missed.
I've gone 14+2/14/14/12/15/7 for stats, with the theory that I don't really need to be 100% optimised
Traits: Boarded in Cheliax(Serpent's Skull campaign trait, +200gp and a +2 bonus on knowledge(geography) checks pertaining to the Mwangi region), Armor Expert(I'm considering maybe going for Fate's Favored instead)
As for feats, that one stumps me. I want my main weapon to be a two-hander, and I'm considering going for Power Attack->Cornugon Smash->Hurtful, to take advantage of the intimidate-focused stuff that inquisitors get.
That said, I don't qualify for any of those at first level, so I need something else to do instead. I was considering Point Blank Shot and Rapid Shot, to get some switch hitting rolling, but I'm very open to ideas here.
And if anything I've said thus far strikes you as odd or extremely suboptimal, I'd love it if you point it out for me.

Claxon |

Go Fate's Favored Instead for sure, you can get armor check penalty to 0 with mithral kikko armor, or down to 1 with mithral breastplate.
For switch hitting, you shouldn't really invest many feats. The whole idea is you only use a bow when the enemy is closing in to get some hits. Once they're within charging range you do that (or move and attack). So point blank shot isn't useful because they wont ever be close enough.
A even better way to go is to change your point buy to be:
20 Point Buy: Str 16, Dex 11, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 16, Cha 7
25 Point Buy: Str 16, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 7
And pick up Heavy Armor Proficiency a a feat at level 1
As a divine caster, you can wear heavy armor without serious consequences once you have proficiency. You'll just be a tad slower.

quibblemuch |

Caveat: I haven't read the above-mentioned guide, so I don't know if this is redundant advice.
I really liked having Judgement Surge for my inquisitor, particularly at the lower levels when the difference between +1 and +2 is so much more significant.
Depending on how your group does Knowledge checks, Improved Initiative can be very helpful. We usually limit them to being made on the character's action, so if you go first that's a free chance to share some info with the party about how to defeat whatever it is that you're fighting. I've seen that save the party several rounds of trial-and-error and, in some cases, really make the difference between life and death.
If you want to intimidate people, Additional Traits and the Omen trait can be nice. Once a day, you can demoralize as a swift action. Very useful in the right circumstances. For the second trait, consider Bruising Intellect (to compensate for the Charisma dump stat).
You really can't go wrong with the inquisitor though. There are so many good options for the class.

Forcy |

I suggest you to build a ranged inquisitor, is more optimized, more easy to cast spells in battle and btw you're not a good tank.
if you want to make a melee inquisitor, take a weapon with more damage dices (like the erathbreaker) and the vital strike feats.
With 2/3 bab you don't make many attack per round but with vital strike + bane you will do alot of damages!
If u go ranged try the "sacred huntmaster" prestige class

Captain Morgan |

Honestly, I don't think a 16 WIS is worth it. Yes, Inquisitors get a lot off that stat, but you can get similar bonuses to initiative and monster lore by putting those points into dex and intelligence, and reap the other benefits as well. Unless you are playing one of those Inquisitors who replaces face skills with Wis or something.
I'm a huge fan of animal companions sharing teamwork feats for Inquisitors. You can either use the Sacred Huntmaster archetype, or a 10k magic saddle to accomplish this. Improved spell sharing and Divine Favor/Power is nuts. Pack Flanking, Outflank, and a menacing weapon translate to a permanent +6 to hit for you and your pet forever.

Saldiven |
If you dump Charisma to improve stats and want to go with Intimidate, consider the Conversion, Heresy, or Reformation Inquisitions. While not necessarily as powerful as some of the Domains, they all allow you to use your Wisdom modifier instead of your Charisma modifier for Intimidate checks, as well as a few other things.
This is a four point swing in your Intimidate skill (assuming 14 Wis and 7 Cha).

Claxon |

I did. I'm looking for stuff outside the scope of it.
The problem is you're really limited by your BAB right now. Not having BAB +1 just lock you out of a lot of feats. If your GM allows retraining rules just pick something that sounds good for now, and retrain it at level 2/3 into power attack, weapon focus, etc.

fatbaldbloke |
I found a good Dex, Int based Sanctified Slayer Inquisitor (with a level of Inspired Blade Swashbuckler) made for a pretty effective switch hitter. (If very limited in choice of melee weapon of course)
Starting off with the bow at range and then when things got more chaotic moving into flanking positions, especially once I had the Co-ordinated effort spell to give party members benefit of my Teamwork feats.

![]() |

As others have mentioned, Inquisitors get so many options and class features that feats aren't necessarily as critical as they are to other classes.
I definitely second the recommendation that you take Fortune's Favored. Divine Favor is your go-to melee self buff. The extra +1 is important.
If you're going for Intimidate / Cornugon Smash / Hurtful and are not playing a half-orc, boosting intimidate is going to be useful and important. This is one of the rare cases where Skill Focus is a viable option.
As a human, you could take the Focused Study alternate racial trait: get Skill Focus: Intimidate at 1st level, then at 8th take something like Skill Focus: Perception for free.
Weapon Focus at 3rd, Power Attack at 5th
I agree that Heavy Armor Proficiency is a good choice at level 1.
You don't really need to invest in ranged attack feats. Your Judgment and Bane abilities will work with ranged attacks and will easily boost your effectiveness at range.

Olaf the Holy |
Why do I want Weapon Focus?
Wouldn't something like
1-whatever, still undecided
3-power attack
7-cornugon smash
Be better? Of course, if the GM turns out to allow retraining, it'd make sense to take weapon focus at 5th, and then change it out once I hit 7th level. But having to wait until 9th level to get CS+Hurtful online seems a little long.
And yeah, I think I'm going with the Conversion inquisition. For fluff reasons, I won't be taking bluff, so the Heresy inquisition, which was the alternative, looses a bit of its appeal.
Anyway, I was mostly looking for giant glaring holes in my plans, and most of the things put forward thus far seem fairly minor, so that's good, I guess.
I'll be sure to check out that slayer thing, Sacred Huntsmaster, and Judgement Surge, thank you.
If Sacred Huntsmaster is an animal companion thing, I'll probably be avoiding it. It really doesn't quite fit the flavor.
As for Vital Strike, it seems to me that you're getting them late enough that they don't really matter(you have a feat and +6BAB at 9th level, and Improved would have to wait until level 15, bleh), so I probably won't be doing that. Thanks for the reccommendation though.

Saldiven |
Weapon Focus helps to mitigate (a bit) being a 2/3 BAB class.
Also, it's a pre-requisite for Dazzling Display, which is a good Feat for an Intimidate build. This also opens up some additional Intimidate based Feats at later levels like Disheartening Display (increases the Fear effect) and Intimidating Bane (if you use Dazzling Display, Demoralized opponents that match your selected Bane type stay Demoralized as long as your Bane is active).
Also, if you go Sanctified Slayer, you get Sneak Attack dice. The Weapon Focus-Dazzling Display path opens up Shatter Defenses which makes foes you Demoralize Flat Footed against your attacks while they're Shaken/Frightened/Panicked.

Claxon |

Why do I want Weapon Focus?
Wouldn't something like
1-whatever, still undecided
3-power attack
7-cornugon smashBe better? Of course, if the GM turns out to allow retraining, it'd make sense to take weapon focus at 5th, and then change it out once I hit 7th level. But having to wait until 9th level to get CS+Hurtful online seems a little long.
And yeah, I think I'm going with the Conversion inquisition. For fluff reasons, I won't be taking bluff, so the Heresy inquisition, which was the alternative, looses a bit of its appeal.
Anyway, I was mostly looking for giant glaring holes in my plans, and most of the things put forward thus far seem fairly minor, so that's good, I guess.
I'll be sure to check out that slayer thing, Sacred Huntsmaster, and Judgement Surge, thank you.
If Sacred Huntsmaster is an animal companion thing, I'll probably be avoiding it. It really doesn't quite fit the flavor.
As for Vital Strike, it seems to me that you're getting them late enough that they don't really matter(you have a feat and +6BAB at 9th level, and Improved would have to wait until level 15, bleh), so I probably won't be doing that. Thanks for the reccommendation though.
Even though weapon focus is bland, you can usually fit it in someplace where it's useful.
Yes, it would be best for you to take power attack, hurtful, and cornugon smash as soon as possible, but as you note you have two feats unused.
If you take heavy armor and then use retraining to get power attack for your first level feat. You still have to wait till level 7 to get cornugon smash because of the skill requirement (in which case you could fill the two open feat slots with hurtful and weapon focus).

Renegadeshepherd |
The inquisitor guide hits pretty much anything g worth thinking about except for the archetypes that came out afterward. Switch hitting is bad idea so don't even consider it with inquisitor unless its a decent weapon finesse build like elven curve blade where one feat takes care of everything. Take reactionary take along with fates favored jus. Because an inquisitor can easily outright kill lesser characters in that first round so going first can be huge. As for domains I'd try war/tactics as that covers many feat issues and helps the entire group with initiative.

Saldiven |
Reactionary is actually less important for an Inquisitor than other classes because of Cunning Initiative at lvl 2. Sure, an extra 2 on top of that is nice, but that class ability already gives at least as good a bonus (if not better) than Reactionary, so if there is another trait that fits more into the build you have in mind, then don't feel obligated to take Reactionary.
(For example, my Inquisitor has a specific two-level dip into another class, so I have Magical Knack to keep the caster level on schedule for the Inquisitor spells.)

Renegadeshepherd |
You are correct in that it could be looked at as over kill. That said, there are a number of builds out there, especially the debuff or one turn kill builds, that can fully justify that excessive initiative just because denying your for a turn is the best thing you can do aside from maybe summoning.