Kobold Cleaver's 83 Thread Types To Avoid (Or, A Huge Waste Of Time About Other People's Wastes of Time)

Off-Topic Discussions

14 people marked this as a favorite.

Welp. This represents two hours of my life I'm never getting back.

Time to subject others to it.

And now, the bad thread topics of the Boards, brought to you by . . Kobold Cleaver!

1. The paladins
2. Puritans
3. (and all real-world religions)
4. The babies of any fell beast

5. An orc's immorality
6. A kobold's banality
7. Why are you still reading this piece?

8. Casters versus martials
9. (and though I'm not impartial)
10. Don't go starting any threads with that theme

11. There's druids' codes, cleric's codes
12. Even barbaric codes
13. Please just cast an Atone and redeem!

14. Foooorums too long
15. Ignore buttons
16. Monk stuns
17. Pun-Pun fun
18. Any thread about swarms versus splashing!

19. The Trump
20. Or the Trump
21. Dammit no I meant Trump
22. Look, forget it, just no politics trashing!


23. Misogyny
24. Progeny of homogyny's menageries
25. Diversity, terrible tea

26. No shut up it's heinous
27. I will not debate this
28. It's my thread, go get some coffee.

29. Poodles
30. And oodles of feudal paludal rangers who track better in swamps

31. Rules as they're written v. rules as intended
32. And any of Cosmo's mad romps.

33. And there's adamantine
34. And the jokes from latrines
35. And arguments about gamers' milk

36. Interparty drama
37. The Care of Obama
38. The Dear Abby threads and their ilk.

39. Crane Wing
40. Scarred Witch Doctor
41. I hope there's no rhyme proctor
42. Just avoid any nerfing discourse.

43. Snow cones
44. And demiplanes
45. Control Weather acid rain
46. Any way mages cheat sans remorse.

47. Post here last to win
48. Threads 'bout Erastil's sin
48. Theorycrafting for a still-chained rogue

49. Orc threads lacking Mikaze
50. Any talk 'bout Benghazi
51. OP gunslinger threads are in vogue.

51. I hear player entitlement talk's caught on;
61. Fightin' it's those who think GMs dictators

62. The mods hate the First
63. Their detractors the Wheaton's
64. Spoilers for APs you will play later!


65. Fighters are wretched
66. Non-heal clerics are leeches
67. The rogue controversy is gone.

68. A martial can't bathe without theorycrafters scathed because, solely with brawn, you're a pawn.

69. Succubi in the chapel (not involving druid grapples)
70. Rules bloated bigger than the mages

71. Good, evil, neutrality
72. Train morality maladies
73. A pouncing Doc Jekyll who rages

74. The Ask threads
75. "He-said-she-said"s
76. "I'm mad my PC is dead"
All strife that should be ignored

78. Global Warming conspiracies
79. Meta-threads
80. Jump DCs . . .

*Deep breath*

81. Eidolon evolutions
82. Evolution resolutions
83. Obvious rules questions seeking FAQ mentions—

And I'm pretty sure you just left the Boards!

Liberty's Edge

9 people marked this as a favorite.

I am the very model of starting threadlocks in general!

Please do not look at my numbers too closely. Or, if you do, please make another thread about it so I can add you to the list.

G'night, everybody!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Huh? Did you say something, KC? I wasn't listening. ~goes back to ignoring the little yappy reptile dog like thingie~

Any that Captain Yesterday happens to discover after getting jacked up on morning coffee.

Trust me, that guy's an a~!~#~%.

*slow clap*

Silver Crusade

I'd like to request that this thread be stickied on all the forums.

Are you sure that's what you want....

Silver Crusade

Captain Yesterday's Phallacy wrote:
Are you sure that's what you want....

Well this and the greatest rules question ever

4 people marked this as a favorite.

That thread is among the stickiest on this or any other forum...

So, that thread actually exists.

And here I thought it was an urban myth. :-)

Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.

We didn't start Paizo
It was always crazy
Since WotC got lazy
We didn't start the flame war
But the whole thing's stinking
Of online groupthinking
and it goes on
and on
and on
and on....

but...but...that would take away all the fun of paizo forum

Dark Archive


Whats wrong NenkotaMoon?

Any thread that demands the rules all be changed
because the OP is deranged.

Any game world that takes away PC free will
cause no one wants to swallow that bitter pill.

If a GM is asking how to give PCs the shaft
any response puts you in the players backdraft.

Anytime a topic starts to mess with your head,
before you hide it, link this thread!

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