Iroran Paladin

Face-Palm's page

57 posts. Alias of Orthos.


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lisamarlene wrote:
Orthos, Post-Singularity wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:


Fire one off for old times sake.

But toilet paper is not politics, it's survival!
We have bidets now.
You might, but most of the rest of us don't!
When we were living in Italy, one of my college roommates didn't know what a bidet was and decided to hand-wash all her laundry in it.

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NobodysHome wrote:
Orthos wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Here's an idea for you: The, "You need to roll for that" GM, leading to inevitable failures in even routine day-to-day tasks.

I hate it when GMs do that.

In the situation of the superior officer, if he's willing to ignore you making a report that should be cause for a Sense Motive or some other check to find out why he's distracted, not a roll to get his attention in the first place.

The other two are literally just ignoring extant rules and/or making up new rules solely for the purpose of fishing for failures. It's spiteful if it's not oblivious.

It's terrifying obliviousness. He's a long-time Runequest GM (a 1d100 system), where the only way you progress skills is to use them successfully (roll on them), and the chances of catastrophic failure are 1 in 100.

He's applying the same principles to a game where "catastrophic failures" are commonplace if you ask for too many rolls, and he wants people to roll for everything. It was cute at first (everyone's convinced my cleric is a blonde bimbo because I never managed to roll over a 5 on any Knowledge checks), but now it's become dangerous to the party members (roll Survival to get back to camp or die of frostbite).

We've complained at the table multiple times and he isn't listening, but he's whined about two sessions that were completely derailed because of our rolls (he didn't like the frostbite day at all).

So this Sunday we're intentionally going to choose the worst person for every job and try for either a complete derail or TPK. Sometimes, you just have to use a sledgehammer...

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lisamarlene wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

Ugh. Here in Dallas, Mark Cuban (owner of the Dallas Mavericks) paid to send secret shoppers into 300 local shops and restaurants, and found that a whopping 96% of them were not following infection control guidelines. He's taken a ridiculous amount of heat locally for "sitting in his ivory tower, trying to cause trouble". Because Texas.

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5 people marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:
A good explanation of why Texas is behind the curve right now...

Please. I can't take any more. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts.....

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<is unconscious>

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This is really starting to chafe.

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captain yesterday wrote:
Unfortunately the General's family is firmly in the "This is a liberal hoax!" camp.

I should be surprised that this is even a thing but I'm not.

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NobodysHome wrote:

Give your teacher an extra hug today.

(4) Two kids notified her that their mother didn't want them leaving school early, so she let them stay in the classroom until the period was over.

(5) Didn't matter. As soon as they got home their mother heard about the rest of the students leaving early and filed a formal complaint with the principal against the choir director for letting students out early. In spite of the fact that HER kids stayed for the entire period.

Must... not... beat... other... parents...

There isn't enough of me to go around, is there?

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quibblemuch wrote:

Happy Boxing Day everyone!

Fun fact: The day after Christmas is called Boxing Day because of the traditional winner-take-all-the-presents bare knuckles round robin tournament. The More You Know...

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LordofPestilence wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:

Meh I like liver. Told you I like the taste of blood…

Please don’t fully cook it. Fully cooked liver is too tough…

Yes I know there’s a whole bunch of codes saying its an unsanitary practice to eat not so cooked liver…I dun care.

Oh, I agree. What's the worst that can happen?

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*slow clap*

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Freehold DM wrote:
Face-Palm wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
pah. Still too similar, even with the lack of magic.
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what? It is! Look at the dice!

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3 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
pah. Still too similar, even with the lack of magic.

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6 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
Nope, that was Harry Dresden.

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captain yesterday wrote:

I was feeling really grumpy, burned out and a little under appreciated this morning, but i think i've moved past it :-)

edit: maybe some avatar charades will put me over the top:-)

edit 2: Not only did this guy slap his forehead with paint, he also drew a circle around it so everyone would notice, it's a test i suspect to see who has the good manners to ignore it "Hey! eyes down here buddy!"

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6 people marked this as a favorite.

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7 people marked this as a favorite.
the secret fire wrote:
Jiggy wrote:
the secret fire wrote:

To me, if the roleplaying side of the game is completely abstracted to dice rolls and modifiers, it ceases to be a roleplaying game. Play however you want, but I have been known to greet statements like "I use diplomacy" with -20 penalties to the roll and hand out similarly large bonuses for great roleplaying, even from otherwise socially inept characters.

I honestly don't understand why people would want to subsume the roleplaying half of the game into the mechanics, but I gather that some people do. To each his own, I suppose.

You literally just labeled the imagining of being a different person as not roleplaying. literally don't know what "literally" means.

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Tinkergoth wrote:
Orthos wrote:
which is my concern with the gnome brothers, I've seen how these guys play gnomes... picture spider monkeys on crack cocaine... any hope of story progression is lost)
I kind of hate that people still do stuff like this with Gnomes, as Golarion's Gnomes are one of the coolest things Paizo has done ever and it's hard enough to get people to take them seriously as a race without people perpetuating this old stereotype. Of the seven Core Races, I don't think I've seen any banned from tables as much as Gnomes.
These guys play gnomes that way because of how Pathfinder portrays them. They heard about the bleaching and assumed that avoiding it means being random and insane 24/7

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*slow clap*

4 people marked this as a favorite.

That... hurts my brain. You completely missed his point by leagues.

snickersimba wrote:

Writing is fine. Just I have less focus than a hyper kitten. Be prepared to find me not working at all. I get distracted VERY easily. Though I could always get coffee for everyone during my moments of nonfocus. Today was a new record for me. I almost finished one entire paper before my brain chose to find something else more interesting and less depressing than slaves. The teacher proceeded to tell me that I had to finish the other side. I did that.

In thallisian.
Yes, I wrote an entire paper in thallisian. Ah, how I love loopholes, if the teacher doesn't tell me that it has to be done in ENGLISH, he is implying that anything is legal. One time I handed a paper in that was in pig latin.

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Cosmo wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Keep the gremlins out of my car, Cosmo.

*angry fist shake*

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*slow clap*

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*slow clap*

Elegy Medvyed wrote:
Aspects, Errol, this is the internet. Don't respond to trolls.

*slow clap*

*slow clap*

*slow clap*

Aberzombie wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
I often wonder...does IsaacX look back on us from time to time with pride...or horror at what he inadvertantly unleashed?
where is he nowadays?
I don't think he ever posted again after starting the very first FAWTL.
Maybe he was needed elsewhere. Maybe he was needed wherever outlaws ruled the West, wherever innocent women and children were afraid to walk the streets, wherever a man could not live in simple dignity, wherever a people cried out for justice.

*shakes fist*

Emperor7 wrote:
IssacIX wrote:
You need more moderators and Cut the number of pages down to 10 per thread, then start new thread plz! Most of the comments are 1 liners and the threads go all over the place I know these forums are young and under funded but 1704 pages on one topic is insanity!
And yes, the homage to the 1st FAWTL post evah is a great one!

*slow clap*

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Khonger wrote:

Yay New Avatars!

I did it all for Tanuki.

*slow clap*

Kryzbyn wrote:

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Bill Lumberg wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Sissyl wrote:

Pffft. Just generic punks who think they know how to fight. Bah. Let me tell you, kids, I am so f%$&ing hardcore I SURVIVED THE COLD WAR! And I was right in the MIDDLE of it. As a LITTLE KID!

Yeah. Spiked chain? Allow me to be slightly amused.

Yeah, but the Cold War's over.

You know why?

Because I won.

With my spiked chain.


*follows suit*

*slow clap*

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