Thrown Weapon Build?


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Can't you use Brawler's Flurry with Startoss? that's a pretty big plus to the Brawler.

Liberty's Edge

Not with a Javelin, no. But a rope dart or wushu dart should work.

Owner - Gator Games & Hobby

Thoughts on dipping Warpriest/Sacred Fist for Crusader's Flurry? Does this give too many penalties with Rapid Shot and/or TWF?

So, just to stir the pot with my paranoid and somewhat annoyed views that a vigilante is better at everything than a rogue/ fighter, there is a vigilante talent that has you choose a type of thrown weapon.

Whenever you throw your chosen weapon type, it gains the returning feature. Additionally, starting at level 14, whenever he throws more than one of his chosen weapon in a round, he can apply all magical properties that were on the first weapon he threw to every weapon he threw after that, so if you have a +5 javelin, you throw it, and your 3 or 4 other normal javelins, and they not only all return to you, but they also all count as +5 javelins when you throw them.

TO stir the pot further, the talent gains it second benefit at "level 14"
not vigilante level 14, so you could get it with a level 2 dip in vigilante.

if it wasn't for flavor though, star knives would still be better since ultimate intrigue gave us a way to add dex to damage on a starknife

Silver Crusade

Avadriel wrote:

So, just to stir the pot with my paranoid and somewhat annoyed views that a vigilante is better at everything than a rogue/ fighter, there is a vigilante talent that has you choose a type of thrown weapon.

Whenever you throw your chosen weapon type, it gains the returning feature. Additionally, starting at level 14, whenever he throws more than one of his chosen weapon in a round, he can apply all magical properties that were on the first weapon he threw to every weapon he threw after that, so if you have a +5 javelin, you throw it, and your 3 or 4 other normal javelins, and they not only all return to you, but they also all count as +5 javelins when you throw them.

TO stir the pot further, the talent gains it second benefit at "level 14"
not vigilante level 14, so you could get it with a level 2 dip in vigilante.

Ricochet Toss is still better than all that. One feat, and your weapon comes back after resolving each attack, which is better than the returning property, because you can throw the same weapon again for your next attack. So your one magic weapon is the only one you ever attack with, making that level 14 vigilante ability unnecessary.

Weapon Master Handbook really has a ton of great stuff in it, both for thrown weapons and in general. As noted in my last post, above, I'm looking at 5 feats and two Advanced Weapon Training options from that book by level 10, if I go straight fighter. Ricochet Toss is the real winner for any thrown weapon build - the others are just gravy.

Yeah, Ricochet Toss hands down better then the Vigilante ability.

The dex to damage on star knives confirms for me that I need to build my starknife thrower.

RIchochet toss sure makes me wanna play that throw anything guy who throws tools.
richocet poisoned screwdrivers and a shovel sounds so amusing

Silver Crusade

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Actually, if I was doing a Throw Anything build, Ricochet Toss is the one feat I'd probably skip. The whole point of that build is to throw all sorts of different things, not get your weapons back.

I can just see your guy pulling things out of a toolbox one at a time, giving the enemies a lecture on his tools, while using Startoss Shower to bounce each tool off of three different enemies. "This here's a 1/4 inch Philips head screwdriver", *throw*, "while this one is a 3/8 inch flat head." *throw*

Fromper wrote:

1 - Point Blank Shot
1H - Precise Shot
1B - Improved Unarmed Strike
2B - Quick Draw
3 - Rapid Shot
5 - Weapon Focus
5B - Startoss Style
7 - Ricochet Toss
8B - Startoss Comet
9 - Startoss Shower
11 - Improved Precise Shot
11B - Greater Weapon Focus

Martial Flexibility bonus feats:
Power Attack, Improved Grapple, Greater Grapple, other misc melee as needed

While throwing:
Always an option: Distance Thrower and/or Far Shot as needed
Always an option: Just grab upcoming feat(s) on advancement track as needed
2: Usually Rapid Shot
4+: Weapon Specialization is an option
6+: Clustered Shots is an option
8+: Greater Weapon Focus is an option

In the end, the brawler is always going to be a little behind the fighter on thrown weapons. With Martial Flexibility, they should almost always have the same basic feats as the fighter, but only in ~3 fights per day, and it'll take a move...

Doesn't the brawler need martial focus to get ricochet shot?

I was seeing if I could find a quicker way to get the feats. This is rediculous. I am definitely going to houserule a way to make this easier in my own games.

Silver Crusade

If I may just add some cool little idea to bolster the Warpriest idea. The air blessing is amazing if you need to throw long distances. I have a character with strong arm supple wrist trait, barbarian lvl 1 ability skilled thrower. I can throw a hammer up to 200 ft without range penalty. Pretty great in my opinion.

Two years goes by quickly.

The Exchange

I'm surprised no one mentioned the Cartomancer archetype. I played one and it was great, I got all the necessary feats by level 7 by dipping here and there, was able to deliver ranged touch spells, and got Arcane Strike for free.

Strong Arm, Supple Wrist was a great trait I took to avoid a level in Hurler Barbarian, and I enchanted my Harrow deck with the Distance enchantment, so it was a 30 ft toss not counting feats. that's a good deal since as a Witch you had to be within 30 ft of nearly everything anyway with your hexes. Since Harrowing is banned in PFS anyway i didn't have to worry about my cards being destroyed (which I didn't do anyway) and they get the Returning bonus for free. It's worth a look.

Sovereign Court

Circuitjerk wrote:

I'm surprised no one mentioned the Cartomancer archetype. I played one and it was great, I got all the necessary feats by level 7 by dipping here and there, was able to deliver ranged touch spells, and got Arcane Strike for free.

Strong Arm, Supple Wrist was a great trait I took to avoid a level in Hurler Barbarian, and I enchanted my Harrow deck with the Distance enchantment, so it was a 30 ft toss not counting feats. that's a good deal since as a Witch you had to be within 30 ft of nearly everything anyway with your hexes. Since Harrowing is banned in PFS anyway i didn't have to worry about my cards being destroyed (which I didn't do anyway) and they get the Returning bonus for free. It's worth a look.

Considering the OP was wanting to throw Javelins...

Fromper wrote:
It got me wondering if there's a way to make a viable PC that specializes in javelin throwing.

Well, you can always be viable. ...whether you won't be easily (and noticeably) outclassed by a vanilla archer is another matter, and Paizo has stacked the deck against you by making the javelin a much worse base weapon than an arrow (which is ridiculous, but I digress), and making Manyshot an arrow-specific feat. To add insult to injury, the atlatl in this game only works with darts, not javelins or spears. You can use an amentum to increase a javelin's range to 50' increments, but getting them prepped is strictly an OoC affair, and a returning/blinkback'd weapon would then revert to its normal increment.

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