
Circuitjerk's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 10 Organized Play characters.


The Exchange

I'm surprised no one mentioned the Cartomancer archetype. I played one and it was great, I got all the necessary feats by level 7 by dipping here and there, was able to deliver ranged touch spells, and got Arcane Strike for free.

Strong Arm, Supple Wrist was a great trait I took to avoid a level in Hurler Barbarian, and I enchanted my Harrow deck with the Distance enchantment, so it was a 30 ft toss not counting feats. that's a good deal since as a Witch you had to be within 30 ft of nearly everything anyway with your hexes. Since Harrowing is banned in PFS anyway i didn't have to worry about my cards being destroyed (which I didn't do anyway) and they get the Returning bonus for free. It's worth a look.

The Exchange

i only took 2 levels of strangler for my Master of Many Styles Monk in order to get that sweet 2d6 bonus to Grapple damage.

If your GM allows it, I recommend going Master of Many Styles Monk and getting Kobold and Kraken Style. Then start beefing up Strength and Wisdom. if he doesn't allow the Kobold Style then go for Grabbing Style and purchase a Dan Bong for a +2 to CMB.