Nik Gervae |
9 people marked this as a favorite. |
Hello folks! Last week I posted a class feat chart for the character class I was considering, and even though I haven't even finished making that character yet, the chart project grabbed my interest to the point that I've now finished up all the classes from the Core Rulebook and the Advanced Player's Guide. You can view them here:
Pathfinder 2E Class Feat Charts Folder
The idea is to show, at a glance, how feats are related, by dependency and function, along with useful notes and keywords. I also include ratings from particular class guides. You can click on any feat to look up its full description at the Archives of Nethys, and the ratings citation to open the cited guide.
I am looking for corrections and comments. These are still drafts, so I have (hopefully) disabled downloading until I have checked them to my satisfaction. Comments are enabled, so you can post directly in the documents, or here on the this topic. Read the Intro, and the Design & Proofreading notes.
Now I just need to find some people to make up characters with, maybe even play out some encounters to kick the tires.... :-)
(Note: Since these forums don't allow editing of posts later on, when I do publish the files, the link may stop working. I'll make a note in this topic and start a new one.)

Falco271 |

Hello folks! Last week I posted a class feat chart for the character class I was considering, and even though I haven't even finished making that character yet, the chart project grabbed my interest to the point that I've now finished up all the classes from the Core Rulebook and the Advanced Player's Guide. You can view them here:
Nice work.
Adding this to my own pf2 resource site if you don't mind. LINK

Nik Gervae |
If you look at the top right there is a "Ratings by so-and-so", and you can click that to open their class guide with the ratings cited. (I can't make the numbers link directly to their text because the guides usually don't have anchors for links.)
And I spotted some editing cruft making sure I had the link in there! See what I mean? :-) Anyhow that's fixed too, and I rearranged the groupings to something that felt a little more intuitive..

Nik Gervae |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Made a bunch of fixes and tweaks as I have been dinking around with builds, although thorough review is going slowly. All feats that come free with a subclass choice should be indicated now—a rather important fact for feat selection! Anyhow, the latest versions are uploaded.
Please do let me know if you find mistakes, or if there's anything you'd like to see done differently. You can comment directly in a PDF or post here. Once I am confident mistakes are at a minimum I will enable downloads!

Nik Gervae |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Uploaded corrections to Wizard class feat chart, and added ratings by Blue Frog for their hideously biased Spell Blending guide, which you can read about here.
Folder also now contains the master OmniGraffle document.

Nik Gervae |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Added multiclass dedication feat charts.
I've grouped them into single files for martials, casters, and others (Alchemist & Investigator). You can really see the similarities & differences between them, as well as how some classes got stiffed a bit. :-)
Let me know if you find any mistakes, or you'd rather they were sliced up a different way. I could do a single class dedication per file (although if I do that they will al go in a subfolder).
Other archetype dedication feats may be a longer time coming, if ever; there are so many...still, I might knock one out every couple days, if there is interest.

Nik Gervae |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Added the Archer dedication archetype. Let me know how the format works for you. I'm including the feats duplicated from other classes as grouping named for the class (in italics). I'm wondering if there's some way I could indicate the levels of those feats in their original classes for comparison, and whether that would actually be useful.

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Very nice and a lot of good ideas for presentation (columns with easy colors, action costs, traits, and of course the levels column and the links for prerequisites, as well as those to AoN). Awesome value you bring us here.
A few modifications I propose :
1. We need a way to immediately understand what the Class names mean in, for example, the Archer Dedication. The way it currently reads is confusing at first. Maybe modify the titles to something like "Archer-specific feats", "Fighter feats", "Ranger feats".
2. To indicate the source of the feat, I think you should use an acronym (CRB, APG ...) like they used to in the Player Companion line IIRC. Just put it above the feat to distinguish it from the traits below it. And incorporate it in the legend.
3. Doing this will allow you to use the format of the feat box itself to show another type of info. I would use it to distinguish between usual Archetype (Class) feats and Archetype Skill feats, as I believe such a distinction to bring good value.
4. When I build a character and check the guides, I would love to be able to compare the ratings for each item (Class feats in this case). I would enjoy having a single Class file with all ratings together (say on the right of the feat) for ease of comparison. And likely another class file with no rating for those who do not want them.
5. Maybe indicate in the feat's box which stat it impacts, as a quick reminder / clue. Those who are interested can then go to AoN and check the complete description.
Awesome job, really. I hope you can do the Ancestries one of these days. And also the Skill feats :-D
Thank you very much.

Nik Gervae |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Very nice and a lot of good ideas for presentation (columns with easy colors, action costs, traits, and of course the levels column and the links for prerequisites, as well as those to AoN). Awesome value you bring us here.
A few modifications I propose :
The Raven Black wrote:1. We need a way to immediately understand what the Class names mean in, for example, the Archer Dedication. The way it currently reads is confusing at first. Maybe modify the titles to something like "Archer-specific feats", "Fighter feats", "Ranger feats".Yes this was my first try at a dedication so I just slapped something on the grouping boxes. I don't think I would want to do functional groupings like with the base classes, there aren't enough feats to justify it. I'll think about a compact yet clear way of indicating base class borrowings, though. Maybe even something as simple as "From Fighter" would be clear enough. (Most of the following is about how much info can be crammed in.)
The Raven Black wrote:2. To indicate the source of the feat, I think you should use an acronym (CRB, APG ...) like they used to in the Player Companion line IIRC. Just put it above the feat to distinguish it from the traits below it. And incorporate it in the legend.Yeah, this is going to be a serious issue the more books that come out. (And there are already dedications in some of the Lost Omens books, for example.) There's already too much text in and around the feat boxes in my opinion so I'm not sure what to do here. It's also a lot of work to redo what's already done. I relied pretty heavily on the hyperlinks to Archives of Nethys for the additional info—the main goal of the charts is just to lay the basic info out so you can budget your build at each level. Anything beyond "can I meet the prereqs and fit it?" has to really be worth the trouble.
Putting book initials to, say, the upper-left of each box might work, but it's gonna make things mighty busy, and busy is the enemy of useful. Page numbers would add to the busy as well.
The Raven Black wrote:3. Doing this will allow you to use the format of the feat box itself to show another type of info. I would use it to distinguish between usual Archetype (Class) feats and Archetype Skill feats, as I believe such a distinction to bring good value.
4. When I build a character and check the guides, I would love to be able to compare the ratings for each item (Class feats in this case). I would enjoy having a single Class file with all ratings together (say on the right of the feat) for ease of comparison. And likely another class file with no rating for those who do not want them.
I'm not sure what you're asking for here. The PDFs are currently designed to be one class per file, with all ratings to the right of each feat. Or are you just putting that in contrast to files without?
I can easily generate PDFs with no ratings from the source document (as I have already produced some with ratings from different guides), but any rearranging is, again, a ton of work.
The Raven Black wrote:5. Maybe indicate in the feat's box which stat it impacts, as a quick reminder / clue. Those who are interested can then go to AoN and check the complete description.You tell me where the heck I could fit them, and I might consider it. :-D
Actually could you give me some examples of class feats where the stat it impacts is relevant to choosing? This isn't something I ever thought of in choosing feats, myself.
The Raven Black wrote:Awesome job, really. I hope you can do the Ancestries one of these days. And also the Skill feats :-D
Thank you very much.
Give 'em an inch, they want a mile. ;-)
Ancestries have so few feats I don't think it's worth the trouble. Skill feats might be, for certain skills..

Nik Gervae |
I'd also like to see the page number if these are updated to include source
This too would be a ton of work, and make the charts much busier visually, particularly since they would appear on every single feat. If a lot of people want it, I might do up one class and post it to see how much it helps/detracts. I figured being able to click the boxes go to Nethys would be enough; it does have page numbers as well as the actual text.
Still, as I mentioned above, some solution to indicating source is going to be necessary, or even that will have rely on links to Nethys (not a good solution)....

Nik Gervae |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I think the differentiated outline works really well for showing off source! Sufficiently different colors and/or textures/designs would work fine -- surely OmniGraffle (assuming that's what you're using) has some outline options, right?
Yep, it's OmniGraffle, and it's got lots of options for border outlines & such. I'm already using a gradient for the special Ranger focus spells, and stances.

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Full disclosure : I do not know the software involved and thus have no idea what is easy to do and what is a veritable nightmare. Do not go to the nightmare ;-)
The Raven Black wrote:Yes this was my first try at a dedication so I just slapped something on the grouping boxes. I don't think I would want to do functional groupings like with the base classes, there aren't enough feats to justify it. I'll think about a compact yet clear way of indicating base class borrowings, though. Maybe even something as simple as "From Fighter" would be clear enough. (Most of the following is about how much info can be crammed in.)Very nice and a lot of good ideas for presentation (columns with easy colors, action costs, traits, and of course the levels column and the links for prerequisites, as well as those to AoN). Awesome value you bring us here.
A few modifications I propose :
1. We need a way to immediately understand what the Class names mean in, for example, the Archer Dedication. The way it currently reads is confusing at first. Maybe modify the titles to something like "Archer-specific feats", "Fighter feats", "Ranger feats".
Quite right. It is just because when I first opened the Archer PDF, I did not understand right away why I was seeing the charts for the Fighter and the Ranger side-by-side with that of the Archer ;-)
Note : the title of the chart is easy to miss because the eye is attracted to the colored boxes and the title is grey rather than black, on a white background, so nothing eye-catching to it.
The Raven Black wrote:2. To indicate the source of the feat, I think you should use an acronym (CRB, APG ...) like they used to in the Player Companion line IIRC. Just put it above the feat to distinguish it from the traits below it. And incorporate it in the legend.Yeah, this is going to be a serious issue the more books that come out. (And there are already dedications in some of the Lost Omens books, for example.) There's already too much text in and around the feat boxes in my opinion so I'm not sure what to do here. It's also a lot of work to redo what's already done. I relied pretty heavily on the hyperlinks to Archives of Nethys for the additional info—the main goal of the charts is just to lay the basic info out so you can budget your build at each level. Anything beyond "can I meet the prereqs and fit it?" has to really be worth the trouble.
Putting book initials to, say, the upper-left of each box might work, but it's gonna make things mighty busy, and busy is the enemy of useful. Page numbers would add to the busy as well.
Then you might just as well not indicate this piece of information. What value does it add? That will free the colors of the feat boxes to provide another more useful info. The link to AoN is quite enough really.
Unless you feel people would be interested in something like Core-Only feats. Then I would propose to have one color for the RPG line, another for the Lost Omens line and a third for what comes from the APs line. I do not remember another line of products that introduce feats right now.
Or maybe the feats boxes' colors might be used for Rarity.
The Raven Black wrote:
3. Doing this will allow you to use the format of the feat box itself to show another type of info. I would use it to distinguish between usual Archetype (Class) feats and Archetype Skill feats, as I believe such a distinction to bring good value.
I did not see any comment on this, while I still believe it is a useful info for the reader. If you use the color of the feat box to indicate another info like source or rarity, maybe the color of the font can be used to distinguish between the 2 types of feats, say black font for regular and blue font for skill feats.
The Raven Black wrote:4. When I build a character and check the guides, I would love to be able to compare the ratings for each item (Class feats in this case). I would enjoy having a single Class file with all ratings together (say on the right of the feat) for ease of comparison. And likely another class file with no rating for those who do not want them.I'm not sure what you're asking for here. The PDFs are currently designed to be one class per file, with all ratings to the right of each feat. Or are you just putting that in contrast to files without?
I can easily generate PDFs with no ratings from the source document (as I have already produced some with ratings from different guides), but any rearranging is, again, a ton of work.
Good point. Actually, I think now that it would work better with only one file per Class / Dedication : the first page would be free of any ratings and the following pages would be the ones giving the ratings with one page per guide (you are currently doing one PDF file per class / dedication per guide).
The Raven Black wrote:
5. Maybe indicate in the feat's box which stat it impacts, as a quick reminder / clue. Those who are interested can then go to AoN and check the complete description.You tell me where the heck I could fit them, and I might consider it. :-D
Actually could you give me some examples of class feats where the stat it impacts is relevant to choosing? This isn't something I ever thought of in choosing feats, myself.
I think I was not clear using the word "stats". I was thinking of whether a feat has an impact on a save, AC, attack, damage, this kind of things.
I believe that might be an interesting info that readers can use as a guide to check in AoN what the feat actually does, rather than checking all feats blindly.
BTW : once again, excellent idea and much appreciated to put the links to AoN on the feats' boxes.
The Raven Black wrote:
Awesome job, really. I hope you can do the Ancestries one of these days. And also the Skill feats :-DThank you very much.
Give 'em an inch, they want a mile. ;-)
Ancestries have so few feats I don't think it's worth the trouble. Skill feats might be, for certain skills..
We have an expression for this in France : the ransom of success :-D
It is only natural that we you create an excellent product, people ask for even more of the same quality. Just ask Paizo ;-)
I was asking for those so that when I create a character I would just need your files and be set.
A great value I see in them is that they free me from clicking around in AoN to sift the feat tables line by line to see what is connected.
They have the potential to become a required tool for all players (and GMs who want to create PC-like NPCs), on par with Pathbuilder, an app which I hold in tremendous regard.
Really an enormous thank you for the work involved. Now I just need to find a good way to copy/paste them efficiently (likely in Excel) when I want to create a build and play around with assigning the feats to each level.
Note : you might consider adding the Class features (and not only the Class feats) for when we will get Class archetypes that will change those.

Ed Reppert |

There's "Pro" and there's the standard version. I haven't looked lately, but it may be the $249 is the standard version. IAC, I'll take another look. Although given I haven't even run it for at least five years, cool as it is I probably don't really need it, except to look at these. :-)

Nik Gervae |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
The Raven Black wrote:Note : the title of the chart is easy to miss because the eye is attracted to the colored boxes and the title is grey rather than black, on a white background, so nothing eye-catching to it.I can change those to darker/black on my next big review pass. I wanted the feats themselves to stand out but I see your point.
The Raven Black wrote:Unless you feel people would be interested in something like Core-Only feats. Then I would propose to have one color for the RPG line, another for the Lost Omens line and a third for what comes from the APs line. I do not remember another line of products that introduce feats right now.
Or maybe the feats boxes' colors might be used for Rarity.
I did not see any comment on this, while I still believe it is a useful info for the reader. If you use the color of the feat box to indicate another info like source or rarity, maybe the color of the font can be used to distinguish between the 2 types of feats, say black font for regular and blue font for skill feats.
Keep in mind that you can't use color alone as an indicator, as enough people are color-blind to make it a problem. There always has to be something else like a gradient or shape/stroke. I'm not a professional designer but I know that tidbit.
The Raven Black wrote:Good point. Actually, I think now that it would work better with only one file per Class / Dedication : the first page would be free of any ratings and the following pages would be the ones giving the ratings with one page per guide (you are currently doing one PDF file per class / dedication per guide).I'm not going to get into that level of production workflow. If I do this, it'll be one folder of all files with reviews, and a separate folder without. (Those with OmniGraffle Pro can just toggle the layer's visibiity, of course. I tried exporting to Visio and of course some things got mucked up. I may eventually fiddle with the original so it exports cleanly, but again that's probably a lot of work.)
The Raven Black wrote:I think I was not clear using the word "stats". I was thinking of whether a feat has an impact on a save, AC, attack, damage, this kind of things.
I believe that might be an interesting info that readers can use as a guide to check in AoN what the feat actually does, rather than checking all feats blindly.
Ah, now I understand. Well, the whole reason I did all the functional groupings was to bring together feats that do similar things. Once you know where all the mobility, or ranged/melee combat feats, or spellcasting feats are, it's a small enough set to choose from you can just read their descriptions to know exactly what each feat does. Picking out what's salient from all these hundreds of feats gets into intrepreting things, and we all know where that puts you!

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I love these charts. I use them often.
Investigator is missing "Just the Facts". I would also like to suggest splitting the Recall Knowledge feats into their own category as there are quite a few and I feel they are distinct from the others they are grouped with. I actually ignored and was unaware of many of them for a while as I do use your charts a lot and they were mixed in with the Investigation category.