Hell Comes to Westcrown (GM Reference)

Hell's Vengeance

The purpose of this thread is to clarify questions arising in this adventure. This is a SPOILER filled zone, do not venture further if you do not wish the adventure to be spoiled for you, and spoiler tags are not required when posting here.

This thread is a GM Reference thread for Part 6 of the Hell's Vengeance Adventure Path. Links for the individual threads for each part are as follows:

Hello! Will this mean Shadowbeast/Ilnerik shenannigans? I suppose it would be very ironic to players who played CoT and fought the Shadowbeasts in order to free the city and now have to potentially team up with Ilnerik.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

MannyGoblin wrote:
Hello! Will this mean Shadowbeast/Ilnerik shenannigans? I suppose it would be very ironic to players who played CoT and fought the Shadowbeasts in order to free the city and now have to potentially team up with Ilnerik.

Actually, the coexistence of these two APs in Westcrown might be a problem.

James said that Westcrown is in it's original state before CoT so DMs could tailor it as they see fit so.

1.Delvehaven sealed and Morrowfall still there
2.Shadowbeasts roam the streets and Ilnerik is under Walkcourt
3.Pit Fiend still chilling under the manor.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

MannyGoblin wrote:

James said that Westcrown is in it's original state before CoT so DMs could tailor it as they see fit so.

1.Delvehaven sealed and Morrowfall still there
2.Shadowbeasts roam the streets and Ilnerik is under Walkcourt
3.Pit Fiend still chilling under the manor.

James said the exact opposite.

The assumption for "Hell Comes to Westcrown" is that the events of Council of Thieves have played out. The adventure WILL include advice and hints on how to handle these events in your particular Hell's Vengeance game, of course, along with some advice on how to handle things if you choose to not set the adventure after Council of Thieves.

In any event, the Westcrown in "Hell Comes to Westcrown" is a very different place in some ways from that presented at the end or the beginning of Council of Thieves. The actual events in Council of Thieves won't play a significant role in this adventure, as far as I understand it.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

James Jacobs wrote:
MannyGoblin wrote:

James said that Westcrown is in it's original state before CoT so DMs could tailor it as they see fit so.

1.Delvehaven sealed and Morrowfall still there
2.Shadowbeasts roam the streets and Ilnerik is under Walkcourt
3.Pit Fiend still chilling under the manor.

James said the exact opposite.

** spoiler omitted **


I know that you had been trying to keep from advancing Golarion's timeline.

So this decision seems a bit strange.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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Lord Fyre wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
MannyGoblin wrote:

James said that Westcrown is in it's original state before CoT so DMs could tailor it as they see fit so.

1.Delvehaven sealed and Morrowfall still there
2.Shadowbeasts roam the streets and Ilnerik is under Walkcourt
3.Pit Fiend still chilling under the manor.

James said the exact opposite.

** spoiler omitted **


I know that you had been trying to keep from advancing Golarion's timeline.

So this decision seems a bit strange.

We aren't advancing Golarion's timeline overall. This is no different, really, than how we treated Runelords in "Jade Regent." You can certainly still run Council of Thieves before or after Hell's Rebels if you wish, but since there's crossover in the locations we had to decide which one came in which order.

Ultimately, the reason why we decided to go with this decision was the result of a lot of discussions during meetings and the like, and now isn't the place to go over the whys of that decision since we're still half a year away from this adventure being out.

I guess it makes sense, thanks for the clarification. No doubt the GR would step on Ilnerik's head after the first few nights of Shadowbeast attacks.

Silver Crusade

Okay, so I'm gonna point out, very tongue in cheek, screw you guys ;)

The last book involves westcrown?! WTF guys?! I LOVED council, and sweeping Westcrown out from under Thrune. Now you guys are going to make me take it back!? C'mon!

Side note, on an actual serious manner; I'm very terrified that if any one of two of our regular GM's are involved in running this, then he'll involve our Wrath of the Righteous characters, or the other will involve our Council of Thieves Characters... Terrified...

Though still very excited for this adventure path!

I just hope we get a Roddy Piper inspired NPC for this chapter.

My problem is that I'll have to shell out $25 for probably half a dozen pages just to know what happened.

(I don't plan on playing HV, but immediately thought of CoT.)

Guess I'll have to go PDF, or just ignore it completely.

I am guessing 'Status quo, minus undead'.

Saw this on rpg.net and I dunno if it is true or not but it talks some about HV and HCTW

End spoilers:
Not that small, if you look at the map of Cheliax. (Plus they've been somewhat set up to succeed.) And as to the other ... it's been suggested that the failure state for the Hell's Vengeance PCs is not "and then Thrune is overthrown and liberty and justice prevail". It's, "and then Abrogail declares 'der untergang' and Cheliax burns in hellfire."

So she ragequits it seems.

Shadow Lodge

Joseph Davis wrote:
The last book involves westcrown?! WTF guys?! I LOVED council, and sweeping Westcrown out from under Thrune. Now you guys are going to make me take it back!? C'mon!

I do wonder, since Amaya got "advanced" stats in A Song of Silver, if we'll get such stats (or at least guidance) for Janiven, Arael, and/or the other Children of Westcrown.

Shadow Lodge

MannyGoblin wrote:

Saw this on rpg.net and I dunno if it is true or not but it talks some about HV and HCTW

** spoiler omitted **

No need for spoilers, it's a GM thread.

And why would she do such a thing? Pure spite? It's not like the GR is a threat to the regime.


I think there is a misprint in the Glorious Tabard.

"When a greater glorious tabard is used as a divine focus to cast a spell, the wearer does not need any material components that cost more than 5 gp."

I think "more" should be "less" :)

Sovereign Court Senior Developer, Starfinder Team

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Tali Wah wrote:

I think there is a misprint in the Glorious Tabard.

"When a greater glorious tabard is used as a divine focus to cast a spell, the wearer does not need any material components that cost more than 5 gp."

I think "more" should be "less" :)

You are correct. Looks like an editing mishap. The original line was "the wearer does not need any material components, unless the required component costs more than 5 gp." Unfortunately, the edited sentence kept the "more" even though the meaning changed to "less."

Scarab Sages

PF 108 states that the new mayor carries out his duties from a building in Rego Areum, due to the last mayor's residence having an accident.

Could Ron or James confirm if the old manor is still a smoking pit, or has there been an attempt to fill it in and rebuild on the site?

And I'd love to see the realtor's assessment of the place.
"A bit of a fixer-upper", I imagine.

What happened with Paralictor Chard ? In CoT AP his aligment was LN . Here he IS evil . Something in special mede his aligment to change or it just An adaptation for de adventure ?

Don't be fooled. While thematically appropriate, this it not a good AP for a Hellknight. It's unfortunate, but Smite Chaos is hardly ever usable and if so, only against smaller encounters or fights. Most of the enemies are Lawful or Neutral Good. The other issue is that Hellknight is not a good prestige at all, so it's a bit punishing thematically to play one.

If you want to be a Lawful Evil knight, I'd highly suggest just being a full cavalier, antipaladin, or fighter, and just theming it as a Knight. It's equally thematic and doesn't force dead class features on you.

If your players still want to do it, I'd just recommend giving them a fair warning.

Drizheim wrote:

Don't be fooled. While thematically appropriate, this it not a good AP for a Hellknight. It's unfortunate, but Smite Chaos is hardly ever usable and if so, only against smaller encounters or fights. Most of the enemies are Lawful or Neutral Good. The other issue is that Hellknight is not a good prestige at all, so it's a bit punishing thematically to play one.

If you want to be a Lawful Evil knight, I'd highly suggest just being a full cavalier, antipaladin, or fighter, and just theming it as a Knight. It's equally thematic and doesn't force dead class features on you.

If your players still want to do it, I'd just recommend giving them a fair warning.

I'd really recommend against Cav for this AP as well. Far too many instances where a mount is either really impractical or just won't be happening

so has anyone actually run this book? We haven't played CoT and won't be any time soon. 99% of the discussion here is not relevant to anyone wanting to GM the adventure.

Any real input? I'm looking forward to opening the book by dropping a tactical nuclear warhead on the GR siege, but am curious about some ways anyone has either run or imagined the Nightwalkers/Warsworns as PC-controlled, without getting bogged down with too many dice rolls and statblocks

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Two Headed Snake wrote:

so has anyone actually run this book? We haven't played CoT and won't be any time soon. 99% of the discussion here is not relevant to anyone wanting to GM the adventure.

Any real input? I'm looking forward to opening the book by dropping a tactical nuclear warhead on the GR siege, but am curious about some ways anyone has either run or imagined the Nightwalkers/Warsworns as PC-controlled, without getting bogged down with too many dice rolls and statblocks

I realize this is a stalled response to your question, but maybe someone (even you Two Headed Snake!) will find some value in it.

When I ran this, I modified the setup so that the army surrounded the citadel with 3 battalions of units consisting of a mixture of sergeant, devil slayer, field hospital and siege troops. (Roughly 20 or so in total.) I explained that this was an abstraction that represented many thousands of men. Above the troops, I added a small number of legion archons flying overhead as scouts, roughly 2 per battalion. These were primarily acting as a challenge to villains' attempt at dropping the tathlum without raising attention, and the archons took no part in the battle that would follow.

I then explained the criteria surrounding the use of the tathlum, though I left the exact effects something of a mystery. They had a rough idea of the area that would be devastated and I modified this as well from what was described in the module to account for the more broadly arranged army. They also knew that they had to drop it from height, that they had to do so discreetly, and that delivering it to the desired spot required an 1d20 + BAB + INT mod attack roll, with a 200 ft. range modifier.

Essentially, I forced them to decide which portions of the army they wanted to most impact with the tathlum, making them choose between things like harming the greatest number of units vs. damaging fewer but more elite troops or siege weapons, and so on. This was accomplished by positioning the troops around the battlefield in a way so as to make these choices naturally apparent.

After dropping the tathlum, troops within the center portion of the blast had a very high FORT save to make or die. Survivors would take massive damage and be stunned and then staggered. Troops within the outer ring of the blast also had to make a fort save versus significant damage and would be staggered for 3 rounds (reduced to 1 if they made the save).

After that, I allowed players to choose to play either a Horned Devil or Nightwalker which spawned from the blast. I made these act like summons with a 1 hour duration, and if the player could cause the death of another troop or devil/nightwalker player within the blast radius of the tathlum, a second devil or nightwalker would spawn under their control.

I then turned them loose to battle one another, the troops and the citadel for 7 rounds. I explained that each round represented between 1 to 2 minutes in duration and modified move speed and a few rules for combat to make it play more smoothly. They weren't aware beforehand that it would be limited to that duration, which was partly to control how much real-world time we'd play the battle, but also because I didn't want them to determine the full results of the conflict that way.

Simultaneously, their PCs attacked Endranni's post on the command hill to the east, and we ran that battle immediately following the larger conflict.

It all turned into an exciting and epic evening of conflict for the players.

Can someone confirm that my understanding about Alexeara's AC and HP is correct. It does not appear that Heart's Edge is accounted for in her stats.

She has a starting HP of 271, increasing to 331 while wielding Heart's Edge.

She has a starting AC of 35 (+14 armor, -1 Dex, +6 insight, +6 shield).

    * Her AC increases to 41 (+6 sacred) while wielding Heart's Edge.
    * Her AC increases to 49 (+8 untyped) versus a smite target.

And what's the source of Alexeara's +6 insight bonus to AC? For the life of me I can't figure that out. Also, I realize the smite bonus is deflection and not untyped as I mentioned previously.

Finally, has anyone played out this crowning battle with Alexeara yet? How did it go? What would you have done different and what worked well?

Midnight Anarch wrote:
Finally, has anyone played out this crowning battle with Alexeara yet? How did it go? What would you have done different and what worked well?

I just ran part 1 last night. It all went well; they did great on scouting/planning, as well as actually deploying the tathlum. I didn't actually end up running any of the mass combat in the aftermath of the bomb, since my narration of the scene was fairly long and detailed, and their placement of the weapon pretty much completely obliterated the army anyways.

re your quoted comment, I'm actually really worried that this last book will not in any way be challenging. During game last night, they had a caravan encounter on Rack Road, as well as the fight at the command post. Both times they absolutely smeared my NPCs. Like, snowball's chance in hell style. After a couple of rounds at the command post I was just straight up giving my NPCs +10 on attack rolls, on top of every NPC having a +1 advanced template. RAW I was completely unable to touch them in combat, and even with the massive fudging on my end, I hit maybe 2 or 3 times and did under 100 damage collectively. I'm worried that even the "super tough boss fights" in Westcrown will just be a total wash. I'm kinda at my wits' end on how to effectively challenge them without killing PCs outright -__-;

Midnight Anarch wrote:

Can someone confirm that my understanding about Alexeara's AC and HP is correct. It does not appear that Heart's Edge is accounted for in her stats.

She has a starting HP of 271, increasing to 331 while wielding Heart's Edge.

She has a starting AC of 35 (+14 armor, -1 Dex, +6 insight, +6 shield).

    * Her AC increases to 41 (+6 sacred) while wielding Heart's Edge.
    * Her AC increases to 49 (+8 untyped) versus a smite target.

I also can't figure out her stats. Her highest to-hit bonus should only be 29...BaB 18 + 1 from Weapon Focus + 5 from STR + 5 from Heart's Edge. Her combat block says nothing about casting Diving Favour, but that would make it higher than the listed +31. I also can find absolutely nothing that would provide her with ANY insight bonus, let alone +6.

Two Headed Snake wrote:
I also can't figure out her stats. Her highest to-hit bonus should only be 29...BaB 18 + 1 from Weapon Focus + 5 from STR + 5 from Heart's Edge. Her combat block says nothing about casting Diving Favour, but that would make it higher than the listed +31. I also can find absolutely nothing that would provide her with ANY insight bonus, let alone +6.

I'm guessing it's a mistake for her AC, and the +6 insight bonus is instead supposed to be the +6 sacred bonus from Heart's Edge.

Her attack bonus is still inexplicable, though I'm wondering if it is counting Heart's Edge twice -- once as a +2 weapon and once as a +5 holy avenger. I think that may account for the oddity in her attack line.

I just said screw it and made her a 20th lvl Paladin :x heh

Depending on how one-sided the final fight is (ie. if they've taken out all Alexeara's companions, how well-prepared they are), I'm considering sending Iomedae's herald, the Hand of the Inheritor, to aid the Lord Marshall

So I just wrote up a speech my players will hear, issued by a town-crier. This will be either be just before or just after liberating the Qadata Nessusidia, since they haven't been entirely successful in their attempts to evade detection, and since the Glorious Reclamation's inner circle is distinctly aware of them. Mostly I'm just really excited that they've accumulated renown and will finally know it, since they've generally been acting as a black-ops team and leave very few survivors.

"Hear ye, hear ye!

Criminals at large in Westcrown! Open warrants issued by Her Righteousness, the Lord Marshall Alexeara Cansellarion, so divinely appointed by Our Lady of Valor Iomedae.

Six miscreants sent from the Nine Hells to plague our proud city; Westcrown, the City of Glory's Return! Six oppressors, sent by the Infernal She-Tyrant of the Imperial Throne to upset and degenerate out fair citizens:

A Dwarf, who without care belches the flames of Hell, and in whose wake stand reeking clouds of smog;
A mad Drow, whose honeyed words and empty promises bring only despair and ruin;
An Elf, grizzled and unforgiving. He feigns honour and instead deals only in bloodshed;
A woman, cloaked in false beauty, whose seduction leads only to depravity and murder;
A fiendtouched and bastard Tiefling, dispathced from the rotted heart of Hell to torment the Just;
And not least, a Drovenge noble of Old Westcrown and friend of Thrune, who couples with devils and is without remorse.

These individuals are wanted for the crimes of Murder, Coercion, Endangering the Public, Abduction, Blackmail and bribing of officials, Destruction of public and private property, Colluding with Enemies of the State, Resisting Arrest, Assault on a Public Officer, Assault and Murder of Justly Appointed Authority, Theft, Meddling in Just and Divine Affairs; and more acts too heinous and vile to mention.

Should you spot these criminals, report to the closest dottari or Glorious Reclamation official.

Inheritor bless us and our holy city during these times!"

This is definitely meant to be inflammatory, though not necessarily incorrect, and to stoke my players into an evil frenzy before they go about destabilizing Westcrown and ultimately removing the leadership of the Reclamation. I feel like the biggest flaw in the writing of this AP is that, despite all the PCs efforts and engagement, they are generally required to act with secrecy. I found that this really detracted from the role of players as major characters. Even though this is an "evil AP," the overarching idea is that they need to conceal themselves, since often it is far too dangerous to introduce themselves as the Wardens of Longacre; the Usurpers of Kantaria; the Devils of the Whisperwood; the Darlings of Egorian, Slayers of the Dragon Parnoneryx, the Liberators of the Hellknights, or the Scourge of the Reclamation.

Anyway, hope this inspires fellow GMs to give their players some much-deserved recognition!!

Edit: Just for clarity, here's my party, all lvl 15:

- male Dwarf Toxicant Alchemist
- male Drow Gingerbread Witch
- male Elf Skirmisher Ranger w/ fiendish cougar companion
- female Human Knifemaster Rogue/Velvet Blade Slayer
- male devil-spawn Tiefling Inquisitor of Moloch
- male Human Synthesist/Counter Summoner w/ shadow Eidolon

Two Headed Snake wrote:
I just said screw it and made her a 20th lvl Paladin

My players had a numbers advantage due to several devils and undead, including a cornugon and a newly undead Rotbreath. I had to make activations competitive lest Alexeara become overwhelmed by sheer numbers, and I needed room for them all to square off. Therefore, I kept Alexeara more or less as provided but opened up the space on the upper floor and added in numerous bannerets and Third Swords along with the planetar Aveshiel, whom they hadn't managed to track down and defeat openly. I didn't include the trumpet angel or Gardel as a result of my re-configuring.

As the PCs cut through the initial throng of bannerets, Aveshiel used banishment to rid the battle of the horned devil and another barbed devil. The Third Swords used healing and offensive magic alike to keep PCs off balance, though like the bannerets, their role in the battle was fierce and brief. Most were dead or incapacitated within the first three rounds.

Meanwhile, Alexeara buffed her allies and then cut through the necromancer's powerful cohort and larger undead before turning her attention to the increasingly wounded PCs. By the fourth round or so, the battle teetered at the edge of doom for the villains.

At that point, the players made some razor close rolls that pulled things through. They put Alexeara down and she wasn't able to Heroes Defiance back up. If she had, one more round would have started a downslide that the PCs probably would not have recovered from, and we all knew it.

It was an exciting end to an epic campaign.

Two Headed Snake wrote:
Depending on how one-sided the final fight is (ie. if they've taken out all Alexeara's companions, how well-prepared they are), I'm considering sending Iomedae's herald, the Hand of the Inheritor, to aid the Lord Marshall

That sounds like a fantastic addition, especially if players recognize who they're facing in the final battle -- Alexeara AND Iomedae's Hand? That is some righteous heat to make players sweat.

For my battle, Aveshiel proved a wild card that kept the struggle swinging back and forth. She almost turned the tide against the villains early in the fight but failed a critical concentration check. Aveshiel and Alexeara, as a final dynamic duo, sent a shiver of fear down my players. If my players would have slain Aveshiel before then, I would have loved to include the Hand as that terrifying "pillar" character instead.

When/if I run this gain, you've inspired me to have the Hand as a known figure around Westcrown early on, maybe even with a mission for PCs to try and take him/her out before the final showdown. Great idea, Two Headed Snake!

sounds like an great battle!

How do you usually keep track of everything during large combats? My biggest gripe with the AP so far is that, especially in the last few books, EVERY enemy NPC has buffs and whatnot (Divine Bond, spells, etc), and the books do not account for these, despite the obvious use they will get.

I've been using Combat Manager for most things, but in the heat of the moment, or after an hour of real time spent in combat, I forget to track things, and feel like I'm doing myself a disservice, haha.

Also, thanks! To be honest, it was one of my players who gave me the idea. We're both big theorycrafting nerds, and the other week he goes "man, we could *totally* take on Heralds of the gods, they're only CR15!"

Challenge accepted.

Two Headed Snake wrote:
How do you usually keep track of everything during large combats? My biggest gripe with the AP so far is that, especially in the last few books, EVERY enemy NPC has buffs and whatnot (Divine Bond, spells, etc), and the books do not account for these, despite the obvious use they will get.

These days, I play through Roll 20 and rely on the initiative tracker and various token icons to track some elements. Turning buffs on and off on the sheets can be painful, so I try to avoid that at times, and I'd have to do some mental math and rely on other means to let me know when to make adjustments. It was a juggling act, and as you mention, there were a LOT of things to keep in the air during this last chapter.

For larger combats, I often utilized troops units, but this wasn't always possible. Leaning on troop units was a thing as far back as Wrath of Thrune and their PCs' assault on Valor's Fastness. Combats and tracking would've been a terror, at times, without them, and I had to consider all that early on because the necromancer really aimed at raising large numbers of minions. I didn't step on that ambition, either, as I wanted to see how things would play out and what steps I'd have to take to keep combats timely and challenging all at once. It was a LOT of work and I won't miss that part of it.

There were also moments where I flat ignored things I should've tracked, even though ignoring gave unwarranted advantages to the players, but I often wanted the pacing to remain snappy or felt that the mental power needed to track everything exactly was worth less than a smoother result. And I definitely lost track of things too. It was impossible not to fail in that way.

But Hell's Vengeance really heaped it on with all the paladins and good outsiders. As you say, the last chapter magnified the issue, though that goes with the territory of this campaign.

I wish I had better answers, but I'll say this -- I'm looking forward to PF 2.0 addressing some of these things for GMs! I hope troop types are part of their core outlook and I hope they invent methods for us to manage larger or more complex combats like these in efficient ways.

Ahhh man, I wish I had troop units in previous books! I've more or less done everything by hand, including manually editing (and sometimes even creating) stat blocks in Combat Manager. Lots of the time things like a potion of Bull's Strength is included in the block, but you start realizing how scary a unit of Paladins and a Cleric can be once they've all fired up their divine bonds, potions, buffs, etc.

Sigh... so small advice.

Pentagram ritual. Remove some of those opponents. It make no sense that in 5 locations they get into 7 battles.

The aquatic guys at the marina? Remove those. They make no sense, my players said so and I agree. Also remove the plant goat thing -whatever its pet name is.

I'd just keep the Asmodean temple (condensed into 1 big battle), the Rack Headquarters and maybe the demons made of slime.

Its lovely when you prepare a session and you see that look of utter boredom in your players face.

Hi Again,

the AP is coming to an End, and some remarks and Questions from my Side:

My Players have just started taking the Ritual in Westcrown.

Power Level is crazy. My Party is Lvl 15 now, saves in the mid 20s, AC 40+, Attack in the 30s.. Most NPCs have AC mid 20-30, Att in the low 20s or even lower, Save DVs usually around 15-20.
-> Prepare to do a lot of customization here.

On the other Hand, some encounters could go crazy:
Omox Demons: They almost managed to drag the Cleric in the Water and disapper with him. Lucky Cleric had the Archer Fighter helping him and once he needed his boots of escape. Grappled and no way to speak is quite deadly.

Thessene: How can he cast quickened Cold Ice Strike? That would ba a quickened Lvl 6 spell, so a level 10 spell? Holy S***....

The Maps for the encounters in this book are quite bad IMO. Very small maps, no love for details. Quite disappointed by this so far. I used Flip Mats for some more appropriate layout.


Scarab Sages

Drizheim wrote:

Don't be fooled. While thematically appropriate, this it not a good AP for a Hellknight. It's unfortunate, but Smite Chaos is hardly ever usable and if so, only against smaller encounters or fights. Most of the enemies are Lawful or Neutral Good. The other issue is that Hellknight is not a good prestige at all, so it's a bit punishing thematically to play one.

If you want to be a Lawful Evil knight, I'd highly suggest just being a full cavalier, antipaladin, or fighter, and just theming it as a Knight. It's equally thematic and doesn't force dead class features on you.

If your players still want to do it, I'd just recommend giving them a fair warning.

Eight years later...

You don't actually HAVE to take any levels in the Hellknight PrC to get inducted into any order of Hellknights.

A Hellknight Antipaladin (with no Hellknight PrC levels) is GREAT for this AP. Highly recommend!!

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