Will I be allowed to use a digital character sheet in organized play?

Pathfinder Society

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Grand Lodge 4/5

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Bob Jonquet wrote:
Perhaps, but willingly accepting a more strict set of rules does not technically break the rules any more than a player who chooses to gimp their character vs. optimizing them.

The point being that it is NOT an enforceable rule.

Silver Crusade 5/5 5/55/5 ***

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I will not allow 'true' digital dice; I've had them in the past, and the ones I have observed and tested don't pass the CHI Square test.

I *will* allow the physical d20s which light up; then again, I have a legally blind player who makes it to a few of my conventions that uses HeroLab on an iPad, a magnifying glass to read his iPad, and and that 'electronic' d20.

-- S.

Andrew Christian wrote:

If dice rollers give a wide range of results. I let it go. I prefer players not use them. But as long as it all feels,legit, I don't ever really say anything.

If the numbers are always high, then I'll ask them to use dice.

I allow commercial software dice rollers, but I won't allow homebrew or excel sheets. I know too many ways to cheat. Like a roller that normally rolls fairly, but then always rolls high when there's a touch in one corner of the app.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

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It is interesting that we read in the forums all the time about extremest players/GMs exerting their will on the table, banning things will-nilly, forcing the GMs to take it, being a general nuisance and pain in the arse. However, in actual play few, if anyone, ever actually complains of actually having these things done to them, whether it be [really] wearing a re-roll shirt, or having their tablet banned, or not being able to play their favorite character because the GM hates that class/race/whatever. We all seem to have pleasant, fun, cooperative games. Its only when we get behind the "monitor of hate" and the "keyboard of anonymity" that these problems arise. With the hundreds of thousands of tables that have been played, I would posit that these types of issues occur less than 1/10th of 1% of the time. Certainly nothing to be afraid of nor have the need to take undue action against.

Explore! Report! Cooperate!

Silver Crusade 5/5

Ryzoken wrote:
trollbill wrote:
GM Lamplighter wrote:
andreww wrote:
Except that (...)
I was referring to all the folks who were telling us it's a dumb or bad rule, and we shouldn't be enforcing it.
Woot! Chaotic vs. Lawful!
Alignment thread! Everybody drink?

I'll drink to that!

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Bob Jonquet wrote:
My stance is a bit different and may take a few words to explain so bare with me.....

Good stuff Bob, exactly what I wanted to say... Thank you, and I think I love you ;).

And I refuse to defend Andrew unless he gives me Pie!

Bob Jonquet wrote:

Perhaps, but willingly accepting a more strict set of rules does not technically break the rules any more than a player who chooses to gimp their character vs. optimizing them. If a GM says, no digital devices and the players all agree, are they breaking the rules? What if a player says no digital devices and everyone including the GM agrees? Can a GM ban a gunslinger if all the players are okay with that? What if the players also hate gunslingers and don't want to play with them? While you cannot allow anything specifically banned by the rules, I posit that individual tables of players can ban whatever additional things they want, even if we don't like it. If a GM and five players say no gunslingers and a gunslinger sits at the table, we can talk to them about inclusiveness all we want, but in the end, they can just "cancel" the table and run it as scheduled on their own. Nothing really changes other than the organizer has to try and find a new table for the gunslinger. Its inconvenient as hell, and you might be inclined not to invite that GM to volunteer for you again, but sometimes its hard to say if the rules are technically being broken or people's personal preferences for what is "GoodRightFun" for them are being exercised.

If it really is as inconvenient as hell, then maybe some people need to lighten up in favor of the Society's spirit of inclusiveness. After all, if the player coming to the table with the disliked class isn't a prior offender against actual PFS rules or a known disruption, what justification does anybody have to exclude him or her? I don't think there is any for any game in a public venue or convention.

I understand that people can try to exercise a crowd veto for any reason they please, but that doesn't make what they're doing right for the Society. I would hope that they'd be the ones held responsible for the inconvenience and not the player hoping to be included.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

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Bob Jonquet wrote:
However, in actual play few, if anyone, ever actually complains of actually having these things done to them, whether it be [really] wearing a re-roll shirt, or having their tablet banned, or not being able to play their favorite character because the GM hates that class/race/whatever.

That would be due to the fact that I have already had ample warning not to play at Nefreet's table.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

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Steven Lau wrote:
Bob Jonquet wrote:
My stance is a bit different and may take a few words to explain so bare with me.....

Good stuff Bob, exactly what I wanted to say... Thank you, and I think I love you ;).

And I refuse to defend Andrew unless he gives me Pie!

Uh, I can do that.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Andrew Christian wrote:
Steven Lau wrote:
Bob Jonquet wrote:
My stance is a bit different and may take a few words to explain so bare with me.....

Good stuff Bob, exactly what I wanted to say... Thank you, and I think I love you ;).

And I refuse to defend Andrew unless he gives me Pie!

Uh, I can do that.

Yay Pie!

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

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Bill Dunn wrote:

If it really is as inconvenient as hell, then maybe some people need to lighten up in favor of the Society's spirit of inclusiveness. After all, if the player coming to the table with the disliked class isn't a prior offender against actual PFS rules or a known disruption, what justification does anybody have to exclude him or her? I don't think there is any for any game in a public venue or convention.

I understand that people can try to exercise a crowd veto for any reason they please, but that doesn't make what they're doing right for the Society. I would hope that they'd be the ones held responsible for the inconvenience and not the player hoping to be included.

I don't necessarily disagree with you, just saying that where one persons fun starts, anothers might end. Sometimes it can be a challenge to decide when the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one or when the one is being treated unfairly to the point of punishing the many.

The Exchange 5/5

Jared Thaler wrote:

If their dice always roll high, would you make them use a dice roller? :)

(Just want to point out that the power of the human brains ability to find patterns in random numbers is surpassed only by its inaccuracy.)

what about those of us whose dice (almost) always roll low?

Silver Crusade 5/5

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Man, now I want pie...

*Goes off to buy pie. And booze.*

Silver Crusade 5/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
nosig wrote:
Jared Thaler wrote:

If their dice always roll high, would you make them use a dice roller? :)

(Just want to point out that the power of the human brains ability to find patterns in random numbers is surpassed only by its inaccuracy.)

what about those of us whose dice (almost) always roll low?

Just give you a paper shredder?

3 people marked this as a favorite.
TOZ wrote:

That would be due to the fact that I have already had ample warning not to play at Nefreet's table.

We all do now. The trouble is, getting to another table isn't always an easy option. That leaves players expecting to be able to play, and having everything legally necessary to do so, may be faced with a barrier from an idiosyncratic GM or other player.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

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TOZ wrote:
That would be due to the fact that I have already had ample warning not to play at Nefreet's table.

True, but two things to think about. First, not everyone knows who Nefreet is. That is a Paizo handle, so unless you* know his name or know him personally, you wouldn't know to avoid his table. Hell, you cannot even be sure if he is a he or a she. Second, and more importantly, does Nefreet actually do what is stated at the table? Where are the players who have had the proverbial digital carpet pulled out from under them? Is his** post just trolling? Maybe just a rant? Hard to know at this point.

*general you not specifically you

**edited for clarity

Shadow Lodge 4/5

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Bob Jonquet wrote:
Is the post just trolling?

I like how you ask me that with what I assume is a straight face.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

nosig wrote:
what about those of us whose dice (almost) always roll low?

Depends if that is just a perceived "always" like when you way, "every time I go to McDonald's drive through, they mess up my order." Not really, you just remember the fails because it elicits an emotional response. Now, if you have actually tested the die/dice and found that they statistically role a deviation (or more) below the average and continue to use them, I have to question your sanity ;-)

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

4 people marked this as a favorite.
TOZ wrote:
I like how you ask me that with what I assume is a straight face.

Perhaps not so straight. My keyboard might not be as anonymous as some, but there is still a reason I wear a blackened hood. :-)

5 people marked this as a favorite.

I use HeroLab on a Surface Pro. I also have PDFs of all of my sources used for my character on the Surface. I take notes with the stylus and OneNote during play. I have a hand-painted mini for my character and I roll dice hand picked to represent said character. I also print out a copy ONCE per character level and leave it in my folder along with my chronicle sheets.

If asked to provide a paper copy, which is the current rule, I can and will. But under no circumstances am I going to use scratch paper and pen to track my spells, buffs (I run a cleric and a bard), hit points, temp mods, or my character as a whole. I use HeroLab because it's a good product and does what it claims to do, and is licensed by Paizo. I don't try to use it in place of a rules referrence (I have those separately, in PDFs) and I'm not using it as a "crutch". It's a time saving convenience. Refusing to seat me because of a program on a device smaller than my core rulebook is a dealbreaker. THAT most assuredly falls under the "don't be a jerk" clause.


Bob Jonquet wrote:
nosig wrote:
what about those of us whose dice (almost) always roll low?
Depends if that is just a perceived "always" like when you way, "every time I go to McDonald's drive through, they mess up my order." Not really, you just remember the fails because it elicits an emotional response. Now, if you have actually tested the die/dice and found that they statistically role a deviation (or more) below the average and continue to use them, I have to question your sanity ;-)

I do tend to have erratic dice luck. My rolls have been wonky to the point that my players made me openly roll until I proved it.


UndeadMitch wrote:

Man, now I want pie...

*Goes off to buy pie. And booze.*

I assumed the reference was to the pie that is booze...


TimD wrote:
UndeadMitch wrote:

Man, now I want pie...

*Goes off to buy pie. And booze.*

I assumed the reference was to the pie that is booze...

Vodka and watermelon can make a pretty good pie. I think?

The Exchange 5/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Nohwear wrote:
Bob Jonquet wrote:
nosig wrote:
what about those of us whose dice (almost) always roll low?
Depends if that is just a perceived "always" like when you way, "every time I go to McDonald's drive through, they mess up my order." Not really, you just remember the fails because it elicits an emotional response. Now, if you have actually tested the die/dice and found that they statistically role a deviation (or more) below the average and continue to use them, I have to question your sanity ;-)
I do tend to have erratic dice luck. My rolls have been wonky to the point that my players made me openly roll until I proved it.

bad dice rolls story:

during a game run by my local VC I had the following experience...

Running the "scout" my PC moves a little ahead of the party to check out something that just screams TRAP! and what do you know - it's a trap. A Haunt actually....

VC (knowing I go in the surprise round due to 1 level of Foresight wizard): "roll Init"
Me: (roll and add) "9, yeah I rolled a 3 +6 = 9" my worst Init roll so far in that game...
VC describes powerful visions and then says: "Make a will save"
Me: rolling a "Nat 1". sigh, "there is a reason I always take 10 on things... Wait, I bet this is a D$%# Haunt isn't it - I hate those things... Can I use my shirt re-roll?"
VC: "yeah," dramatic pause "... maybe you should"
Me: Another "Nat 1".
VC: "wow... "
Me off-handedly: "Yeah, it's my karma - I never roll better with re-rolls - It's a haunt isn't it? you know I have holy water in a spring wrist sheath just for these stupid things...."
2nd player handing me another die: "here, try with this one..."
Me: "oh, I can do it with this one too." roll "Nat 1."
All these are with EXTRA BIG dice.... so everyone can see the three d20s in a cluster on the table front of me, all reading "1"
I pick up my "special dice" and roll it too... Yeah, "Natural 1" for the fourth time in a row.
VC gets up from the table to walk around a second and then looking back to the table he asks "are you some type of warlock or something?"
Me: "Nah, my dice just hate me..."

Really - there is a reason I try to always take 10. It's 10 times as much as a "1"....

but a lot of time I run the table, so players are often fond of my dice...

5/5 5/55/55/5

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Though hast forsaken the polyhedral gods, and thus they have forsaken you.


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Bob Jonquet wrote:
or not being able to play their favorite character because the GM hates that class/race/whatever.

A was GMing a table not long ago where a player had a character class that I am not a fan of. After the game the player posted a comment that he had fun but it was obvious the GM did not like his character. I felt like complete crap after that, and as it was only part one of a four part series, I had to fix the situation. So I sat down a completely read the class and figure out how it worked. The next session I apologized and encouraged him not to change characters like he was going to. After taking the time on my part it softened my dislike of the mesmerism class because I was not surprised by what was coming.

I shared this story because this is what happens in Minnesota more often than not. Misunderstandings happen, we realize our mistakes or our common ground, we fix things and have way too much fun killing the twin of a cleric you already killed.

The Exchange 5/5

BigNorseWolf wrote:
Though hast forsaken the polyhedral gods, and thus they have forsaken you.

ha! they started it first! (LOL)

My problems pre-date the Take 10 rules existence... (started almost before polyhedral dice existed... heck, before there were D10s)

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Bob Jonquet wrote:
Second, and more importantly, does Nefreet actually do what is stated at the table? Where are the players who have had the proverbial digital carpet pulled out from under them? Is his** post just trolling? Maybe just a rant? Hard to know at this point.

There was actually a poster here in the forums who said he would ban Gunslingers in his PFS games and/or do everything in his power to kill the PC. He started a huge argument similar to this one. In actuality he does none of those things, though he does really hate the Gunslinger.

The Exchange 5/5

Tabletop Giant wrote:
TimD wrote:
UndeadMitch wrote:

Man, now I want pie...

*Goes off to buy pie. And booze.*

I assumed the reference was to the pie that is booze...

Vodka and watermelon can make a pretty good pie. I think?

On this thread, I expected the pie to be Mincemeat... or cheese cake?


Quickly lets turn this thread into a pie vs cake argument so heated that it locks the thread!

Grand Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—Sacramento

nosig wrote:
Jared Thaler wrote:

If their dice always roll high, would you make them use a dice roller? :)

(Just want to point out that the power of the human brains ability to find patterns in random numbers is surpassed only by its inaccuracy.)

what about those of us whose dice (almost) always roll low?

I make them stick to physical dice, and I keep the whole session in combat so that they can't take ten.

(joke, just in case anyone wondered)

Dark Archive 4/5 5/5 **

Tindalen wrote:
After taking the time on my part it softened my dislike of the mesmerism class because I was not surprised by what was coming.


Mesmerists are... alright? Who are you, and what did you do with Tindalen?!

(Does this mean you'll GM my 13th level one now?)

5/5 *****

nosig wrote:
I do tend to have erratic dice luck. My rolls have been wonky to the point that my players made me openly roll until I proved it.

Hah, I have a similar story. Gencon two years ago and playing the mildly infamous Sealed Gate. We had managed to struggle through to the end boss and...

She is a giant evil plant monster. Plants are notorious for their terrible reflex saves, being big, slow and clumsy. My sorcerer is flying around being chased by that idiot Nikolai trying to drop the boss in a Hungry Pit. She needs a natural 20 to pass.

First go, nat 20 and she avoids. Pretty much the rest of the party is either calmed or bogged down. I evade Nikolai some more and drop another pit. Another natural 20. Sigh, I suppose it's going to happen every so often.

More flying shenanigans ensure, I drop a third Hungry Pit and she saves again. This is becoming aggravating. It takes a total of 5 castings before she finally falls into the stupid Pit which kills her.

Dark Archive 5/5

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*wades into the thread, crawling through muddy trenches*

"Hey! Anyone seen Rasputin?" shouts the gnome!

But seriously, wouldn't it be great if there was like an official PFS Character sheet app for tablets and phones with inventory tracking sheets and everything! It doesn't like generate characters or anything for you, just a simple character sheet! Someone should get on that and give me full credit I say!


Keith Apperson wrote:
Tindalen wrote:
After taking the time on my part it softened my dislike of the mesmerist class because I was not surprised by what was coming.


Mesmerists are... alright? Who are you, and what did you do with Tindalen?!

(Does this mean you'll GM my 13th level one now?)

Do not take words out of my mouth! I said it softened my dislike. There is still dislike, a free action has a definition, not what ever the mesmerist has.

Sovereign Court 4/5

GM Lamplighter wrote:

Pre-emptive ruling on disruption is not supported by any text in the Guide I can find. (If it were, I'd be banning chaotic neutral PCs and gnomes, just for starters! ;)

I should be ok, then, because I'm a chaotic neutral gnome, and we all know that two wrongs make a right. *nods enthusiastically*

Silver Crusade 4/5

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Nohwear wrote:
I do tend to have erratic dice luck. My rolls have been wonky to the point that my players made me openly roll until I proved it.

I always roll out in the open, whether I'm GMing or not. And as a GM, I insist that the players do, too.

We actually had a player locally who was suspected of faking die rolls at one point, because he kept rolling well. I actually sat next to him one time when we were both players and made a point of watching him, and his rolls were legit, even though he had good luck that night.

Of course, that was the same guy who tried to claim his character sheet was on a laptop that couldn't be turned on, so who knows what was really going on. He has a reputation for being the disruptive weirdo of the local gaming scene.


Jared Thaler wrote:

If their dice always roll high, would you make them use a dice roller? :)

(Just want to point out that the power of the human brains ability to find patterns in random numbers is surpassed only by its inaccuracy.)

12 17s in a row with a 17-20 weapon is sure to rouse suspicions.



Thea Peters wrote:
Mulgar wrote:
Thea Peters wrote:
Keith Apperson wrote:
trollbill wrote:
This does not jibe with Mike Brock's statements on the matter. How do you reconcile this?

His intention is that if the GM asks to see your character sheet, you must be able to hand him a character sheet, on paper, legible and up to date.

(The below isn't against you, but a general explanation)

What I do at the table during gameplay is completely separate from that.

If I keep track of hit points in pencil, dry erase, rolldown dice, abacus, or HeroLab during the session, that's my business.

If buffs are managed by handouts (my mesmerist), standup notecards (a local cavalier/paladin/buff monster), Paizo's Buff Cards set next to the battlefield, someone reminding every round, or me checking a box in HeroLab, that's my business.

The only requirement is: I must be able to hand the GM a paper character sheet for them to audit. I must be able to provide the GM with my calculations and numbers for whatever I'm doing (DC on a spell, Save, Attack). Anything beyond that is saying 'you're playing wrong' with no rules to back it.

Thea Peters wrote:
As far as I'm aware (and other posters have stated) HeroLab is a legal form of character sheet -- just not a legal source document for providing references
Technically, by Brock, it is not if the GM would like to look at your sheet. They could accept it (many will), but they are perfectly valid in saying 'I do not want to handle your $200-$1200 electronic device, please hand me a piece of paper'.
That is on the GM and the player at that point, that still doesn't give a GM the right to refuse to sit a player that is using HeroLab
It does if you can't show a paper copy when requested.

Your opinion

Mine differs

Well, my opinion is backed up by the campaign coordinator, and your is backed up by what wxactly?

People not following the rules are where problems come from.

If you set at my table, bring your paper if you want to continue setting. Your call.....

Liberty's Edge 5/5

Uh, your interpretation is not backed up by anything. Of that is you are saying I can't continue to use my tablet after showing you my printed copy.

Silver Crusade 5/5

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Andrew Christian wrote:
Uh, your interpretation is not backed up by anything. Of that is you are saying I can't continue to use my tablet after showing you my printed copy.

I think he's talking about if the player only has HL and no paper copy. Which is correct, though finding a way to work with the person so nobody has to be sent away is of course preferable.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

An anti-device poster on this thread (to be unnamed) has said in different threads that he would not only not allow digital-hero lab, but would audit and specifically try to ban hero lab printed character sheets as well.

In his home/store games swell, I'll go to another store.

At paizocon, gen con I will as non-desruptively as possible take it to management. A mindset such as that in a GM is in and of itself disruptive.

I use hero lab on an iPad. My supporting books (all purchased as PDF) are all on said iPad (and phone). I have printed character sheets, all paper chronicles (backed up on iPad). Real dice, and miniatures. All of this is allowed by PFS rules.

The amount of inconsistencies in the paper generated sheets must be enormous.

I have said this before, but I will start carrying a hand written sheet in crayon so it doesn't look like it was generated by herolab. I will even add mistakes to the calculations to make it look legit.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

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If asked to provide a paper sheet, I will handwrite one as necessary.

I have never seen it required.


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I do wonder how many people try to show up to Con games at the last minute in order to try to avoid a source audit that they know they will fail?


2 people marked this as a favorite.
Andrew Christian wrote:
Uh, your interpretation is not backed up by anything. Of that is you are saying I can't continue to use my tablet after showing you my printed copy.

Show me a paper copy, then feel free to use you device. And that is backed up......

Liberty's Edge 5/5

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Mulgar wrote:
Andrew Christian wrote:
Uh, your interpretation is not backed up by anything. Of that is you are saying I can't continue to use my tablet after showing you my printed copy.
Show me a paper copy, then feel free to use you device. And that is backed up......

I'd have no problem complying thanks for the clarification.

Community & Digital Content Director

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Removed a series of posts. Folks, going after our core of volunteers and questioning their status as Venture-Officers just isn't cool. There really isn't a reason to get this heated about the format of a character sheet, so let's dial back the passive-aggressive comments and grar a few notches.


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And if your interested I have pdfs on my tablet, run as gm from a tablet. But when I sit to play it's paper all the way.....


Mulgar wrote:
And if your interested I have pdfs on my tablet, run as gm from a tablet. But when I sit to play it's paper all the way.....

My -1 is paper only. A dwarven fighter. While I have pure melee after that, most of my characters have been casters. I just find it a lot easier to track my spells, spell book and known, on digital PDFs that I can use to highlight spells as I use them.

Edited for mobile auto correct.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

Mulgar wrote:
And if your interested I have pdfs on my tablet, run as gm from a tablet. But when I sit to play it's paper all the way.....

I prefer paper when I GM. But some of these classes are getting so complex, it's just easier to have an app help me manage all the options.

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