YttriumDervish |

So, I'm writing a series of stories, set in Golarion under (mostly) PF rules; the characters are largely gestalt, but I'm classing them more for thematic purposes than solely min-maxed. I have a few ideas I want to throw out here and get some advice on; I'd prefer them to work, in addition to holding to a theme.
The star is a Fighter-Magus (no archetypes), at least until he hits 7 and then Magus may become something else, not sure yet. Don't really feel like this guy needs work.
I have a half-Drow Sound Striker Bard-Vivisectionist/Internal Alchemist, functioning out of combat as a courtesan-spy. Figured I'd feat her with the Whip Mastery line to make her somewhat combat useful; I would appreciate other ideas, as I want to keep her classes but she's rather encounter-stupid if she doesn't initiate it.
Next is a Vudrani Were-Ape Monk-Magus. I'm not sure on the Magus bit, I feel like it could be better served as a different class, but I do like the idea of gorilla-slapping with spells. Haven't archetyped him yet, and would appreciate thoughts on that.
Lastly, I have a Dwarf Spellslinger Wizard-Hunter, possibly Packmaster but unclear on that. He's where I'm getting stuck. I love the Spellslinger, and don't want to change it much, but his second class is throwing me off. I say Hunter now, but I have also considered Slayer, Ranger, and (possibly my new choice) Eldritch Archer Magus. I feel like Spellslinger and Eldritch Archer makes one hella-beefy gun, but I'm also having some difficulty reconciling why he'd choose those paths rather than fully studying both, or going straight wizard-gunslinger.
In addition, I'm also looking for missing bits for the party, as well as fun little ideas for other characters. The main argument I'd have against some ideas is time; how do these people have the time to learn a Gestalt sum of class features? For example, the Drow has been in possession of a Ring of Sustenance since she was 12, and is now in her 30s. The Dwarf is older, and it doesn't much matter if he goes Spellslinger-Eldritch Archer, since after a fashion those are the same thing.
Thanks for any suggestions!

GM Rednal |
It REALLY depends on what classes you're mixing together.
Fighter-Magus: They've studied both, but the fact that they spend a lot of time swinging their sword means they have been unable to truly master magic, and that's why their growth is "stunted" in comparison to "real" (9th level) casters. Alternatively, they had outstanding training with an martial expert while pursuing the study of magic, and it was the quality of this education that made the difference.
Alchemist-Bard: They pursued their bardic knowledge as part of their efforts at self-perfection, since making music helps them concentrate and truly focus their thoughts. That blended well with their work to create alchemical concoctions - perhaps that's something their family does, and they started learning from an early age?
Magus-Monk: Be careful about stacking classes in stories - it can get repetitive, and characters really ought to be distinct. This combo is a lot like your first character in terms of the role they'd play. I'd go a Shamanistic route here, saying that shapeshifting and magic came together as they studied. ...So, basically, a Druid.
Hunter-Wizard: If you're having trouble reconciling the choice, you probably need to change it. I actually had a Spellslinger-style character once, and I sort of gave them a custom archetype to make it practical. XD Mostly courtesy of their weapon. Gunslinger/Wizard could certainly be done - in which case they study magic to help them get where they want to go, but when it comes down to it, they usually use guns to take down foes (ESPECIALLY those that are resistant to magic). Learning to use a firearm isn't actually that hard as long as you have regular practice, especially if we're talking stuff like pistols.

YttriumDervish |

Magus-Monk: Be careful about stacking classes in stories - it can get repetitive, and characters really ought to be distinct. This combo is a lot like your first character in terms of the role they'd play. I'd go a Shamanistic route here, saying that shapeshifting and magic came together as they studied. ...So, basically, a Druid.
I hadn't considered the Shaman, and I frankly like that a lot more. I really did not want to stack Magi, but aside from Bloodrager, I couldn't think of a good way to incorporate spells in with his ferality. Thank you!
Hunter-Wizard: If you're having trouble reconciling the choice, you probably need to change it. I actually had a Spellslinger-style character once, and I sort of gave them a custom archetype to make it practical. XD Mostly courtesy of their weapon. Gunslinger/Wizard could certainly be done - in which case they study magic to help them get where they want to go, but when it comes down to it, they usually use guns to take down foes (ESPECIALLY those that are resistant to magic). Learning to use a firearm isn't actually that hard as long as you have regular practice, especially if we're talking stuff like pistols.
You're right; it only takes a feat to get the proficiency. I'm planning him as, essentially, the anticaster; Spell Smasher and Magic Resistant alternate race traits, with the +2 concentrate trait to cheat the penalty. He doesn't hate magic, like that 3.5 class I don't remember, but knows how disruptive casters can be. So he sits back and shoots them. This kind of justifies Spellslinger-Eldritch Archer, especially if I don't spell him like the Wizard he is and instead make everything about the gun. I just...don't really know how else to do him, since the best counter for magic is other magic.
And thanks for responding!

GM Rednal |
I've done the occasional gestalt-based story myself, so... I get where you're coming from. XD
Keep in mind that you can change things in your world if you think it would make a better story. Always consider the ramifications of this and how others might react... but don't feel like things must be exactly as the setting books describe. (Besides, settings often get changed a bit between books anyway...)
You can also have the Hunter-Wizard-Gunslinger-Whatever take the Counterspell School and genuinely focus on disrupting casters, rather than being some kind of God Wizard in their own right.

Renegadeshepherd |
for the spellslinger dwarf, have you thought about replacing hunter with inquisitor? there are a number of archertypes that have some of the hunter's main features if you only want some of those features. The possibility of bane on a gun when you wouldnt want to use a spell is worth while as is the long skill list and point. The Con and Wis bonus fits the class amazingly well and on and on and on. If the divine bothers you then perhaps worshipping a god of battle of hunting would easy enough to roleplay.

YttriumDervish |

Setting Changes
I am messing with the setting quite a bit, but mostly in minor ways; the half-Drow is raised in a community of the same, hiding in Nidal since the Age of Darkness, as an example. I didn't want the chore of making an entire world, and I -do- like the Inner Sea, but some things are tweaked...like in most home campaigns ;) I'll have to check out the Counterspell school; I miss a lot of good options trying to sort through them all!
I had. Though I hadn't really dismissed it yet, it didn't quite follow the personality I had for him. Since it hasn't been written yet, though, that can always change!

YttriumDervish |

Mesmerist/Fey Sorcerer Kitsune is pretty thematic and its also known by the name of "Master Grand Overlord" :P
Haha! Yeah, I thought about the mind controller. That's more the BBEG theme, though, and I'm kind of taking the Bard-Alchemist that way, what with her 18 base int and cha and those lovely cognatogens.
Afterthought: I also wanted her more sadistic over being domineering, which is why I didn't care to trade Suggestion for Weird Words.

YttriumDervish |

Gestalt Sensate(Fighter)-Investigator Ultimate Melee Skill monkey.
"All your traps are belong to us"
I like this as a secondary party member, akin to the Torchbearer Alchemist and other PC-groupies that are far more important in story format than in a traditional campaign (most of the time anyway).
I also like it as my main character, and may very well use it in another incarnation; I'm pretty dead-set on Ftr-Mag for this guy though, and currently am running enough frontliners for the main combat scenes. No reason he couldn't be the add-wrangler though! Thanks for the idea!

Renegadeshepherd |
GM Rednal wrote:Setting ChangesI am messing with the setting quite a bit, but mostly in minor ways; the half-Drow is raised in a community of the same, hiding in Nidal since the Age of Darkness, as an example. I didn't want the chore of making an entire world, and I -do- like the Inner Sea, but some things are tweaked...like in most home campaigns ;) I'll have to check out the Counterspell school; I miss a lot of good options trying to sort through them all!
Renegadeshepherd wrote:InquisitorI had. Though I hadn't really dismissed it yet, it didn't quite follow the personality I had for him. Since it hasn't been written yet, though, that can always change!
Perhaps since its not nailed down yet i might offer a possibility...
either in roleplay or mechanically make the inquisitor an infiltrator. in effect he doesnt let anyone know he is an inquisitor and hes just "a dude". Then when the story needs a plot twist bang he reveals hes an inquisitor. He could even go from good to bad or vice versa as you see fit. Maybe a season finale shocker?

Carmeilliken |

My favorite is Inquisitor/ Ranger. Full BAB, all martial weapon proficiencies, feat crazy between combat style feats and teamwork. By 11th level the character has Evasion and Stalwart coupled with perfect saves so she has a chance to dodge most spells completely. 3 Favored Enemies plus 4 Judgments per day giving her a major combat boost. Some buff spells to amp up the party (Shared Wrath, Communal Spells, Tactical Acumen, etc). Basically a damage-dealing tank that can heal herself plus other and add to the party in numerous ways.

YttriumDervish |

Perhaps since its not nailed down yet i might offer a possibility...
either in roleplay or mechanically make the inquisitor an infiltrator. in effect he doesnt let anyone know he is an inquisitor and hes just "a dude". Then when the story needs a plot twist bang he reveals hes an inquisitor. He could even go from good to bad or vice versa as you see fit. Maybe a season finale shocker?
Or as a partner to the Eldritch Archer Spellslinger. I've come to the decision that he is mad, obsessed with practicing magic only to enhance his gun and shoot other casters (and a few utility spells, of course). Having another Dwarf with him as an "apprentice," while really being sent to watch him, would be fantastic. Someone has to keep Mad McBeardy under thumb.
On that same note, maybe...
...is sent out to check up on the "apprentice" after too long a period of absence, or some notorious event. That seems like the perfect single-man-party bounty hunter/retrieval service.

Avaricious |

If you follow
Tier 9 Arcane
Tier 9 Divine
You have covered all the basics you need that will prosper in most campaigns/APs. The only real gap I see in your composition now though is a dedicated Divine character.
Fighter/Magus could've been done by a Myrmidarch Magus with VMC Fighter, for example. Arcanist (Blade Adept)/Fighter (Ustalavic Duelist, Dervish of Dawn) would be the unarmored but Tier-9 casting version that could still cast those spells using Spellstrike.
Paladin/Rogue is a very dangerous build to unleash onto a table because its one of those that combine speciality+specialty, BAB max, Saves Max, Skill Max, HP High, & most important of all: Action Economy because the Rogue is Active, while the Paladin is Passive/Swift.
Likewise Arcanist/Wizard with maybe VMC Sorcerer/Witch would just boost their one or two specialized schools to ungodly proportions. Or meld your Wizard (Spell Slinger) with a Gunslinger (Musket Master) to maximize that one-shot-a-round impact the character would make.
Druid/Ninja would be a guaranteed Flanking machine with the Druid being passive (Buffs, Animal Companion, Wild Shape) with Ninja going active.
To contribute: Why not look up their potential Mythic Progression? Designate who will become Archmage, Champion, Guardian, Hierophant, Marshal, & Trickster to help guide your build choices. With Dual Path you can knock down your party composition to three Gestalt PCs.

Lanitril |
I've always liked the idea of Wizard or Arcanist on one side, Ecclesitheurge Cleric on the other. Of Nethys. Completely obsessed with magic. True neutral. Only really wants more magic. If the casting from the arcane side is enough, Reliquarian Occultist in place of cleric. Still focused on Nethys.
Another I like right now is Unchained Monk on one side, Ecclesitheurge Cleric on the other. Yes again. I love it. Especially on a Monk. Worships Irori. Almost sort of a shonen kind of character. Likes to train to be stronger.