Happy Holidays to you and your family

Paizo General Discussion

As the year ends I wish you each the best for next year. It's been a great year of gaming.

Thank you to the game designers and AP authors! You have all made this year enjoyable.

I wish each player the best and hope you all roll 20s when you need them!

GMs and DMs, I wish you the best and well, if not for you and your time this hobbie would not exists. Best wishes and may your creativity never dry out!

Until next year, may your pathfinder always point north!

Same to you.

Scarab Sages

Happy Holidays, indeed, to all of you and each and everyone at Paizo!

Paizo Employee Developer

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Thank you and back-atcha!

Merry Christmas,Happy Holidays, Blood for the Blood God.

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