Playing a lycanthrope... Do or don't??


Would you allow a natural lycanthrope race? I know there is the skinwalker race, but the don't get a real animal shape...

I don't like how the progression is for a lycanthrope according to the rules... But it is also an option to just let a player choose it as a race? Maybe allow the animal shape from around level 8 to become active? Or when wanting to use it earlier there is a chance the PCs becomes controlled by the dm?

So would you allow it and if so... How would you integrate it in your game??

Dark Archive

I believe its cr+2. I would reason to start out with, you'd be two levels behind the other players. Check the bestiary guide about adding class levels to monsters, but the rule is for every three levels the group gains, you get an additional level halfway between the second and third levels. This is repeated for half your Cr, which is one.

Had it been any other template, I'd have said "Why not do it?", but in case of lycanthrope, I'd say don't.

This is solely based on the fact that the material on lycanthropes is a horribly disconnected mess of weirdness, brought on by artifacting and general non-functionality. The less you have lycans in your games, the less you'll have to tinker with the nonsense mechanics.


The werebat skinwalker has a pair of feats that allow shapechanging, first into a small non-combat bat, and then the second into a direbat.

Something similar could be designed for the other varieties, and I would do that before trying to have a PC lycanthrope.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

In our game ALL lycanthropes are burned at the stake, that is the official penalty for being one. A couple of PCs have been inflicted with lycanthropy, one was cured and the other burned.

I guess that would how it would be integrated into our game. :-D

Depending on the animal, Lycanthropes are either OK or a horribly bad idea. For example, wolves are OK. In that case, it's quite likely that all you really get out of it is DR 10/Silver (which is still very suspect in my mind), and the trip attack. However, aside from that, things get... Kind of broken. Like with were-tigers, for example. Which can have pounce from the get-go, and are large.

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There are feats in way finder 13 who give all skinwalkers there animal shape in the form of an Druid companion. A second feat gives the dire shape. Is this a better idea?

Look in the pazio 3rd party store for Bite Me: Playing Lycanthropes Its a fun book on creating natural werecreatures. They are balanced with starting level PC's and they slowly become better and you need to take a feat to get Hybrid Form.

Thanks! I'll look into it!

Well , it is CR+1 atleast this is the one i saw before , i got a table that just started a Rise run with 2 PCs , each with a CR+1 template.

What i can tell you is that , my friend clears the enemies like they are nothing at low level fights we did , she did get close to dying more than once , but that is because she pretty much fights alone (my PC doesnt engage in melee since i can fly from level 1 with half celestial) , but this only happened because of crits and that the GM changes the enemies , the DR 10 covers the rest for you at low level.

Ofc i do expect her to become less "godlike" when she actually get more levels , but those hybrid forms at 1 are crazy lols , if you , the other players and the GM have this in mind , like we did , then it shouldnt be much of a problem.

I recommend going with an afflicted lycanthrope. You are not in full control of your shapeshift ability and the DR is only 5. Definitely not overpowered.

The lycantrope template is only really good for the first 3 - 5 levels, and then you're going to start running into NPCs that can ignore your DR (Magic weapon +2 beats it, or just silver) which leaves you with a meager +2 str, +2 con, +2 Wis (I think) for losing 1 - 2 HD.

For the exact same template cost you could play a bloody skeletal champion who has DR, fast healing and probably isn't going to permanently die any time soon.

TBH just have your GM rework the Kitsune to some other animal flavor if you want to play a shapeshifter. At worst it is a reskin where the kitsune is instead okami. Wolves are typically stronger and more dangerous than foxes (no, really?) so maybe it would be +2 str, -2 dex, +2 wis, but otherwise be treated entirely as a kitsune.

This all said, play what makes you happy. I've recently become bored of power-gaming. I GMed and a power-gamer just ruined it for me as the GM, so I tend to go for less optimal options that can stand their own.

You could play a lycanthrope fighter who focuses on disarming people, hence denying them the ability to attack with you with silver. At the end of the day, the only thing that really matters is what goalpost you're trying to reach: some people want the most powerful character ever, others a non-optimal RP monstrosity that weakens the entire party as a whole, and others just want a character that can hold its own, be fun to play, and overall just be a blast.

I say go for it. If people piss you off, bite them and afflict them with lycanthropy. It is the ultimate way to ruin someone's life, especially if they're in Magnimar.

Dave Justus wrote:

The werebat skinwalker has a pair of feats that allow shapechanging, first into a small non-combat bat, and then the second into a direbat.

Something similar could be designed for the other varieties, and I would do that before trying to have a PC lycanthrope.

Crimlock NL wrote:
There are feats in way finder 13 who give all skinwalkers there animal shape in the form of an Druid companion. A second feat gives the dire shape. Is this a better idea?

Yeah, there's Animal Shape and Improved Animal Shape, which I modeled power-wise after the Bat Shape and Dire Bat Shape feats from Blood of the Moon. Basing them around the druid's animal companion abilities was the easiest way to keep word count and power within reason; it also establishes an easy way to add animal forms for any future skinwalker breeds that get introduced.

The full "Under a Hunter’s Moon" skinwalker article with other feats, traits, FCBs, and gear is available in the free Wayfinder #13. That same issue also has Nate Love's "Lycanthropic Bloodlines" for sorcerer and bloodrager characters. JBE's recent (and reasonably priced) BoHR: Advanced Skinwalkers also has a bunch of nifty new skinwalker class archetypes, feats, spells, and more.


Edit: Lycanthropy is a nice power bump and set of abilities early in a character's career, but the LA really starts to hold the character back while the rest of the party is a couple levels ahead, especially if the lycanthrope PC is trying to be an effective single-classed spellcaster. IMO, the lycanthrope template isn't worth the player's hassle and frustration.

Ah, the eternal question:

"Are you a lycanthrope or a lycan'trope?"

I don't recommend allowing it... the damage reduction is pretty significant.

Gaining extra attacks is pretty huge too... Consider the were-crocodile: A first level fighter/were-croc could attack with a two-handed sword, then bite (with free grapple check)-if grapple works, knocks victim prone AND does bite damage AGAIN. Nothing in the text says it has to make a trip attempt, just a grapple.

Then they get their tail slap as well.

You don't even have to be identifiable as a lycanthrope, consider a were-aurochs in hybrid form. Looks like a Minotaur, has huge strength/large size (reach)... just stay in that form, no reason not to.

We don't allow them.

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